County- Jou XO. 27 vmmiiK cjiook mm, Oregon, junk id, 1002. VOL. VI. mat ' fl . UTOOK A in tlse AU'trop'jlis. The Btriko Situation. A OomytiriBuu c? Portland end lu Now at Hiimt.,.Kll U.b by, I RAVI MUUi ,,, VV. . liu.aJl, a mile and .., , . t f th n g the f..c, that ,I,U l.uiMhtg Im bail eaitof N'w Era and five mile .cwbcre m h on lire more than u ih.;.t:ii 7.mi.f u Wlm Fxf'inpd ; above Ore-mii City, hitched to a i;wii nvn o tiu" 'i-ium iji . . i i Mr 1 na 'iiii and i riven away, then: is uhi mil un r"v !' 1 Iti fojnn wiivh Portland m way li'OIa lllC i rii ! i CiJl iiU Pritti.t'iPe. in lilht-ra Utf ki some. dlifsuJ. Shu Iiik a larg'r it, ........ ii ina iii.d i:oiisfiiie;i- tly more ilirt on .Second i.icc-f, bc-ixaoy ffasily Eud-j ';. r Pu: 11 No bus JUT woim i r e.. '- I Mow in Va.nington. incuts timt were -utdov ix years ago lllld mi full of bole Uul it in like crno ing the lav:i Ixoi. Id drive over them. Slii! Lai' untoiiiobilca -Quo ot thj .?o-; Ghot la thu TU.k.'i. Tracy mid i lie esciijied ....... l. i i...Im I Oflll . nr. I lull 1, iinir.iii. i ..i-. j". (Ill TlllirlV Hll Cfi'ltlmd from what win fi'-l jxi'ui lo be ibfir al-e . t ... ... 1 ...,,i ... ,.( i. (itM.f d.'i-iK'u ; i-iu ni, in ' . - -' i the country i.mno.i rU .-!, lei rurizing I tlit inhabitants it j ' : com; idling ! farmers til feed lli' iii l (lit! :oilit So taken inalli.iiri . ., . I'.. 1 uill .......inn. veri' fa- Li V . i - .- 1 n , i.KiuniT.ii ,... - ., 1 inc woo'in wncrem r of pro-pcriiy hanging j v,)ra,y w itii tbi g;c:U wi.lo u: ,,,,., Mm ,.,.,,,1,-d, .enl i.iiy Unit wa 1U.1.. .H ...... -, t. ,lortl,wi. 1 .1 : . .. I...I 1 i.u w niil. 11 m I V sitcn mm 1 hi 1 w"v 1 J'oinHNi), June 12: A luilidr gi, in tins I.Iiich fimU I uhlj ,i,M.r ,,r;c,., rj.'rt!i. tbun r I iim r tiiiiij'fi to built tt 11,111 j (,! in our lit .In vAyi t VtUn- 1 0 Hid to tli.-ii II be l:eem lim -y- , . ,,hjii. UuriiiK Ibe !';lht v .ry Siunlny l horn lr two bits llmre linn bi-Mi ui.ii'i'-r.iliiii'i'ro j wlll"(.(l(,l ,,,., Ml)l ,),,, llt veim-ul nimbi in II'" ; "f .i.diar it I nv 0 tl.e lir.-t . us ei.l- .1 . . .... .... ..... 1 iniiH nnil seme 1,1 ui.ti- ni ,;,, iMMM. 1 .....ii mriii-turei'. 1 In r n "'I n mi proof lliat Tri.eey Bin! Jlerrill Tbm btiMn-nwl Ibfc linfortunate ' mi.-take tbroib bicb one of tbc; ponw, r!.ortil lo be Deputy Sheriff . ,. I 1 . I I in m 1,1.1 .- Sk utoii, 0 Sa em, snui )in' ,t,le t.-iero, and the aulbor.t.e,, are " . hotlikelvtoneeomulate any, , v v,rt(,. . , . f T) Si al bail lift Vancouver to ,l,e coovietf bi:ve several thing tot u ' a1.' uu , , a.umer for whiel, a,e more H-rioi. j w "'" " """.i" ,1.1, ,, 1 r P .,.,., tf'e.r own, aim tlniii borne .-lei; ling. i.ur.t-all ' .,... U- ... f1.m Itiiih men are cxeei- traeni tin; team 10 ..louni 1 -leatuut just couth of Oregon City, lout the track and found it iit-ain, below lili lurllj r av.ay. ei; I in Cluck- amuH County, (or l'.;-i- Iimii. Tiiey '..ire !n.-'t Hen bU.,, 1 o'eiiK-k a'.iuut three miief fr ' 'e.-dy, 11 ml iruvelirii! in nn t;.. i'v (bni-tion. ti St.ii.iinr n,:p 111 ii nv.av. for ,t luriii. i,i,r-ii,l, of ibe vuilliei) of. 1.. .1., .1 . ,,i v.,i,. ... 