IWL..VV!. TIihIht Land, Act Jimn I, 1H7I. NOTICM FOR PUI.ILICATION, Unllvd Rliitim Lnnd Offlc., 'l'h 1 j.1 1 1- . ori-gnu, Aii II it. Iirit Notice I hereby given tlmt In cnmpll micif with tin ir vftlonM of the net nf Congee uf June 3. l7, enlllhd "An t for Ilia aale. of llmlHir land In 111 aliilca 01 t ailinnua, ori-gnu, Nevada, and Wan Inrtiun 'I "rrHtirv. aa eg tended to nil th I'l.bllc Land Slntcrt by ad of August 4, I'll- lbs pillowing irrin have IIiIh day filed In ChU olllc lliulr worn (atomeni, lo-wlt : Churl.. W, Tliornthwnltc, of Th Dulles, county of vVnco. State of Oregon, sworn rttaiamcnt No. ml. Ilbd Airll Id, Wtt. lor the puri-hns of Hi V nw(4 Hc. i T. Ik H.. It. II K W, M. Lis M. (Irani, nf The Uille, county of Wnaco, Him of Oregon, aworn inlemcnt No. 217, llliil April I'J, !!, for th pur i hum' of ihe n',1 m-Vi. w and lot 3, Bee. m, T. 1 H., II, II K., W. M. Jennie II. (Irani, of The.lmllca, cnuirty of Wnsvu, Hiuln of Oicgon, aworn late miTit No. Sk. Illctl April 2, 1li2, for Ih riuichiis of 111 1-14 nw li and Wi ncl4 Bee an, T, IK H., K. H K., W, M. ChrlaUmi I.. Th'imlhwiilte. of The Hull, county of Wnaco, State of Ore Hon, aworn atatement No. 2!i. Illf'l April t-. wn. lor Hie purchase of Ih aw'4 Bee. SM. T. 1 B., II. if F. . W, M. That Ihey will offer proof to "how that limd nounlil In more vatiinbl for Ha limber ur stone Hum for agricultural pur in.Mli, mill lo (Hinlillvh their chime In wild bind before Hi- Itrslatar and Receiver of till oilln- nt The li'ilbm, fin-don, on iI.m 5.lh iliiw of JulV. Mll2. 'I In ' nnm m wlloiwai-a: Wllllum Htimta unil Jnmca II, Himnr. of llrnd, Or. Kon, mid la M. Onint, Chrlatlnc I.. 'I I. .rnlhwalic nld f'hiir'c W. Thorn thwallc. of Thn Unl'ea, Oregon. Any and all nrraona claiming dvre If Mm nbnvc-drai rlhrd Innila arc rctiucal ') lo Itlo Ihcir claima In lhl oflf on or trfora aald 2ith fWV of Julv, W2. JAT P. LUCAS, llrclalrr. Timber Und, A-t Jim t, W7I. NwTICr! mil IM'IIMCATION. I'nlied llialea Ijind onice, The Uailca, iireson May Notice la hereby given Hint In compli ance Willi Ih provuiona of the act of fonurna of June i, ''. enillled "An act lor ibe iii ol umber land In Ih iilalea of California. Orca,nnNcvda, and VVaab IiiKIoii lrrliory, aa exlendid lo all the I'ubllc I ,n ml Hlalea by ail of Aiiaual 4. IIW2, the fullowln prraona have Ihla day lilnl In tbla oilti-e Ihrlr woru ialement. "jiVrtj liurlnn of Whenlon, county of TraM'rae. tiiaie of Mioneaota. aworn eul-ui. lit No. i for the purchae of III a'i in li mid tola I and 3, Bee. i. 1. u .. II. In l" W. M. Henry I. Hull, nf Whelon, county of Tiu.'Tm-, Bmle of Minneaol. aworn untillicnl No 373 for the purehaa of l. t I. tie', 11WI4 and n iieH Bee. W, 1. I. - H . It. 10 K.. W. M. Iievio tlurion, of Mheaion, eounly of Truveu. male of lliini-ant, aworn alaiem.nl No, Jfl for the piirchaee of tbe i..., hk'4 and tola t 3. anil 4, Bw. 7, T. 12 ti , ii. lu i:., v. Anib'.uy ilanly, of Whentnn. enuntv of Tl.ivcre, Hlale of Minneaol. aworn Hiilemcnl No. 3JI for the purcbaae -if i n- iiw'tnd nl, aw'4 Bee. 4. T. It ., J1Aloiii.ua H. Memlntf. of Whraton, Mi inly ol Truverae. ULile ol !liincota, rm ru Mulemml No. M for ihe nun haw in ihe vVi u't and Iota I ond 2, Bee. U, T. U K.. It. I" ii-. V.'. M. I'il Iv. Bwarli. of Whenlon. eolinlv of Tri'Vine. Hlale of Minneaol. aworn elal.n -nl No. U for the imrchajie of the ..' aw -, nnd lota i nod 4, Bre. H, T. 12 K II ill K.. W. M. , Col'.,- Ware, of Whenlon. county of Trvere, Bmle f Mhiiienoi. aworn aiiitimcnl No Kl for the imrchiia of tbe ei.1 Km: lk. T. LI H.. It. 10 K.. W. M. li ;it ihcy will off.r proof to ahow that l'ie b id o lahl ' """re v.iluabl for It Umber or ton than for nerUrultuinl pur-iei-a a ,'l lo iriabllah tl-elr elelm" lo enld land before the Heelali r nd lliieiver ,,( M m nir.co ii The laiv. uregon, on V.iiri.:iy. Il.e lh day of Julv, l'3 '! "firte a wlmee'-cn' David llurion. II, it,- Hill). .A, 8. I'lemlng. Colby Ware. Jand nurion. Anlliony Ilanly, all ,of V. hen 'on. .Minneaol. Anv and all peron ebilmlnf ndver- iv inn ue'ir (i. i...... .n....