Crook Journal VOL VI. THE ELECTION. Chanik'rlain Carries the State by 219. Democrat for Governor ... All Othor Republican on tho Slat Tloknt Elected by Good Majorities. Complete election returns con tinue! to cut down tlin pluralty of Oeorge K. Chamberlain for (iover lioi'. Hi; now lm 249 more votes than W. J. Kttrni h, lliti lead ur.In y wu ilili . Ollieinl return from (hickumas County (jive Fur k j.Uiruiit v ol 3'.I2, or 25 more than reported Saturday. Josephine j;i v-rt till! rc:jullifttll nominee 127, or tour nunc than shown by com plete uin'fl'u'inl returns; Linccoun ly seven niori-, or 2(10; Waiihihgtoii three more, or 273. All t'ie nut of tho republican Stale ticket in elected by nmjori-lu-s rnnging from 7(K)0 to 1200(1, while the majorities of Williamson and Tongue will aggregate about 15000. Mali! Senator T'-rcy Kelly, of l.itui county, ic t!i'f':itt-il .n- ri-'-t'ii-i--tiim liy M. A. Miller, democrat, liy two votes, Tim unofficial returns give them bo'.h llic watue mimlxT of votes. Tint pluralities o( Tongue it n J Williamson for Congress ure iiii-rensing uii tho returns count in. Tongue now ha 6927, and WU lainsom 8'94. 1 Ion. (ienrgo II. Williams was elected .Mayor of Portland over R I). Iiiinan liy 700 plurality. In thin county tin' democrats elect the county judge, clerk, sheriff, treasurer and coroner, while the republican elect commissioner, uwenor und surveyor. Tho iuia tivuand referendum amendment curried by 615 majority and the county high school liy 428 majori ty. The legislature is largely repub lican, which insures the eloctiuti of n republican to tho United States Senate in place of Joseph Simon. Died. i Wm Henry Adams wan born at Heaver, Crook Co., Oregon, August l.'Uh, 1S73 nnd died at the home of Ida sinter, Mrs. Boegli, in Princ ville, Saturday night, June 7th, 1902. Aged 28 years, 9 months and 25 days. lie leaves a father, three sinters, six brothers and a large circle of friends. Services were held at tho Union Church, Monday,' June 9th, at 10, a. in. by Uev. B. F, Harpor. The remains wore laid to rest In the Masonic Cemctary. Trespass Notloe. Notice is huieby given that all per sons me warned not to trespass upon the following described premises by driving across or herding upon the Mime tiny livestock of any description whatsoever under the full penally of the law for trespass nnd damage, vit: The w J of the nwj. tho sj of the se, mid of swj of sec 21, the swj of the s ol sec 2:', the aej of tho lie, the w-J nnil the J of the aw) nf sc 20, IIih n J of the nwj, the nwj of the nej, the s of the net and tho ej cf the nwj nf M) 29, nit in township 12 s. range lli e, W. M., containing 800 lien s and known as the Muling mill lite. Willow Creek Land & Livestock Co. N. A. Newbii.l, Pres. nihnli Ukoroe Dkk, Bec'y Ready-made cigarettes at O'i'eil liriM. PKINEVrLLE, The Kliitf Wins. After two years of litigation and loss of two suit.-, the Oregon King Mining Co., of Ashwood, has won its suit before the Court of Appeals at Sun Francisco. This will mean a great deal to A-hwood anil sur rounding country, us the company will no doubt commence active work developing their mines as soon as everything is settled. The people of A.dnvood turned out in a solid body to celebrate the event. Men, women and children helped to make as much noise as possible. All the firecracker and guns in town were brought into use, Pow der was in great demand. In fact it was tin event of great importance to the citizens of Ashwoud and they made a regular 4th nf Julv celebra Official Vote of Crook County, Or., (j jvernur (iemgn K. Chamberlain, Democrat William J. Furnish, Kcpuhlicait A. J, llnusaker, Pioliibilinn 11. It. Kvan, Socialist Supr-iiie Judg" Hubert S Itean, HepoldieRIi I! F Hon tut in. Denxwrni C J Hiight, I'robibiiioii Seere'uiv "I Slnt C W', Socialist N A Huvis, I'lOhildlion .i,. frank I Duiihsr, Repgblicaii . . D W Heats, Democrat Stale Treasurer Henrv Blackinan, Demooral T 8 MoDanieU, I'lnhibiliou Charles 8 Mn(r. Ilepublican W W Myers, Socialist , . Sujieriiitendent ofl'ublio Instruction J H Ai korman, Kepublicaii R W Kelsey, Piohibition. W A Wmiiii, DeniiHuat Attorney Gsnernl A M Crawford, Republican. T H Goyne, Prohibition James II Raley, Democrat Stale Printer W W Dronks, Piohibition Junes E Godfrey, Democrat i J K Hosmer, Socialist J R Whitney, Republican United States Senator T T Geer, Republican C E 8 Wood, Democrat Initiative and Referend'nn Amendment Yes. " . " " " No Representative to Congress WF Butcher, Democrat DiedrichT Gerdes, Socialist F R Soaulding, Prohibition J N Williamson, Republican Joint Representatives, 21st District P 15 Doak, Democrat L E Morse, Democrat Earl Sanders, Democrat J;S Burgess, Republican RAEmmitt, Republican N Whealdon, Republican .' County Judge W A Booth, Democrat , WC Wills, Republican, Clerk Carey Foster, Republican J J Smith, Democrat Sheriff J 8 McMeen, Republican C Sain Smith, Democrat Treasurer M C Awbrey, Republican M II Bell, Democrat J N Poindexter, Independent Commissioner C B Allen. Democrat M D Powell, Republican Assessor B F Johnson. Republican J B Merrill, Democrat Surveyor C A Graves, Republican Knox Huston, Democrat Coroner J H Crooks, Democrat. , . J L McCullouch, Republican County High School Yes " " " No.... CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 12,1902. tion of the event on a large scale. This case lias been watched with interest by people all ovi r this coun ty and most of them are glad to hear that the King has won. These mines and others around Ashwood arc very rich and now that the King Mining Co. is free to go abend we may soon expect to bear of some great things in that country. Extensive preparations arc being made by the people of Haystack for the grandest celebration ever held at that place. Program will consist of; Reading Declaration of Independence, r-'ongs, Recitations, Oration and music bv the Haystack Vobo band. Jt v. ill j begin at lOo'elock sharp, Basket (dinner will be served. Hharp's ! String Hand will furnish the music ; i 2: !47, V2: jj 3' i.121 4! 1 -A '23 4-i! !'2!) 3t 3 l!22 111 1 j !4 51 49 6f II 1 for the dance in the evening. Good camp grounds with plenty of wood and water. Everybody cordially invited. Paulina Pointers. The crops are all looking good in this vicinity. We have been blessed with lots of rain this spring. Joe Howard is gathering the catle he bought of Vincc Circle. ! Mr. Cross, the stove agent was here not long ago and sold tcverjtl "Homo Comfort" Kangea. j There have been several thorough bred Hereford cattle bought in this neighborhood, that were imported Irom the east. Billy Foster has bought Joe Treiehel's interest on Wolf creek and Joe will soon take charge of I (J. W. Nobles ranch. i i i lS!22,104(i: 414! 5:12 12!17,olilO,12 220 13129 10:12112,17,21 o07l!ll:il ';;" ss, cs c, c. fij z.' X ri 7 ','1 s: at "sor- -i if i!?;ifi5!-:s!:rii's S2;5 1 1 1 n z br!:tor5liu!iHifi u i? i S:.ln: ; i i: : iV-V i: i i i i r I I I ; i i : i i i i i i i i i i ii ii ii m: ; i ii i .12; 1. r 2.M II! I '! I 3 22'l.T:j;!llil")13;20!21SSGo! 8 1 ',2'.l'l7ia 1)47 811 ;5.5;il'1018 I 2i 2! : 2 i: 1, 2 2: 1 41U',1 l!!l 2-21 lS':l)10!l4 121820''.'Ht;4; 911 1 ! ! 1 l! 1! V i'J 18- 3:131 4;ioiiii.'uyrioinsi 7i 8 niiziy 108, 16.17' f'4a 8;i3 9 10 1-1 5l'll 121 1 1 1 I .! 01 ! .i ! 32013:28; 9112121919,23,61 8.10.12!23i 737j 7)1217 124 $22; 12! 1, 1, 4,19 1 4 2116(34 11 ! I 2i 2, 13 13 17;22,3' tiiJilO HI14 2i; 7'43 1! 112 10:17i 7!4tt: 3;12 8j 9 13,56 9Hil8 8;li;igjl7i 11.20 102 613 I I 2 22:iQ'2S!ll 14 10 17110.31 G7 1 3, 1517 0 4 SI 3:13 812,15 5.1 .LI 1 1 1 13'15 6:34; 3!ll 31 8 9,11:191011 3;18i 2 li A 1 4.21 16 27 ll!14 l0il9'lo!.'!5!tiS 10 3il6'14j3i; Sjiril ll IOj'H 5K) 18H710I50' 5,15. 4 81018i54'l0;12: II0M3 11 12S48 6 9- 8 12!15,2?.:83, 'o:1Y. 4 2 3. 61 8i 31 5i 3 2; 4 9; 3, a 2H;1517 34! 4 lOj 71 7 44 9 91Gi 2' 12! li 5. 1! ! 1' 1! 1 2i 11 326il4;44j 9:1514 20,26:118 77 ll;iai9 27 MM 14118.1347 6 9 31 7:21,52; 9! 13. 20'12l5;1246! 2,10 31 4 9 lti 'il 1010 11119 10UJ 1 7 01 icii 1 K 71 52; 3l3;i0.2lJ 910,lll9il8;23,.;2i 6, 6 &;a)i'ii , 11 ihii;;22roi 0! 29: 213,H!22 9 10;10 151G 21 51 4 51 18 30,21 76,13,18;i4;i0 28 18'90ll2'21 313; 5 17 2; 7! 41- 27 s;ni 411 9;u 81414!25 45 C '4 17,32 23i81i a.l3:i0il2;i9j2l.84il4:W.23.2U,l6 4l'2a;i6:27;i6( ftl9l;i60,S7I I !43! 5;i5'1538il0,ni 817!21!14,93 UlllilSU 10 43 lllJl KHi 321i "H57 i'40!15!28'1153 o!l310 8!ll!30.3flil2'12-t9'24i 8 2U221519136 620!:52 5jl310 8 I l:303fi 1 21 2 M M M ! M M I I i li 5 510; 1514 lf 50 7'1.'!1214 7 2-r.; fi ft 7 62, 3 20 37i ' 4 12 4 5j 9:10,5210, 719.14 9;32! 1 11529110 718WM5'l0l 6; 8, 31 6! 