1 !..! J., '- fresh held beeas. . In bulk we have rras, Beans, Corn, Turnip, Parsnip, Radish, Beets, Squash, Teas, Nasturtiums, lied Clover, Alfalfa, Jnermus, Kentucky Blue Grass and White A full line of Garden Seeds in packages. n m lJ CONTEST NOTICE. Department or Tim Intkksor, United States Land Office, Tne Dalles, Oregon. April 11, 1902. A sufnck-ntcontest affidavit having been tiled in this office bv Kya C. WMtsett. contestant, against Homestead entry No. !Hl0 made June i li'Ol. for SKl SKI Sec. 7 and r-i.NM i nd sV j SB ate IS, T. 12 K. ul . M bv Heney M. Davis, coutestee, in which itisaihged that said Henry M. Davis lias wholly abandoned "ai.i tract; that h has -changed his residence then-from tor mre than a-ix Months since making aji I entry; that said tract is mt settled upon aud cultivated by said party as required by law; and that his said abandonment is not due to his beratf em ployed in the military or naval service of the United States; said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond an I offer evidence touch in" said allegation at 10 o'clock a. ui. on June lr'l'.HM, before A. C: Palmer. U. S. toraniw ajioner, at his office at. Prineville, "w. d .that final hearing will be held at 10 n clock a. in. on June 22, 1902, Wore the Regis'e; and Receiver at the United States Land Office m 'The Dalles, Oregon. p2s Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1X78. '0TI0E rOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. The Dalles, Ore., April 21, 1M02. I Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Couxrest of June S. 178. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore Kou, Nevada an 1 Washinirton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by Act ,.f Ausrast 4, 1W2. the followiug pe havc this day tiled in this office their sworn state sueute, viz: Annie Johnson, of Spokane, county of Spo kane, state t.f Washington, sworn statement No 2.1) for the purchase of the S A Sec. 4, T. 13 S., R. 10 E., W. M. ' Lena Kllertson, of Spokane, countv of Spo-i-ane, state of Washington, sworn statement 2So. 2"K) for the purchase of the X VV Sec. at T. 13 S., It. 10 E., W. II. Ole Syrstad. of Spokane, county of Spo iane, statof Washington, sworn statement No 2.i7 for the purchase of the aVl4 Sec. 2U, T. 13 S., K. 10 k., W. M. Ole Ustad, of Spokane, county of Spokane, atate of Washingti.n, sorn statement No. 25N for the purchase of the Sn . Sec 20, I. li 8., R. 10 E.. VV. M. Hartvig Ellertsoo, of Spokane, county of .Spokane, state of Washington, sworn state ln'ent No. 2IW for the purchase of the tit'4 Sec. 27, T. 12 S., K. 10 E., W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul.ural purposes, and to establish their claim to said land before the liegister and Receiver of this office at The 3 lalles, Oregon, on W ednesday, the lbtu day tf July, 1903. . . They name as witnesses: Ole Siinon, Thomas H. Tolletsen; Uluf Johnson. George li. Taylor, Ole SvrsUd, Ham S. soeros, Peter jArneeig, A. C. HansoD. Ole Ustad, Ole L. Hoif and Thomas C. Tollefsen, all of Spo kane, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to .file their claims m this office on or before said Kith tiay of July, 1902. , , jul,, