Oregon Bound Woman Robbed, St. Lot'is, Mo.,' June 17. A wo man named Mary HoleskI, en route from Nw' York to Astoria, -with Jier two children, nged 1 and 8 years, and having in her possession cash to the amount of floOU, wan taken from Union Station hy two strange men about 7:30 o'clock last! niuliL Hlio wan in have left for Astoria, Or,, wnere she ha rota liven, at 8:35, A few minutcH be fore that time the ntation cnllereu lured . the main waiting-room to notify her of the denature of her train. instead he found the wo man' children tented on the bunch und crying pitifully. All they could y wan that mamma had (one, Inquiry by the stution-mas,- i icr developed the fact that the mm. iitg woman had left the depot in company of two Granger who hud been seen talking to iil during the afternoon. Matron Hunter mated that the woman hud 1.100 ptT ihir person when shodissiiM!ied. 'Hie poire at once advanced the thory that Mm. Sole! i bad fr-l kidnaped, and a force of detectives wan nut to work ori the canoi '.'At ttl late hour Mm.1 Soleski was found wandering near the rivet t three inllen from the ntation. Her hair wan disheveled, her drew torn, a yd .her face bruised. To the Interro gatories of ihe police the' Woman made no niiKwer. ' She talked in coherently and kept muttering con stantly about her iimney There waf 'ii'wrid look In' hPf't'rwHw- brain waa on lire. If kidnapwl' partially openwl up, the warble nhe had been, (ho terrible ordeal in 400 feet high in t. single in .as; lind driven the unfortunate woman : with a width of a quarter of a mile, innun'e. ' An ambulance was fum- joi a ulepth of 1000 feet, From uioiied and sbtj wusionwyisl to th',tl- block ol nolid rtwkcan bee-i-itv hospital. Her children were traded without a crack or a flaw, also sent to that in -litutioti. Efforts' pieces of virgin marble from five to to obttip information from the wo-'. TO h'X so,tiarc. Thousands of tons inaii were uiiuviliiui. In her burnt. waa about!''. ' ' " ' .rr,4.: '!!:;:!.,', llorsra llr.iiu (iixnl Price, Compared to ihe prevailing mar ket figures of jiast yearn, hoisi in the territory, tributary to b.iker City bring good prices and scu-r.il tab I. live been reported ill tin; pimt few daj, myn the llemocrat. . Out Burnt River war; Kd Oliver, the Baker City horse" btlytr , MJ i . nhijiper, wbu ImiuJIu UnliHi Army i homes (luring tlie pant y infer and : r-prinn for War lervicc; HI N'Utn Africa, has nY the market bull rot' ! lihg again by , purcbani(ig a few liead of clioicc equinea to be rail roaded to the Kant, Mr.' Oliver haa bought 30 JJurnt River niaren from Milton Eddy, whoje large Htock ranch ii five mi Ion- Wust ' ol llridgojmrt.'. i Tlie' noiruullt " are littely and active, and will do ex cellent nervicu in carriage' driving or general all-around work, Enough horned will bo bought in Eagle Val ley and around llaker City U Inake up a shipment of 50, or two car loads, which will be taken to Oma ha by Mr. Oliver in a. few days. The equinea will bo put on lum rd earn iu Baker City. . i J Stops the Cough and Works Off the Oold. " t LuiMiiH BrnBio tjuniin TablnUl curt oold in one day, No Cuitt, Nu Yaj, Price, 2fi iiuiiu. I ; When yon wake'up with s bnd tuste in youi inontli, KOHtonce tunny diUK more and Ret a free shiiiiIii ol Chanib- erlani n Hunimcli and Liver tnuleU One or two dote will nuke you Well They also cure billoimness, tick head ache and conntipiition. 99 Howard. I will give $5 reward for the safe delivery of my four year old black mare on Crooked river, three miles above Yancey bridge, branded JB on right btifle, and hay four year old gelding branded J 13 on right stifle. Muv 16. Mhs. Lizzik Smith. Subscribe, for Ui v,sai. Mrbl Mines of ApilOrme Klver. ' Chant's Pass, June 17. to cor recft false improMsion - that linn been created that there Is no mar bio ii'i Oregon, and to estimate' the ijuuuity that in to he hud in Joseph ine comity alone, an investigation has been made of the undeveloped murhle giine located on Applcgute Itiver. These mines are located dltvetlv on the line of the proposed Oregon Pacific Railroad, and the one drawback of remoteness, which ha held them from' the ' channel ol commerce cilice tiieir discovery will bo utterly obliterated with (he completion of the new line. These mines liave been recently thorough ly Xertd nnd examined and arc pronounced as extensive sin an good marble mim an Can he found any'wlicre in AnicrUa, ' Lack of en terprise, linn been largely the cause of this iioiidn'vclupmciit. Doth black ami white ' marble eilHt'in the! AiphT"te mincn; In tU h must every variety of marble ll imiliri in mom who hip eacepuon of ;jititique green," un it in known by 'marble worker,' Tliin variety U very rare, bei iig found only in the uelebralcd mines of Italy, . i In thu Applcgate district mincn there pro a number of claims. The