Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 29, 1902, Image 1

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I'ln Itlimdi-il Hum .
The. Hrtlo of tho title Hereford
bulls at tliiii place wiih not very
spirited. ' During the first few days brisk demand, but it
was otil v a short titnn until tin-re I
was a break mid buyers wirt' not
plentiful. This limy I'D accounted
fur liy the fad tlmt many of the
cuttle men from tin outlying
,l,tn lH could ma "m. 'm tne .,.,..,. . W1 .
but few id tmr ea tUlmT .f Ihw
llr . i Vl r ,
!'"' i r Hi h 'i'l, .. t Id t
,n.,,l ,, . lc m I n ud
",, ll"H I f i tl i! bird mill
range h-h1 lrft V I
furnish n hoc article of lfcf ttti
Miiail cxpeiw in llie nreeuer. fliiy
lino coming from Urn Hereford
country and Hecing the herd belong
nnr to C. Hum Smith, on upper
'r.,::"'"1- 1, -
llClillOW H'SILT Mink linr v.m.M ..
vomn of the (inei-t. of the kind in
llie went, the tinio niuy 1; nuid of
ti.e lord of J. It. (irny, but iiKidt
f min thcetwo men there ban been
no great inlcrxt nianiii'ficd in the i
hreed in tbm comity, m lar a tin
J ifliXAl, has been able to learn.
The herd of twenty-live brought
hy He itt St March were iih tine
ciii be found nnvwhere in tlu
l.'nitd Slates and as toe herd win
-lt in this county we may now
expect fime fine graded entile ns u
r suit. Home of the finest titills in
the lot were pur(.b.'S"d by J. II
tirav and t'. Hum t-tuiih and tWr
geiiiicm. n will time improvt' tluii
h rris to Mich mi extent lha;
no.hing (ilicr can be fui;nd short ol
un ,,h nt the finest iiiiiiorlcd slock
...nan' nurchaMiiir and name of!
bi'll piiiibum:d are a follows
Alvin.iM K), H. S. Sterns; Andy tin
'th. tl7.r. (iiimt May; Avouihilc.
t2'lTt,V, Hani Hmiibfliakota, 122.')
Klliot & LiiUer; (ilciieoe; 1176; U.
I., Kriuell; Hercules, 1110, t,ralii
M ivs; Marlow, $275, J. H. (irny;
Pal'oduro, $22. W. C. C'ongleton;
Romulus, IKK), John Kayl;fccna
ttil), Elliot & LislerHpHrtan,IH0,
'rii!.e',l; Talmud. tUH, Krel
Powell; llcefy lien, $175, K.F.Zelll;
These IhiHh ure all regiHleid.
The ninn who cannot snj nnv
thing good of tin) nominee of his
party should either remain ailent
or get out of that party. A politi-,-!,!
"IniM'ker" in a barnacle. It a
absurd to imagine that in the
election of nominees of any party
in convention that all people can
he natisfied in those selei tions. It
is ulsn the heiL'ht of ahsurditv for
any disgruntled to -
HUinethat lint jiugnicnl is t- be
tiken as a tiartv Holomon in pre!
erence to the judgment of a half
humlrcd citizens selected from tin
various precincts to attend n coun
ty convention for tho naming of
nominees of his party in a political
contest. Tho political "knocker"
is in the same cutegory with the
"knocker." About the most ridic
ulous man in any community,
though, is the man who, elected as
a delegate to his county convention
to assist n the selcctum of party
nominees, goes out of that convent
ion and cither secretly utalia the
nrimiqoc ol his party in the hack,
or openly espouses and champions
the cause of a political enemy!
When he looks in the glass he
must certainly see a splendid
peel men of the political traitor.
Kvery country him them. Lake
view Examiner.
All Eyes On Texas.
