Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 19, 1902, Image 7

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    . licit l'ulcn-on, of Milwaukee Or,,'
hia !...! 1 ,...1-1 l.
WilLi-rcii i'i"w iimi no cot un iiii'iiu-i
ti.e ii ferocious Imll in a fiild, '11 ih i
unimi'l clmi-i'd Peterson as soon us
id, June. 9, 1S7H.
I'siTIU r'.l,ill. UNI) "l'H'K. i
iv, ni.'aoii, May 'A Ml2. !
Notice , ,,. ,,!. V "lv. ll that ill C"lll'll.lliei
I it'll I, lli i.i, ,tt ,.! ''u'ucllif (.oliim. Ill
tin ttirnlicmj, l'lilurson dodged for ; ,i ,,nu , ihk, miiiini "An f r iiicaaimif
. . , ,. ii i ,, i limlMr laid, iii tli'j -till" Cahwniia,
H tflllln .IIIU WUH lllmlly I'll tlCI'dl ,,, rn,h. l tVal,illtol Wil-
through a U, board f'M. wl.ichl;- XHl XtlX
)i tt(il!ll to .MM It., ll W(l ' pencil, taw thi- 'I" !ilil In tliln mli' mcir
taken to Mlllwilllkee ho:-i ( It 1 with VlUffilv!Ui'tU, 'if IVliiniilla, mianiy
three. ri'.H broken, hi. h,M, fatf ZZ 7$
locatodand his knee bUy Vlv '
Jill SVH ll3 Will pity till; lull, Uv f (,,,,),, it" ., i iiiem, awni Hid ii-
I Ml.-ttL .Sir. 4111, l"l the i-illlllliul 'J the V.J4 oj
(ioVITIWir tll'IT fXPCclH tO prilllt wjmil 'i. .'1 ,, i-nJ.-. ' '
' , , , , Hum lii.i'il, "I I'rtiwville. cmtuty of
a full pardon to frank Jngiiiami 1 r,,k'. iiaii".i i, .(,.(,ini amii-went No.
tin, convict who, by hi, timely in- W J"" TtiT "4 ;
tcrli'lTiii'fl ut tlm prison Olliliriilk I Amnm I. " . of I'riiietilKaoiiiity f
, , , ,.', . i ( i,il, t,n. .,i imv,-,ii, iii muti'iiKiii
lust Mi inlay, sit veil tin) 1 1 ft of guard j 4 , mm,, pnuta .1 b n, 33,
Cliriinl. Inghriiiu in iwiiifc n 'f-'!"Wii.T''l-H. l l"rill!, .ity f
m-ntcnec for tlm murder of 1,1m bro- Jr. k. .ut. i ":;". vuni .late,,.....!. N...
IU, Ill'- i'Ji,:;:wi' "I tlniim'4 Hl'i. "4, ti. ,
ther ill I.ini) county nlmut tt 11 ' . r. h 0, ,!
I'aiker li. rnnciii.e, cntii,:.y 01 ;
I rink, nlu i'! l'it;"i, W"ln HtuCrliH'Jil . j
414 lor tin-i'"u ' of tlm n'4 "I -'(! 84,
lii 24 ii , r, !i '. , I
I 'luil.n .VI, i:i!:i u,"f I'llni'Villii. county or
l.'riMik, uie ,il ' Hi ,:.,n. nwnrii Btitti'iii'iiit i
4111. (r tin' W" i J4i
ii.'S'iiro, i):1, Mini m l ii'iX jc. Jl, ti. IM .,
IU. ,!
.Miiiy l),iTHii't, i'f l'ilnili, county if i
Cnmk. it" "I i 'HiI'll. "iti nuiu-ini'iii No
117, l"r tlm ,un-li,..i- 'il lliH ,vi' "W J
ami ii ', ', l, 2t ., r. I" r.
