Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 26, 1902, Image 7

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    J.5 ! ii-li- L,
III llllllI'Dlt tU AllllllUlHi
On n front v day, tlif past winter,
in u bitter, culling wind, n home
wits tied to post by sidewalk,
in a I n i y town. His hair wan wet
from hard driving, Tin; robe with
which lit! had linen covered had
I.I....M, llt'f IflW.lffU ll!u ,111.1
wiih iviiiL' iirti v iinoer his front fe,i S Jine Stolen, Othcra Not ;
that w re paviii.g and, iry
iiii,' tu pi'i nwnv Iriiiii (In) danger i
that w.ih ilii'ii.ili'iiiui; his lid
Items of Interest Gath-1
ered Here and There
Scores of ienile were pan.ung and
repassing mi tli siili-wit 1 ic, many of
them boy ami men. Home of
them gave a panning glance to the
ft i ff i t 1 1 k animal, hut tin me made
h move t cover liim, linking aid
that wu tint given.
An invnlid Hitting in a earring;
not far away, had (cut her little
girl to inakii u small purchase in a
r I n re where she hud to lajto her
turn lit tin) crowded counter,
when nt hiiit dim relumed with the
(lin kage, flu' Was Kent to we if die
could jfi-t the hlaliket that Wiih
tinder tlio feet of the homo mid
throw it over him if poMdblc. l!y
gently patting bin ankle with hr j)0 republican.
tniltelied hiind, he lifted liri-t one
font and then the other while nhc
pulled oiU the robe, he whinnying
softly, a if unking Inr to do more
than that, but lie wi,i loo big and
tall for her to throw tlio heavy
i oli' over him. A gentleman '
Outlines From Our Exchnnjfo
News Noton of tho Week
Tlmoly Topic
Portland had a flTiHX) Are
Saturday night. .Six blocks were
consumed at the eant end of Madi
on street bridge, a part of the
bridge being uUo coiiHumad.
A. J. Neilxon, cx-shcriff of Lake
county, has just heen convicted of
emle,.liiiK county funds. The
trial took three weeki and wan one
of the most hitler in the history, of
Luke county.
It. F. Holmes, of Toledo, in
making arrangements to start
unother paper at that city, which
alreadv ha two. Tho paper in to
ing her fffortr, tl (l forward
with Huile anil griu-coim word,
did the kindly nervier while the
cliihl h .! J on, wailing to thank
him when it wu satisfactorily County, mid left fur the pine licit
done the robe tucked under the ' "f the Cascade Mountains, isn't of
1'rof. (!. II. Mulkcy han heen
elected president of the Ashland j
Normal School. The selection ij
an excellent one,u8 I'rof, .Mulkcy ij
an ahle educator. j
The rush for timher lands iin
Southern Oregon continue without j
ahateinent. During the past fcw
days it large iiuniher of locators'
arrived in Ashland from l'olk
harness sirup fo it would not blow
off nguin. j
"U il your horse?'' afked the
p nth-uiiin. "Not ours," was the
, reply, "lutl il hurl m.imma to nee
anything uff-r," so wiih a nmile
mid a ''good by." he iieppi'il to
ih'e sidewalk an I passed on, while
the child returned to h-r mother,
who wan noon driving toward
With the law of the land ready
to enforce I'm law nf kindness, il
ought not to he a dilhcult task to
induce human and lender treat
ment of animals wh mcrve us faith
fully, no far an they know how, and
iti-k no reward or neiviee except
that city, to take up claims.
M.-k. II. (.'. Epcly, wife of l)r Hp
ley one of Salem's leading dentists
had the mil-fortune Wednesday to
lake hy mistake a done of hcll.t
iloiuia for chittum hark extract,
while alone at the (urn IW home.
Mic (uii kly discovered her error
and liunteiied to the home of a.
neighbor lor, help, hut wan unable
to rein li it, collapsing on thcntrecl,
wle re she wan found hy her neigh
bor. 'I he unfortunate lady was
at once taken to In r home mid re
medic applied. She in now con
nidered cut of danger
I'cter Nelson goi a verdict oifdiO;
Kriday morning in di-partmeut 2 of.
.lie Slate C-ircuiitt (-oiirt at roil
! Your supplies now while our big sale offers so many opportunities.
' Don't wait too long as the time of this eale is limited; our
Is complete and qualities tha best. We keep a full line of staple ar
ticles, so don't think via cannot supply you with what you want.
Prices sent on application.
loud, lire and kiiidnci'H. The
mute appeal for it in their nice I: lUh f ,r ,rsiH which hud been
eyes hhould touch e WV heart, ask- ., .,, trm 1
ion tin il doe for what they can-, tllll w L.u, u,:til lots of cayu.-c.s lol
nut a -k in words. I'ortland's hoiso cunning factory.
Kindn-s.i to iininuil tilmiiM Iwi'jin. jury t:viiii-nlly cuiitlmU-ii that
tanht to children in the carlicnt ,.( ,t.,0 ;IS cniitlt-d to nomc!
yearn of hfe by never permitting ,,,1V ,,,, lt: Mn F rt ilizi liu !
doH or cat to be drugged around, , u. parking t'ompany for his horses,
w-2t. Jf Cyrus,
elidle-i -
Itl'.ALt'H IN j
Elgin Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware, etc.
repairing prompny
-XT' i- 3?
n(Ueczed and iiiauleil, when b-r
love of the child they will meekly
Kithmit to it wi;hoiit scrat'hing or
A pretty budge for boys and
girl hearing the word." -'Their
piotcctor," or "I defend them,"
lnitrht be an inducement to aid
Horses For Sale.