(irest is Texas. Her vast cotton
crops and marvellous oil discoveries
aiiisze the world. Now fnllowa the
startling statement of the wumlsilul
work at Ciscero. Tex. of Dr. king't New
Discovery for Consumption. "My
wile couriicted a severe lung trouble,"
w rites editor J. J. Eager, "which cmi-
el u molt obstinate cough ami finally
el a moil omiiimia vi-ki, j ,
re.olted in profile, bu
n. . " , . 1 1... nJ
she bus beon coinpleioly cured by Dr.
Kine's New Discovery." ll s positive
ly guaraAteed for Coughs, Colds and
Throat and Lunj trouble. 50c and
$1 00. 'JVi.iI bottle; (run at AiImiiiii(II
4 Witinek Co,
Vot,'! for thi republican iejclHlat
lvo t.cket.
, Knllriinil Mauiiiiie Talks.
"Yes, there in one bit of news
tliul I suppose you would liki! to
know," mill I'ri'riilint Hurriman
hint night in Lin Uw'.my way, us
in was talking Willi a reporter
., ,,.,. ; hu d0e
""' "f'- millinery of
,,,r u,Mr J''lrt.n..nt cm work,
i)r lu j kmnv 1)js
n.ttr was brought up to me on
Uli vWt ,,,a. U);(J ,h(i u,Um io
. . .,i
reduce luttM hn jui-tbei.n rwithed."
The i J. K. i':-.V0. reui.ceii iik
raliw to the tliie-celit ); Mnie
thing moie than a year ago, at the
t me when the Northern I acitic
J al Norihen, took the aalue
action so this ilec;i,ion oi .Mr.
ll.iiriiinin ftll'eets rates on. tlie
Southern l'aii ic's Oregon lines I
onlv, where fares are now four 1
cents a in ile
"In voiirsiM.'cch at the Arlington
Club ilinii'-r you said the O. li. .
S. and the Northern Pacific would
use the proportd line between
Lewiitm and Kipariu jointly,
llow will the Northern 1'iicilic g.'l
out ol Kimria
"Oh. that is all arrange:!," re-j
stiutuled Mr. li.irriumn. uuicklv.
'lhu Northern I'milic. will we the N. track down thcHnnke
I Kiver from Kiparia to Wullula,
where it will reach ils own truck.
At lh other end of the route the
O. It. & N. Will get full benefit of
the Northern Pacific feedei already
operating above I'iviston in tho
Clearwater Valley. Alt that coun
ty will have iiccess to the Columbia
Valley rout" to the fCH."
"Which company will build the
Lcwiaton Ktparia cut-off and which
will have trackage rights on the
"That i a nicro matter of detail
li,.,! will lt worked out in its lime.
The important thing is that the
roail wilt tie tiiiill aim opcra:cu in
the common interest of the. produc
er and business men ns well as of
the railroads tcrving this import
ant country. The details will be
arranged to as to get the ino-a
effective service for all the interests
! at stake so there will be encourage
ment for the development oi ttie
"'1 he newr roml will be built just
as soon us the men and matnrials
can be essembled for it. Hut this is
no easy matter, loumust know
t,,al it if) hlir, t0 get the rail, and
. . , .ll0r
it is hard toget the necessary labor
in these times Not only are their
nriees hitfh. but it is hard to Get
them at unv price. Therefore t he
iii-iii at uiij ......
-nnytrll, 'linn nf these TS miles of new
. -- I llvl. imp mxu uiiij nvni-B
road iB a considerable undertaking.! gM(j ur0 cm,t0!;, while upon th
But we're going to do it and have: (jia(Vg a shaft was mink 82 feet,
.. .!.....! n tl.a iia.-K.U!. II I.C 1
ii, euiiiii-vv,4 iimiw j..
cable moment.
Vote for oounty high school, yes.
Vol Ice.
Notice is lieruly given to the legal
I- ,,f I1i,i,itr niiiintv. Ori-17011:
It hn come to me limi curiam par-1 they expected to sell tor present, ue
ties are telling tlmt I had not mill j velopmcht purposes. One half of
would not accept the nomination, on i tne amouut of the capital
the democratic ticket, for County I to(,k iw been reserved for use in
UJ i Jult I development, if re,uired.-Ash-
ond conduct the ofliee lo the best ofjwood lVwpwtor.
my atnlity for the hear, interest ot the
tninnvcra of Ci-ook cotmtv
nated this 21st day of April, 1U02.