IllitUtO. I' lln ','. ill I'llliutilli'i (mllllty lit
CriMik, nlnU' kI iii, ;:''M, mviirii utiui-iit .N'n. ;
41N, lur the I'll" '"! "I ll uii X S!tt, I
ti. 'M ., H'I ; :,l, 'i ' 1 j
jiilin Oi,iii!i.", "I I'i iii-hIIi-. ijoutity ut CiiHik,
iiilo nl lln,;"n. '..fill nt'ilrmrtil -N", 4111, fur 1
tl -un:li !' f , i Si n'i , 'i't
mid ' i r, 10 e. !
II. 1'iTiy i nt' , nl I'liiitnilf, oinnty f j
Crifk, nluti ul i'nv"ii, hWhiii fcUtiiiii-iit iN". ;
4.1 fur llio -in J jmi'iI tlin J !. H t!', 24 i
., i. I'm.
Tl t t'n-V u ii) iifT rr I'I'iiif til liltiiw Ui,tt tile
t tui'l Moiiulil in ii, "P .'iiiililft :nr II. li nl'i! nr
yriirn upi. In diwiiKi-iiig Ibe nii't
tur tonitilit, (iovcnuir (ici r Hiid: "1
think liii'lirnm in (Ifrwrviiifr of n
jmiiloii, and unliHH Home valid rcn
hiiii tun he urnl Av:iiiiiHt iiii h uc
tiiui, I will )irolal,ly gmnt him a
full inrdoii,"
William Allen, one of 1'ortlundV
briivo Yolniitiui'K, who went to the
riiillipmin wild the Second Ore-1
gun, iliwl In8t wwk nt the home of
Mrx. Weiiiherilon, n ndulive, nt
I tllMaikeldlrcet, Portland. Ymint!
Allen enlinted H a piivulc when
the. Hi.anidi Anieriean War Ixoke
out, and he n-rved Willi tlie Nicomi I tln(, ttm ,,, ( Jr, IWiMmt, ,i t
Oregon thro.if-h (he entir,, "' .1:17
imiiin. lie nana vietilll of coil- I'llni'viili-. I'r.u, V..iimu.iy, the 3nl I
gumption, and eirico Jim return ''' t,,"yl,',t'','''',,.,' i.tiw: IVn),uln K.j
i. i, .,,;!! l, , in,,,!,,. ini Mwrii, Himt ll'i'-cil, Knnf t'owi,Uiil
" " , M. Mites Haul
work. IIuwiib ooin in uaniKin, i L.-mv, all ! 1 1
and wan 21 yearn old. 1 1 in mother
died about three years ago.
A it-riotix runaway accident
cured (3 tin Mat;e on tlm Anhland
Klamath Falls mine on Koeno
Ureek Mountain, 14 rnil' g runt of
Anhland one morning last week. An
th niage, drivfn by Kohert .Garret,
wan coming down the ftoep nionn
tain grad, the uingletrce broke and
the horsed took (right and made a
mad plui'se down tjie heavy' jjrnde.
t'lm (I.-Iht kkk thrown . to tho
ground, Htrikiiif? a hiio boulder
in the fall. Ho' was badly cut
about the face and neck and injur
ed internally. He was brought to
town for iiurical treatnicnt and ii
in a M'riuiiH condition
. I :.l.,t f:,..ior rlni'olnnil ! f I.IIHI, rtulc "I ' i"iJ.'ll, hwiirn MllU'iilt lit
!. iitiuviiv v.iw.v. .Sb. 4iilt. Sir ll.e pHHtlw ufllw e uf h
M'C. .-i. Ill .4 N. r !l '.
rliiiir khiI il. t'vny
ili'l. ittfU 'fl.'
A ii v mnl "II i''i--ii ciniii'iiiK iulvrrei-1)
tlm nli-ivu.ili"i'-l'il''l liut'li arii rfiiii.Uil li
Mi llii-ir cluiinh i'i i'iH niticf mi ur Mure
i 3nl day ' .-(ci'it. r..
jlU K. M. in. ATTAIN, Hi'LUr.
Tlmbi.'.' I .iiim, Vcl Jmif 3, 1m;m.
