Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 26, 1902, Image 4

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.A. J. Johnaim Tcllw of Life In
v t'linrlneton.
A. J. Jiinjison, ; who was one pi
,the Oregon conimissioncri to tin
.exposition ut Buffalo und Churlos"
ton, has returned from thu Souti
iBiul will upend u few weeks nt hit
homo in Astoria to"rogaiii tho fliwl
!he lost while in Charlcclun. Hi
wu8 in Portliinil yestenliiy. "1
:iiever was o thin in my life," suiij
;h,. "as 1 was when I left Charles
ton, last week. We Northerns
.connut stand their way if living
down there. Judged hy our stand
ard!', they have very little to :al.
:and that little is far (run heing ql
Vtfie hest quality. The country it
too poor ' lo yield mueh (or thi
iroarket. . The meat we had wa
ihrouglit in from afar und had been
.frozen and thawed uutillt flavor
was gone. - Suet, a beefsteak as
,can get, here, for Jour, bits would
.cost about $4- down .theire,'
.could be had at all. The land
there is uo old and lean that com
mercial fertilities have to be used
.in large quantities, and Strawber
ries and vegetables are so strongly
iimprcgnated with potash (rom the
fertilizers that I couldn't eat them.
There is no grass for cattle, only
weeds growing wild, and the i:ows
:are wretchedly poor in fact keep
ing with the whole country. Winds
blow worse there than in San Fran
,cisco and keep the light soil parch-
.ed and the air full of dust much of
the time. The white people down
there would better abandon the
icountry to the negroes.
"From my experience with birth
jaees I think the Chinese are away
: . ahead of. the negroes. ' They nre
better to' get along with and better
ior the slate." ...
: .Alter Mr, Johnson shall have re
covered his normal weight, he will
.resume his business of collecting
forest seeds for the United States
:and foreign" governments. He hue
a considerable order to fill for the
Chilean Government, seeds of lum
ber trees, and will go to Southern
Oregon to begin the harvest. He
gathers the cones in large quanti
ties and either dries or shells the
seeds .on the gromnd or sends them
to Astoria .and there gets the seed
,frora the cone. He packs the seed
carefully and labels the packages
-with the true name and sends them
to the governments that order them.
Nearly every European government
is a patron of Mr. Johnson, as well
m all the large botanical gardens.
The foreigners have been so frequ
ently imposed upon by getting stale
seed and seed not true to name,
that they are very cautious and
demand the most indubitable' as
surance that what they buy is what
they ,' ordered.-' Mr. Johnson hag
been in this business so long, how
ever" his customers have learned 5
trust him. The frt order came
t'irougli the Department of State at
Washington, and our Government
became, in a manner, pledged, to
see that the foreigners did not get
Mr. Johnson gathers not only
the seeds of lumber trees; but also
of all other trees and plant desir-1
ed, that are native to this country,
his field beinn' California, Oregon,
Washington, Idaho mid Montana.
He sashc has lianilleil.yOOO Vari
eties of seeds and plants. " The
lily-bull) industry alone is quite
important, a3 many as 100,00Q
having been shipped by him in a
,nle season to his foreign patrons.
He rinds his tield vovy. rich in bul
bs 'H plain's, anil there' Li an active
.demand fir them abroad.
All thi time Mr. Johnson is en-,
gi.?ed in special wink for the I)e
srtflt,'f "Wie-IaUuiier,, in ex
amining mid reporting upon forest
reserves aud other forest lands and
(fees under i' conditions of
growth. His main work of dei-erip
lion has been completed and W
reports are now appearing in pub
lications of thu V hi ted Stales Geol
ogical Survey.
"i like this work," said Mr. John
son,"hecause there is no competition
and no ineciujye to cheapen the
service. I can always be sure that
my representations are correct.
And then there is so much that is
interesting anJ always fresh and
new in it," Oregonian.
Didn't Marry For Money,
The Boston limn, who Intely mnrried
i sickly 'rich ytiung wmiuin, is dippy
now, ir lie got Vr, Kinjj'a New l.ile
Pill', restored her In perfect
health, liitnlliible for Jaundice, Mil
KWwieaa, Mnliirm, Fever Hint Apie
;i nil ill. Liver mid Slimmed trouble.