Stops the Cough and Works off the
i WxMiVB Bromo Qninin Tallinn
Cold in ear day.
Nu Cure, No Puy,
Price, 25 cuiua.
Vole for Marsh Aubrey for treas
urer. t'uril of Tliankn.
, ji,.,,, tmie ho o kimlly ai-sishst
tlti krt to those wno o Kiniiiy iu-sishsi
durlim the aicknws and burial of our
.i.. a v. Mm-k'iiuo.
dear son
A. W. MoiiKoun.
Lovika Moim-iu.
Rendy-made cigarette at 0'Neil
Tim itiiKh for Timber Lund. i
At this time it is b.ii..Ra l;'
matter only of a little- l,ir when ; ' l'f ? t hank Mr Pa
all'the timber will b taken i,p'.v"y much for the hospitality
and there will none l lit tor tli tl,L-m-
ordinary individual. Kvery man-
and woman who ih oi tie; Wtu age i thing you will ever need, l. e., a
of 21 Iihh a right to t;ike Ji0 iicn.v; collin, both long and short, will fit
of timber land upon the taymciit jany nn who is now rnnning for
of the necessary few ainH'.!.-V) j.i r ; ol!ic, i. '., those who get left,
acre to the government. 'Hi re if i.-peeial prices to the unlucky can
it, rush on lit present lo j.'1''- held of d, dates.
lin.her hind lying ukm- h'- lit- Tun...i..,.;n.u,;,i
..chutes, but tht-ru ih ;. to l("
l-IO.OOO acre, of a. hue xvnh-r u
that on the Deschutes am! 'M
llt-n WUIllll H
a (lavs trawl o, iirs
town. This land Ih U'H.j? cruised
at this time and soon loeaioVs vi,l
he flock'uig in from othn- naifs
and tuking it from under the no-i-e
of local rt-iiple. Tbecroi'"!.e!iari; '
all the way from $."0 up for ii.g
people on this land, but. j.s tiierc
ure hlimlrisis of the wip-p".ple
! o me familiar with ti,i hmi
ll...,r ,'rt ut'i llt. of r,!l V ' Irif nnv
f,.L. r loenlion. Tin-re '.s i,o ih u -t
0f ,c Jw: of a timlrf-r chum and
tlioc hnviiiif the money nt lln-ir
command can do no belter th:,n to
place their rights on iiiirtei
section of timber before it n ever
lastingly loo late. Itv,;tl not le
iimiiy yi-ars until a go,-', umwr
c.laiiii Will be woith as nm :-h u an
agric claim and I hen a gisvi
limnv ueople will sec where li ''
mied it when thev ha
an ni.oor-
tui i y to take a claim i-nd v.c.uW
not beciuipi; they tliought ii w r'li-le.-s
From present nipnaiices
we wioulil jti'ice uiat tne
next i-ix months all the !lini"r in;
Crook courtly worth Uikiug will be
located and soon thereafter the big
lumbering concerns in tin- fast w.ll
send out reiiresclltatives lo insi.ect
this timW and If their report- is
good then offers will be made ami
as the years go by the offers will
be mure plentiful and the price
will be rabed. Hot a timber claim
and l! a king of the fores.
Vote for J. L.
i corOB9r'
Tim Dexter Minimi Oomnanv
was incrporatitl Monday, Messrs.
W . I , nod, James w oki una J.
N. Hurgess being the incorporat
ion. The property of the company
will (onsist of the North Star, the
Dextir, the Dexter Fraction, the
Gladys and the Duchess Mining
clainis, all of which have been pros
pec.ted enough to show very promis
ing lends. The North Star owned
by the Senior Mr. Wood, has always
been considered one of the best
prospects in the camp, and the de
velopment work to he done on this
group will likely be in lhedirection
of opening up the rich lead uncov
eied on the claim. Upon the Dex
llri ft umnei nimeiiiiog oer iu
..... t... nnm lui-nrul
ter, a tunnel mini-thing oer 240
I tollowing a wen uennen vein who
onoil values, and at that denth
work was stopped on account of
the water. With this showing up
on the property, tho company
should have no difficulty in plac
inir the small block of stock which
Vote for W. J. Furnish for gov
Culver Fish Stories.