Csufil' r!Tn I.AVTI Ol IICK,
Ule-vii 'i. ci'"". Slay 2, llri.
Nutllll il Il I'i I Iti'.'l II tllllt illl-MlliP'Ul VI
Willi llIC Ill'i'VI' t'illf i'i till' lii't uf ('til. ';
ul Jiini' S. M:lii-i "An ml l..r the
Kliti'iil llllil" r .illi'!- in tlx- Mali'" of Cull
f.iiiiiii, ort;;'.'i, .Ni!nlii, ini'l VVii liiiiKi'.u
ii'irllniy," i I lt-u I'i nil tile I'uiillt'
lyinil KiaUo. Iiy b t "I Auioisl I, .ltj, tur
1'iilluwiiiK pi'i- iu. tin. aiiy liUil in
Lhiioilife n.i'.r -' t.i iitiliinii'iili, lu-it:
JiuiicW. fl Allwny, ciiuiiiy of
I.iiiii, luu 11 i.iri i'i'ii. wurii uiicninii .-.o
M. Inr Hit iii'i ill I'tlw WW .N li ii K
l S W 4 riti . I.i, I' i S, K II Ii.
I''iiiiiri J. I' Mim, ul' Alli.iny, nullify uf
Lin a Hiuti ul i'i'."!,, iwirii nlali'iiiciil No.
Mii, Inr the (i'i' i ii. ii' uf flie i"W ,, v
DC IH' tl, 1)1 ". I ' ',
VVilhiiin I'. -ii'i'Vi'ii., uf Allmny. county
of l.iliii Malt "I ') . Miiirn NUUim iil
So. H, lr tl- .n-ni- of ilic c jt ii w J
w !. lie K nr. Il' il . r II i'.
I Kiisilrick . I'. ii.'ii'.ii, iil'Allmiiy,C'iui.ty
lias accciiled an invitation to speck
at the opening oi. the mw Tilden
Club on June 19th. There will bo
l.")(K) invited f;i"'H. among them
iJavid, H. Hill, William J. Dry an
and Kichard Onley. Thin will lc
Mr. Cleveland's lirst polilieul speech
iiiii;o bin retirement from the prei
lniilial ollico. This is to hi; a not
able gathering of democrats of all
shades of political belief and is
taken an un effort to harmonize
the various discordant element of
tho party in order to properly, pre
pare for the battle of HUM. Ex.
Horses For Sale.
The entire bands und brands of
horses owned by the estate of J. W.
lbirne.i, deceased, are offered for
sale at a bargain in order to close
up the estate. They consist of
about 175 head of first class slock
hwes, and range in the vicinity
of Hampton Butte, Crook County,
Oregon. For terinsand particulars
inquire of, or address M. E. 1!iiink,
Prineville, Oregon, until July 1st,
Admliimtrator's Notice.
Notion ! hr-reliy (jli'iTi ilwt Hie iitulernljjni'il
u linen appointed liy tli County court ul
.if the ritate of Oi'fK"ii fur Crock County,
aillililinilrator nf the inUle of Willinni II.
Aimu. ileeewed, late of mill Crook County,
and ull iniiin iuin claim noainal ail
wtate, are hereby ivipiired to inent mieh
chiiiim. with 1'iuper vmuhcri, oilhin nix mon
tm from thin date, to me at ttio uifice of W,
A, l!ell ill I'rlneviile, OiTK'on. Dated ut
I'liueville, OieKnii, .lune Ui'li, I!HB.
A.ti-tiiixtrut-ir uf the entate of illiaui II.
A'ianm, dittaed.
Melvlii H'ni. uf Allmny, county i
l.iitu, Ntaie ul I 'n');".i, Swum hlnteiiii'iii Nu
i, lor Hi,' p'i" h.:. v '.I me e .'-a of t'1', sec.
27. t a . r a e.
