Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 26, 1902, Image 12

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' j fV??
Koseoe Knox was down hoin Post
fcumlay - . .. . ,f v
James Kelly ot Hay Creek, was; a
il'rincvillc visitor the lirst of the week.
"Cohhy:l Stroud is working behind
'the counter ut the liechive. w
Court Allen of Lava wua Priue
"ville visitor Monday.
H, Uamsdcll, of Antelope, was in
the oily Mondny.
Will 1 1 ik id in is visiting friends mid
4vlatives in Lebanon.
J. L. MoCulloch, the rustling tim
licr locator, nmde Cirinsu Valley a fly
ing visit Inst week.
The Base Bull Club has ordered new
suits, and i.ext Sunday the boys will
come out dressed ior bull playing.
Mark Powell ot McKay creek was
in the city Monday looking nftei busi
ness mutters.
Kidge Dinner is home from Corval
lis, wheie he lias been attending the
iitate Normal School.
Henry Grimes who has been very
: poorly lately, suffered a backset lately
Mud is in a very serious condition Irmn
lute reports.
" (jeurgi Circle nud his mother left
Tuesday morning for La Grande, via
of Shaniko. They will be gone about
ten days.
J. U. Poindexter and Mrs. E ' Poin
dexter, of Ash'vood, were visiting re
latives nnd friends iu Prinevitle the
lirst of the week.
Billy Zell, ut) old time printer, was
in this otliee Tuesday and showed lis
bow they used to do it.
, .Haying will commence on several
of tlie ranches m tins vicinity uoriiig
t he week uud from all reports their
will be good crop. "
There seems to be a scarcity oi
Lands in the county this year and the
farmers are uttering good prices tar
men to work in the hay fields.
The revival meetings commenced
Tuesday night in the M. K. church
are lieing well attended. Miss Mary
Brown, of Spokane is conducting the
ten ices.
We aie having some cooler weather,
!i ml the rain Monday was of great
benefit to the growing crops.
Tracey and Merrill will no doubt be
jible to celebrate the 4th of Joly in re
gard to Liberty and Independence.
Mr. Parker of tliia' office hag been
in very oor benlh for the past two
Dr. Holt of Portland will conduct
worship next Sabbath both morning
and evening in the Union Chinch.
All are cordially invited to these ser
vices. The members of the Faculty of the
Oiegon Agricultural College, left Tues
day iiiorn intr for Bend where they wi'l
lecture Tuesday night. Fruiu there
they will go to Bums.
Profs. Ji.s. Withyci nib, E. E. Lake
and F. L. Kent, of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, of Corvallis, weie in
Prmevilie the first of the week.
.! II. McCabe and wile, A, O'Kelly
and wile, Miss M. Maluuey and 1). J
twceney, of Spokane, were in the city
Monday and while here tiled tin tim
bi-r claims.
.1. li. Bennett brouglit to the JolK
NAl. otliee soni fine samples of whest
and lye grown uti his faun near La
liionti. Mr. J. E. Calami! closed it siicees-t.
ful lerni of school al the lower McKay
neiit4 bo'isw last Tue.-dny. Xext week
we will publish lite program in full.
A good ciowl was out. Sunday tnsee
the practice siiiiih' of base lull. The
loys a-re getting in good haie toplny,
olid wwl be ble to give Haystack u
loud game oh rhe lib of July.
i i veuueii, uie eiiei, nirner I
1.' E II .i . I . . t t. . I . '
who iuiH been working m ilia shop ol
1 ice .Vdiilns for the past two months,
fc'.t SiiMiliiy lor his Imnie in Portland,
lie lutiy lotiMitand heiiome A peruia-
eMt residKHl of this city.
Miss Iaki Vriiliiv retiwiml t her
iome a-t Ct.'s K''i's, Weill. esday, from
lJa!-Cnrti:ilil(i ulines in I'ulu.rt-itia,
t'liece' sio bus been yisit inji her sister,
Jfcr W. M. Davey, foi uiouihs
WAN IKD A woman tod.. goMrrnl
I housework. Good whjjos paid. Cull
or write to Mrs. Lee Wigle, on Crook-
,l I'i.-nl' '
John Tcnipelton imd Water.. Kay
wtiut rabbit hunting Sunday. They
killt'il till I in two hours. John says
lint bis gun barrels woi" inel'-
eil. Kay hn a sore shoulder from the
vicious kicking of the gun: the boys
bid a good tone and iiinde a good start
townrds cxtoiniinaling the rabbit
population in the live (irnsa neighbor
hood. Lost; somewhere on the road be
tween Priucv i!e and the Circle place;
a black cai, nine years old, belonging
to Mac CoriH tl. Mac ia icry anxious
to see the rat so anyone linding ii
please briny it home.
John Arnold, of Rye (trass, while on
the road to Sininiko with a load of
wool, met with an accident which
came very near costing him bis life.
He fell oil' of the wagon and stiuek on
the wheel with force enough to break
a couple oi nbs. lie Is doing well
Iruin last reports and will soon be able
to tie around.
Grunt Mays, forniely a business ninii
of The Dalle, but at present a stock
man of Camp C'eek, was brought to
lo town tin' latier part ot last week
with a well developed case otThyphoid
.Mularii) lever. Dr. Rosenberg met.
him on (he road in ami made the trip
in easy us J OS bid fo; him
under Hie onvuioctniieea. He was
taken to P 'imiexter's Hotel, and at
last rcpoil was getting along nicely.
We hope thai in a short lime he Wih
lie fully ncnveied.