- .... .... ed n, 'lie tin Ir clalwa In ibl nffle on or befoni "Old 2Mb lnv of Julv I!";. JAY P. J.rCAS, RegUler. TimU'r Land, Act Jiinc.1, In. , ' Notico for Publication. ' I'nllcil Mnlet I.aud Ollioc. Ukrvb'W, Oregon, Jiny '.'I, V'2. Notice I- hereby given tlmt iiiiiigiplluno it It the provieliin- if the act of Congrce of June :t, l7. entillcil "All net for the ale of timlier land III the Hate, of I'all fnriiiu, On'Koii, Xeviulu, unit Washington Tcrrilorv," a iixteuileil to nil the Public Laud ,-Ute- bv act of Au:nit I, IrtfJ, Hcn I V Mieen', iif Albany, coutity of Mnn, Nate nf Oregon, ha tin-day lileil in thl--..,!liii -hi swum -tatcinent No. .HtH) for the liuiciia.1' nf the US "f Xw'i ra''-' k, R. Hi K.. K'-i i'f NK'j of bee. 1, in Tp. X... il Itange N'n. K.. W. M., and will idler ptoot to hu tiial the lami Miught I more valuable for It limber or tnne than l',r agricultural pnriai-a, and tn e.iiblih hi i liiiui to ""In latiil la'l.rre A. C. Piiliner, V. r'. Cuiuiiil-iuni r, at l'rl' r-villc, llrt'gnn, mi hatnr.iuv, the llili day nf Augim, IUU. lie iniineii ii wllm-c: Albcrl II. rVn ilera, Petr ,'. Aiiilcmin.fi. A. Archihabl, fharles Price, all nf Allmny, Oregon. A nv iuiiI nil persona claiming uilvcr ely tlieuljovc-'lim rilH-J land, ore nipieatiil to lilc their cliiiui. in thi ollice on or before ,ml nth (lav of Aiigu t, Hi'W, inJIip li. M. JlitA TTAIX, Rcglter. ' Timber Land, Act June S, 1S7S. NOTICK F07t PUBLICATION. United Bialea Land Office. - lAkt-vlcw. Oregon, May 21, 1113. Notlie la hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of Ihe act of (.'tingrca of June- 3. IK7H, entitled "An ad lor th aale of timber land In tbe lltalca of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended in a!l the 1' i bile Ijind State by act of August 4, 1X82. Oacar Zeya. of Albany, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, baa tbla tiny bled in thla office -hi worn statement No. !U)7, for the pur chase of thi ii of Bcctoln , Town s' in V4 uu'h, tlange ID sshi. W. M. an-l vlll oTer proof to ahow that the land nought la more valuable for It timlier or stor.e than for agricultural purpose, nnd to establish hla claim to said land before A. C. Palmer, U. B. Commlaalon er. at Prlnevllle. Oregon, on Suturday, tbe Ull day Auguat, lit' 13. He iiami-s aa wllneaaea: Cbarlea Price, O. A. Archibald, Peter C. Anderaon, and Albert Q. Sender, all of Albany, Oregon. Any nnd all persona claiming adverse ly die above-deacrlbed landa nre request ed to tile their claima In thla office on or before said 9th dav of Auguat. I'.m2. li. M. DRATTAIN. Register. NOTICF! FOR PITRLICATION. United Slate Land Ofllce. lAkevlt'W, Oregon. May 21. 1902. Vint 'C iniiir py 'pun-i aaiuij. Notice is hereby given thnt in compli ance with the provisions of the act of l-'ongrea of June 3. 1K7R, entitled "An fwi lu- tU Jaj nf Umber Uuula la Um lnt-a of (rnllfnrnla, Ori-gon, Nval, I of Albany, county of Linn, Biiil of Cir unil WnahlnKlon Tnrrllory, aa extcnilw! fou, hua Oil ly filed In Ihla oflk hi lo all lh I'ubllc Uind tfiiitea by aol of 'aworn aiatumi-rit No, aoi, for Die pur Auguat 4, IHW, I'htno- ol urn aw.4 of Miction No. fi, Town- Kola Nl-la, ahlp 24 aouth, HlillKC No. HI fual, W. M.. of Albnny cnunly of Mnn, Unit of Or- 'unu will olfir prooi lo bow Unit Win In ml Kon, hua thla clny lllfd In thla flic Hla.aoiwht la mora valioilil for ila ilmir worn aKilwni-nt No. awl, for the pur- or atone Ihun for arkullurul purim, l ima of the nS ol nwW. nwH nwi, nwU niid to niliibllah hit claim lo aald land w',i of Boollon 7, Townahln 24 outh, Kiik W anal, W. M., and will offr proof lo ahow that lb bind aoiiKht la more vabaible for Ila llmbvr or alone than for Micrk-uHiirtt! ourr,oMia, and to eatabllah bla clnlm to aid land In fore A, (', raliner, I', H, ComrntaMlonor, at I'rlncvllle, ori-ifori, on Baturday, tbe lllb day of AiiKuat, vm. lie mi ii,, a aa wllni-aaea: Albert 0. Reiiilcra, I'eier 0. Anderaon, 0. A. Archi bald, and (,'harlia 1'rlce, all of Albany, Ongon. Any and all peraona clnlmlnf ailverae ly the aboviwIeacrllM'd laudH are reiiueat I'd to tile their ciulma In thla olflf on or iH'fori. mi III mh duy of AiiKuat, mi. K. M. UIIATTAIN, Ilenlall-r. Timber Ijind, Art June J, 