The weather is fino now and a
fine prospect for crops. Grain is
looking excellent.
All is fish, fish, fish, now. Near
ly every day some one goes to
Lower Crooked river or the Des
chutes fishing.
Perry Read and family and
Frank Osborne and wife and Nel-
he Lamson went to the mouth of
, . . , , (.,! ,, ,,,.,i
Cnwkei I river ' in ' alul
I cautrht 93 of the tinny tnlie.
caught !M ot the unny urine.
-- -
Frank Roilman and wife audi
. in... n ,i t p ll.,Kl
i iUISS Alll.e IVOvin uuu ... i a. ..,,,
jaud wife and Dr. Snook and wile
W(,,,t, to Lower Crook"! river and i
J. P, Hahn says he has the last
r:lle ,v nw cttler8 who are very
,,. anJ twf, hn(:,
-hi will be one of the best part.
of (lie Pacific coast and will be the
"empire" precinct of Crook ccunty.
The rabbit hunters met again
Saturday in the school house. Over
)U0 scalps were brought in, H.
W iiidom getting the highest niim-is-r.
The Lidies furnished a stip
ner for the hunters Saturday nteht.
and ail had a iiicy time. I think
evm v one should encourage these
ruh'oit hiiufs. and thev would if
tin y could (inly know the amount
ol pram ami garden truck these
pests destroy every year. 1 lielieve
we should vote for county officers
u.iwi will m-rw, to irive n lionntv of
at least 5 cents per -alp. It would
raise our taxes but the larmers
would raise more grain. If ' we
could only know the amount of
grain, etc, each rabbit destroys
in a year we would be surprised.
Who says it would be less than $1
Vota for continued prosperity
Some lime since a report was
circulated rn Umatilla county to
tho effect that Furnish had, while
acting as marshal of a Fourth of
Jul v parade, ordered ' the 'old
veterans of Kit Carson post opt of
the Hue of march. This story was
circulated hy one James who has
sen sent to the penitentiary lor
huichirv. A statement has been
signed by ten members or the post
showing ttiat the only thing tnai
Furnish did was to have Kit Carson
pot to fall out and take the place
aligned it by the commltee and
that said place in the line of march
wns an honorary one. A drown
ing man will grasp-at a Straw 'tis
said anil it certainly looks M H
the democratic party was on the
verge of di-olution when it has to
fall back on such things as this
story circulated by one who was at
.he time a candidate tor me pen
itentiary. The weather has been
inu for some time between had and
indifferent and is no doubt attiih
utable to the general disturbed con-i-iiion
of the elements all over the
earth, probably the out-growth of
the great internal dissensions which
have broken forth in many ot the
islands and peninsular portions of
the southern hemisphere.
Vote for Frank Johnaon for as
tessor. Curd of Thunks.
We liesiio to thunk our friends who
o kindly aiileit us in -the sickness mill
liniiiil of our wife and daughter
well as -II those who ouWil aid and
and assignee. May tliey always tiiul
.-.neb trionds in their hours of distress.
M. 1). Powklu
Mrs. M. D. Powell.
It, Saved His Leg.
P. A. Diiuforlhv of LstJraiul, ( ,
suffered for six.nionths with a fright
ful runiiihg soreon bis lug; but wtites
that Bucklen's Ainioa Salve wholly
enred it in live days. For Ulcers,
Wounds, Pile', it's the Uest salve in
the world. Cure gnimnteed. Only
2oi Sold by Adanmm Winnek Co.
Tnks LXHtive Dii'iii" Qiiininn Tiibli-.
