Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 19, 1902, Image 3

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A Fair t
rnilB tender ihida of in Aiurutt ee
J were, tleullug over the claetlc
li.umn (if Miictiawi. On tli 'unci
'raiti!d bitt iwuluvifb. No tweet timr
ti.ur l Invert' ooiitldnwea nwid the ilr
ii .loilimm fir minified wllh liie ripple
i.f the tiiKiw, Tii a I thry were lover
ippiaied miner from llif proprietary
i,, i' wlili which the young' ivomim r
i nrd-RtJ ln-r ecunpsiilon ami the loin aof
r. prnavli In which the addrrtfctd him,
There they rat. olivluut of nil armnul.
Iiordlnn iif muny n anil
',frtfout i f II" bead in tbrir dl
r'ilun. fhe tmtminr hrifrude from
( liiriijin wait kcii!y litre Id the roll
tiir.t ,if the pnlrnnd murtllUd beyond
mr-annip that nfthliijr of what wat tak
iiir pUi't could bp overheard.
"Ml !" mli! Oricr Merfllnott, "I never
r,nild think, "'hit Percy Ten llrock rw
In that rra-t)n, r-l-head.d Doro
thy Sii.lth. Wie'i older than he id, Idol"
"Oh, I i!tin'l knew," mid Tiny Mm,
"Sl.e't rvrMlnly no Venut, thnt Doro
thy; Vnl whit o( h'ra7 III" fti'e will
ri -r Is h' fortune, nd he hi noth
ing iml the few dollar! he jrrtt In Law
ver S" 'i ore r' otlice, H't father bee to
t lilm. I wouldn't hare Mm If
ev.ry hair of kit held were bung with
(", mtonrt."
"Ymi didn't ilvnir think o," it-f-rt,-d
O.w, "Lit! winter you tnd he
were j-rrtt friend It'l i rte of the
fur aid the ((rupee, with you."
"Ii' u cane of ernwyrd Jraloiiry
th vim." retorted Tiny, mid the pair
of Mendt ttimtrred dn to the like
ti ?irrh of tht eternal mile.
M -an while the lovre moodily re-
riri!nl inch other. Their iiuarrelahad i
p-.n (-'nriit of talc ind had retched
l l'l'!l'
"I thlrk l! tt too had. Percy, the wny
win trfs' me." Mill Dorothy, her an- plinnilnir I'ke P'!d In the ti
' M. h" twft American fare wllh I:
yf- ip.'i. n.'f of I tplrited ini-ettry
li.'',' k b Intelligence, jet onr
c i b Hie fonwIoiKiH" of lnjn
A ' !'!etitrf ihe runde. with her
t 'hs tlM"!1 fliiir tnd look of hon
f i; td hi re4 f ill lhhi(( mean.
"Vm J "'llieritely ulirhled me kiM
r lit : Mr, Prow n't
the m-n:.!"ir (.f thlt? Ymt know you
ff eDKjr.ei! to me. rijt ynv dunred w'th
hvi cure trd flirted otitrofcolfiJy
;0i thur Med'l"o1t tr'rl. Now rou re
t't t fi-iLiiip thorit It. lh you
f-'-k ! hs' roti'lK'? IVi run Imtpln
J m iriiir-' tiitlt down trire'Iyiindfrln-r.-'i?
Ni.vr! P re. Yo-i kt w I have.
t vd von. Through ood report ind
:l rri"ri I rtv utitod by yon. I know
Ton t- ettrtntpntit. I tell you to,
thotich I htee denied the ttorl'l when
nili.p he rwnted them. Thoiiirh I
Vnee iiii"wit')ty 'I p'lHitUd !h Idet
'in n'hert ttid H, I im Tri)tdfd
t:ii 't t"0 true thnt you hte been,
in )it i?r. 'up tiftlntt ery gtnit
ihtt't t'n'n?.'
"I H-'irve." the went on, ptttlonnte
1, "ht you are- in deM; thtt your
i.t.'T hoie It this milHrrplne. nppolnt
nu nt Hint hm bwn offered yon. Yet,
(n i"lte of ill, I im willing to mirry
you If yon will only i-wetr tol-mnly to
ri fiTin. I will to with you it onct to
n, linn nya. What do I rare for Itoln
tion in.! want of toclety. I cure fur The love you one promited me.
Thi ttrnni'. rlcrp, undvltiir affection
tnb klndr-d toult ihould hnve for each
thr r. I hellevt In ilrtue, In honor, In
tmnenv in wan md womnn. md I nnt
ri'tdv to demote mynelf to you ami to j
cir holi ehold, eome whit will. .You j
can't my I im nnreotomble. I only
il; thnt you lo roe hi return. My
ftith-e will object It tint, hut when bo
t. i't iliat my hpp'n,,,, I Involved he
will (rive. way. Oh, Percy, wt could l
to happy!"