1W. NOTII'IO Knit I'irill.ll'ATION. I'nlliil Htaloa jin,l lillli,., Iaki'Vlrw. Orexon, May 21, '.i2. Notice la hereby Klvn that In compli ance Willi the provialona of the act of t'oMKrt'H of June 9, k,N. entitled "An act for the aaie of limner innua in in tjinua of riilllornut, Orexon, Nevada. andiKon, ban thla day 'lied In thla office hU VVaabluamn Territory," n emended to "worn ainteinent No, 393, for tl tiur nll the I'libllc IjiikI Bialea by act of haan of the a V, of Mecilon No. I, Town- AiiKuat 4. IXKi. I John T. Bhea, ;of Allmny, eounly of Mnn, fllat nf Ore- aon, baa Ihla day tiled In ihla office hla , aworn ataiemcnl No. .H for the ptir icbiiMe of tbe acl4 of Biiilon No. 17. Towu lahlp 24 aouth, Itaime It eaat. W. M and i will offer proof to ahow that the land nought la more valuable for Ila Umber or alone than fur agricultural pur. leiaea, ond lo eatablleh hla claim loioacar vyaa. an oi Allmny. Oregon. enld land before A. 0. Palmer. I'. B. Comnilalaoner, at l(rlneullle. Oregon, on Baturday. the Hlh day of Auauat. ln. He name oa wllneaaea: Albert 0. Hend era, I'eier C, Anileiaon, O. A. An-hllaiirJ, Cbarlea Price, nil of Albany. Oregon. Any and nil pcraona claiming adverae ly Ihe alwve deacrlle-d Innda are reuueat ed In tile their claim In Ibl Ulrica on or before auld lh dnv of Auguat, I9"2. E. M. 1IHATTAIN, Iteglater. Tfmber Land. Act Jun I. 17. ?ffriiK KOK I'l'IILK'ATION. I'nlted Biaii- I.imd Olllie, The llallea. Oregon, May 22, V(!, Notice la hereby given that In Cornell- nne with (he nrovlelon of the act nfito all the i'-iblic iand Hintea hv e..i ,.f ft'ongri-aa of June I. IHTt. enlltler) "An net for ih aale nf tlmlwr bind In the iBtalea of t-nllfnrnla, Oregon, Nevada, Mod Waalilnglou Teri-llorv, extended to nil Ihe I'iiIiIIc Ijind Hinl.a by act of! or Blater. county of l.ni'ik, Hint of Or Auguat 4. 11112. the following paranti I egnn, aworn Malement No, 4'ih, for the have, on May 17. I. flleil In Ihla olm-e their aworn alaiement. tu-wtt: Jennie Wate, nf Whentnn, oooniv of Traverae. 81nte of Mlnneaoln, aworn alaiement No. ;6 tor me pircnaae or tn ne'4 Becllon IS, Townahlp 12 aouth. Range 10 eaat, W. M. trjtciloit No. 1. Townaiiiu 14 uuth, utange Hobart II. Howe, j ID Mit. W. M. of Wheeton, counlv of Travenie Btniei That ibey will otter nroof ro ahr.w that of Mluneaota. aworn alaiement No, 37fit'ie land aought I more -aluahle tor Ila for the nurrhaae of tn m'x Becllon 17. Townahlp 12 wmth. Ramre 10 eaat, W. M. Frank If. Bheppnrd, nf Centrnlla, county nf l.ewl", Bint of Wnelilnglim. awnrn alfif-ment No. 17) lor tb iHirchme i-f the nl '' B'-tlon . nd n', ew'', Bectlon 7. Townblii 12 leiulh. Range M em.l. W. M. Ijlilchlln McNeil, of K'llnburgli. cnnniv nf Walab. Bint n' North Dnlmin. worn lntement No, 372 for Ihe iiurchaa of Ihe nwi,. ni4 nwl, nnd nwl4 ne Boetlon 11. Townahlp 13 aouth, Itance 10 mint. w. M. Thai ihey will offer proof to ahow that Ih land eonght la mor valuable for It tlinebr or etone llinn for eeHmileiirnl Ipurimee. nnd in atbllb tli-lr elnlmal lo naltl land berore lb Hfgiatcr and Re ceiver of Ihla ofnc nt The nnllea, Ore en. "n Friday the linr. day of Beptcm ber. 1W. The- name oi wllneeeea; Jennie War nnd Helmrt II, Howe, of Wheatm. Minn.. Frank II. Sheppnrd, of Cenlrclla. Vah., and Ijiuchlln McNeil, of Edin burgh, North Dakota. Anv and all ncl-Hona ebilmlnir Arivnpu. ly Ihe alaive-deacrlla-d landa are retiuent- in in nie llieir claima In Ihla office on or I Irefore ald 19th duy of Bcptemiier. Iti2. jai f. j.ccab. Heglaicr, Timlier Land. Act June t. 1S78. NOTICH Ftm PUPI.ICATION". Pnltee; Blntc l.nnd Olfi-e. Ijlkevlew, Oregon. May 21. 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In romi.lt m , i . -in, in,, proviaiona oi tne ru t or ,.i.,--nn ,1, rfuur , mtrt, roiiiiea n act for Ihe aale of tlmlx-r lands In the Slates of California Oregon. Nevada, and Waahlnglon Territory." na extended in nil tbe Public Land State by act of August 4. 192. Daniel Drlacoll. nf Albnny. county of Linn, Blat nf Ore gon, baa Ihla day filed In Ihla office hln sworn atatement No S9S. for th pur-1 chaae nf the ne4 nf Section No. 7. Town- ' Will nffer proof tn ahow that the land I - """a"- .' ".'"" nought la more valunble for Ita limber or alone than for agricultural purposes and lo establish hla claim to anld land before A. c. Palmer. U. 8. Commissioner, at Prlnevllle. Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th day of Auguat, 112. He nnmea na wltneasea: Kola Nets. Henry Sueaen. Oacar Zeva and James Fltzimtrlck. all of Albanv. Oregon. Anv and all persona claiming adverse ly the above-descrllied Innda are relocat ed to file Ihetr claima In tbla nftve on or before said 9th dav of August. 1!l2. 15. M. DRATTAIN, Register. Timber Ijind. Act June J. 1K7S. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Billies Lnnd Offlre, ' Ijikevlew. On'gnn. May 21, l'jns. Notice I hereby given that In compil mice with the provisions of the act of Congress of June .1. 17. enillled "An net for Ihe sale of timber lands In the I States of California. Oreron. Hevt.,1., ' and Washington Terrllnrv." aa extended I to an tne i- iuuc i.unu Btale by act of Auguat 4, I1!. Albert O. Senders, of Albany, county nf Linn, State nf Ore gon, haa thla day filed In Ihla office hla sworn statement No. 301 for the purchase nt the nlisev,. bw'A, aeV,. e' sw-4 of Sec-1 nun i. lownrtnip .'l aouin. Itaprre rl eat ine .-i.u-o. iiiiu-ci i.ui'in in mi- r-iavcsi,r W. M nnd will offer proof to show thnt I Onlilnrniii, Oregun, Neviula uinl Wasiiing Ihal the land Bought la more valuable i toll Territory, '' a cxieiulcil tn all the lull for Its timber or atone than for agrlcnl- lie land states bv art of August 4 1!) - the tttrill itllpnnM. ana tn a.,..l.llnl. I.,- - .. . ' . . 7 .. ' . 10 Vii iV w;. a 'n-K.Vlir r.M. , , v,i :.Vi.: Commissioner, nt Prlnevllle, Oregon, on d,.iiiiiiiiv, mi. nm nay oi Aiigusr. num. He names es witnesses: Jnmea Filapnt rlek. Kola Nela. Ilenrv S'.lcsens and Os car Heysn. nil of Albany. Oregon. Anv and alt persona clabr.lr.g adverse ly the nhnve-deiertbed lands are request ed tn file their nalrns In this office on or before aald tlth d- nf August. 11112. E. M. DRATTAIN. Register. Timber Lnnd, Act Jun 3. 1ST. NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION. United State Lnnd Office Lnkevblw, Oregon. May 21. We. Notice la hrebv given that In eomnll-! nnre with the provisions of lb? net of i tinila-ror umie than for ugrieiili ural mir Congreas i of June J l7S. entitled "An p.-, nntl iu evtaliliwi their claim to i-niti 8?a.,'ir OrUT'nt'1 n.l lRm, Ita- H.sr Reviver nf nnd Washington Terrftorv." , n'mi "J" "!c D?' "'S"h u" lut' to all the I' ibllc Land State by act f (JtW C. t Ulan, LJ-'.'.Jll... r , Imlore A. C. I'nlmer, II. M. Commlir,n- at l'rluevlllo, Oreaon, on tiUui.W. the tih day of Annual, ifS. He nam"M aa wltue-: Jarnea Kltzpat rlck, Kola Nel, Henry Hueaen and u car ,eyaa, all of Albany, Oregon. Any and all jieraona clalmliiK adverae ly lb nbove-deacrlbed lamia are retineat d to Die their claima In thla oftlc on or before mild mil day of AuguM, 'tl, E, M. llKAT'l'AIN, Relat.r. Timber Uiml, Act June 3, vrit, NOTICIC FOR VI'UMCATION, United Htnlea Ijind Office, Iftkevlew, Orixon, May 21, IK2, Notice 1m hereby alven that In cotnull- line, with Ul provlelona of tbe act of I'onnreaa of June i, l7. enillled "An act for Die aale of Umber land In the Hlalea of California, Orraon, Nevada, and Waahlnitlon Territory, aa ealcnued lo all Ih i'ubllc Land Btatea by act of AuKiiet 4, I'eier C. Anderaon. of Albany, county of I, Inn, Hint of Ore- amp 24 aouin, Jtanife a eaat, w. M., nnd win otter proof to abow rfhat the land aiiiigbt la more valuable for hn Umber or atone than for agricultural purprci, a. and to enlabilab hla claim to aald land before A. !. I'aliner, U. H. I'ornmlejuim er, at Prlnevllle, Oregon, on Batuntay, tb mh day of Auguat, Wti. , He uurnea aa wlln'-aai-a: Jame I'-IIti-palrlck, Kola Nolo, Ifenry Bueaena and Any. and all pereon claiming adverae. ly the above-deaia-llH-d Intnla are kiiuh ci' lo me ineir ciauna in tme ofil'-e on or before aald !nh day of Auguat, K. M. llHATl'AIN, Reglatcr. Tlmbnr Uind, A"t June 3, 17. NOTICK KOH Tl'nLICATlOM. Pulled Btatea Land OftVe,. The Uallea, Oreuon. ily u. WQ. Noilce I bereby given that In