Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 19, 1902, Image 8

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    f4Wt&MM tWM j.u :l-iMXt, v,, fij
In bulk we have Peas, Beans, Cora, Carrot,
Turnip, Parsnip, Radish, Beets, Squash, Sweet
Peas, Nasturtiums, lied Clover, Alfalfa, Brcimis
Iuenmis, Kentucky Blue Grass and White Clover.
A full line of Garden Seeds in packages.
We still carry a full line of Genoral Merchan
dise and Harr,"iro. A now line of Hats and
Crash Gfooic f prin and Cummer wear. La
dies' cJhirt Wau .... Our Gents' Furnishing Goods
Department is replete with the latoat iashionc
Timber Land, Art June 1S78,
1'liitcd States Land Office.
The Dalle. Ore., A,.ril 21, 1902. I
'Notice it hereby given that ill complianca
ya-ith the.provudnns f the Act of Cobkiwh of
.June 3, 178, entitled "An ot for the sale of ;
.timber landi in the State uf (.alilornia, lire-. ROt ,ir the a.iiu "I Humor laud in the
,iron, Nevada and Waatuiiirtou Territory," as states nf California. Orcg-.n. Nevada,
extended to all the fubliu Land States lijp Aot '. mid Washington Territory," as extended
,..f August 4. Mtt. the followiug person have J to all the public laud states liy hoi of A'l
'this day tiled iu thin oilic their sworn stata- j cwt 4, 1902, Hie following person have
.lueuta, vu:
Auuie Johnson, of Spokane, comity of Spo.
ikane, stule of Washington, sworn Utemrnt
'No. 255 ior the purchase at the SWJi Sec. 4,
T. IS S., K. f K., w. :
Lena EUe.rt.-am. of Spokane, county of pn-
,kaae, state of W asluiigtoD, sworn statement
No. 25 for the purchws, of the N A Sec.
24. J. 13 S., K. 10 r;., . .U. v ..or ' .i
" , , . . ..,.., , c ' awoin atite Hint No. '.'I.!) for tliu piir
Ole SvratsaL of S.kane, county of hpo- , ... ... a u in
kane,.taleof Whi..Kwn, .uteuient ' !"; til N J W-'. I 1J 8, R 10
'.No. 217 for the l.urchaae of the N W Vt Sec A), s t, W M.
J'. 14 S., K. 10 K., V. M. 1 Si lniii I'liiilips, of Sookne, couiiiy of
(lie I'stad, of Spokane, enmity of Spokane, Spokane, a'aie if Waaliiiioton, aworn
,tate of Waahinirtou, awnrn statement No. I 3titfiitriit No. ilifl for t lip urc!oie of
2for the purchaae of the SV Sec. at), 1. j the NW T y, s . 1() K w M
i S., K. Id E.. IV . M. I Edward J. itm. f SiaAani.. coimtv
HartVHj I'.llertaon, oipoiU.t. ... of Vt ashm,'tv;i, .irll Ute-
.meat No. a for tne purchase of the SJS',,
Sec. 17, T. Vi S., K. 10 E., W. M.
That they will offer to ahow that the :
land sought U more valuable for ita ttuioer or
.stuue than for aiiricnl.ural puruiwea, and Ui
,etal.lUu their Uaim to said laud before the
liegister and receiver uf this otfice at The
Dalles, Oie..ii, on edueaday, the llith day
,..f July, 11102.
They name aa wit.ieasea: Ob Simiwou,
Thomas H. Tollefaen, oluf Johiuon. (joo.K'e
B. Taylor, Die Syrsud, liana S. Soeroa, leter
Arnevift A. C. Hanson, Ole Ustad, Via L.
Holf au.i Ti.oinaa C. Tollct'aeu, all of Spo
kane, Waahinxwn.
An and all persona claiming adversely the
iabove-described lands are requested to tilt-1
ti.eir clayin in this otfice on or before aaut loth I ceuer ot tniaolhceut lhe DjIius, Dre
i.y of July, 11102. e"H. Friday, July !8. I'M:.