The, jounj ml n't inmewhtt fttoMd
oiuctrnanuc lighted up for in IntUnt
11 the enthutitim of bit fair com
panion. Hit better Mture iHrred
faintly beneath lt cerementt of telf
ithncw for a moment. But hnmedlite
ly e!f-ltiterest iertd it iway and
riifled the incipient pleading of honor
nd hnneity. "Why, Dorothy," he
tairj, coldly, "you turely hava known
me lotijr enough to hive learned that I
never adopt 1 retoVutlon without ha
in? carefully examined ill reitont for
ind ipalctt it,"
"Did you," broke In Dorothy, im
pu'.dively, "exercite thli caution before
yini told, me jxu loved me?"
Percy fluilied mirrlly. "1 belleTe,"
)it wnt on, "In the old Peralin prov
erb, 'Undertake nothing of which thou
hait not well considered the end.'"
"An excellent motto, truly," taid
Dorolhy, coldly. "Since when, may I
aik, did you adopt thla moat wite
philoeophy. It teem pity It thould
have come to you to lit Do you think
you baie well considered Ihe end you
to evidently contemplate?" Feminine
intt'net had already warned heT of thi
treachery the unworthy youth medi
tated. "Oh, yrt," he continued, "I know
what I an dolnr. I have conaidcred
it ill. I did ivold you lut night. I
w ant to brlnp thil thing to in end," he
ildvd, brutally.
"Don't trouble youTtelf, Percy Tes
Broek," replied the now indlgnint firl.
"It I. ended."
"Well, Dorothy," tild Percy, tome
whit net tlctj, for hit aelf-love wtt hurt,
"you did rem twfiilly In love with me,
Hut I don't bliine you for thlt mlmn
d.rmUmHnu. You thould be triad that
wt hive both discovered our true feel.
Ii2 In time, before) we hid become
hiipelcetly bound to etch other. Tt It
bent for you thit I thould leave you,
be-it (bat we thould pirt. I wild return
yu your letteri ind pretend, md you
ran throw iny tchoottwy effuilon in
the fire."
"Very well, Percy," returned hl dl
etrded flnncct. "i'a ttuow tijcni in Ihe
Are. Thai will be the flmt time they
will hive had my rmth In tbiun."
"Ill, lill" laughed Percy, tinenidly.
"You are potltlvely brilliant." He d;d
not like the fact that Dorothy (rv
him hit freedom to rwdliy. It mm
whit dfpreclnted the hl(;h value he tet
on blniHehf. "I)e!len me," he told,
pompuvily, "I thill alwayi entertain
the liinhcit opinion of you. Hut you
know yourmlf that your fither linot
ible to give you I dowry, and tht the
ponltlon In the Philippine! It worth
only $1,000 a year. Ilow could twopeo
ple'llve on thnt? I wlti my Ute imj
yon with youra."
"I don't choote to dltciwt the mat
ter with yon, now that I have rnleWd
you," ti:d Dorothy! "but be plwued
not to refer to my ttttet. It It true I
wnt born In luxury ttid aceitnu m'-d to
have every tnnte (rratided, hut I hive
never Vet that fact ttind In try wty
since w lot! our wealth. The fact
thnt 1 wit willing to nnrry yon wti
eufflc'ent pwif of that, lloirwr, thit
It riHhinir. Oood-hv, Percy. Keep up
your tplrlli. Thlt Incident wilt toon
be forirotten. You hive quite iMirrelVd
ny f'lolith hVent t mtyhtve liml. Still,
we' ctn It frlend. fall warlontlly.
and people will think there hofver
been in.vth'nr between lit." Had Per
cy known trvlhinf of what t'oini
on In Dorothy't nilrd h would have
a toon entered 1 llon't den at hive
rtllirlat theRmilhmanthmiialn.
Dorothy rrturr.ixl to tomvn.yetumed
In earuent the Irsvnirsr of Ucr voice,
which ut (IrU the had tal-.en up tt 1
pittlme, ind mndf fioh gMJi nt of
her tuition thit her ntturtwy flexible
toprano voice of wide rtnjre niuired
brilliancy tt.d came to prri ct!y un
der control that a brljrhtfutu-ei'.ened
hefire her. At the time llmo fortune,
t If tlret of frownlog on :h Fmithr,
frtve tuch 1 fnrn to IVrothyV fa'her't
hutine4 that the gkiomy awwUn h'.a
tfTalri that hd flrirt fHrhl'ned iwiy
te teldeb Percy vnniihed, led one line
morning th merchant by rucceirful
di-tl wtt tblr to pull out o' epeciiln
tlou Into h' legitimate builneti with
lirge fortune.
