I) J Crook . County journal VOL. VI. MIIXKVILLK, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 5, 1002, NO. -'5 AMONG THE PINES A Trip To i'ine Mountain and Return. Locating on Timber. A Orvut Ruli Now on For Tlm btir hand In This Gouniy. Last Thursday morning tl. ed-j ''lll"di gra " K"d that stock itor siartcd for t).c pine w In with ,,:,f,"'r ll,B r''- (r",i',K ,a i.iirtv of liflv m;.i.Ih Hit bound l'MV,l,,vl,.Ju, ,w "': ' K'')tl.v f.,r tlin w.wd'ed sloi.es of I'ii.t, ! lInK hiUM.lu which strelci.cd ti.outiiuin. where 'twas iwi.l H,. awuy for several mik and a the. would litid u splendid enlkial.m i.f,',;,'',,r""'t ' lowhng t..i f..r mi wmi II purposes. After Ui ut " ",,rry l!al1 AnU-Ioi we hud arrived m.fi-tv at the to "I'""' l from n-ur them uiul scv I In Crooked rivor hill we sailed I' "'' firtu ' ,t."!ll.v, t0 along in a spunking unit behind J. ! 10 ll,,w 'H' ,,1mIi11!" L MeCidloehs' driving t.'i.tn. Fmiii." or tl,u l''",r nmrknitiiinMip thn to. f the hill to Powell Hlltt. Hi l,ufl' a iuw nine, mr iiv, ikct m a MtwwMWi if nigo pl.iii. j t'roiiHKt uh to fund spring where i,.l juniper rin nearly all,,; the norse were watered. Here is which would produce a wvulth C Mn.n formiition uh tl. ground vegetation if then, whh otilv water ' ,vreil H'venil inehw iKup with ..ii them. All around these Imtt.; tinc l,u"" whicli has l.,vn them nr .mm that Hhow a more thrown from a Volinn.i Hi thenar r le. il.Kr.-e of thrill. After leuv-l v"""'.v "t ""'" Ik''1,m1 "f iu iWll Hlllt.lltt few miles wcil.i". itU prCMinle.l that It IIHIM look the "fork hmiil" nid ,,m I l'vc l.eeil emilted from the enter llirciuled our wv iimong !lie j'.tm-' H"t ''" l'milut tiur vers lor mile' wheio th- I'aiiil j '"l t'" ,llt''' rHitioni m would iMW-ionallv riM'in n cloud H' country in thickly C'.ih'd with fr th.mWli.oi lltv Wkmi mid ' l'ii' ftuno in mid until rid the ret Ik iii ft blanket of fH.wd.-r over tt v ',ru, I", nil theerowd, it WH llu rn-peeior, " "'" ,,rt,n fl(Hliil ..f ,iin.i.s. About tweutv mi..!f"-"iuid in tb-lake f.irnh imh finiie ..ut the fit ii-uiiMH n Uiiter an-' ttm' ul"1 t'oni.' w.irh into tht jK iir.iiiev.uiid lurouiiw niort- pi,.,,. ! h'U -f Hiiall boulder or Wui-h-liiul und m I'oiitinut'K uniil one ' Krv,'l' t within tlm riiii).' bouii.hiri.il l'''" Niinl r,ng we tten.le.I ..( Mdli.ui'- rnh. After a h,,"" up thiwidi !. tlnd nil I U-dioim journw w mrieed hi i'lnd t'J'en prairie for severul tiilh l!i- untiii:t of th'lar c.r.vlj hill 1 until we rnn lu'd the forot proper, find vicrteil the beiiiHic of ).: About tl.r.-u lulleH into thi fort JViidinaniivii.tiMiiK to the tiouth- i'M.i;;ht us to the cemp of ihfr tii.ii- wurd, ulioilt tweiitv lnle wny. j 'l lu! north idoic of thin ran?e i; inveiH'd with a liixuriniii trrowih of pine that ctifii'liiH don ll to the valley like a iiionxti-r field of iini'u, wbe.it, villi the lilH'H ar- plainly marked if done widi a hi-'-iI , drill. Thin timber in t.iid to he nil , l iken wiih tome kind of n-rip. ; I' Mm li e ftnnmit of the:-e hills we; eould view the fecdinij ground of ' tin- ftm-k helollitiiii! to (ieoiL'e .Mil' I ijn n, which comdstM of rAWufi ; l"11'1 Hie 'TowiuouK tne out Ml l.ill covered with a line growth of : Vur fmJ wr,""i the desert and buneli (jras. Throuuh this part of ' w,l.v "'""f ererkhill. the county run what is known ns'l'uii pari of th rod i very hiliy I lie river Led mill which Heeum to . '"f S1"'"' ix mile Hid then eom- liuvu been a prehistoric fiver oij lariie ize, efi'ii laifrer than the! lieschuiif. At rare intervnls alon this ancient riveriH-d water is found i and it is one of