Jay. V. Lucas, ReKiatr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
C.nitbu Statuji Land Otock,
The Dailea, Ore., April 21, 1902
Notice is hereby given thai ill coiu-
r.K..,.i U.-..I, thu i.t-ovntioxu of thd act of
Lnre of June 3. 1873. entitled "An I
u.o t,.e fi.M ualw of tioiiter lands ill tile .
urates of Calilorma, Oregon, Nevada and
Wasliinati'U Territory," exteuded to
jill the P.iblic Laud Stales by act of Au
gust 4, 1892, the follnwniK persons have
itlils day tiled in this oltioe their awurn
.Slateluellls, to-lt:
Peter Aruevig, of Spokane, county of
.Spokane, slate of Washingtuu, sworn No. 2D9 for the purchase of
theS Wl of Sec 8, T 13 S, K 10 E, W M.
H ins S. Soeros, nf Spokane, county
..if Spokane., slate of Washington, sworn
.atatemeot No. 2lK) for the purchase of
the M SE and NJ SW Sec 5, T 13 S,
& 10 fi. W M.
Andrew (J. Haoaiai, of Spokane, coun
ty of Spokane, stale of nashiiia'toii,
nvorn statement No. 2(11 for tile pur
chase, of the S NW j and lots ami 4
Sec 5. T 13 S. K 10 E. W M.
Ole I, Holf. of Sp..kane, cnunty of
.Spokane, Mate of Washington, swm
statement N. tor ti,e purcnase or
(the NWt Sec 1:., T 13 8, E 10 E, W M.
0 uf Jiihiinou. of Spokane, county of
Sookane, slate of Washington, sworn
.statement. No. 273 for tin) purchase of
Iib SEi Sec 2, T 14 S. K 10 E, W M.
Thomas C. Tollefaen, of Spokane,
counly of Spokane, stile . t Wnshineton,
jtworu stateoieut No. 2'd3 for the pur
chase of the SW Sec 13, T 13 S, K 10
JE, W M.
Tint they will oner proo! to snow mat
the land sought is more valuable for its
4iuiber or stone than for agricultural I
purposes, and to establish their claims to i
a.tllt land ne.ore Hie rveiris.erauu jveceiv
er of this oHice at The Dalles, Oresoii,
Thursday, July 17. 1902.
Tlp.'y name as wilnissHs: Hartvin El
lertaoii, (H biiiipr.u, Edward J. Boss,
Xieorge It. Tavl-r, Ole I, H"ff, Thomas
H. T-llefsen, Tli nmis C Tollcisen. Ole
Csfad, Peter Aruevig, Hans S. Kocr.,
lie Syrslad, A. 0. Hatis. li, til of Spo
kane Washington.
Auv and all persons claiiuinz adversely
he above described lauds are requested
at. i H'e their claims in this ofiiw u or tw,si4 17'b ''"' -'"'y.
i 4 V ?, Jt-CAS, Jlezister.
... i . r ... r : it..:..
Timber Laud, Act June II. 1878.
notice for publication.
I'nitkh Sr.TKs Land (Hyicr, ,
Tub Dalh-s, Ore , Aptil 21, J902. 1
Notice is hereby given tlmt Hi compli
ance with tlie ptovsaioii if the net nl
Uongress iif .lime 3, 1878, entitled "All
j I Ills uay uieu III mob muir sworn
I statement!, to-wtt:
(lie Simpson, of Spokane, county nf
Spokane, s'ate of Washington, (worn
statement No. -04 for the port-hnse of
til.. SK Sec 8, T 111 8, H 10 E, VV 41.
Thomas 11. T.ille tacit, of HiM.kitlie.
, S,.U., ... f Wa.liii..l..ii.
( Val.ii1Rr.,i,. .worn
.. ,
atntel.'el.t No. 2, for ti e pmchaae of
the SWJ Sec 3.!. T 11' S, 11 10 K. II.
He t. Anderson, of hp..Une, ciiuiy
of Spokane. MUte f VashiM.t..n, sworn
stati'ineni No. '2iM for the pin:hxH ot
the Si NEJ ami loia 1 and 2, Soc T
US, H10 E, W M.
Arne herkland, of Spokane, County of
Spokane, ut.' of U aliii.clon. aaroru
alalenient No. U70 for the iun-liaae of
the Sk N W and lola IS and 4, Sec 'J T
14S.K10K, W M.