Prcv begun to think he bad nude
a tniUke, and took to frequenting the
Kmith retidenoe with riRiilarily: but
Dorothy treated him with nbeolutr
ranki,i.a. "I am eddd to sty art
now," "he nld, "en If you had not
effectual y cured me of all tbr folly.
Kext month I go to flermnry to etnt") j
hut. tr.y deor Percy, before I go I with
to prorc my friendehip for yon. Mrt.
Vintiturt it living at the I-cxingtou.
Sh hat twodiiighlerR (li e It to ar.gel
of beamy, but poor anchnrrh nwute;
the other h bees WfUS.OnO 000 by her
uirle, the c.pper king. Il.'tfln awful
pity, Iboiieh. lh! the it nyly, il!, end
tome tty an epileptic. 1o down there.
Ymi know Mrt. Vtntlttart. You met
her it our hour kitt winter, ('ill,
ir.ike yvivrtclf itrvehk. MtVe lrve
to th ogreM. Five m'llion doUeiet"U
rIM th- rcot! bitter pill. T hwv h l
full of romince a"1 would e eharmeo
if ernne one wiid ekpe with her."
A h'nt war cnnturh, Avtrice dnihd
Peri-v't toprehernlon vf evfrythlng.
ind he loel rn tlm In Inrrwlltllng
hi-mte'f with Mrt, Vtntittart,
"Old c'.iap. all right." he tald to
hit friend Hilly, Ihe trainer, 1 few
wee after hir co-vertation with Dor
othv. "If aH right, old bo). I'll pay
yon thit SLOW ntit week. J hive the
helreta hvmolited. Maud's her lovely
r.inir. Ye (fnot! Din tne t ukiji J"j-
-ntlmental kea'rt. "Coti,, into l"iRFAI. FSTATF FfiR SAI
furifen. Maud." an all lht aort
tWi?. We miffht at well he marrlrd
with her mMlher'icmieerit.biit I've per.
tuailH her that th- old lidy la (ied
ijralnHt ut. and wt will ekipe. to-mr-row.
Next day w will be on the road
to San Fraociieo, and I'll end you i
check from that rlijr, juirt bttart we
mil for the I'h'llppiDei. She. wtmM
hie nie poout there, though I withed
to tiKrnn ippolntmMt it hmnt. Well
toon be back, thrmeh, md won't Intake
t.h epllcptie'i dolltrt fly! There'i i
lut of fun In $5,000,000. I'll h hr
declared inian ifter a year or to,
inif then we'll lee about the. hor.
.you'll be- In It, old chap. Ta-ta uf
Viedmehen otmy old flam, Dorothy
fitnlth, wonW tay."
The tlopennent took plice nert nifrht
on tim. The nnfortunite epileptic,
with ecstatic oounteiianc, and the fat
uni Tercy reftfhed Sin Francisco,
where they hod tn exptinttlon and i
toene. I.eaTinjr hit wife on the Pacific
const, he returned to Chicago to bor
row funds, for the delitdejd.coupl wr
dnierte and pennilett.
Arrived, in CaicaKC ,h tru1h or lh
whole affair came ojit. Kverybodywai.
wonderlntf it thf elopement, but the
woniK'r (rn'e way ft; merrbnent when
the eip'.anjticn watyiveu. Percy iw
walking luoodliy log Lake f-liore
dj-ire the day afttr hit irrlal, when
be met the radjwit Dorothy, betuilful
ta Yen 111, emeTfin from the fom oi
the Adriatic,
"How d'ye ro, Percy?" the mill
irchly. "You )waya wem chtn.-eabie.
you know j but who would h'.vt I'l.ciigh
you would have irprli'd voiii' friend:'
thli way7 You imcd to y y u would
never marry unlent your lutnv hai.
ntimcy. Whit on Mirth nmd. ymi t,
and fall In love with SJaud 'ji;it:rr.
It It very beaiiliful to know of nwh if.
Inieretled afTpctlon. Fhr't not onlj
pto'n, but poor. I thotiht I lo!rf yor
thnt her lovely titter May hfd beet
left tS.OOO 00(1. What? I old yon, dl
I nril7 Hurvly, I did not wake 11 niit
takt. There in 110 tcliir.v hov. much
one can be deceived l:i u rijiii. Vt al
thought yon a money htuite.", Hut It I)
charming to know thit pi 1" s"cin:
Hill cx.ton t,h' tori;;d -anh. I tup
pone ymi arc anticipatir.f; )if" of per
feet lovel;neV)ve in a c tlii'-e :
Philippine ore, tool How ehxrmirifr
flood-by, Perrg, t will ft,r Jfamhnr'
Patiirdty. Remember tiit to tfouc'
Percy ttood gtzlng tftfr hr, think
ing ttniilterahlt thingt Chicago Hec-
Will Posh Advertising.