theso place wherej is located the home if Mr. Milli-1 gnu, one of tho prominent stock I growers of Crook county. With I tbeonlv watering jila. e 'within a j radius of thirty miles he ha a bo-j nuiua. He raise fine cattle and; horse and doe nut have to feed in 1 winter a i done in lt favored ! Idealities. Aftcra little iircliininitrv ski) - inishing for wood and water the partv began active preparation fur the evening meal by building fires j at more or les regular interval! along tho low cliff in the stock viir.1. A nieture worthy the brush ; of a Remhrant was presented to view a the fire threw their ruddy light on the surrounding cliffs and the camper. easting weird shadows! on rock and hummock. After the meal was finished little clump uf men and women gathered here and j "there and many speculations as to I wb.it. the foll.cn intrduv would brinir! forth were liuzaruod. 'ii ; ... ii I ! ...V ...16.. over 100 feet in length and nearly as wide ad it wa long. The editor; and his side liartller found room uti . . i i . I poruon oi n.e cm nr.. ......... .r. o-. mMe JV(1 ,1)f M j ymrt ingnsmiin the bam, which was,m HlW,llt of kidney ami liver tr..".ihl, the House wr u.cir niue oeu antijsnu ... ,r.' ,,i.u,. t ,-.v i,, as it turned very cold in u.e nigiit, . . r ... , , ' ery clote to our exiremmes nciore rnorninj? anil m wore forccl u jit't . . ... , , lip anil build a fire to thaw out. AUut Uuw Q'wl:k tin.' wuou Wt imra lli.. bi.rli ll fur nil tiilllll ll) I'C h.v v..-.. . .p... - up uiul iiwuy unil in it few minute irvirr vlioil v whh astir and ill a i-bnrt I time a steaming hoi cup f eoffco 1 wa being discussed with a relish j not lu In- leuiid in the rity cafes. Wc were soon on tli road uiul the fresh morning air brought the I glow of health to tin: checks of nil. About eight mile frniii Hid home ! much we cumc to the buy ninth where Mr. Miiligun put up what j liny in! must have (or Aimer tire, i'l'liin field contains about 150 hitch ! mid has no fiMicu a nm ml it, a the lit r lui.itor mid in a few minute he bad tho crowd tienretjaled into pnilies and etarted tlntii out to lo ente on tho rlnim to be neletrti'd. Some went on foolaiid others drove in the wnyoiiK, an t!ie timber wa-' free from any uiideriiiowlb and J crfi'i-tl V b'Vei Kl'olllld there W.I.- no tiilliculty in driving anywhere As soon us the locution were made a Iiiintv lunch wan eaten and all band!. Htarted for town. The laryer in(! oni at the C. H. Dealy ranch "I trradually down for Huveral inili. until .,i.rt'..i to fli font. f I l''ell Uutto. We t..pK (I over I night at Dcaly's ami talked sheep and other matters. Mr. Uciily ha j"' nir complaint in the condition of the ci ty road below hi ram h for al leat two mile, This load is very narrow and there ' a ''""d of sheep being bedded on 'I and have tilled the road, what lli'-re i of it, with looe tone and earth until a wagon can hardly be kei'tin it. The country over which the j.nrtv traveled i one of the fiiieat stock ranges m the- west and for mile one can look over vaat fields of the very best bunch grass that ever grew. Tho reason for this is that there is no water, but it would seem an easy mutter to get water by sinking an artesian well. No doubt nut a good supply of watef could lc obtained at n reasonable depth ,and frrhap a flowing well at no great depth . Soveu Years in Beit. ""'lr "er '"" "'mure. ino trieiius i.i .r. u .reuse, ot i,ivw 'use. oi IMK-lJ I'... l'l..... , ., , , , , i she hud been : rcnur, ill. uii:i line. II seven Vl'rtl Mvol vi-(miiHtioi und Kmieiul d.' bility; but, "Tnrea Imtlle ol Klec.trie i