1 M" i - 1 in' r. c . nut .111.. ut, ........ I.I UK it Willi II O.lllTVVIM' .. 1 1 ' .1 .1. M'Ki'ww I llil-t town iieiieve in.ii inn Mir-i b.i if it were ),"t for the hLr,1(,,'uW).,.,u.rii lir,. ,ade for ibe beep.n;' r.ii-tilieMi.encoiopiabiof anl.l(!iia-!th(! )t.(,.u 4,kan Hmj ()t t,. linn in Ihu Bi-iieral nmriieU to wlml , rf ., , w,.ttr ,(,,., ,,.. ilHr Wore Ibe urike nl wlliUl,orlt.,. ,liiu im. e .of our w.mbl I "lutb n.oie n.n.-4UIjhmm,c;iv M lIy ll( ,:t w,Mll,r! were il not for the fact that the city , jn J(( ('ot (ri.;i ,( kmm is noiv full of deb VatK't'" ' tbe v- j !it J. t,;i f( . ij .uH i.HMie.ulloiiH Ik.u.(i ilii;ir ins lvj (liei,l ii Uii.v ut: li.-re alteiidiiiii their n""1"" ,, ;hUr,. in Hiem when uttoi-ng or extia- f'bi'ary, Ue tiMinih. . KveiywheK- the union label it-1 oillei r Ivleeietl. c Hirpu-ouM and in muiiy I'lacei it J Tlta M;i.-iiii Grand I.odf;e in is only put lip mi - a ort of prutec-1 miion :n rll,im Ut nee elect tion aijiiim t boycolliii. Ad,u'-;t.d lln follong ollie;: , Ah iitl.Bi otMba union tua iii j(Wt H'oriipful t.nin.I .Master ...any cuks, n.en cutting iiiiderand . w p ,!(t Ut.f ll( j:r!., r ( jtVi working lor Icmi liiun me "'."" , i)cmty Grand M.i.-te S. AI. ; t,e despeiatu iuihw-, Urtwet-n ligurt-f. Nearly fl" tranc wori-r , yora)i fl( K,1(;,.n). have u picnic bore an to bourn fori .j(ir harden t ,ey uo to work at e j,lil in H' p;allll(:;,ni 0f (;rantn IVh. and oiiit t liu- in the af- .. . j,.1.r,,ilirvj. Jf. Ro i.-riioon It i-i ni wonder that it j( j,;,,,,,,. (ri..,.lwicd.) li:livull lo Kft help to leave the. ()r.()i jt.aKurt.r K. II A Ilk- ton, of l'orlland(rc-clcced.) tirauil Trustee Jacob Mayer of Portland (re-elected.) the city, through which the outlaw had evidently driven without wor rying inticb ab ut puruern. The track led (T0- the unguarded Cba-kauiaH I ridic lit Giad tone, i w here il turned off on the ro.ul to j Portland. KaniiaU returned to in. :... t.'.. cl ... tt ...1. aia i from p -" " v'-v 'ur """i '.. ". . 1 I ...I ... it... ilia ami 1 1 ' i"."".. hounds arid btarttd for Portland forthwith. 'lhat v.ari cleiv No. 1. The second wa- not loni! delayed. Ceeri'e Siimbrland and Walter liurliiij-'iiiMt- were enjoying a quiat boat ride on the placid wateres of Coliirtihia Slouch about 12:30 from lherall liar- if them I o'eliK-k Sunday afUmoon when two ,t and.tu Ri.d: M,vUms bad ,nile,en a;..peared upon the bank, . . ..... . 1 ,l ... ,,...1 ..o1,.l iJe teneralfd into a m-re 1.1. ml j V "vu ""l0 arch. All !.: I w pic u the'tbemU come aaliore. They had trail proved mile ii'.u! t'ne n-an b I Ueii on the ulougb about long I'liouh, no they complied, and i)o nai uli.indiimd hi. d llic whole party returned Imui . No trace w.o di-'-overi'd of the fiij;u!ives until SmieUy, win n tin V crowed the Col 11 in i en into Wasb ingtou. 