That tliey will offer proof to allow that
the bind sought is more ialu-illi foe ita
timber or stone than foraoricoliurnl iif-
Ll)ri Hnd to eatal.lili their claims to
8aid l:.nd Iwfore the K ( and Ke-
They name a wilmwsea: 1'eier A
tieviir, Slieriuau C.'iihil.'toii, Ole Syrsia.l,
Thomas 0. TolWaen, 01,- L. Hull', Ed
ward .1. Hoss, (jenrife II Tayl'T, Tlotinaa
H. Tollefaen, Ole Simpson, HaHvix El, all of Spokaiie, Washington.
Any and all persons ciaiioinna.leraely
the aimve ilefecrihed lands are requested
t tile their claim in this oftice on or be-
"' ."!.?' "f '"' 1''-'
JAV P. H'C'Aii. kegiter.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78.
U.mtku Statbj. LtNU Ornoit.
The Dalles, the., April 23, 1902.
Notice is heieby given llml in compli
ance the provisions of the act o;
Coiiu'i'eaa of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act f oi t he sale -.t tuiili.-r lau.ia in tin
stales of Calilorma, Oregon, Nevada,
iid Washi.iuioii Territory," aa eU'iile.J
to nil the puolic land stales by act f Au
i!Usl 4. 1892, lhe followim. person nave
tile.) in tlna ottice I l.eir sh.h i stiiti.'iueuis,
Shi-rm.-iu Ciiuoletoti, of Milan, coirity
oi Sp -kaiie. stale of S'ashiuton, sworn
statement. No. 271, tiled April !I02.
for the purchase of the Ni NIl, bEj
N Jl'i and N W NEJ Sec 28, T 13 S. K
10 E. W M.
easie T-'llefseii, of Spokane, county
of SMkane, state of Wuahuiojoi., sworn
slalemcnt No. 272, tiled Vpnl 21. 1002.
for the purchase of the Slf'l Sec 9, T 13
S, U 10 E, W M
fJeorue B. Taylor, o' Spokane, couu'y
of fipokane. srate of Washington, sworn
staicinent No. 274, Bleu April 21, 1302,
for the purchase of the S'Ei Sec 32, T 12
,8, U 10 E. W M.
Klleii tan Hook, of Spokane, counly
of Spokane, state of Washington, sworn
s'aiement No. 275, filed April 21, 1902.
for the purchase of th-j .SEj Sec 4, T 13
H, K 10 K. V 31.
Henry Tolli'fieii, of Spokane, county
of Spokane, state of Waahing'ou, ew-m
stafeinent N . 270, tiled April 22, 1902.
for the purchase of the N If'J Sec 30, T
12 K. R 10 E, W M
(Jjert Mikelson, of Spokan, county. of
Spokane, state of Washington, sworn
stHtprient No. 277, tiled Aoril 22, 1902.
for the purchase of the NKJ .Sec 32, '1'
13 , R 10 E. W M.
Thev wi offer proi.f to show that the
land sought is more valusnle for its tim
ber or stone than for airriciiltnral pur-
posts, H.isl to establish their claims to
I said laud before the JVgitter and Re
ceiver of tl.ia . tlice at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Saturday. July 19, 1:102.
Thry iiainu ai witnesses: Ole K.' An
derson, Ole L. Holt, Ariie ll.Tkelai.d,
Peter Arming, llai'tviu Elleriaon, M
Simpson, Kdward J. B'-ss, t.onrx'e H.
Taylor, Tho.miH H. Tollefaen, all of S o
kauu, Washington, and Sl.ermali Couuiu
ton, of Milan, Wusii.uilou.
Any and alt persons claiuiin1.; adversely
the above describrd lands are r.'.j.itslt'd
to file their claims m this uthce on or be
fore said 19ih day of July, l!H2,
inlp JAV. i'. LL'CA.S, Keeiater.
Land Cilice at The Dalles, Otiuon,
April 23, 1902.
Notice ia hereby ivin hi uompli
atice Willi the pr.otstooN ..f the act ot of June 3. 1878. entitled "An
act lor lhe sale ot umber lauds lit the
states ot California, Oroooii, Nevada,
and Washington Tei rtlory.'1 aa extended
lo all the puoltc hind stuies by act ot Au
aitst 4, ltj!2, lhe I. -Ilo win prisons ha.e
tiled tn this ..dice their sworn s'afett.ciita,
to-a it:
Wiiiiam T. Rordetio, of Moscow, coun
fy of L'ttall, state of Idaho, sw.a-u siate
ment N... 252, tii.i.l April 19, 1902,, for
the purrhsse of the V iilitl lot 4
kcc 31, T 11 a, R JO K. and 3. sicmoii
li, to 12 South, ralnie 10 east. V, S,
Nannie 11. B-.r.ieuo, .t Mimcow, coun
ty ot L .tall, atate "f Idaho, saotll state
nieul N-. 253, tiled April 19, 1902, for
thu puichaae ol tl.e 1 Nw sec, 31, and
ei sec 30, tp 11 s. R 10 E, V.' ,M.