compli ance with th proviaiona of the act of Congreaa of June 3, Ik7il, enillled "An act lor Ihe eale of timber larula In the Hlalea of California, Oregon, Nevada . and Wnxhlnjuon Territory." a extended Auguat 4, 13X1, the following pcreon have on May it, 1'2. filed In thla ofUc their aworn etatementa. lo-wlt: Jias- A. Graham. purcbaa of lb nw'4 of fk-cilon g. Town- auip Jl oum, ItailKU jo eaat. W. 1. JncOif N. (Jolbefil. of rtera, county of Crook. Mlate of Or egon, aworn alaiement No. 37H for tbe piiri-naae of till- n ew and the w wv',i for Ila tl'nber or Nloll Hum for aKCieultitml liu.,iea. nnd ir eaiab!lh th. lr claima Ciert luVl. Hceent-pJri,,!Lh' Ai"""y !r.l',Xi i'SS'"- 0r,K''"' They naimtia witiw'aea: Jneob N fjtit-' berg. Jim- a. flraltuin o n, A. oeler nf Blaiera. Oregon, anil Scott Ifjiibawa' in -rinrvnitv VJrtqon. Anv and ull persona cUlmlng odrerae ly th ajiove-iiescrlbed lamia are reiii.sr i d to lib- their claims In Ital uU- on or before Midi 4th dav of tx-totwr. iv , , JAY P: LUCAS. Register. Timber Law), Art .Uiue 3, IH7S. otice for Publication. Uuititl Sua- laimi irtljif, l.ul:oyiviv, Oi-i giln. May ai, IBir". Xnticc t- hereby glventliutin't'iiiiijiliaiic with tliapri'vieiuii of ih act "I I nnxii-se of .luiicl. IK7H. cuiiilcd "An art-for the alc .if tiuilwr liunm in tin; st-ilea of L'alt- turuiii. on-giiu, .cvailu, and a-hui!ion territory " a rxtPiincI to all the I'uiilic I '-ami .naie- ny aclol Align t L l!.2, iln-l fnlloniug mi nnil -rniu ban- tlii, lue iilc-1 in this ollice Ineir aworn taU'int-ut tow ri : KMnmnil E, King-Icy, of AIlwuv, counlv of l.iiiu, Male ul Or.'goii, No. :n.t f,,r ilie tliel pitiviiun' uf tin- SH14 of rkv. No. 1, in Tp. I No. 24 r itnnae No. 1) K., W. M. .Miirgun 1 1' Knigdi'V, ol Allmiiv.n -unty name as witnraeca: t Isrencc H. Fcr l.inn, Mete ol iin-K.in. No. list fur tli'el gnon. Klam fanght ant C. t'. lionstim oi ol l.lllll, Mute 01 llreR'UI, nun-hii' of the t-W'4 oi rcc. No, l.'i, in Tp I No. 21 fi, Kangc No. II K., W. M. SiaryT. iLicDoiiell, of Albany, county' of Linn, Mate of Oregon. No. Han for the! purchase of the WJ of VJ of rk'c. No. 17, in Tp. No. 24 ci, U.iugc No. B K W. JI. Jainc tiulley,of Albiniv.cuuntv ol Linn, Ntolf. ,,r tln.tf,.,, V,. Urfll l.,......u.k....... ,,r .i,,. i, .,( 'i2 n'fs,',. V,. vi 'iC V',,".1. "J ' 1 n ! ,i r in....... r .'.J-. ... u....,., f 1,N,I, L.,ll!llV "I Linn, Mate of Oregon, No. Ml, I'or the inir- ..r .1... u', - , v .... I via, oi tin- nil -,-4 ui ..-e. io, sr., in l p. No. 24 Ksiigc No. 0 K., W. M and thev well nlTcr pna'f to allow that the l.m'i. sought i. ni'i:e valuah!,' fur ils tiinU r or "tout' Ihun I'ur agricultural pur)m-(s, ami to cMaiilisli their claim to api land More A. ('. PuiniiT, I', K Coiumis.iiiut'r, at l'rinevilU', Oregon, on Friday, the Nth tlav oi Augn t, Tlicy name u witnfse: Kdiuiiml K. Kiiiglcy. Mary T. .Macll.nvcll. Juiiic liul ley, l.anllin M. Curl, (Icorgc II. Cutler, uli ut Albany, Oregon. Aiy and all per.-on claiming ailvcrsely the aisive- it ei'ilK-il hind-, are niiue ted t-i lilc their claim, in thi office on or hcf.ire uM rlth d.iv ot Augi.si, liU'J. in2llp . " K. !. lliiAri'AlX, Register. Timber Ind, Act June 3. is?.. NOTICE KOK lTJSI.lCATIOX. UsiTcn Htatks L.xn (Irricg, . The Dalle, Oregon, May ill, 1'is!. Notice i hereby given that in iv.inpli iinca with the provwoii nl the act of Cou ",re''" June 'I. e.ititled "An act lor i."'W'K ' tuw tlav Um hi "( ihcir vorn atnt tittclllellte. b-lv it: Lillian M. BiH'iuvr of K.iwall. cnuniv nfi Lincoln, Mate nl i asliiiisloii, sworn st.itt incut No. i)7.5 for tlie puivliasv uf the nw'i sec. :i'.', t i: s, k io i, w a. Dell i M. Miiencer of Kilwull, enuntv of Miieuln, Stale of Washington, -worn -tnte-uu'iit No. il7b lor the pun iissc of the xkvj nec. .w, T 13 s, K 111 k, w M. X$7ZJ:zi ment .No. 174 fur the mm-biise nl ll. Kli i akK, sw',4 ok'4 and xi', Bet-. 28, t 13 8, it ID . W g. i That thev will off rpronf to how that ihe lund snuirht 1 nwrc valimnie I'nr Iim ! ""v u '"ty, r. Thev nnniic it witnesses: Ilauniluit latrwlvi ot' BpaLuut, Wj l.,uiei LUliau U. Hjienccr, XJt-Itu M. ripciicer, Marj- E. Hin- ci raiin nm. n. pptmwrol r.'iw. ii, wanb. Any and all H'rnona cluimiiiK a'ivcreely the BlMiVcilcncribed luinieurc rcqucetcd to rile IbclM'laiiiiif In thie ollict oil or tK-forc said tfttn day of July, IK'.', ntllv JAY V. JCCAH, Kigintcr, Tlmlwr f-and, Act Jun i, 1K7S. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATIO.V. I'nlted Stale Land Ollice, Th Ualie. Oregon, April it,. lt"2. Notice la hereby given that In comoll ance with the provmiona of the act of Congreaa of June 2, Ik,', entitled "An act lor the aaie or nmoer land in in tatea or caiuornia, Oregon. Nevada, and Waali ington i armory, a extenuea to an ine robllc IJind Slate by act of Auauat 4. 112, the following nereona have thi day men in tni nine ineir aworn atutement, lo-wlt: Victor flenoe, of Aahland, county of Aahland, Btate of Wiaconaln, aworn ntte ment No. 2H3 for the purchaae of tbe nw u and v', nc-'.j Bee, 27, T. U 8., Ii. 10 ,: W. M. John K, Bchaefer, of Marahrteld, county of Wood. Stale of Wiaconaln, sworn alaiement No. 24 for the purchaae of the aei Bee. 7. T, 13 8.. R. 10. E W. M. Frank Wadak, of Aahland, county of Aeiiland. Btate of Wiaconaln, aworn alaie ment No. ft! for the purcbane of the lot 4 and a nw'A Bee. 7, nnd lot 1 and nv'f nwy, Sec. id, T, B R. 10 B W, M. That Ihey will offer proof to ahow that the land aoilaht Iff more valuable for Ita llmiier or atone than for agricultural pur-poai-a. and to ea'abllah Ineir claim to aald land before tbe Hegiater and Receiver "I till ofbee el The IJallefi. Oregon, on Tiiaila, the 216 day of July, ISO!!. They name a wltneate: John E. Hchttefer. Karl Mea. of Mnraiifleld. Wlft conln. Fnink Wadnk. Victor Heno. nf Aahland. Wiaconaln, and Peter McOul vn, Henry Mahanr, of The Dalle, Ore gon. Any and all peraon claiming adverse ly the a nove-deacribed Innila are renueat- ed lo file their claima In thl office on or berorald 2Zd day of Julv. i-. JAY P. LUCAS, P.eglater. Timber Laml, Act Jnne 8, lftTK. XOTK'K KOK PUBLICATION'. Vkitko HriTg I.txw Orrn r, Tlic ila I lea. Oregon, May IS, l!ri. Xctiec i Itercby giren tlratincnnipliaucc willi the priiviion of the act of Cnngre-a of June It. IH7l,eiititlerl"An mi fur the aale of titnlM-r lanil In the tateof California, Oregon, N'eraila, and Washington Territo ry," aa extr'niicl to ull the Public Jand f'tntin by act of Aucu't 4, 1HH, Iaac L. Ketchuni liaatiiiatlay lilcl in thi-i of lite hi' aworn atatement Xo. .fI51 for the pur clinae of the Xlj XK' Kec. lit, T. IH B., K. II K W. M., ami will otfcrpriKif to ahow that the laml fought inon valuable for it tiiula-r or i-tone than fur Uf-ricttituril iiiiqaiet-a. ami In eitablinh hi claim to eaid laml iK'forr A. C. Palmer, 1'. H. (amiiuire eioruT, at hi oilier at Prinevillc, Orecon, on Saturday, tin- 2nd day of Augtit. lifti. J!e nam n vitnea e: II. K. Hideout. ' U Dillon and Howard Dillon of Print -villi-. I Orntroti inui WiUiiini Itnu-lt ,.f I.imI tlfo. i mm ' A.' l" claiming; atlrerwlv lhca)a,v..'rill laniN at,lvi ctl to . their Hjiui- tn tin ufnoe on or licfore ! ' '' 1 J 41 .":"-i. u. m2p JAV P. U'CA8, Rtj.-ii.ter. Timber Laml, Art Jtuit-3, IK7K. X0TICK FOR BCBUCATI0X. I'ltiTgn Ptatiw LtNn Orrtnt. The i)'iilc. Oregon. May If), !!!. Xnt'cc i hereby given that in compliance with the provieioir of the act nf i-oiignw if June :i, ln7l, entitletl an "An ct for the iiUc o( timlier liuni ill tlie State of Cali fornia, Orecnn, Xcvnda, and Washini.'ton Trrritnrv." aa t-xtrmlnl Ui all the Public Ijiml State by act of Auitiiat 4, l!.: 1 luinui J. rergueaon of Crook, t-ounty of Crook, Mure of Oregon, bi thi dnv ilb-l in tin oilier hi aworn Htntcmt-nt .No. ;477 lor tlie purchase of the S1 KWK antl H'ii M'.'i Nt, , lb. 1" outli, Itange Hi IP. IMMoutli. ilange l i Ka-t.i W. M..uml wilr oiler pnaiftnshow that the litini soiiglit 1 more valnahlc fur its tiiuhsr or t.,iiellianforagricnltiirul nUnios.an.l A. ('. Palmer, V, v--i.i"r., ,i.. ... iiuiti m-wirvt r. (.'ominissioner at hi i ''"he at Prinevillc, Oregon, on t-utuniav, August 2. WI2. Crook, Oreton, ami C. A- (iravc of. Prine- ville. Oregon. Anv and all person claiming miverscly t'' aliovc-dtcril).! land arc requested to nle their claim in thl ofbee on ur before aid 2nd nay of Augu-t, lifrj. ni21l JAY P. LL'CAS, Register. Timlier l.aint. Act June 3, 1873. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ij'sitkd Ht-mkb Land (Huck, Tin liailvs, Uivgou, iiluy 22, JW. Notice i herehv given llial in coi.p.i aucti with thn provieinus nf llf act ol Cliii grerw nl June 3. Ibl-i, eniiiied "An ai t (nr (bp sale of umber lauds in the S'sli-s nl CaliloriiiaaOieguii, NnvaitM. ami Wsh ingion Terrilnrv," as eiteinlerl in ull the Public ijtnd Male by act ol August 4, 181I2. Benjamin V Allen of Princville, (Hinntv til I tilt. Stale ol Oregon, haH, oh .May 15. PI02, tiled iu Ihisniiice bi sworn etutemeiit No u5" tor the pun-liaw. ol th Bw4 NW'4 r-: 21. T Is H, R lti R. w .v. anil will ullW pi.arf In li..w that thi laud ' enuifiii is nnuH valiiai'le tor lis timber r stun Ihun for agrienltiirat purta--, ami j lu pHtHtiiiBh hi claim to caiii laud hvlnrel A 0 Palmer, V S CnniniiiMiuiier.' sf hi nllii-c! Princville, Oregon, mi SWfuTrlav. the 131 h tlav "''I'l'tnlfr. I1K); li tlav"! N.ptemhc-r. WK tmesswitne!-e-: T rt I.aW'erte, Vler. Alfrwl AMen n W tlr II nf Pniieville. OreL-nn ,..a ..11 ..l..:u:...- Hp name Cnrev Koler. inn n, ail Any and all person claiming1 wlvrraeh i he ahove rleserita-d lariiis am retjiieste.1 to file Ihcir eh iir in this office on nr he f ireaaid lii'h iiv of S-ileinfver. IlI'Vi in29 JAY P I.rOAs, Kegi-ter. Not Ice. All persons wishing sn'st wnrk ilonc nntl also those lis vine ii!(fi,'rit on our honk, must cull nnil rteT uumim cm, e 'tt? 20th w wil1 9,,,,t fo um. Stewart & IV TfT rifHK . 'oi,I) IS OXK x.n Tk Laxative Brmnu Qtiinine Tvhlyi, AH dmirgMtB nrfuml the lavniey j" it is if, to onr. . V'. Ornv' tiiiinuttMiti i on. rtrtfe .. Zju- Tlmtjer Land. Act Jim 8, Vflt. NOTICilJ ""t Pfllll.lCATiO.V. United Btate umi iitc. The Dalle. Oregon, Auril li, 13. Notice I nereby givu tout in compil--ante Willi the proviaiona ol the act n( Uongres of June J, .,U, enillled "An ao, lor the aule of tlmlrfr land In the atia of ('allfoinln, Oregon, Nevada, and Wan-' Inglon Territory,' aa extended to nil tlx" I'ubllc Land Blntna by act of Auguat 4, Vju, the following pereona have thla day llled in thl office their aworn tatemeni,, to-wlt: Alvarat B. Morley, of Moacow county of faitah, Blat of itluho, aworn mate--ment No. 2ki, filed April 2S, lmr2. for the puri'ha of th, Wa u 27, and W!4 Bee. 23, T. 12 ., It. 10 K W. M. Ora 8. Burgan, of Moacow, counlv of iftu!L I'!'1? ?' '""h"- aworn lnlomenl, No. 26, filed Airil 2, w for the pur--chaae of the u- Bee. ), T. 12 8., R, if JS., Clntha A. Farla. of Moacow, county of' Latah. Btale of liinho, aworn atatement .No. 27, llled April 2. nil. for ihe pur- E WM,he "e' T' 11 ' R' W Nil M f Arson, of Moscow, counlv of I-AUih. Btate of Idaho. ate,,rn. eiiM.ni No. 2S. filed April 2. 1!,2. for th pur chaae of the aw Bcc. 2, T, 12 8., It. l-y That thev will offer nmnf ly. .h.d jc... the land sought I more valutabl for iw llmiier or ;tone than for agricultural pur-- POUCH. at1(1 In cetrihliah ti.ul yl-.l ';ld 'and before the Renlster and Receiver- "' "' .mice ai i ne ualK-a. Orc.-on, oi I nev name am ri,RA . a'i'1mu !i!'",M- Ora 8. Bufgarv Alva B. Mor ev nf Mnun.m, ra..i,.. 1 Allingbam. of Warm Sjirlnira, Oregon. i !.. j pereona claiming adversi ty Ih alKVe-Heerih.H lan,l. . fd to file their claim In thl office on of before aald ZA day of July, jftrrs JAI r. LUCA8, Htglstef J,I5hr.Cr'"nd' J"h' "rt notice for publication, United Slate Land Office, nmi On,on' May 10, 1902, notice I hereby e ven tl.ui i i ,i. ance with the provision of the act of Congrea. of June 3. 