'AJiliil? tbu tbeit uf an oilur leuni to the. r i. ready long lift of crime, 'i'riii-'- :ud IKrrill ohin . . .1 ir..:, city mid (10 10 me touim.v. rcsme get all the way from - five to eight dollum a week nndhoaid, but they have to work longer luurj than 'the clerk". Jiibl now the qity is a profut-ion of bloom an the roi-e Hca on k on and there will b a rune tliow in a Dr. V. J. McDuniel, while on hi wav to make an early call fell I in front of a Cily & Suburban car !. ...I inuiunilv l'il!il Tli n an lew dayn. Wagon bmded with cjt.(,lU occm.d on Wiilmnis ave- Cirnations and ro.-eu are pai-hiug , (U1(S 10,wt,,. ,yilllV(, and 3Ia-on iiroind llie ftrceiiein mo evening and morning distributing their wares at reduced prices. It in enough to Hunger one nonietirm L, titrcU. Cur No. 4i was on its drst run of the dav, going north, and bad jut reached tin; Shaver street rossing, when Dr. McDuniel turn .1 ... c ill pawing me entrance 10 one 01 j ei j1(J avenue on a lucy- the gret'iihoitiiostogetagoouetrongii uyn)R .K.lw8 the fiiut two puff of the perfume of llowcrs Ihali (l,rnC(i tl.-,rt li, patn-ing he- issues forth and k lost upon the;. ' . 1 .U1!,ie tracks. Car and breeze. I Friday evening and S.. inlay inaile II. ! their way tl.r u. h Cl.ick.niiiii' I oun !lv. acriiss Miiltno.i: ih from the line to a po'ril opposite Finher's binding, crn.-ied the Col umbia, and are in ti.e ueighbor boud oiFourtb Plain. Clark Coun ty, Washington, with another posse on 'their track, imot lu r sheriff in charge of it, and three detectives from Portland as reinforcements. As it was in the beginning, it is now; they will either bo captured or killed, 01 make their escape. Merrill is now on t round with which be is thoroughly familial, having been born in Clark County and brought up in Cowlitz, and is thus better situated than in Oregon, The country is much the siime, formed of lov. -lying bills, grateful were they lo lhe:r new- lound Irieii.k for asking them ashore lhat when the latter called for food it was cheerfully supplied. 'flu men with guns ate, and re quvsted Burlingame- and Sunder land to row them across the river. It was impossible to get from' the slough to the river in the loat, so the new arrivals suggested that another boat be found on the river -bore, and that Burlingame and Sunderland should find it, mean while carrying about 80 pounds of amniuniton which the visitors had with them in sacks. The sugges tion seemed reasonable, and was adopted without argument. W. V. Paddock, a young man of the Sun-derlanJ-burlingame party, was in vited along by the footpads, and accented the invatition. Apparently undisturbed by the presence in their immediate viein ity of a new army of pursuers. Tracy and Jlerrill today huijl up another farmer for the necessities of life, towit: clot hes and provisions, nt, shot, and when it Irtcan.e' known that the convicts wese bead-" iiig north alter leaving place, Morris and Seal went to the' woods near middle bridge 011 Sal-" riion Creek and remained in the vicinity a day, waiting fur Trac' and Merrill to venture from the' tin.ber. Early in the afternoon' the posse, composed of Deuply Sheriff Skipton, Walter Lyon,. Deuply Sheriff Wagner, Guard' Ferrell mid two or three Salem1 guards, came v along the woods' looking for the convicts, and weary. sWidcnlv someone in