marble wan lirsl discovered in 1800 ah J located 10 yearn later. Kur all these yeurs;iis in usual with many nimilar irioiiition in Oregon, these claimn have lain practically undoveloieJ. In a numiier of theso claims, )ine of which have , been of dncli rock can be removed from thuna loincH witliput a foot of sink ing, owing to (heir ponitiun on the mount a i ii idc. ' Nearly all ihe marble used in Oregon comen from San Fruncb-co by way of I'ortliiinl,iuid conUfruiu iti tol'20 per Uiii( amirdiiig to itn character. With tlie building of the new railroad pant the Apple gait) miiieo and thus opening up for buine h, marble could lw lnjped Idirwi frnm theni to Portland for ! ton. It Cortland were furiiin hud mu ll asupplv, the city would use twice or thrice an much as it doe at prenent, which is enttmated at about three tons d.iily, Oti'un average. This marble, the same quality of which eonts 118 a ton in San Francisco, could be furnish ed by Oregon for one-third thin amount. Thin fact shows one of the advantages that will be derived by the building of a railroad from Grant's pass to tho Const, ,. Paul . Undeiiv md, charged with murdering his 8 weeks-i ld babe at Ballard, Wash., has been cantured. after about a two weeks' chase, and ! is now iu jail at South Bend. He alleges that his wifo knew about and took an active part in the do ing away of their infant, despite her strong denial. . Ho states that he will give testimony Implicating Mrs. Underwood on the stun J. ' How to Avoid Trouble. Now is tho time to provide yourself and tiimily with a bottle of Chamber lain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. It is ulinost certain to be needed tieloie the uiiiiiier is over, and if proeured now may mve you a trip to town in tlienifhtor in your bubi et nenson, It it everywhere admitted to be tlie most aucceiwlul medicine in uso fer bowel complaints, both for ' children sod adults. No family can atioi'd to be without' it. For sale by all druggi.iu. Cattle lor Hale. Bixty liexd of stock cattle, includ ing one thorotighhied loan Durham and one Imlf-blood ronn Durham hull. For particulars call si my farm or ad dress nie at Culver, Oregon. , T, t McCai-wstrh, TIjm wan MUuke. "Iliad read," said the colonel, as lie was relating some of bis ex - periences in China, "that if a per- ton fell into tho water no one could pull him out, holding that his full ing In was a decree of Providence that must not be interfered with, "One day, on one of of the canals I stumbled and went overbord,and although there were twelve boat men, not one of thtm could extend me it band. After a clone shave aslconnot swim, I got aboard again, and us soon as I recovered my breath I yelled at the bos boatman: "You Infernal scoundrel, why didn't you help me out?" "It was your fate- to fall in," he calmly replied. "And it's your fate to take a good I eking!" I a d as I went for him. "When I had finished him off 1 took another, and I was jupt polish ing off my lifth victim wheu the i-ixlli man halted me to say; , " There seems to bo a mistake here. We are taught that if a per son falls into tlie water he must nave himself, or drown, but we are not taught that if he does save him self he is at liberty to lick half of China in revenge." "I thought his point well taken," laughed the colonel, and I stopped my score at live and went down to change into dry clothe." Jim U of I.miic Cuunif I'lonror. Joel Ware, one of the best-known of the pioneers of Lane county, Ujetl at his home in Eugene, Hiunlay af ter ail extended illness, lie was known by all old residents of the county, having served for ten suc cessive terms as County Clerk. Mr. Ware wan born in Columbia coun ty,'Oliio, in is.'l2, and there sjent his boyhood days and received his education.! InlK52 he joined a party and came ecrot-s the plains to California. - lie settled in Hacia menlo and there worked for several years.at the 'printer's trade. In 1HR7 he reinoyed io Oregon and lived for a year in Portland.' Coin: ing to Eugene in lU-W," hit - worked for a time on the first, newspaper ever publinhed in this city, , In WA he was ussiiciutcd with II. R. Kineaid and William Thompson and nsi-isled in establishing, the Oregon Stale Journal, liut a year later he cold his'' interest in the paper and accepted a c'erk-sliip in the oflice of the Surveyor-General. In 1870 he was elected County Clerk of Lane county, to which ot fice be was elected for ten ' succcs-1 sive terms,' closing in '1890, .He made an elliecnl officer, ' ind bad many friends. At'.er retirement from office he was appointed United States Commissioner, anil .; did i much business in connection, with' the United States Land office. He; was married in 18S9 to Elizabeth i Cochran, and to them six children! wt're bl,r"- Mrti; NVttr0 dit!l1 ,lbouH' two years ago. The remains were buried in Odd