Gentle but effective. Only 25c it
fdunieon A Winnek Con drug itore.
Wan Kan)' Oumo.
"I've traveled for thirty years in
the employ of various individuals
and firms," said a gentlemen in
the lobby of Ja Detroit hotel the
oilier evening, " and you'd natur
ally think I was up to all the tricks,
but I got beaten p, few weeks ago
with my eyes ide open, I was in
Chicago, and while I j;is writing a
letter in thu reading-room two
other men, both of whom looked
liked country merchants, got into
a dispute as how to spell the word
'successor,' One contended that
there was only one V in it while
the other hung on for two. After
wrangling awhile they appealed to
me to decide it. A minute before
they did so I'd ha .o let a thousand
to one that there w;is a double V
in the word, but a luiiiulo alter I
was not at ail su e. A 1 dniib.ed
llivseif, I rr.'ll-cii 10 lli tidv, Hlld
tbi-n one of itirm t-iiiu:
' Wm 1 il put up SrlU that there
is only one V in inn nurd,'
Aud litre s iu lucre arc
two,' replied the other, 'and 1 hoie
this gentleman will act us stake
holder until we can consult a dic
tionary .'
"I could not well refuso," said
the traveler, "and I took the two
tens and put them into nny vl
pocket.' Ten minutes later the bet
was decided in favor of the double
'8,' and as I handed the two tens to
the man who had won he asked me
if I couldn't accoraoda e him with
four fives. I did so, und shoved
the tens back into my pocket, and
that's the way I was beaten. The
tens were countcrfit silver certifi
cates, and hud I looked, at them
closely I should have; spotted
"And about the rrlen?"'was ask-
"Oh. they got but soon- after the
transaction, of course. They were
a couple of fellows working the ho
tels (or suckers. It wasut such a
bad swipe to lose 120, but I pre
sume they warked the racket five
or six time a day. No f don't (eel
so bad about tho loss of the money,
but, what makes me tired is to rea
lize that after beating the old
Louisina lottery and about 50 con
fidence games, including three card
montc, I should be taken in and
done for by a simple twist of the
wrist. I'm not so certain yet how
'successor1 is spelled, butf. I'm sure
that 'sucker' has only one 's' in it."
; ' Trespass Notioj.
Notice U heieby given tfiat all per
sons ure warned not k trmpnii upoui
I he following dficriben premises by
driving acroos or herding upon the
came any livestock of anyc'demrlrltion
whatsoever under the full penalty of
the law for trenpars and damage, vu:
The W of i be nwj, the -J of the
and 4 ( of im'C 21, t he swj of the
of ure It, the ej of the nej, the
ej and the t of the swjf of seo 20,
the nj of the nwi, the nw of the nej,
the t J of the nej and the sej of the
nwi of sec 29. all in tovnshin 12 .
range 16 e, W. M , containing 800 .
acres, find knowu as the Mating mill-1
ite. ' " 1 1
Willow Creek Lsnd fe Livestock Co.
.V. XSEWBH.L, rres.
niLu3 Ueoikje Dee, Bec'y
"' ' " Poorly Doric. '
The iniiumir in willed Tnoi y ami
Merrill have eiwiipwl irunr the turn
who have 'been trying to capture thimi
hiii' rarely been equaled in ..history
Leu vi a;; tliuir murk eveiywltero along
the iiii.hI in the Ihir of viiita to farm
lion':, where they have made tduni
nelveit kmivii, tliey Imve nevt'rtlieW
Iwen able to go out ol one itiite and
into another, with the primped ol
reaching llritieli Coliinibiii in safety,
Tho emit lire Iim been a botefi from
the' first,1 ft wis run on wrong prill'
eiplcsi Men' have enjajied fioui prie
oiik nil over the world and whenever
they ruvn eiciped it liiM been Ids lute
sim uf certain men to unpture tlitiiu
'flint 1.1 their line ol work, and us pub
lie otlii iitls iu that department ol the
service tint" inut do so at u great
risk, or tho , public lufoty demand
tluc the uriiiiiiml sh'ill lie returned to
li in priniui and Complete his sentence
or iii'thia case hang for their oiiuiM.