817'25 4! 3 4; 5 3 12-loj 71 6 65: ! 4i--t32;i III .M M M i li Ii 12; 3: 19,17:31 29,1117 591 5i 5 1:51 7 6 2512!lll8;44! 2! 7 R! 7.1 (VIS 45 516: 55: 725 10j4l!l3:i7 13l5'2i:28176:i4; 8 I M ! I M 6 14'131D 23 27:3813 9 50 618 15 47 2S1219,12;41 7 9: 5! 4 81590 (S 13 Mi 6:21) 15-501 2 12 fl'19 15:33 (.9: 9' 8 47!12il9.13;50;ll:12; 9 613,10;54' 9,!4l7l 9 929 24! 37117 24'15 5810 15 7 in: itiKt 45,10121 11 27 21- 2l 914 41 5, 6 9 15,14:2348 6: 6171 5,ll;20!28:7li Slli 8 3! 7! 2l 5i li37i o 6! NO. 2G lietolt at the I'enilrntlsrjr. SALEM. June 9. TIarrv Tract' and David Merrill.convicts, escaped! from the IVnitcntnry at 7 o'clock this morning and made their way to liberty, leaving murdered behind! them Guards F. 15. Ferrejl, H. R. 'T, Jones and B. F. Tiffany, while Frank Inghram, a convict, whd tried, to bar their road, was shotir the knee, which was so badly ghat' tercd as to require amputation. He is now -resting easily, and strong: hopes are entertained for his re covcry. Clad in their prison garb, well armed and provided with am' munition, the men are now lurking: in the woods not far from town, and, although hundreds of citizens; have recruited the posses that are" searching for them, they have thus far eluded pursuit. As proven by their cool and cold-blooded manner of escape, both are desperate and I daring men, and will not he re' taken without a struggle. June 2, 1902, 2015 8 30120 12241122; 9'22r 538 13.23 9 391 I 2' 1 I 7,14 1U14U! zw;m hi l! 113 24 7:44! 81321:133 4;21;G18 124 7 11,24 20 11 21:113; iy44 2! 1: ! 81 l! 2i V 3 7I ,2 li.. 1 1323, 834! tm12i 4121 8 10i2fitl912 IS 108, 614 472 A ! . 43, 80 i 1 l 1 V Ji 111 67; 9'll,19!t2,"r Mi ff 2; li 9. 13 coo;i3r 111" a 36 465: 7;i0ll220l 838 71017!ll9 521 562i I1 I 12 6 4' II 6 2 35' 1S12.19 10 10 22 19 10:22!l04t 6 16 4iM; M 2t 1 6 l1 1 61 I '! 28 16 7 8;i8il6t 919; 84' 61.4051 al o. 01 I t :l ai 912 21 8421 5!l2T7il35l..52;'o!J6 8 421 511217 111 934 e! 914 1SI 9 20 934 6, 914 81 315 458! 18! 7 Z3'ZZ1Z33.11 ci. foio; 01 1631 27 1 124 116, 7 .l.V'007 ;515 1, 3 1, (Ij 2; 2; 18 2' 3li 92 Ml! 611816! 8;i9! 891 SlaiWj 1 3) I 11 Ii I a' . 5! 1 1; 4 ri 2ii 7jl7 23143; 5 25 658; 28f ill lit: 25;13 -24 144! 6123! 56S 2312;i(i! 80; G!li:,414' 1 2; 10:51, I 1(5! 8 1031 1,'ii 5 j 9 21221114! 80, t.lO;37 7:2S! 5 812i 94 416 1455 j 6'3H 511 141 93 316,;476:( 027i 5 7lU 77; 3,17i,ua2ij MM M Li 13 15 i;i:i!M 41112 22"19 5,26;38j 313 20 4.24, 7110105: 718! 402 M i ! I I III! 7:10171 3 30 71214! 23; 389 I 19'24! 8 2U221519136 620:5k2; 8 6; 3t 8, 9i 812 77, 9 0 3C2 ; 24 24 14 58!23 1628144. 7'33!;'. 14:35$ ! 22 18, 4:50 21 17i22l2ti 4;25:616147 6 13! 40J , i !' . 11-14 15U5- 6. 1(i I'l llll.X 1021108 10.20113 514 .-ii; II i : r 918121:73 12'15'22 ll'llj37!2S 16,24 1 56, 6 22, 6041 t 71118, 0!25i 814- 65 4 14'-y2! 9 24,173; 17;wli42 21 1412141 i3t K 31 S'l4i l( 3, 41 13' -l! 15 A