K'iwanl I., i n; (mr. y. nf Albany, ninety
uf I.Iiiii. ilat.' of i 'i. ; on, hwiuii .liiti'ini'iii
No. ii; lur tin' i ii'i-wi v of Hie e ), of w !,
ace. -il. ti'2l.-. '' ''.
Ijt hiorc.i,,. 'I" Mlnny, CDiinty nf I. inn,
ntnle ol llreoii, l,:t" n ..tiili'iiH'..t No. MH.
f,T the iurilii.i of Uie w J life I nee. ii,
ti'JI J, rue.
Ji.liu KdiMir t''. uf Alhaiiy, cuiimy ol
I, inn, tnUi oi I 'li'ioii, bw.i'rn atatciiicnl
So. 4l.i. fur tli l.i:i'Uit-- of lie fe 4 iw.
;H, li i!4 a, r II .
t'liireine I . Iiullrullie, of Allnny, county
ul I.iiiii, .-tuti 'if iir.'aim, Mvoru itutenic t
No. 42:i. fur ilu I'U.i'ii.t' ol llie n ) bW
ar -',' w iiml nw ' nw nee. iti,
tp'.'t , r Me.
Tlmatorr A. iiice., uf itllmny, county i,r
I, inn, alilU.' of I M' ;uiil, Jrw."-l i.alcllici X No.
4i', fur tlie nii rliiiai' of tin) aw tw S
:. Ill, a H nw I, and .t 'A nw , ate 30,
tii :'4 , r in e.
Jaier It. M llir, i fAlhauy, cminty of
I. inn, -tali' of (hewn, Xwurci -tiiUiuuiit No.
4i1, fur the pun lui e uf the n -e sw 1$
hl' o, mi' I e 'i w ec in, ii n a, i- io c.
They will ullVr irouf to nhuw that
the hind tioualu U more vulunlile fur its
timla-r ur atom f"r "i!i iculluuil pui
puac., mid to i-Mnuiisli llieireiuiui tonnnl
land hcl'urc A. j'alutcr, li. S. Coiniiiia
amner, lit Hiatef, (iHyun, on Saturday,
the :mtli day of Auyiut, I'.mi
They inline in witiicw! Jiiiucs M.
Tail, U'llliiuu T Mi piieiia, Mi'lvin Hecven,
U'e Morpiii, I lineiiie r. Dullruille and
Jasper II Miller, a); of Allmny, Ore-iron.
Any and ull pi'is nia claiininn adver-ely
tho a'Hive-iiienui u iunCa are reipiested to
tile their claiiu in IIiik urtii e on or before
aiiicl SUtli duy if Aumift,
j li. il. 1IKATTAIX, Uecister.
Growers should make it a point to be in Ehaniko June 12th ani
; 13th as these are the dates decided on by the State Wool growers asso
ciation for sale days Many buyers will be in attendance, and it will be
the best opportunity of the season for selling. A visit at thi3 time will
also give you a chance to take advantage of our
Wool Growers Sale
June 12th, ISth and 14th.
Thin will be the greatest sale event we have attempted since we began
closing out our stock. Do not fail to benflt jourself at thi3 sale, and bear
in mind that it is to be
3 days Only.
Watch our Posters for List of Special Offers.
OTICE Knit 1'fHl.lCATlOX.
TIMlUClt Cl'lrUUK, r'lNAL I'HOOl
NOTlCKl'ul! I'l'lllilCATIOX.
Un. Ud lJliile Liinil Oilli'O
The Ball, i, Ori'jron, June 111, 111)2.
X'ltieeial iiy v' Vi'ii that Allen
of lliiy.-uick, O 'Vim Ii.ih iji.'.l n -it ice of
inleiiiiun lo iu..i;i' ,io::i j'luui' b''l'". J.
.-until. I'-iiiiiu I ict-k ul III iilliiaf ui l'riiic
ville, iii'i'kuo on li' " ii v the IM day 'I'
A ill lift, liar!, no iiiiiIkt culture appli
cation So SI7I. I lie M S N W '4 N
W y, of fir. No j. ui T No L.') S. It No 14 li.,
lie niinii'Hiii witnews: Iliivvey Cyntf.