the Salem' party saw two men, who afterward turned out to be Morris and Seal., with guns in their bands, sitting-' on a 1ol in the woods about 500' iyardjaway, An idea got into the' minds of the Salem people tiial tne two men sealed so quietly under a taee were really Tracy and Merrill,. ' and the firin-z began. Each ot tne Salem guards fired one shot, and a bullet fired by Deputy Sberin oaip ton, as alleged by the others, took effect in Morris' leg. Terrified att tbevollev from the Winchesters,. both Morris and Seal held up their' hands. Seal waving a hankercbiei;.. and then the truth flashed on the 1 ,ifl,' minds. They burned 1 over to Morris and found that he was bleeding and was seriously .minded. He was placed in a buggy and "rapidly, but: carefully., driven lo St Joseph's Hospital,. Vancouver, where bis wound was dressed by Dr. Ebert and Dr. Gil-" christ, of the United States-army.-It was stated that the bone in the' leg was badlv shtte.ed,- and thatt the bullet had passed through the the leg. It is feared that amputation will have to be resorted to, in the hope of saving the patients life. and selecting the vulnerable, fpot j tne round trip .1 .... 1 1:.... . 1... . Columbia So it.n-.-a lUiiwaj.' 4iliofJu;y Kxt-ursiow. Local Excursion Tickets will t 01H on sale from all stations to - all local points on July 3rd, and 4lb, good tj ,v;nm until Julv Hill, . inclusive; !l)NK und-UXK-TlUKD FAttEi for" I l.ii vr litt both L'llilia ill till! SaillC The Public baths are located (jrw.tj01)) wcre Very close together Heroes the river from the Morrison j ,)y t)is ti1)ei an,i fciirjng a possihie Kireet bridge, but we have an ye'.! aa.i(,,,lt Miitoniian C. H. Kain ' not invusiigated them, i be oll ! rallg tt rurni,1(, g(,r,g. The next Olympic baths that were running I nii)ute . Dr. McDuniel suddenly when the writer was residmit of the' t to t!ie riu)ll alul atteniptedt 1 . . - .1 1. ! . . ! c.ty some yearn ago, nae '; tu cross the track into inuociios dusuctiude and huvel T1 awideutoccured which become overgrown with wild black-1 very t.,)lrill!n to bicyclists who berries. This seems strange to one! ;(1 wtH t,n wliii-li car tracks are unaccustomed to the spirit of pro-M, j,1(lt(a(i 0f lHt j re'S tlial possesses some 01 int ent by ravines, and overgrown I in tbc gmi'd line that was thrown j ti..i.c.IAi Exccrsihn Ttnttw will lies with underbrush and sciuh firs! out to bend them off, went on their which afford the best kind of cover. way, piesuinably rejoicing. The A. the men weae armed with SO-liU j features of tiie pursuit Monday was :(i,.u .,...1 iivin.r mi iilmiiibinee of ! tbf k! i 11" of a member of the nut., .mil il.".... - ammunition, il does not seem like-! posse, by another member,, who', ly that thu desire to capture th -nijshotin the belief that he was go-1 u lll bum inn-iiiiiie t'.eire v 111 the ina to brills' down one ot tlie con- "" .- 1 breasts of their ne.v 1 e of p-ir u ;8, victs. The fugitives are now in ,1,.,., tt ,!.il in ilnivi.