1V...I C. True, of Pullman, counly of
Whitman, stale of If 'aahlntOou, sw.u.i
siatetiient No. 251, tiled April 2f, 1992,
tor tile purvlias... o tile S j Section 30, T
t II ::. it 10 K, ' M
That liny "ill 'ilfer proof to show that
the land sought is un-ic valuable for its
i timta.r or stun. . than tor aoricuitural par
; P('se, ami to establish the:r claims to
J said laud befor. the Reiiter and Ke-
ceiver of thia .itticu at I'iie DHJe, (We
: L'"ti. on Titesilay, the loth day of J rVij' ,
, 1902.
They name as witnesses: J. H. Luinp
j kin, J, A. Foley, Nannie li. B ir.leuo, I)
i 11. Kobtnson, W'itliitni T. Bordeuo,
j Jatnew f Jibbs. Vinsi.ov M. Hoaland
'amlTluw K. K.-luy, all ot Moscow,
I Any and all persons claimitiL' adversely
1 the abote described lands are advised to
; file their claims lit Hits olKco on or be-
lore said 15ih dar of July. 1901.
njp JAY V. LI CAS, Keuisler.
j Tni.twr Land, Act June 3, 1878.
j U.mtw Sta i ks L.-.NH On'ii K,
j Tae Dalles, (lie., April 19, 1902
Notice is hercl.y t'lvrt. that in eompli-lanct-
unit 'he provisions of liie a.:t of
1 Congreas of June 3, 18(8, eutitled "An
j at', lor the sale of tiuiUer !afids Hi the
.slates ot California, Oregon, Xctada,
(and Washington Territory." as emended
J to all ihe public land rtates by act of Au
gust 4. 1902, the following person have
lilts day tiled in this olhce their (worn
statement, to-wii;
Jaitiea A, (iibn, of M.iscow, cKinty of
Lali.h, stale of Idaho, sworn statement
No. 248 for the purchase of the dwj of
section 32, I 11 a, 8 10 t. w M.
Jiweph 11. Lumpkin, of Mascow, coun
ty of, Latah, siatte of Idaho, sworn state
ment No. ?4! for the purchase of the
NK,1 of section 31, T 1 1 s, K 10 K, W M.
Winslow M. Howhind, of Mic..w,
county of Latah, state of Idaho, woru
statement No 260 for the purchasu of
the ml of section 32, T 1 1 . It 10 K. w M.
Thou. us V. Kelsay. of Filloi.s, c-iunty
of IKhitiuaii, state of ir.ishin'.'lon, sworn
staiemeut No. 25 for the purchase of
the k of section 31, T 11 . 10 K, w M
That they will offer proof p. show that
the land siaight is more valuable for its
timber or stone that, for agricultural
purposes, and to establish their claims lo
said land la-fore lhe Register and Re
ceiver uf this ollice tit the The Dalies.
Or.-gon. on Monday, the 14th day of
July, 1902.
'I hey name as witnesses: .1 A. Vole y
D. H. Bobiuaou James A. Uihb, lien E.
Hush, Jo.iepfi U. Lumpkin, Win. Tr Bor
den.., If malum M. Howlsnd, Jaitiea A
Foley, nil of Moscow, Idaho, and T. V.
K. Isav, "f Kail. .us, n'aahingfuii.
Any and nil peaaoos clainiinit adversely
the above described lauds are requested
'e on or be- i
tore said Mill ib.v of July, 1102.
in lp JAY P. LUCAS, Kei'ii'er.
Tonlar L.ii.l. Act Juiie 3, 19,12
I'mtkp SrATK Lami l)yt n:i:,
The Dalles, Hid , April 24, l' 2
NoLlt't. IS h. i-i.l..' ulv.o. MIMt In .'o.iioii.