Kir.ters enabled me to walk, ''she write, 1 I . . i. i.. r f..i. 1:1 rr. Headao Haekache, Nervous,,,,; Hlneiile,ie. M.finMihlv. K'Mlllim?' u. ,, :...,-' hum iim) win ihim ii ii " iw:iriM , Try it. SarinfiK-ton is giwr-l Ul7(-ri(. Jiv m. iMiiimu- wiuw jinn- Hntm) , AlUlMJWai. wiu.uk Co. Ouly Wa. ELECTION NEWS Williamson Carries dist rict 15y 10,000. Bmith Elected Clerk Booth El83td Judfie aod Bhorlff lo Doubt -Light Voie rolled, the Moti Jay inoriiiii(.' dawned an mit-h rnoriiilius usually do, but from the unusual Mir about town one would know that t-oinethiil out of the ordinary whh About lo take place. Soon the Ktreuin of voters wendinir their way to the court bolice pVe the map away. Nearly nil day tlif front Hep and hall way were blocked liv voter walling theiri I turn al the booth, 'j hi town kIiiIiiIiI have hot les thari five booth liirtead of three, for had there bevh a full fefictratioh a bug.' ii'ilnhcr id voter would hot' have had a thahic W vote. Ar rangement were Wade lo (jet ttifi new from diititlB fmiistfi by tele phone and wt! give the vole for the diffefent mie tihd eourity ollletT as it ftodd lit the -time, o! goinjf tu jut. lJiirict .ViIliaitisiili 47, lluft li-i-rliTU; hlate, furnisli d'!i1. t'hni.i UHuiil.Sf5; llhu ktilitn 2li'.t, Moore ;):'., Sars ilrt, Dutibar "M; Criiwlonl iJIII, hnh'V 'itl; VVanh iss, AekeHuuik l-'lfWIiitiiev !tt;i, (inbfrty ills; t t'oiiinV! Will 8.17. lU.th Hinith f.73, Fiwier Sam rmith 6W. MeMtn 497; M. H. Jiell Uoj, I'oindexrir lsS, Aw brey 24:5; I'owell 4'W, Allen 211; Merril 200, Jol h-on 4.'!S; Hui.. :m, t.raeiM ;W(1; MeCutlii 2i'.x, (rookii 4K0; Hijili whmd, ye fitft, Ifiiih m-li'Mil, no 115; Jtur?.' 270, Kiiimilt 275, Whealtlon I'Hli, l)oak 3.S7, Morse 2(S.S, Sanders 255 Lainutita Line. Win. Newbill and, daujrbter. Mr. Kvan of Sheridan Orejjiui-, are visiiinjj relative and friend at I.aninula and Willow creek. It is rumored that (ieorje Ilen drix i fireparin to reimidel hi nsideneii, mid thatheeontemplate later on to construct a new resi deiiee huildiiiij in front of. the one ho now i'cupies. Mr. K. Weigon, Lamont. proj essional pbototrrupher, coiitemiila- te Kendinif for a new and up to ''n,e ('"rn'ra nml outfit; tlm ('nipr has reversible back and is arranged to iitak.i twenty eight scperatc rfx- (insures on a 5x7 (date, using but one Lens. i i r i) ! i about fijo.lKtO.iKH) in direct iipprop Mr. anil Mrs James Robinson of . . ' . ' , . l". Ashwood who have been visttniK relatives and friends in this vicinity for several .lav, left Monday mor- . i ii i ti .1 i . ..niti.iuii li:.l i"r, v li'i.ioi ni.tcTl;, ning for Hood Kivcr, to bo absent , , t-A,,w . . " , , , (100 cash and f I'lO.OiX.).' co ntiiu ins; several weeks on a business und , . , ,....,..,., , .. ( out racts, instead of Mjo.20,-! eon- pleasure trip. . ' . . . . ' i tinuin contract as orignaily pro- The l.amonta school under, the I vided fur. able management of .1. C. IJaiik Calaveras and Mormon, rivers',. closed Thursday afler a successful j California, lf5t),000 cash and $175; term o." seven months. Excellent ' INM) contract. record made in attendance and The senate amendment requiring progress. Some of the patrons says j bond" by guarantee compiifiies this was one of the most successful i nun contractors und giving to. the terms in the history of the district. : secretary ot the war dineciioiis to . June 2, 15)02. Ji:.xik !. iextcn I the time for the completion , , , , , . . , , ! of the bridaes was strick.in out. A lie pful nun is falling to- av , .... 