With Tracey mid Merrill it win the
btiaiic't oi HiiiriitviideiH Lee to re
oaptiire litem jiiit ai fast n puaaiule,
and be ibould have done o in an
enertic, businoM like way, without
any baby acts, but imuoid of that, lie
proceeded on the plin of not allowing
hiiv utiu to gel hurt, ind of coiirne the
men em.'iid as tliey were bound to do
unless tliey aliuuld be captured in in
unloiceen way. The plan of Sheiilt
Jurbui was a mighty puor one for a
Sliief capturor. aup)e m the big
cilien policemen never eiptmed erinii
nali miles they got the drop ou them
iu a sale place, tliora wouldn't be nny
ucd ' tiling ui justice. Men would
never li cuptured But iimlMiid of
that the criiiiiiiil is followed into hit
hiding place if necceaniiry, and loiue-
bHiy 4s going to gut hurt if there ii
not a surrender it ouve. The nun
wlm exiiecti to run no risks hid bet
tel Slay out of ilierill'i oHices and po
lice ilepart.nuiiti, for tliey we bound
to meet with rcaiituiice Democrat. ;
Bryan will boom Hinni.
Lincoln. Xcb., Juno (i. -ltryan
in the Commoner today declares
that h? will take the lead in the
Hann.i boom in .11)04. The con
test fur the I'rcsideritiil nomination,
he says, will be between Hiuina and
Roosevelt. He adds that the in
dorsmciit of the Roosevelt adminis
tration by the Republican cenven-
tioii has no significance, as it did
not dare tu adjourn without voting
an iwlorsment.
t A Good Ai'iHiiiitmint.
. GoYcrnor Geer has appointed R
II. e'ocr, o( this city, member of
the state bou id of horticulture (or
the fourth, district to take the place
of Entile Scliauno, deceased.
This appointment will meet the
approval of a majority of the fruit
growers of this section as
Mr. Vv'eber possesses every qualifi
cation to make him an acceptable
commitsioner. He is thoroughly
conversant with cverv feature of
fruit c;iiture, being an experienced
nuri-ery-mun, and has made a study
of every method for the destruction
of fruit pests, one of the especial
dulie.H of a commissioner. , Mr We
ber will give considerable attention
to the duties of the office and will
prove a valuable member of the
board. Times Mountaineer.
Seven Tears In Bed.
"Will wonder ever cease?" inquire
the friends of Mrs, L. 1'eane, of Liw
renee, Kan.' They knew she Imd been
unable to leave her lied in seven years
on account of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general de
bility; but, "Three bottle of Electric
Hire -s enabled me to walk," she writes,
anil iu three months I felt like a
new pt-ison." Women suffering from
Head.iehe. 3:i"kiche, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Feinting
and Dizzy Hpell will find it a priceless
hlcs'ii;i(, ' Try ib. Batisfuctnn is guar
anteed nt .Adauison & Winnek Co.
On ly 50c.
My little son had an attack of
whooping cough and was thientened
Willi pneumonia; lint for Clumber-
i;n's (;0ugli Kemedy we would have
hud a serious time of it. It nUo saved
liiiu fnmi -sevem I severe attacks of
croup. H. J Strickkadkn, editor
iWoild Herald, Fair Haven, Wash
irur kae by ull druggists.
Gornett & Elkms
We liavo ret'oived a Inrgo mipjily of -
flucfoye TJowors and Woapors,
Stool Xing and JfolUngsworth i$y rakos.
Jackson Jorks, blocks and Carrion.
- Which wo will aclj at reasonable rates. Give i us a
call before purchasing lwhro, , ,
'' "' ',' " fctciid for catalogue.
1887 Haystack
Tho jlaystai'k' Ranch will use
of 1902. ,
A large, stylish black, anj , ' (
A rery hamlaome mahogany bay. Tho above alallions will
bo pertnitteJ to serve a few marcs at $10.00 each, one-half
down at end of season and fo.00 more when the marc w
known to be with foal.
Marcs will be pastured at $1.00 per month. Will not bo
responsible for accidents. Call at ranch or address,
O. SnUflOER,
Culver, Oregon.