- J - I ' j
ante mill lhe provisions of the sci of I
Congress of June 3, 1878, eulllie.1 "An)
act t..r the sale ot limber lauds in the
slates of Caliaotnia, Oregon, Ncv.ida.
and !rashiiiu.ton IVtrit.-ry,' as i xt. ndi-d
to all the ii.Hiiic lami stales by act of Au
gust 4, 1902, Ihe loilowti.g prianii bate
this .lay hied in 'In olhcv their sworn
statements, tu-wit,
Krank R ll.-M.-r, ,.f Milan, county of
Spokane, state of irasliiUKlop, sworn
sialemeiil No 278 for the ptircli of
..i . .,i 1., ,. io u .
to lile their claim iu this
inn r.t rev . . " Kiltt.a ot 'alirurill. 0-.-i(..n. N. vad ..
Oeoiifii D CoiikI.-ioi.. of Vltltti, nud Waablnyton Terrttorv." as eso-nuftd
of Spokaii , stale "f B'ahiUKiou, sworn 1,11 b' ,l';,h" '-'"d Kiaies by an ..f
I. , . . Augiial J, lit?-,
statement No. for the pitrol.a.e ol rharle l'H.-,
the nk! section 32, T 12 a, k 10 K, w M "t Ainany, roumy of l.inu. Htsie of dre.
II, i i i ai , t, .i . , K"n. baa t litis .lay filed In this oflt.-e hi j, M.tiunt.ii, ..f hie D.II.S, :;wrn ,,' N. M ,r , ,.
county of II aso.., slate -'f Or. got., saortl Seliase t,f the s.. of Kwtloii No Toan-
slalemeot No 280 l.u ihe p.o.h ,.. til I 'b',.' ""h- V-,M
, . 1 ... .will niter proof to show that the lap I
thu Ni:J of section 29, T 12 s,K 10 , V ,,ht la more vulu.ii.!e t,.r ll nnils-r
Thai they mil oil. i pro-d tost." thin w alone than for i.KrleulUiral purposes.
,1,,. i iM.;...i., ,i.i. ,, r "tin lo eatanllsh hla I. sunt land
the I..I..1 songbus mole aiuable ..r ll. ,H.(uru A c ytlmir, I'. H. fomnilasl..n
liiniirr or atone thiol for Hgtivuitui .1 ler. at I'tuevllle, i.r.-S'.n on Haiur.l.i).
purposes, and lo usiablish i heir llanos to. l!i 'l"' Ahkuu'I. Irj.
. i I,. . , i , i . i lie names as wlttu-sseM, Jsmes Vim-
said laud beliil.. the lo gisl. r and lie-, patrlck. ki ln Nela. Henry Hn.awir an4
Ceiyer ol this ..thee al .lie Dath's, Ore-' i 'Si-nr vmvhs, all of Allstuv. lirl,on.
eon on Moiolnt the I,. I Any ami ill i.i-r..r,s rinlinlna aMvers.-
I'., l on lomiay, in. .int tlay of InlJ.,,,. ,np ulK,v.,ie-,Tih.j ,i, are r.m,t-
192 . ni to ni-; lin-lr elulma In tola nltl i or
They num.. aa aitn. see.: Ole
Til. mi is H. Tollefaen, (ieoii.." H Ty.
Ole L H"tf, of Spolaoe, H ash iietoii.
Shermsll t'olitfleloli of .Moan. If'ss.iite'.
ion, and Mil.e Coim.-iv, Joho Itioi'j,,
rreo i. omiiii, i .iter, t.r i
Tlie Dalle., Or.-g,
Any and till persons claiu int. ndversely
,,, , - . , ,
ill persons claiu tut; ndversely
b.suribetl lands srii rciiui-nw.!
r Clam,. Wl 'hi. olhc.: m. or be-
the above
i tile their claiu.a tn 'his olh.-e .p. or be
fore said 21sr day of, 1WI2,
JAY P. M'CAS, Keicter.
I'nllrd Htat. Lend Olne.
I.'lkevlt-w, Or.-Kon. May 21, 19H2.
Nolle., la hereoy given 1 tint In couip!t-am-
with the provisions of the act of
I'oiiltri-Ma of June 3. P"s. -n1ltlt-d "u net
I lie- sale of timelier lands In lhe dtates
or t'-tilroni.a', orcKm. Nevada, and
WaahltiKton Territory, ' ua exlen.lcd
all tin, I'li'lllc l-aml Slalea bv act OI
August 4, UK.