1 , . i , t. ', ,. . , , ! Most of the amendments made' by and the indications are for sect nil;. . . ,. , . ; t , ., .ot ,i ihiva i-.t mil. tti.fl u.r low is t u. time of vear when rains ore usuai- ly cxieeted and if rain fulls in suf-4 . , :.: , ,i. i uci'iu iuituii.:.n iu ri b.iu iuin.i.i . . , 1 . ,. r, t.n d ili.ntU ,it i.vrnl menpa 1 li'im.l I ' ' ; tlin nevt. lvc iIhvj mmip ill the: earliest of tlm fall sown grain will be far enougii advancitl o insure a fair yield without more rain. Mrs' J. II. Grant neat l.amonta,! recciieu o, retv u. .. i.i.h m,.ive.l news of retrnt date that o pill'enlS, Air, lllld .til's, f.. n(ritl-i . ,l tl, vn.,,.er members - t ' - tht funiily, who tvsitifc near -1 fin '"",' .. .. nun, Linn Co., Oregon are aflticted JwiLtkUui suialliiox. M.cs KUut is reported very ill 'with tl:e'di-j ent of Mr. liva Hansen of I'rosuerl Washinifliiii, and I'erry Stringer of i t liilcotlie, Mo., who Will lie pained j to Jearu of the condition of the loved one at hnrne. It i impos sible to !ct the particular a the family are under tri' t quarantine The children who are. away from the parental home, a well a the alllicttil family, have thexynipathy of their friends and acquaintance in this hour of anxiou waiting for futber (levelopnieiit. it i the wish of all that Mr, fjrant may oooii receivt; new that the familv condition i much improved. Sttrpe the Cough and Work orfthe old- LnxittivH linittm (jaitilnt Tiblett euro a cl'l it. line tiny. N Cure, So Vny, Price, US cwins. t.'nlmn Libert" WAmiT0N, May 20. 'Die fol lowing i the ofiicial notification riit bv the State Departiilenttmlay lo AnAiassador and Minister of tne United States, all over the world, of the iride;ndence of Cuba: "I am diriiled by the President to inform yon that the military occupatioit of the island by the United State ha thi day ceased and that an independent govern ment. Republican in lorm has been inauiriirated under the Presid ency of 'iboma Kstrada Film. Yc.il are instructed to convey tbi infor'niiitiiln through apjit-opriate ihannvl to the government to which you are accredited. "Jon Hay." TruBcasa Notice. S it ice is hitieby Kiven that all pttr inii am Hiii iieit not tu trem U'ii Iih fiilloftiiij; ilexcritied premise by ilrivliig arrtm nr herriiug "pun (lie nine any livestock of any description ttluitXM'ver miller the lull penally of llwUnw lor Uepa anil damage, .via: Tint w J of i lie nwj. the k of the st-J, hiiiI 1 of J of ec 21, the swj "f tl.e w j of . Hi, the ej of the nej, the 'J iiit'l tlia r of the wj of wc 20, the nj. of the n J, the tin of tlieue), Hie sj of the lic mid the e of the nttj.if nee 20, nil in township 12 . riinue 16 e, W. M , cuntiiiiiiiig 8.X) aere.1 and known m the Muling mill ite. Willow Creek Land A Llvts;k Co. N. .V. Nkwmii.i., l're.' mlm3' (Jeorok Hkk, 8ec'y KlVl ll AND HAItUB BILL. Washington, May 27. The ron-j fcrces of t!ie two house of congress j on the river and harbor bill today j reached a final agreement on. that bill. The exact figure showing ihu aggregate result of their work have not been determined,, but it n be stated that of $9,500,000 appropriatitn added by the senate. jonly about $ l,500,(KX)was retained, 'A .the biil will be reported it makes a total appropriation.- of I iniiuiir, .nil, nr. nv'i iv n ,11 inn IK.IU. The imporlant senate amendments include the fo!U)wiii:g . 1 i. ... i i ...i:t :.. inn ii e scn.iii. on iiiiuu miimn uiiiriu. : r e.i. were disagreed to, and will go out of the bill, if the conference retiort I is uiit ium. iiio is accepted. Among the provisions- , . , . .1 ... .1 which met their fiita is the npprop- . f.n'i.m nf llntl IHMl fir tlwi nnlir.H'1.. . . '. mont of the harbor at liilani.. Didn't Marry for Money. The Boston limn, wholntely married ' sickly rich jniiiig wtnwm, isleipp) ! now, lor he .S. lis. M.ivt .New l.iic , " lel,)rtf(( M.f t ii.i, 1(;i...l.l.,C,.