Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1902)
Ji-i.iJLl.l,J Crook County Journal. I TIiiiUt Land, Aut Juw 3, Mis. i NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. COUNTY OFFICIAL l'APER. im'R8I)AY.Jl!NK 20 l'JOl Administrator' Notice. Timber Land, Act June , 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice Is hereby given tlint in coninli- iHnce .with the provisions of the net of Con-' I Own, Nevada, mill ashimrhin leni. ti.i v." as extended to all tile Publlo lsoid States by act f August 4, 1S1I2, tlw Mowing irsiina have thin dav tiled ill this office their ! sworn statements, t.swit: p provisions l llio net ul I on- u..-i,i V. lrAt. f Prineville. ooiintv resotluue. 3. 7fl, entitled "An net lur(l( (;nnk, state iif Oregon. "''"' statement Jlie sale HI mimci innus in w.c n ui . Kl, j, (r t purchase of tlw Ji ul St, iCaliloruia. Oregon. Nevada, and U ashing-: 0, ,, , M fc r a ton Territory." as MU.uiUil tu all the Pub-1 William M. ng, of Priiwvillr, couo. )k Land Miiu i by act of Augut , tlW-V t ,(.;,,,,, .ul, of Oregon, "r "tale alms A. Archibald, of Alliany, county ut , N J10 (r u,. ,,.,, ,J tl,. wj oj J.iiui, State ot Oregon, has this iluy hied in i .., ,,, m , r u . ,lliisomhi.svomtiai'iiiont.Vi,,W, for. Vlovd Howell. ..( Prineville, onuntr nfj (liie purchase oi tiw ' oi rwcuou .. s, ,,,. ut of ,wl,m .mt,.,,,,,,, S, nil lowiislmi o. S4 h., K;.w JNo. '.. . ftir ,,!, llt Hie n!i, sw mi I'sirmi States Land Omi'li, Ukviw, Oregon, Aiy 23, l'.iu!. Notice is horehy glvi n that in eiiniiiliaiice With Jh.iv..i,..i,. I "B Adams. .Imwl, late of .aid (Wk County, June .1, 1WH, entitled "An net for the wile of ., , ?; timber lauds In tlw states .if California, , i H persons liming tl.hin against said Nstic h hereby given Hint the undersigned has been apiailnled by tlw County oourt of of tlw State of Oregos for Crook County, (ItuluiKtmtKir of tlw entitle of William II MUte, urn heiYhy rniilrrd to pi em lit tuvh olniint. with iroir voiichun, within ii uinii tli Iri'in thla (lut, to nil t tlw uttion of W, A, Ml In 1'iliwvlllo, Orrm. Dated at i'rh.eville, t)ie(fuii, June I'Jih, 11XU. VM. ADAMS. Adpiiniitrator vl tin tats of William H. Aduiiw, ifeceaMii. Big Deal in Typewriters. Aualrlnn (lovrrimirnt Order Mm I til rrriulnrn. IU0( OT1CK i'OK 1'tmr.lCATlOX. uroof jltuid suU,'lit in limn' valuable for its timlair 't stone tlian for mrru-ultuml piir,., L1"'"" uoflC n ."u iind w estantol, hi. flaiin k. said 'land he- j r"S. , i Zl the ?ore A. l 1-almer, B. 8. Couiniiioioucr, at 'ur'1" I"'"-1'" I'rinrviile, (ireaon, on Haturduy, the IHh .day of AukusI, 1!i2. lie nuiiies an witnesnes: Jiiini'S Fltiat riek, Hula .Wis, Henry huc-eus and Oscar JCcyss, all of Albany, Oregon, and awW neU' mc. JUL tn 24 a., r. U America 1. lmne, of rnueviiie, c.iuity oi III etatouielil io. n- sev, Ht, ti. J4 , r. e. truur Powell, of Prinevilw, county of Cn.k, etiti. of iirmoiH .worn atateaieut No. lor the purcliaM of the ne'-J wj. 34, t. 24 ., r. II e. Parker 1). IHiak, of Pnneville, oounty of Ativ u ut a i ixTsons I'liiiiiiiio: mivcraeiv ... . .- . . the ril.od lands are requested to ;rr;k ."rte l' "? "w" '" " ' 5.: 7.. j- i .i.;. ..ui u.r. 414 for t he nurchaiie of the aw of (CO. 34, II llllVIO.C Ull o oc.wiv , I, lile their claims ii aid mil uav cf Auuust. I!U. jip K, M.UU ATTAIN, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3. Kit. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' United States I-and Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May 1. IMS. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S. 1878, entitled "An set tor the sale of timber lands In the states fit California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory." as extended to all the 'Public Land States by aet of August 4, iSnrj. the following persons have this day filed tn this office their sworn statements, jto-wlt: Adda E. Swisher of Moscow, county of Latuh. State of Idaho, sworn statement No. 300 for the purchase of the ss ne4. feVi nw4 and lot 2, Sec. 19, T 12 S.. R. 10 , VV. M. Arta fisher of Moscow, county of Latah, State of Idaho, sworn statement No. 11 for the purchase of the n nwv, r. 29 and sSi aw4 Sec. 20, T. 12 8., R. 10 W. M. Daisy F. Hooper, of Walla Walla, coun tv of Walla Walla. State of Washington. I wora statement No. Stti for the purchase lit L'4 a., r. i) I'harbs M. Klkim, of Ptineville. ooiintvnf CrMk, ute of tlrexon, sworn stntenieiit So. 41(1, for the purchase of the nwj sw1'., w!j ot". j seo. 32, and net iX . 31, tp. 23 r. 10 e. .Mary Davenport, of I'r l ille, county of Crook,' state of Ontiron, sworn statement No. 417, lor the purchase of the ei swj, w) and ne'i tcj sec, 31, tp. 23 ., r. 10 . Hattie O. Paln er, of Piiuevillr, county of Crook, state of Oregon, .worn statement 41. for the purchase ol the n:-s uw sec- .-o, ti. 24 a., and wj i sec, 31, tp. 23 a. , r. 10 e. John Combs, ul Prineville, county of Cnsik, state of Oregou, swum statement .Nu, 4111, for tlie purchase of the ne swi, H nwj sec, 32, and sel swii sec. 2!l, tp, 23 s., r, 10 e. It. Perry Isnii!, of Prineville, oounty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn tateuieiit No. 421 for the purchase of tile sw I sec. 32, tp. 24 s., r. 10 e. That ilier will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its Ibuiier or stone than for agricultural purpisws, and to establish their cl.tiin to said land issore ,. j. Palmer, U,S. (.'omuiMsloner, at hi. ottice at Prineville. Oregou, on Wednesday, the 3rd Pki-aktiiiint or Tun Imwiuor, ' Und Orhca at The Dallus Oregon, June U, IUD2. Notice h hereby given tl at tlw following itsmeii settler has tiled aotics nf his ititnntii.n t.i make final pna.f ineupport of hi. claim, and that said proof will lie mads Iwfiire A. C I'Jinor, U. S, Commissioner at 1'iin.itille, Oiegon, on Friday, August 1, 11102, vis: (ieorge Turner of Prineville, OreAm, Pre emption I). H. No. 0U'2 for the S. Iv '4 8. K. Seo. 31, MW'iHW !a Sw 32, T. 12, 8, K. 10 E and K N K A, eo 6, T. 13, R, K. 16 K, W. M. He nauiea the following wltneiwes to prove his titiutiiiiious rvsideiitie uisin and cultlratfon of said lamt, vli: I Heury Montgomery, Joliu Ijewls ajid W. II. Quinn of ( ; ri.ily Oregon, and .1. V. C'omp. ton, of Prineville, J19 Oregon. JAY KIACAS, llegister. lof the nVi swH and sl4 nw!4. Sec. 20, T. 12 I dHV ,. sntuilair. IDCK. Albert J Casey, of Moscow, county of LV ' " - vVn,?- T.atah. State of lduho. sworn statement No. 3-i3 for the purchase of the sw4 Sec. 17 T. 12 S R. 10 E.. W. M. Clara B. Wethered, of Moscow, county pf Iatah, State of Idaho, sworn state ment No. 3W for the purchase of the seU Sec. 30. T. 12 S., R. 1 E.. W. M. Jacob B. Schiffner. of Walla Walla, rounty of Valla Walla. State of Wash ington, sworn statement No. 805 for the purchase of the seVi Sec. . T. 12 8., K. Ill E.. W. M. They will offer proof to show that the . iand sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur jkircp. and to establish their claims to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles. Oregon, on Thursday, the 24th day of July, 1902. Thev name as witnesses: J. J. Schiff ner. W. P. Hooper. Daisy F. Hooper, of "Walla Walla. Wash.. Arta Fisher. A. J. Casey. Clara Wethered. Adda E. Swisher, j. A. Foley, of Moscow. Idaho, and D. W. AUingham, of Warm Spring. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request d to file their claims In this office on or before said 2h dav of Julv. la JAY P. LUCAS. Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE F0i: PUBLICATION. IVfTKD HT.ITKJ! LaXH (JKFICK, The Dalles, U egon. May 23, IW2. i'oiice is hereby given Inat iu compli ance with the provisions ottlie actolCjou rep of Huue 3, 1878, entitled "An act Ur the sale of timber lauds in the States cf California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all (be Public Land .States t,v ct of Auiiugt 4, JK92, the following persons have, on May ill, 1W2, filed in this office their sworn atatenienU, to wit: Edmund li While of Davidson, count; pi Polk, rjtale of Minnesota, sworn snle uient No 38d. for the purchase of the hk! 4 s wl 4 and Lola 3, 4 and n, See 6, T 18 s, ft 11 E, W M. Charles F Slater of Hood River, county of Wasco, Stale of Oregon, sworn state ment No 38t lor I lie purchase of the sw 1-4 hid 4, sel 4 Mtvl-4 and Lota 1 and 2, Sec i, T 19 , E 10 E, w M. Boyd N Sproato.' Hood Hiver, county of Wasco, State of Oregon, sworn state ment No 382 for the purchase of the hkI-4 kk14, ko sk1-4 and hwl-4 bkM Sec 1, T 19 s, B Id k. w it. Ki. liard E Cameron of Hood Kiver, county of Wasco, State ol Oregon, sworn statement No 383 for the purchase of Hie j ewl-4 nw1-4 and l-olfl 3 and 4, Sec 1 and Lot 1, riec 2, T 19 s a 10 e. w M of Linn, state of Oregon, Sworn statement No. 4fi7 for the purcha-c of the e i ol w y, sec. 27, tp 24 s, r ft e. Lee Morgan, of Albany, county of Linn, state of Oregou. Sworn statement No. 4us, for the purchase of the w ) ul e J sec. 27, tp 24 s, r U e. John Edwards, of Albany, county of Linn, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 415, lor the purchase of the sc sw. 34, tp 24 s, r II c. Clarence C. Dullrulllc, of Albany, county of Linn, state of Oregon, rtworii No. 420, for the purchase of the u Ji sw l4 sw '4 sw V, fix 29, aud uw H uw l sec. 32, tp 21 s, r 111 e. I Tlieixlore A. Rigjts, of Albany, county of! Linn, state of Oregon. Sworn stinciucut No. I 422, lor tlie purcnase oi tne sw yA sw sec. 19, n lA uw and sw 1 uw sec 3U, tp 24 .-, r 10 e. JasiK-r K, Miller. ofAlliunv, county of That thev will offnr proof lo Hhow that! Limi, tate of Oregon, Swoni tutcutcnt No. the land sought is more valuable fur its i -2S, lor the purchascof the n e sw timber or stoue than for agricultural i " "n,i "ff " r MJ -lablisl, their idaims to "L Tre v'a'lualTfor'" aaid land Ibefore the Register and Receiver timlwr UP (t0,fe thun fr wri,:utlai pur. of tins office at The Dalles, Oregon, on noses, and Ui establish their claim to sai.i Monday, the 131 tl day of October 19(12. land before A. (J, Palmer, U. S. Coumiis Thov name as witnessed: Chan F! "doner, at Sisters, Oregon, on Suturday, Plater, Rovd N Sproat, Ki. bard E Cam- Mli day '' August, Wr2. pron, Edmund K While, of Hood River. L ''; '!?mc T J"n!f" M i,n., i u n . ... a a l I. t. i Tu t, William T Stephens, Mclvtn llfeves. Oregon. 4 H Haner and A t Peck of i,,,, , ,,'. ih,ir..lli J M. Klkins, Hattie J. Palmer aud K. Pen) Long, all of Prineville. Oregon. Ai,y and all iiersoiu ciaiiiiing advtrst-ly the ab-ive-descrilieil lauus are requested I, hie their claims in thi ortice on or betore said 3rd day of Svpteiulier. 1902. jlll K. M. 1111 ATTAIN, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1X7:. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION;. f'giTen Statkh Laxu Oitii k, Lakeview, Oregon, .May 23, ll2. Notice is hereby given that incompliance with the provisions of the act of congress ol June 3, lKib, entitled "An act fir the sale of timber lands in the States of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wa-liiiiglou Territory, '' as extern led lo all the Public Land States by act of August 4, Ki2, tue following persons have this iluy tiled iu this office theirsworn statements, to-wit: j James M. Talt, ol Albany, county oi l Linn, stale ul Oregon. Hivorn .-tuteiuciit i P, -I... n.....i..... ..r i.u in - v l' i f ' j N W Sec. IS, T 24 S, It '. Francis J. Di vine, of Allaiov, county Linn state of Oregon, Sworn statement No. 403, for the purchase of the t sw , w J ae yA sec si, tp a s, r h e. William F. Stcibens, of Albany, county of Linn state of Oregon, Sworn statement No. 404, for the purchase of the c uw y, w 'A lie A sec. 22, tp 24 , r 9 e. Freilrick W. rlergnian, of Aliiany, county of Linn, state ol Oregon, tw orn statcmeiit Nu. 405, for tlui purchase of the e )i of c)4 sec. 22, tp24, re. Melvin Reeves, of Albany, county Linn, state of Oregon, Hwom stutemeiitN t S, for the purchase of the c ), of v',i sec. 27, tp 24 s, r 9 c. r.awuru li. unipnrcy, oi Aiiiuny, couoiy "OTICK KOK PL'ltLICATION. DcrAHTMiixT or Tint Isiggioii. Land Orricg ii Tin Dti.i.ics, Ohkhun, I June 10, 1U02. ' I Notice is hereby given that the following, n mied settler has tiled notice of his Intentiou to commute and make final pnsif in aupiHirt of his claim, and that said prn.if will lie made isifore .1. J. Smith, County Ulerk at Prllie t ills. Oregon, on Friday, August 1. 1902. via: Hi.nuali Dee, widow of Jolm Dee, deceased, of Oriazly, Oregon, H. K. No. 11013, f,.r the e! aw4, iiwj sw!4' aud sw nw!4' See, 27, '1. 12 S., it. lti K., W. M. She nmes the billowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation ol aaid land, via: (J. C.Malitig and A, L, Lipman, of Prine ville, Oregou, Ullliaiu llolierts, of Oriizlv, wn'gun, aud Lena Hurley, of Prineville, Ore gon. JAY P. LI CAS, jl9 lleglsur. "VfKNN.i, Ft)l. 7. Tlin gn'ttlcft "inglf purt'liuMo ' tyjiewrilera vur nimlu Inm Irnon ordered by tliu Min istry of Juntictt, wliiith, after tliroti inontliH ot exliunntivo coititt'tilivfi tint, lia cimtructt'd to equip tlie tutire miniHliy with not k'K tlmn 12(H) Smith Premier typewritem, supplying ewry court." l'rt'fr DispaUdi to Portland Orcgoniun, Foluimry 7. Portland otlittc Smith Promior Typewriter Co., 122 Third St., 1. & M. ALEXANDER & CO., Agentn. N W. T. FO(JLE, Agent, Priiievillo, Onfron Smith SSros., DEALERS IX Sonera TIforohandiso. SISTERS, OREGON. HI Keep on Hand, Sheepmen's Supplies of all kinds. Rangers and Campers Supplies. Camp outfitting. We Carry a Complete line of Groceries, Dry Goods-, Hardware Etc. We Respectfully soliet your trade. CHAMP SMITH. IS0M CLEEK. SMTH'S ALL Win of Cardui U Hhe guunliBii oi a worn an 'i health and happi ness from youth to old ngn. It helps her safely into notiinulicHid. It sustiiina her during the trials of prujtriancy, tdiililbirth and niothcrliood, niitkinj; labor easy and jirrvciilin flooding and mis-onrrinf-e. It gontly leiuU her tlirotih thn dnngmotiii period known as llio ohanoy) of )jf. E0' cures )jucorrli(r:l, fallinjr vl the womb, and menstrnnl irrejftilarity in evrj- fmn. It Is valuable in ever U-yiug period of a woman's lifo. It reinforces the nervous cystem, u'.4 directly ou the geni tal organs and is the finest tonic for women known. Ask your (lrug-jrist for a 81.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. Batetvllle, A Is., July 11, lKW. I am nelng Wise or Cardei and Tbed ford s Klack-Draaeht sod I feel like a different womaa already. Hevernl la dles bore ktnp the medleinas in their homes all the time. I have thrie girls and tbey are using It with me. Mrs. KATK UHOWMlt. Tar sdvlrs sivi lllwalnro, e'1-lrs.s. irivlng ryniplono. "Tl-.s Ltilw.' A'Ivisotv lii.'