Jtlilu Shea,
of Albany, counly nf l.inn. State of Ore-
Kon, liua tins pay lilnl 1:1 Ihls oflle .lef
sworn aiai.-meni. No. 3-0. for the pur
chaae of the mw- nf ti-ctlon No. 17,
Township No. 21 sojth, linn: v went.
V. M.. and will oiTer j rooi' to nliow that
the land souirht I more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for akrf"Ult'iral
iuirnieas, and to eaiarlleh hir flalifl In
said land belore A. i:, Palrn.-r. V. H. i:om.
m'ssien.-r nt lritr-vllle, omipin, en Hut
ur.iay, the th tiay of AoKiisl, lff3.
Khe names aa wltnesaes: Altafrt O.
Sen.lcrH. Ivior t. Anderson, O, A. AreV.i-ii-.hl,
f.'liarlf-a 1'rlte, all of Albany, Ore
ron. ..ay nnd ull rs'rr.ons r'almlnp- ftt-.-erae-ly
the nlxn-ti deae-lln-ti lands are reneat
ed to llle tlu-lr claims In this oiHVe on or
before Sitbl fitb dav of AuKast, Vj.1.
b. M. UJIATTaIiS. lU'glater.
Timber Ijvnd, Act June 1, ism.
t.'nlud titans Land Offlce.
The Dalles, Oregon, May S2, lfK.
Notice Is hereby jtlven that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3. 1.?8, entitled "An
act for the sale of limber lands In the
Mtates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Waahlnirton Territory, aa extended
to all the I'-tbilc Iund Htntes by act of
August 4, 1.
J'erry J. Davis,
ot Moscow, county of I.atah. Btnle of
Idaho, baa, on May 12, !!, filed In this
cilice hla sworn atntement No. 3-14, for
the purchase of the swii ne!4, ty, nw
and ewA nv Section ft Township 11
south, Mange 10 pant. W. M., and w'll
offer proof to show that the land sought
Is mora valuable for lis timber or stone
than for airrieulturn dlii-iioh.w. and to
eaialillsli his claim to said land beforo '
tne IteKlster ami Heceiter of this ofllce
nt The Panes. On-Kon. on Saturday, the
20th day of September, 1i2.
He names as wltneascs: W. T. Tlnr
deno, N. K. Bordeno. and P. H. Robin
son, of Moscow. Idaho, nnd I,. Ailing.
ham. of Warm Horlngs, Oreiron.
Any and all permns claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to file the-r elrilms In this office- on or
before said jnth dav of Heptemher. W2.
JAY P. 1,1'CAH. He kieter.
.Timber Land. Act June 3, IKS.
Timber Land. Act June ,-WS.
fTnlfed States Land Ofn.
The Dalles, Oregon, May '13, 1912.
Notlc Is hrehv tcM en tlmt In rompl!
nnc with the provisions of the act of
C'oiiKreas of June J. 1i7s, entitled "An
net for the sale of landa In the
States of California, Oreiron. Nevada,
nnd iVasblmiton T.-rrltnrv." us extended
in nil the Public laind States by act of
August i. WS2,
Thomas i;, J.nfoll.,-tte,
"f I'rlnevllle, county of CnoU, Hmie ol"
urcfcon. haa, on way St. ii: i oi
this ojIW-e tils sworn Ntatein.-nt No, 9.
lor the pillTbase nf tlm sw, and
nwV ae'i H.'.tlon ru, Towiishiu 13 so-itb.
Knnue .1 .ast, VV. M , mill will niter
proi.l to ahuw that tin. land a. main la
morn valuable tor li tlnitn-r or si
titan for nurlruliiirul 'puri'osea, tint! to
eatltbllsh his claim tu Haul lan.l bilor..
A. Is, Palmer, H. 8. 1'ominiasi.mer, at
hla oftlte at I'rlni'Vllle, (ir.'Kon, on Hal the 16th tlav ot Aui si, lij
M ntinie as wltneaaea: J. W. Hep.
kins. Ileal. K. Allen, W Kp.i.r.
'ami Air Allen, all of rrtio-v llo, flr.Kou.
I Any itiul lilt i.rrst.f.a rbtlmli.d aih.rse
!ly tlie lunils wie ri-ijurst-i
,l to th.:r . Iftlms In this ofth-.' on or
bef ire said Kill Jkv or AioMat, IHr.'
JAY 1'. I.IH'AH. llrulrl.-r.