The entire hands and brands of
horses owned hv the estate of J. W.
whether they were heller than cay
Use meal or not. The erdict 111
eluded inicrii-t on the sum named
from No ember, IK'.'S, at (i cr cent,
il. W. U'ttllace wan foicman of the
iurv. A muh il verdict wan render-
ed '1 hursdav night and wan opened linrnen, deceased, are offered for
when court was convened this 1 mile at a bar'in in order to clone j
&&Mk Vo Save
Spring jinnouncements.
young mimln in thinking of kind- Ll(rning, NiJU; dollarii per head up the
entate. Thev consist of Lingerie A full line of White Skirts, Night Gowns, Che-.
-n and tendernenn toward an- lir 0.iyUK(.s is j,11(Hi j,ricc for can-j.about 175 head of Hint clasn stock j ineos ami Dowers, iilsn Ladies Summer Vest. Come ami
Price and quality will suit you. Also a nice line
imaln, and taking the badge away
for neglect of duty, and restoring
it ugian when the matter is well
kept in mind and lived up to, an a
matter of light importance, and
one that help in forming a tine
Arriving daily and now on
hand. A new and complete
stock of all good in my line,
which will he sold nt greatly
reduced prices.
A full line of notions and
fancy good.
ss flesh."
Saves Two From Death.
"Our little daughter linil 1111 allium! 1
I.......... o.l nmiK m the vicmitVI
I of Hampton Huttc, (.'rook County,; SOP t.iem
kireion. For terms and particulars 1 of Shirt Waists.
inquire of, or address M. E- UutxK,
, . , ,. '.a 1 Priiierill,. -OreL'OIl. until July
lllllll IllOieK "l wiumiiuh i-anid unu j ,
bruiieliilin," writes Mrn. W. K. Hnvil- li)02.
hiuI, of Ai inonk, N. V., "Hut, when all
nlhcr remedies laileil, we nuviHl her
life hy l'r. KiiiK'n New liineovvry.
( 111 r niece, who luid Coiisuiiiiitiiiii in
.1 I l,. !. ,w...l ,1,11
lMinilei-liil medieiiiB and to-dnv nlm in, hei iriRlnfully," writes K- 1 'inner,
perfectly well." l)esiei,ilethr...ithai.d ! ol Kirkiniin, la. -The hot doctor
lung disease vielil to Dr. King's New couldn't heal ihe fiin.iini! sore that
Discovery iin to 110 mher niedicin on - louoweu, out hih-m-ii
., , , ., ,, ' 1 I,.,.. " li.h, h i t) nr
ICiiilli. liiliiiaiiie iiiri;iMinnsaii(n.;c)iiin. n-iiuu.ij n.i,- ..... - - ,.
mi a it 1 mi 1 ... 1 1 . ,. K 1 ruts, rovns. 'les, nous, mui",
A Terrible Explosion.
"Of a e.'isoline sluve lau ned a lady
Ainiciv Salve
For men we have the newest Silk Front Shirts, Fecai Front
Shirts, also Negligee bhirts of all descriptions, v Summer un-.
ilerwear galore.
Adiimson & Wiuiick Co.
Trial boHlc
Get a free nnniplu of (MuiiiihHi'lain'a
Stomach and biver lahleU at any
drug store.' They are eiisuir to Ue
rnd more iilciisiint 111 ellecl tliaii puis.
Then their line in not tolluwrd liv ciiu-
Tlw ,!.,ial w.rk "f Pr.C. A. Oline i ntipatieti n l-i oueii me ca-e wiin nine.
Dise.ises and l'llcs.
& Winnek Co.
2."ic ut Ad.inison
tii well IiiikWii 111 Ha" fi'iioiyoi '"'!
Hl.y l.ialHu. lleChli be fnuiel nl
the old aliiml, next diir to the Flint
Nuliiiiud Unk. Uivts 111 ill cull
liigtihir size, per box.
Bubtcribe for the Jouh.nal.
KbliiKlen For Snl".
I have for sale st my sliini;le mill
on McKay creek 100,000 shiniiles 11 ml
will iniimiliicture over -ItKt.OOO more
dtirinu the senson. All from the
choicest timher. Price, at the mill
$2.25, deliven d in I'pneville 2..")0.
J. A. Bo$Sp
Timber Lands, Farm Lands.
Land Scrip.
Complete plats of Crook coiintv.
J. L. HcCulloch,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
Ucpairi'ng'a Specialty.
I'rincvilie, : : Oregon
'A'10 acres. 75 acres in cultiva
lion. 40 acres of meadow, All
under fence. Cloud house. Good
water. Call on or address the
JoruxAi., I'rincvilie, Oregon. Price
$1800. ' a3m3
TbU aignatnie In on every boi ol the gonuln
Laxative BromoQninine Tbieu
tbe remedy that cures r'jtil in one Oof