The While foliar line will sell round
trip tickets lor one tare lor tin: round
trni, good l'( i:r Julc Ilrii and -ith unit
' returning to and including the (ith,
for the ucneiit of any who in.iy vusli
to take in tlie i'ouilli oi .inly celeboi
Hon at any o! I lit-points on tlie rivci
between iiie Ualles ami l'oillaiid.
AKri'ull ueiii I'olUxc iH!elurra
The l.eeiu-1. s and illustrations given
Monday ni,;l,t by meinliers vf the
faculty oi t lie Oiegon .Agricultural
'College were very iiiierctiug. A large
and ilUeiu.'.'-. audience weiu out noo
all went aivy satislied. 1'isf. Withy
cumb gave a siiort uttdress on tlie
workings ut the college and tlie re
sults. Pro:. Y.. R. Lake next give a
very interesting talk about the poison
oua plants ut tins etute, their luiiuie,
growth ami Viiiieties. Some interes
ting points wi re given no this suoject.
Last bill not lea at were the Steieoji
lican view-. Prof. Kent illiistiuied
these with a short talk. Some line
viens of tl,c college bniitiugs and farm
were shown. Prof Withycomb ex
plained the diilcreiiee in the various
tireeda ol livesurk, and the best class
of beef stock. Some fine pictures ol
livestock were shown. Some pictures
of a singie lilier ol wool luaguiJiied 7oU
times were show n, and of these one
was Crook county wool. The Pro)
said they kvi seaiched all over to liud
a beiter sainpie, Inn failed, so Ciook
County has tlie (iistinctioii of produ
cing the hiicl ssinple of wool in the
United Suites. Oregon shoulil (eel
proud of this school as it is doing a
great work t.r.varils the betterment of
ihe Agriciii:iiial and livestock indus
try of the slate. Last year there were
ibH pupil., enrolled; oi toe 3.1 counties
in the stale, o2 were repicseuled in
the college, six of whom were from
Crook county. Prof. ithycomb ex-
pressed himself aa well ph ased will, j
tlie interest siunvti in
iii irtviiiiii,
lie said Hint Piiueville had a line
class of people and he could not ol
neked lor u more attenlive audience.
Tracy and Merrill, the escaped
convicts, have not been seen for
two or three liaySjUtid the detectives
that arc alter them arc playing a
waiting game
A dispiitch from Tueonia an
nounces that Ben Merril, it brother
of David Merrill, the escaped con
vict, Imp given up a job in a lumber
camp, drawn ihe money corning to
hitn and left to jjiiu- his brother, (lo
ehiriug that. I will fieht u protect
him aiiiiiot his pursuer.''. The au bUjuld. Umh uJcttt lutu in
While Oak Siio's.
These Shoes are minle of tin very
tock. The best is iihvuvit the flii'iti.cHt.
Every pair wiirrunleil. Special
tion culled to the liovs ami youths,'
slioes iimt'e of thin lealiicr.
We are sole agents for
I Hsrrah for Haystack.
Sho is soing to
Tlie forenoon exercises will con
I'ift of, Music, Speaking und lleaii
ing; Picnic Dinner.
The uiternoon iiuitlscmentK are;
Haw Pnli game, foot riii'es, Horse
raeees, potuloc races, sack ruees,
Bicycle races, three legged races
Tog of war.
I I'll!
tPlatfcrm 2)ance
at cf('ght.
Music liy filiiirji's String Uand
from IVineville. Stuiper on the
ground after fi:00 I'. M.
Good Camp (irotind for those
wishing to cnnip. Wood n ml water
on the grounds.
Ilav and Grain Plenty.
pvCrVl)()ly IS COrdijll!)'
IT.. J I i C T
iiiviTtHi to umw Hid we
Will Trwit Yon llMit
I Hi 1
U1U u
For American
Manafacturedl Fireworks
IBowling Jillcy,
Choice Fruits, Candies, Jce
Cream, Nuts, etc.
Give us a trial.
tug 1532
a HI
H . if.ii A i
L-.l - -'-'1
Dl 11 "'1' V
. . to thk , .
. . OK . .
Do You Know
Barbed Wire
Pun's more fet to ths potnl thin
riml Is eiiual in strcnirth to the .trontr-st?
Length to one pound, 2-point regular, IH.S.j feet; 4-poiut reKiilar, 18.20 feet;
weight, one mile in len'tli, regulur, 2S0 pounds; J-point regular. 2!K)
pottnds. ?
Von are not m much interested in the price wr pound as the actual rest
per rod or mile.
Figure for yourselves, then consult our nearest agent. Thin will result in
your buying the WAUKEGAN.
Wall yapcr Mthmotic.
The new styles of Wall Paper jusf received, also the
Bum you add to your savings by buying of us
The amount we uro deducting from other dealers prices
The customer tells her friends that she lias discovered
the economical jilacu fo buy Wall Paper) her fiiends
become our customers.
Our profits are cut in two, that we may have more
trade than before.
Do you want Wall 1'atier on the profit-sharing plan?
D. P. ADAIHSON'S Drug Store is the Place.
I mt
" """ '
The Bilt-wll Shoe.
Unexcelled or tvli, dttniliility iuul com
fort. The liest of everything used in tljccnn
rtruelioii of tliee tiliop. Try it pair mid you
will buy only Tlie HILT WELL SHOE.
ItftfW .. Cl
-iw ?''''.; vvvA wti
t' . he' ', y;"Jf." '"I
kiv oth.T BtriH Wl nn onrth
Elkins Q King,
yUJi Write for prices. We are the lowest.
. i