-f il.e l.osse'. t:ill In the neighborhood of II - 1 uiilll If tun ' " I I . front of the j that laid down its urms and gave: Lewis River. Guard Carson is ou up the light at Harlow l-ru!ay alter-1 his way trom Ualia Uatia witn a noon. ! tresh.set of bloodhounds to join in From all ' the circumstances in the cbiis.-. Tlie volunteer niembcrs ing the rail the case il seems that '1 racy and 'of Comi'any G, W. X. G., are on side IrOin all stations to WASCO,. oiiJiil.r4thiiml .mil, good to-return until July oth inclusive, at rates as' killoH'.i for tiie round trip: j mm. .insunu i'i i.ivunt, ""jme case 11 sei-iu;. iu.ii. ,iu,i.ii v..i..... .,t. ... ... L'i ilu! ilii.-tni'fi front wheel 1 r...... 11 l,.iv l-.n un'm' 1 reitv I now- LMiardiii!! such farml.ousj energetic citizens of this little town,' )it it llt a) ,,,,1 ami tiw inevil-1 lmR., their own gait and shup.ngi Tracy and Merrill nr.- likely that on one of the main thorough-! ji i,,.,,!,.. fares of tlie place that a comer lot j should. he allowed to become over i rii'iti with bramble.'. Hut it oecurcd. A. 13. Paxton, formcly an Albany a to uleii enerseihev ebosc. iirescective ' select tor food, and at 1 ociocn eiirini after ihein." s beriiis. ileteclives, 1 o.-ses, Citizens 1 bacon A'hilts .'mini l- year'' Y,;eip, )) W-lft' CihOIK M Kiini.'.vUe, .2."' IbivlUay m Ji'., ..V) 'w MfUoiitiKU, . -40' lie Muss, . .75 ' ' lliKkinvillo, l-" '' Ciss Vuiiey t :i v I- '1' H.iiirhin, 1." ii. nt, - i.n- i-"' Wiici.x, 1-T-i - t-'4.a:ii':.,. 1,1 ' O.i A. sfvurai- T.: IS at G raws' I and dogs will sgain hit tiie trail .1... 1. ....... ..I..,. i:.,.l r,.i...iitl 111 Vi.i - 1. '1-1...H..I..., il,.,,. a...i... ..till, in ! .mil'l in nil -re on the fresh t'-w" t lillOfcOI U lllll ,li, v. .....i ,;ilKU 1 L1HI.-I..I, hi. ....... .......... not more strange than that thero;CIlllj(( He had been in 1 "or ; pioteed without ibe necessity ot scent radiated from the clothes the thoiild yet remain the old coiden-'.i ,()r f., iVWUH iu,d : rVe:iling their w hereabouts, and ; the game j,-ft ai the ranch of Henry tal which has remained' n, ni()rt 0l-(j.,,,, jn traveling. tii(ie vas plem v of cover in ihe:Tieil, four miles from Vaneoer, Hie same for the past half century : i1(ll,jnK t recuperate. Ilu w.;s in the heart of the business part' of nroniiiiciit I hotograpber and '.!t With L'.AVS V.ts t 8..0 1'. M 'v, arrive at f r -t 8.45'; P.M.", r ., Vailev at "J.13 P.M. 0. K.l.VTl.l!, (I. J'.W.. .1,,. nin. nd s whs remarked bv uleusalit citizen. His son Hon. 0. a;.p;o.U"iuctlt.bu,iucS.MmF, is. the. E PaxJou. resides. iit.P.iutland.. ot those wild supplied with LOST. A black r.;.i .utt.n.fc-1 tug (-(.ir.aining .fiO-ill -gold, fl" a j.rt., iil.-.eii .lint .V) cults i fiiver, ad a ,.v,l tt-iih if;.:.Mi!l;.vl.'raa-' .. ' old and i i jt w;s ,.,..t !;,a-.i!oiifh;y.l'et-ii t ! KUiu'.'s and A. Z'-i.s. 1'"' ''" 1 In iiili-il ! In the iiieanliiiie Tracv and 1 1 liliirall . -lei.; i.J,.ua w ' ' I About. luidjtigl.t. Saiiu-day. tivol Merrill, did not p.ui iu.ati-.apjii.-iu-. attain oico.. brush betwieii li raves' and the j where they oil. a wuh tin Willamette." for w hich it is now ! onned with tl.e new. li-ir that thev Were headed.! In the