.rl ni.nt ".lis. Oil'sauus klcdiclne coniiNUiy, Claataaooss Teuu, Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigirs. IECEPTIOI. The Celebrated A. B. 0. Beer Always on Hand. Proprietors of (be Prineville Soda Works. Two Doors South of Firnt National Bank. PRIMVILLE, ORK. Kiie-pronf building, 903(W fwt, is now ready' to handle Meroliniulisc, Wool, ntc. HAUL YOUR FREIGHT TO SKAHIKO DEALEIW IN Coal, Flour, Lumber, Wood, Hay and Grain. Special Attention jfiveti to wool trnde. FirstHiliiss halinff and grading facilities. Also stock yarns, latest pluns. All .Modem Improvements for Handling Stock. PROrRIETORS:- f Fkkkch if- Co., Hankers, The T)uJUs. ' Moon Ilium., Hankers, All ru. I W. Lohd, The B..lln. LB. F. Lauoaun, The Dalles, This will save your Life By inducm j yon to use rs N ..lor.. covery. Consumption. Coughs and Colds. itend, Oregon. jas,ir if Mi'ib-r uii of Aibanv . (ir.iriiu. Theoniv Guaranteed Cure. Aiiv and all sTaons claiming adversely Any and all persons claiiiiliu; atTver-ely i flQ Cure. WO Pay. Your Drug- Hie ahove dewrilwd lands are requested the uixjve-ilesirilied lands are requested to gjej wjjj WuiTant it. io hid uiru ,-ini.iin in inm ouice jii or oe- i"ri .an.ii. ,,i w. "'""I , vm. u aamsA foresaid lSlh dav of October. 1902. said 3Uth day of August, Wr.. . , ABSOLUTELY CURES I JIO .r.. Jl. Dli.ix liVl.i, ivegisLcr. ni 2!) i JAY V LUCAS, Keitisler. NOTICE FOR I'UBLICATIOX. Land office at The Dalles, Oregon May 14, 1902. Entice is hereby given that the fnliowinir i ujied settler lias filed notice of his inten tiiio lo niake final prisif in support of his f.lniiu, ned that said proof will lie made before ,1, J Smith. Ceiiiity Cleia, at Priueviile, Or- fK", on ftiiliiy, June l'i, I'.HJz, vis- TIMBER CULTURE, FIX AL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htntcs Land Office The Dalles, OrcKon, June 1, 1IKI2. Notice is hereby given that Allen Hash ol 1 luystack, Oregon has liled notice of intention to iiu.kc final iroof la'fore J, J. ,Wiiith, County Clerltj at Iih ollice in Prine ville, Oregon 'on Friday the 1st day of Auetist, IHOi, on tnuis!r culture ai.pii calioii No 171. for the rt K X W t Sl . H Grip, influenza, Asthma, .Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, or any Afloctioa of the Throat and Lungs. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. Regular Eire 0 cents aud $1.00. .lis KistiKw Sisters. (Iregon. H. E. i ""' i'l-,' M." Mf". tne K'-Mii, .ml Ni4 Sec 3L I V of ftcc.No 5, in 1 No lo H. R -NoUlv., She tne fl ..., w,t.M U, prove ,,, ,,. (!vrus, and George Turner of hercntii.. ..... us.B and cult.ia-, p1.i;viic ad jUllla McCuin of Culver, Oregou. fn-11 us raid land. 7.; Hsnly A 1 1 en. Will Vanbiukirk, 1 lav id L, Aidlier, fo F, Ail!ui;haiii, i'.i'J .SIjIoih, Ore f"Mi I4V P- iMlHi, mil Reuistar, Jai P Ln.'.ts, Register. liHHOlutiou Notiie. Notice is hereby given that tlifl firm of Michel 4 Kisser known ns the lice Hive is this day dissolved by mutual I consent. 0. M. Risser retiring. 1. (( chel cnlleclinj; all hills and pitying indebtiiess of the late firm. 0. M. Kisser. . MlCHKL. A. M. KELSAT, General Manager. Lumber, $11 perm Fish Sawed Shingles $2.75 per m. at SMIPP'S. gubscribe for the Journal. The dental work of Dr.C. A. Clme is too well known in this country to need any praise. He can always be found si t lliuold stand, licit door to the First National Bank. Give hi in a call. Uty JJarocr OAop. Powell cf Cyrus, Proprietors. t una vota jacis, fpr;:,u ).