Fellows Cemetry, .... , The Kanioim Uolil Hill ('aiiipS. K. C. Penland, a local mining man, rturned the other day from a visit to the Oold Hill district in Southern Oregon, where he went to inspect the Crystal Springs claim. It is not much moro than a mere prospect and he was miking un examination of it for other parties. Among the samples of ore which ; he brought back' was one somewhat' out of tho ordinary. It contained both galena und gold, a combina-l tion which is but rarelv found. One: portion of the rock was pure silver! , . , ,l-i ..' ., i and feed, while the opposite side( was ireeiy imprcgnatea Willi small j particjes of gold. 1 Mr. Penland did not remain long enough iu thu district to visit any of the leading properties, but while at Gold Hill he heard an interes ting tory regarding the founding (and growth of that lively camp I jThe first ground worked there nome j 20 yearn ago yielded an immense fortune in a very few months. Out of an excavation 20 feet deep, IS inches wide and 40 feet in length $.'150,000 in gold was taken, h.ince the name of the camp, Gold Hill. It proved to is; a pocket,' however, and no amount of prospecting has ever been sufficient to secure the continuation of the vein, When the pocket had become ex hausted the claim was soid for a good pri e to a local mining cha racter in that vicinity known as "Quartz" Smith. He spentseveral thousand dollars without success to! rediscover the lost vein. Finally I a !-'an Francisco clorivoyant wrote him that for a certain consider ation she would direct him ' in which way to drift to strike the lost vein. He implied that he did not need her assistance, having fully decided that tie was up against it and that the property was perfectly valueless, a month or so later a San Francisco man showed up and offered him $2,500 lo; the claim. He jumped at it and the transit of the ownership' of the proi erty was at once made. ' It later deve loped fhat tlie new owner had been a victim of the carivovant and he went broke acting upon her sugges tions, for wii.ch he paid high, in search of the vein that has never been located. ' - . (i.'t a In-' ..uii)lt; of OliHiiinerlain's ritoiiiiifli a mt Livi-r 'fnlilets at liny ilrtix eluie. I'licy are easier to tnke and more hlcitsaiit in efl'uel than pills. 1 iM'ii tlmr Oku la not followed by con--. itipa tion iikis ollen Ihe cane with iilu. Kigiilur sis -, Z.M. per box. IMwolmiun Notice, Notice is hereby given that the firm of Wakefield & Starr is this day dissolved by mutual consent, C. W. Starr retiring E. Z. Wake field collecting all bills and paying all indebtedness of the late firm. E. Z. Wakbheld, C. W. Stakk. ' DUkoIuiIuh Notice.' '' Notice in lierehy given thst the firm ol Michel & Kieaer known n the Bee Hue in Lhis riy dinnlvet hy mutual cuisciit. O M. Kiumt retiring. I cliel colto -t iikf all billn and paying fi ndebtnew of the Ute turn ! .. , , O- M. RlSSgB, '.MlCHKL. , Around the Capital, i .j- V will ntnH the value of nnedxllu und tvti c-nti (1.10) in lumlclet cnuinin twenty -.feii lien ii!l ink pbnbi.ntUKKa ski-tcli WunhiugUin life hy mail fur tell ceiltj, (cimli or sunn.) Qun Vtct.iria kniicbte.1 Sir John Teimiel ftir i.iiuilar artutic work . in (jonjon f Vour eHltr hw Hample thin.) NUTSHELL I'l'ULIMHINU ro.MPAXV. Hivj Thiol Ae-, New York, Poctoris find A Good Prescripti Ibr mankind WANTFD t A ant of M hmitk itat I I tA'N S wfll (Ml kentAl. Thy hftBUh pain and rnlob lif, Om jpvtM wtM. Not tli. word Rlf ANS on Oil pktktfft mm4 ceept bo MtMthutt. R'lfAN 3. for emu, mmw U kA it any drf v, Taa aunptet icl om ihotuw! ItariaiMiUU will b miU4 loinvadrimafor Rv cmu. Itraci, Ntw York. Prineville-Biiras Stage line AMOS BARBER, Prop'r. J ' -a -, ' ', Stage leoves Prinevillei Mondays and Thursdays, returning on Wednesdays' and Saturdays. Connect' at Paulina with Canyon City stage. Passengers- -and express carried at reasonable rates. Office at Templetoh & Soa'a drug store Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR New Idea Woman's Magazine rVowrl One Dollar THIS l Ihe ohupesl and best Fashion Magazine now be fore the American public II shows New Idras in Fathiuns. in Millinery, in Embroidery, hi Cooking;, In Voman's Work and In Reading; beauiifully Illustrated in colors aud In black and white Above all, It shows the very fashionable New I uea Styi.ks, made from Ntw Iwa Pat TiRNs, which cost only IOc. each. Send Five Cents To-day fwaatntf ropytrf lha Ntfw Iiwa Wohah's Mmminc. ami see whal rat (ot lit mony it can ytv you. " ;: :: tBI SEW IDEA rCBLISBIXG CO. CU Br.awir, X.w Trk, V. 1. Prineville-Sislers Stage Line......'. JCSN ELDER, Priprietor. Stages leave Prineville for Sisters and way points on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Passengers ear- , jricd at reasonable rates Oflice at Templeton & Son's ,drng store, Prineville, Ore.