Kinaldo M. Hall, the new adver
tiling man forth 0. K. & N. Co.,
Tuetdav took up bin work in the
general pawwnger office of the com
pany. Hia wife accumpanied him
to Oregon and the y will irmke their
homo here. Mr. Hall's firHt work
will Lb to organize his branch and
get well acquainted wkhhin field
Then he will put Oregon and
Washington before the world in
all sorts of attractive) forma. He
doea not believe that an occasional
heavy pamphlet, however good it
ma v be as literature, is the most
effective way to advertice the ad
vantages of a country like Oregon
One of the things he has in mind
t-j do is put iu the hamiti oi all
tourists who visit Oregon some
isim pie, attractive, ttue statement
about the state, generally suited to
a phase of the tmbject pertinent to
the occasion. All his matter will
be prepared with a view to giving
informat;on to hotmweeker, rather
than as a mere enlcrUmunent to
thoto who wish to be amused. Mr.
Hall will spend Borne time in get
ting acquainted with tho country
and, with General Passenger Agent
Craig, in laying plnns to make the
adverting department most of'
Dltiolotloa Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
firm of Wakefield & Starr is this
day dissolved by mutual concent
V. Starr retiring L. wane
field collecting all biliti and paying
all indebtedness of the late hrin
K. Z. Wakefield
C. W. Btarr.
Fhlnglct For Halo.
I hive for tale it my ebiitgln mill
on McKiycrMk 100,000 shinsle and
will niaiiitiaotiire over 4dO,UOO more
durini! the teuton. All from the
chokiciit timlwr. Price, tv the mill
i.25, delivered in Pr't.evillH 2.60.
tUS -M tent of denied unimproved land,
covtred by ditch that (urnithia uniple water
for Irrigation purpmet. in ran wiinmmw
and all kinat of Undar veKatihlM on tin plaoe.
Three aidet art fenced with btrUd wir
fioca. Covertil with chcineeti, aaKehriwh ttid
aaitterinE iunirwrt. lriiiest outrnnw in
ormnty tdjoinine where owner can turn out
hit ctttlt and but mtie lecumK nectwtry
durinK winter. Addrew Jmjhnal 1iI lutate
Agency, rrinefU.t, uregnn.
FOR 8ALK-A two twry dwallinit with
ham and outhoutet in the city of Prineville.
Thit property it well titunltd and it covered
by irriirttlon. It covert ona-fourth of i blook
Mid It one of the beat rmidence locatiout in
tht town. Prict muonslilt.
'OR SALE -One of the best looaUd fvmn
in tht ftniout clover belt in ths 8ciia creek
country, cmieiiting of ItiO uvm. 40 acret it
olovor. Agnod btm 40x100 nd all under
fence. Log houm and other ordintry improve,
uicnta. (Joud pardon mined overy yew and a
variety of email fruitt. I1!0 tore .if fine tw
timbrthat will eventually lt worth more
than the price now uked lor the entire farm.
All under private irrifatiiig ditch that got
with tlie property.
Diatolutlon Mittoe.
Notice is boreby givnn tint the firm
ol Michel & Rister known the Bee
Hive is this dnv tlittoUfd by mutual
content. O. M. Kicr retiring. 1.
Michel colleotiiiK all bills and paying
all inilcbtnesi ol the 1-ne firm
O. M. Ktssra.
I, Michel.
Hamilton Stables .
mi Redby Feed Barn.
White &
Stage Line.
Leave Shaniko, 6 p. m.
Leave Prineville 1 p. m.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
Mamson & Winnek Co., Agents. .
G. M. Cornett, Manager,
J. L. WINDOM, will make the season of 1902 at Culver, 0m
egon. Bred by G. Springer, of Culver, Oregon.
Pepioree Sire: The registered Clydesdale, Ballston bred by Ladd
& Reed, Portland. Dam: Registered Cleveland bay mare, Conning
Maid, bred by Ladd fc Reed, Portland.
HALLSTON is 17 hands high and weighs in thin working order 1620
pounds. He is o dark blood bay, four year old in June,
TERMS--I10 for insurance; reduction for three or more mare.
Cary House Bar.
Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors,
Cornett & Elkins.
We have received a large supply of.
9feu Buckeye Wfowers and Reapers,
Steel JCing and Jfollinyswortt hay rakes,
Jackson forks, Blocks and Carriers,
Whick we will sell at reasonable rates. Give us a
call before purchasing elswhure.
Send for catalogue.
Stock boarded by day,' week or
month. Fine saddle horces and
livery turnouts. Kates ri;Asonabl,
Good accommodations.
Remember lis when in Prine
ville, and we guarantee that yuot
patronage will bo appreciated
and deserved.
COIiNETT, Proprietors.
Arrive Prineville, 6 a. m.
Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. w.