-.l.nli... H.l. ('. ' .'".'. liKltfcltW,. .ii ;J I n I H gvvrr milt- .111' HUt rtu UvtM- m( SUMitrtuh tntuliliv. H nil Hit JjlVlT HUH KtWHIiHV;!! Ignite but effective. Only 2.M) at AiUumuh. A.U.'iMdt.!nlMft tcw.Uau NEWS BRIEFLY TOLB Items of Interest Gatli- ered Here and There Sme Stolenr Others Not; Cullibgs From Our Exchange News Notes of the Week Timely Topics Just one year after the Jackson--ville Florida fire, live embers have' liecn discovered while some digging: wue being done among the ruins, so the fire ban la-en literally "burn ing a year." , The Paul Mohr portage road out the ojtjiosite side of the river, was' sold at sheriff's s;e at Goldendali" last Saturday to satisfy the con-" tractors who built it. It was bid! in for $.'G,592. Dalle Mountain-" eer. Iloistox, Tex., May 22. Latest reports from Goliad' state that ninety-eight jrson were kill'edi and 103 injured by a tornado' which passed over that city yei-tor'-day afternoon. The pnia;rty loss1 in the city and the surrounding country will probably waeli. $200,-" 000. Yesterday eight people (vim Haringtoli, Wash., Were here, hav--ing n.-turncd from locating timla f. land in the Matolis country, Crook county, where they were taken bf lougl Alh-n. They were well! pleased with, their locations,, a the' timber is satisfactory,, and lliei' have reason forlndieving than it will be .within feafh Of market in La few vear. Dalles Mountaineer.- "A yomig" tna'1 Ul Libsott hiaV now consider himsJlf the "cwk of" the roost."' His wetilthy n.unt re 1 cently died' and being a. fervent !. lievcr in the transmigration, off souls, and that the soul of hcr deadi husband had entered a fdostery. willed her entire fortune t) th." bird. Disgusted. witJt this fowl dis iosal of the "Wads,'r her nephew" had tile rooster killed and apjtoin ted liimsclf the beir to hi estate.. He now does a little crowing him self Ex. J).. IT.. Brown of Suinpter', a niiii'-ing- and oil expert was m. Arlington this- week and! in- company Witl Henry Crass- made n tvi( ove t Uoss- Bsardsley's plie on'- fin Creek to inVcstigivte the' oil1 pros--ects for a syndicate.. 3Ar. lirnwrt informs the Record' tRat thf .i.iw s;ctsniw; very favora.ble a'rid' has advieed the company ttveoraiht itcfr development wrk ' the sane' al an early dute; fite iVi interest .: ii the oil. fields around Wew-f -.'tuil the Malheuu iJitstrk'LH.' -Arit; jh Kceord'.. EV'ANSTON,, Wxv?:, May 2li;-- !. sn.Mv storm which' strtick tiii 'section Satnwlay night has cot-i in uc.i without alialiin.eht.. it estimated that from ten io foil-! i-'eiu !h ! e.t n-'V U --re-,v- - 111! .,eh. l :.V- incliv of Witt snow lius iall'eiv. gre;ier (mrtef which Ims hi vaUevs.. Sheep' and iiiinl reported1 to la' dying by the t siiinls and the prcminetw -men estinialedi that tl' B Uintah, count y alone will' 200.000; head." which would' had marketable vVvtion t a million' dollars.. My. little soil' l;ai: aw nil" wltnopiiic t!oe,illi'aiiir tvtis tine., wittv pneiitn.iniii; hvt (or CY.-i Iain's Oonuli. Ktnvdv iV wont" Inula sei'iortstiinu of it. ft nisi nine froiii- s.'vm'lir M'wve nttsi': eiotiji. i- Stiui xka'dkn, Wiiilit fCerjilil,, Kit in Haven, t'oS SH'li. I.v n'l ilrior'-t-'. ieti ... 'eil .. ,; to-.- V'. ,.r . . to TO rtlJK Al tl-.i. .. Tidur Liwmve lio'iim ltliiitiine A-!i'dru4lii.i r.fnnd tii inimev' : iiMjuiSt fe. W! HnWi sejiwe fc'idy-iiid uiijiJ"''to 1 KU