1711. entitled "An act tor the aa of iimi. i.. i J.. rl u'J," T"rr,,uXy' "tended to all tin iw" ",'h-L,ni' 8!'"CT bv M 01 August T a ii I v . Z r"1' nave tn a day filed In this office their aworn .tt...,i to-wlt: Emma A.' HATnmnnff HA,.. w . y l V?toh.,Bl", ' ""ho, sworn .tale' ment No. 312, nied May 13. i!r, for the purchaae of the wV4 aw 14 and so A. ill B.. W MW 34 11 Augusta M. .fntlv nf rUTsUw I-'h. Stale of Idaho, aworn sute' "" oiei ma- 3. ij ff,r the. w'rw M n T- 11 S" R' Henry L. Hammond, of Moaeiw, eonft' ty Of Ijlilh. State Of l.llhn ment No. 314. filed May 3 l2. for the pur- ..u . riu-nnsin, or iitmcnvr. county of Latah, State of Idaho, aworn state ment No. 3C. filed Mar 7. for th purchase of the ew sw2 8"c. 1 nnl eu nw Sec, 30. T. 12 S R10E. W. H rhnt thev will offer proof tn show lhaf he laml aoiight la mor" va-uali!e for it limber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish their claims t said land before the Rigtcr and RecelveT of thl. office nt The Dalles. Oregon, ort Saturday. Ih 2-h lav of Julv. iij They name as witnesses: A"eust V. .'-I-- W'lllam W. r-n'nn, HenVv U f'am' mond, Jjmea A. Foley. Emma' A. Ham mond, Emm B. Hammond and DanleJ u. Kubiiuoii, an of Moscow. Idaho Any and all persona claiming adver '1 'he above-descrll-d lands are request ed to file thir claims In thl office oir ote before aald 26th day of JoH- in JAY P. LUCAS. Register, S!T T ouop ny -niTn-t jsoarf, N0TIC3 FOR PTTBLfCATIIlN, United Slate Land Officer The Dalle. Oregon. May 0, 14. NoUre" Is hereby given that In compli ance with the provision of the act of lor the i-a'e or rimi-r tn,i in is.. of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Wash ington Territory.' aa extended to ail thai Public Land States bv aer nf im i l-ia-t,V"'"i':"a oi jum "okc"ss or June 3, lift, entitled "An art 2?i 'he. following persona have th! dav "0 , ln" omce vora latemenia, Evn F!,,h , mm coan. nf nrura-ni. ntate or m nneant smtemr-nt No. 3.TI for the nut-chase r.f tn fWH off. cz I. JS f... k. in k.. w. m. John J. Thomueon. of Homltf .n,- of Boltraml. Stale of Minnesota. eWorir cttempnt No. iii for the mirchase of lot 'and 2 and si, nc Sec. 6. T. 13 S-. K. 1 Vt . M. John F.. Flnselh. of BemldfL counfr of Celtraml. State of Mlnnesitn. aWorrr statement No. V', for tbe p'.-rerse nf tlie scl, S.. 22. T. 12 3.. r. 10 K.. W. M Thomas Tweet, of BembUt. coMntV of Beltrami. State of Minnesotrf. sWnrm atntemenl No. -Tlfi for tbe purcfiasa of the nf Sec. 9. T. 11 S.. R. 10 B.. Vv-.M. Meh'.las Smith, nf Rto.:;!I. county of Beltrami. Sta of Minnesota, awnrrt atatement No. .".'17' for the purchase- of tb S.-I4 Sec. 20. T. 13 S-.. It III V.. IV f lll'am S. Stiencer. of t?dvfj,-f( coimtv of Llncnirf. Sbrte of Washington, pwc-rt alaiement No. :t for the niircfiae of the wl', Sc. 2C, T. 12 t . ft'. 10 r... V.'. M That the- will' nff-r rronf to show fh.-r the land an-ight Is more v-i'tiahr- for it timber' or since 'trm fof aerfculfural nur iscfl. n to mriaHlnh- Ibefr cfaima t aald land before tbe Rertt"!1 and rVe"A-e of tbla offiea nl T'-e Dalies. Ov'.-.-nrf. oa Tuesday, the 2th rfiei- of jufc, l:t-i. The'- name ns wlmr-sies- X'ihn 3lff'l"l, John-Tlmmpsnn. Jr?irt- E. ffrfncfJi T?inm Twet, Mrho':i Shnftti. Jnhfl J Thnmr.ron. all ,lf fi'erM-t.i. Jfin-eontav William S". Speftcer. of K'lwait WTi!nc 'on. oni T. J, Lectint, o-f ifrokxnv Wasli'ntorl. Anv n''I-.f aff Tisercin .tfsfmfne- s.Va--, l- tiV a"'iO'-e-'lr''er'vrl lo-trf ne'V feo-'ef- before Ku'd h A " ' . T ,fv " " J-AV P. tVCAS. RmMtr. T'-1br !.crf. A-f .fn-e ? Tr N'OTJCK VfH PURf.lC'-'TlN'' Urrltetf Ptnfefr f.Slif r.flff. The Drtfes. Orcrron, Ar!! b. Rotieo Is hrrer gi-.-cn (:'.f' lit ctimpif- ; "" w'h the vr"-is'-n.. or the net cC 9tZ" V X, '" I?,r;rl."" f of ''a'l.irr'a. fw-am. fr,w!t --d "'n-- 'i ,,n t:..i, ....... - .1 i'it"! 1IA-.- - - -,rt,i- . i .u - hll f.r Voara hi- 1 .yf .-,. ft. P'-eTff ci.irnn'. nf fMn-'- ' "v - nf fr"k. fnte- nri-firtnT, f. nf -.y fl'e-f rrr tNf- nffinA il, rin-''m .i-,-Ynvi' lt 'iT lb? p-lVc-iTfe! of b" 19 V ' V '" ". P. v. i; ft, -,v. v, s-vi for J.Vn.f 5. ft"-; 1. "! 1 . T IH P. . '.- M .nrf n-"i if, nrnnf o h'iw ibrf tie l-tf tn-rb it vnlua'e or Ha ftrrV- tc-ve--ban rc sffr'-iii'nil roron-i-s s'-rf tn e- -ll-iiH b'- c'lfm to r'f f.i"f bc'n v. f, Palrnvn f sj Co--.imfss'n-r if fct c"-' -t re'n-.-nin. clnr-n-i. nn FYit-i" '.. yt-'Vi r'n- n T.'.. V7 nn v-.nn"--- Jfhl ArehlVI'tl. lrf f.cirls. T f. N',W 'r'and Jane Hlhiti. a!', of i?rhtt'-.-. Or gor. Hrf afl per'n-it elf-'Vfrfmt -f V fe i-c-flnr'cr'bn.i n..(fs rnmin,- "tf fn n'n t,i- n'ni-rf t.T r-fT erf err tWftj saJ'.TSfi ' n -T-'- JAT T. tftM R.mr. Fentfy-niwrW uigiiia-trr! rrf (VT'! Ifro..