A) im, K(unA ,he 1B if jt uiU
i " n,E" ,v'
j l, cure. E. W.
I ,. ... . 0-
in cure. r. iai.
... V 117 Mlm.. u'a I..IIUMIIW 1 llll
, .
Tf rr,i fallArt ta Teciator Bwettr
jw.. .
your vto lu.
NO. 24.
News Briefly Told.
A national bank, with a capital
of 12-5,000, will soon begin business'
at minis.
Prof. Eugene L. Sliacfer, of the'
Dishop Scott school, Portland, last
Thursday killed himself because
he. had not been reengaged for next
year. President P. L. Campbell of the
Monmouth Normal School has ac
cepted the presidency of the State
University at fcugeue, to succeed.
President" Frank Strong, resigned-
E. E. Young, formerly editor of
the liakcr City Republican, ha
brought suit against Chas. Leiben--
stein, lessee of the Blue Mountain'
American, at bumpier, and Ins1
bondsmen, for fljOO.
Persons wising to take np timber
claims should do so within ihe next
r months as hv that time there-
will be little or no timber left wortht
taking. There is still room for a
couple ot hundred claims or more
in this county, but they will not
be here long.
The city council of Weiser, Ida- ,
ho, has accepted a proposition fromi
H. V. Halts of Ilillshoro, Or., t
put in a system of waterworks unit , ,
electric lights to cost not Icjs thai
125,000. The city is to vote $15,
OUO in bonda and own the plant,
giving Mr. (iates a lease of fifteen
Hon. J. H. Eooth has sold hi
inn-rest in the (jranit Hill mine-
on Louse Creek, six miles east lif "
Grants Pass, for $n;iK). Hi
brother, Hon. J. 0. Booth, of Gnnts
Pass, also dispoi-ed of his share
of the stock on this property about
two weens ago. Asnwooou iuwn
Talk. The above mentioned gentle
men are brothers of our fellow
townsman W. A. Booth.
A Grand Celebration will . lie
held at 'Hay tatk, Crook Co.,
Oregon, ' July '4th TJ02. Under
the auspice of the United Arlisaii
ind Degrey ol Honor Ixigi-s. An -excellent
program is being prepare
ed which will be announced later
on. The afternoon exercises will
consist of horse races, bicycle races.
potato race and foot races for men,
women and children, three legged
race. . Then comes the tug-of-war
between Hay Stack and Willow
Creek. An excellent platform will
be built and covered, and a ball
will be given in the evening and
the host of music will he t'urnished.
Oyster supper will bo served all
night. Plenty of hav, grain and
fresh water can be had at th
grounds. Come everybody ami
join the patriots of Hay Stack in
this grand jubilee and you will
never regret it.
In Mcoioriain. ,
Ora Elmi Powell was horn in CnV
enmity, March 12, 1872. Hie was
married to A. P. Jmien March 6,18 -mid
died May 20. 1!K)2, at her home
on Johnson creek. She was a dull h
ter of M. D. Powell of McKay creek
mid was well known in this county
and universally Moved by all who
knew her. She was a itiembsr of the
.M K uimrcii, having united with the
church eight years ago. BimiIhh a
iiuslmnd mid two siimll children, one
a mei lulss, she leaves a la km num
ber of nlalivini mill a Imsl of friem
hi mourn iter untimely end. The fu
neral fsi-vices were c.-iulii.ited from
the Union church hy ltev. II. K. Har
lcr. Iiiiermeiit in lhu City eemeterr.
liili;lc Kor (ml;.
I have for wile at my shiofcle mill
oil McKay creek ltW.OOil sliinglrs and
will nuuiuhioturo over -tUO.OKI inure
iliiiii- the All from the
choicest tiinlier. Price, at the mill
f2.25, delivered in Pruieville 12.50.
t attle for Kale.
Sixty head of slock cuttle, ioeliul
ing one thoioiixhlneil loan Jluriium
slid one half-blond nin Durhsni bull.
For particulars cull at my farm or d
diesn tuc at Culver, tlivgon.
T. F . McOu-msa.