C.'iiiP' K. I'vi-wr., ami lie. re 'tunic:- ul'
rriiM'villr mi.-ii .il Jiiiua JlrtViu oi
Culver, liivp.n.
Jay 1' l.ccs.
Subscribe for the Joi;r,nau
DtrAUTMiixr or Tint Istbhiok,
Land t The Da'.Iea Ori'icm, i
June 14, W 2. j
Notice i lierrby Riven tlat the followiiu!-1
llaii.-il aeUlei iiaa titol notice of lii int.'iiH"ll
Ui muke hiiui iirool in.upiortof hi. claim, and j
that ani l pi. -ii aillua uiailo lielore A. t '. j
l'uiiinr, V. li. i '"iuli.iaM''ner nt I'llhaiil.e,
linK"!!, "U iiil'V. Aih'iint 1. l'.HJ-'i i:
lieoree Tiiimr oi I'liiunlle, Oieam, l're-
eiul'lloll II. !1. . lfi-12 (.irtwH. Iv .j H. I..
h Keo. .11, ri '4 r n cec . i., ,i,
II. Id K., an t i. H K W. li. T. 13, 8.,
K. 11. K., W. il.
lie lialnea Hie fullowcil? l!neie to
prove In. C"ii!iiul"U naalelice ui ami
oi.lti ration ol ud laii.l, vis:
ll'iny Si "HI ".iie y, John li and .
II. Ouiiiii i.f lliuily iiii'on,uid W. Oouii-
tou,ol l'lilieclllr, Oreltoll.
J19 Ueuiatar.
?P'&g$$$f IPace
Spring Announcements,
LingerieA full line of White Skirts, Night Gowns, C'he
tniees and Drawers, also Ladies Summer Vest. Come and
see them. Price and quality will suit you. Also a nice line
of Shirt Waists.
For men we have the newest Silk Front Shirts, Pecai Front
Dkpahtmknt os thi Intkbior.
Lanii omen ay The Dauks, OHwioM, I
June lti. 1"02. f
Notice la tlen-hy rlven that the fnllnwiiut-n-uneu
.ettler bin tiled notioe of l:ln intention
to coniiuiite And make tnal pnaif in iipuort
of hia claim, ami that anid pro if will t uiade
before J. ,1. Mi.ith. County Clerk at 1'iine
villo. drei'on, on Friday, Au-'iuit 1, l'.KJ'i vii:
Hannah lie,wrlow oi'ee,ae., , . , Vo.rl oon Sh rt nf nil Aaar-r ntmna SnmmnV nn,
h. 1 Li 1 1 JJ ta ICV .1 . Aq V. Villi g VA, Uli Vl UVA ILVlUllUt VllllMIIVt VIC
of Uriiulv, Urea H. h. '"' '
w,'n4 "' nd W ', heo.
T. 12 S II. int., V. M.
8l.e ii .men toe I'lllouinir witnewA to prove
In. ooiitiiiuuuh n.ideuce ii'u and culttvatiuii
ol aaid JallJ, ha: .
V. C.-Maiinu and A, K Lipman, of Prnie
vil'e, OreKoii, William lioiieiti, of liliaiy,
(iriKort.juidUua hurley, ot l rineville, Ore-
jl9 KeUter.
W. JC. Cyrus,
Elgin Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware, etc.
, First-clius rea bring promptly
derwear galore.
J. A. BoMs
Timber Lands, Farm Lands.
Land Scrip.
Complete bits of Crook county.
J. L. HcCulicch,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
Repairing a Specialty.
Prineville, : : Oregon
320 acres. 73 acres in cultiva
tion. 40 acres of meadow. Ail
under fence. Good lioufe.' Good
water. Cull on or aildrvss the
.Joi KN.u., Prineville. Oregon. Price
Kocil r.nrlcy nil Om-.
S. J. Newm-in Ims CLKAN new) blip.
ley n ml no t lur sole at hi feed burn
in north Prineville,