City Mcat'Markt
iuwiii iua
A Complete ami , Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Main sf.
t'iZl "HO acrw af dwiled iinlmpnivnl Und,
env.:i..l by diu-h llist fijini.liw uil. w.ur
(ur lrrtKiiVl"ii iiun"""- Cm tomwws
ml ill kin nit tainkr KUlilr on the pita.
ThfM nido r with lurbrd win
Ume. Cirtd with clitm.rU, nwd'ruiih and
diitriiiK iiinlra. iHitruiur in
cmnlv wljanini( wliir. owner im turn nut
LI. eattlt iml Iwt litt'o fmllw
iluriinr winU-r. AddreM Juokxal Knd fc.Ut
Arncy. t'r.iK'tU.i, Ort-im.
KOH SALK-A two tf'iry rlw.lllni wltli
burn and wthcuM-a in th. city l f Him ill.
Tin. frumiXf i ll aituiitwl and la mv.rad
by irriirutinn. It nu.fmirth if a block
and la iuc (if tlia lA rwklMKsa lurationa Id
Uic tnmi. Vncr raaaonabla.
K.)K HAI.K-IHi nt the bnt latd frma
in the fawnie clnvar brK iu the Mrtiair or-ek
c-Miutry, oimiinir of lliO ai-rva. 40 aarea in
r.ti'i, A Kom liam 4Uxlu atvl all unuar
fnra. L.ik hnuaa ann other ordinary improve,
menia. Hood irarilan raiuaJ every year and
rarlety of uiS (nliu. I acraa ii fine aaw
tinibr that will eventually he worth more
(t.jil the irice now aakecl for the entire farm.
All nwiar urivata lrrifatiiH( ditch that goae
with Uhi property.
rvmtr owe eelettlda) to evary
acriber. Only SU cent a ytit.
w,tk ; h'Hiifiiixil liiiu., ft. rtc k.U
crtlMln'Uf.lar, tr- (dlral Uyy
ldy (tn( wft;tij tritrrvj tt it(mi
Hl1Ih, kclislilp, myl, Vl.
datu, Kcmtrfit.:iil nod Alnuiutt(y
i'e.'ifCL-i'utlilK i'Aimt PiilUTtH.
IV HAtB tr.t irvtine llnet.
Only o n jj Ci-'itl cv M --riiiirt hnht
tnr llcra. Ji.J (n utniiy tverr uif
and 'u ii, m b iu: I Irmti
in-tit-iir wit itit (t. w iuiik.
. Hevd KuHcy mil Oata.
8. J. Nfwtom linn CLEAN "cm! Imr'
Icy Bird niita fur ante it hit find bira
in north i'riiieville.
I ., ..,.t
Stallions 1902
two Stallions for tho soanon
A Foster & Lehman
' r "
w- 'Phone 31.
C. E. McDowell, Prop.
Tlioronnlily Kmiovili'il and Re
(urnialipil 'l'hriiimliiuit.
liiicrlcuii Man. , Kate $1,
$I..Vi anil $"i p4r day.
AcroiiiiniKliitiima ire Unaiirpnaacd
in the city. 8itiiiile R.kiiih (or
CoMiinerciiil Trnvulcn,
Long Diitunoe Telcpluine Htitinn
in I Iid houne.
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice ii herohy vivan tint I have
ippniiitvd the (ollnwinK mined peraoiii
deputy itock iiiepncUirt:
J. P. Carlwrixht, Hay Creek.
Hani Hamil'uu, Aahwmiil,
E. Hpailci, Butera.
A, Morn'W, llHyatnck.
K. M. Huiith, ' Paolni".
Koaom Kuiil, Poll.
T. C. Hwiin, Btnr Crek.
J. 8. Hoifuc, ' llniland.
Alei Mclntoah, Kanlin
J, P. VinHiiuten, H.iy Oreuk.
U. 8. Cuwln, i . Hay Cierk
Joe 11 inkle, ,
' Block Intiotnr Oriailt Couuly.
TICK AUK INH, l'rojii'U'lor
i Shavlna . ,
1 Batha
A fine hatliniom devoted eapeciully to
tliH uie of ladiei.
Evuryihing up-to-date ind strictly
ltd Prioevillc.