TimVr Act June 3, WW.
NtI'll'l-: l-'lill I'l'lil.l" A'i'oiN.
I K'al.-a Uiii'l Mil,..,
Lkkevlrw, im-Koii, May i'l. II".'. "
N'oltee la h.-r..oy len Ibal Iti .omiill
nnre wtth tle imivisho-.s ot the ad of
foniiresa of June .1, ivfr-. eniltle.1
an ior me sua- or iiuiiht lamia in in
i before sul.l HJi day of Aoitosi. im,
K. y.. lilt ATTAIN, ItfKlslrr.
Timber l.M. A't .'uh- 3, !.
VOL', f. r'ou i-miu.wT.'i'N.
I nlied Hiutea tim..
f.aki' l.-w. Oil-icon. May '.'I, IP:.
N'otle,, Is hetebv eti-en that In ..ur.'.ll-
iftiipe wlib the provisions of the act
il'oiiKivaa if Jane 3, 1:7. eiilltb-.l '-An
iio.iKiaa oi j'ine j, ins, ent
'ju - t. vr tfce teiln of timber tarn
''bi' nf 1 ('allfornli., tmit. ii,
' "a 'f'1 . "
tlmtier lamis in Ho.
aa exlen.:..)
to ulT' UuL r-'bllc faind Htnlea be act of
Auauai i, i r;
Jaiiu-a Pltspat'lrlt.
i.f Alhany. i-ouiny of Una. Ftal nf nr
s t:o:i. fn.s tins .lay Pb-d In this oitlre M,
sworn Stat, rnem No. .!t"l. for the (iur.
chase ot the n.-V, of H.'.'lfoii 12. Town
shin ?.l south, lianit.i 9 easi. W, M., nd
will lifter proof lo show thai the Ian.)
aou.-ihi is more val tahlt. for Its tliuhrr
or lone thsii for nvrleultunil pur.Mis.-s,
and lo hla r'alrn la sit''l ii.nd
l-rore A. f. Palmer. I' fi 'iintii!ssl"H-
r. ut n.s umce al rrtneiille. (ti','Kn-
H.. lonll.v. the 91 h dav of AukiisI lC.
''" u"m" ns wfin-e : Allen 0.
Ifemlers I'lt.-r P. Au.b-.n, O A. Ar'hl-
b"1'1- ami Charlea I'rfce, ull of Allu,ii,
Any and all tierona rlnlmtna arit-ers-
! Ihe a tK.-.'e-aM,.rt.e.t htt;ds are renneM
t1 to tile the'r rlalma fn this n:ti.- an or
before ai.l.l Sill dit.' of A-iR-eat. lltr.
B. M. BRArfAlX, fUnlsl.r.
Pulhnnn Ordinnry Slfprm.
The tourist travel between Ihe cist and
lhe I'aotic cosst ha reached enormous
proportions in the last few yesrs, and
call for peels I class of eijiiipment. To
meet this demand thu Pullman Co. has
issued from its shop what it technically
calls the "Pullman Ordirry Sleeper."
These cars appear similar to the regular
sleeper, being built on ihe same plan,
but Hot furnished with the same elegante
They sre equipped with niailresses,
blanket, sheets, pillow, pillow-esses,
fjiwels, rombs, brushes, etc., requiring
nolhiuvof the kind to h furnished t.y
the pssepgtir. Each car haa stove f..r
making oollee and tea and rloiun "Ituhf.
housekeeping," nnd each seen m cm ha
Kited wilh an adjuatuMe table. A uni
formed porter accompanies each car. Ins
business being lo make up berths, keep
the car clean, ana looji alter the coinforts
and wants cf Ihe passengers. In eaih of
the trains which are dispatched daily
from Portland by the (I. i, ,1- y (V. -j'
to he found one of these "Pullman Or
dinary Sleepers," The car is attaclied
to the ''Chicago Portland Special,
which goes through to Cliiciik'o without
change, and lhe one in the "Aliunde Ex
press" runs In Kansas Oily will
change. Passenger in this m,r for f'hi
oat". Imngti to a si'nilsr ear at (I rue err.
Much'of the first class travel is being
curried in these car, the rates being
lower, and the service beinif nearly equal
to that in the palace sleepers.
For rates and full infortmilion, in.
cludiBg olders, write to A. L. Craip, fj.
P. i., 0, R. K. Co. Portland, Ore.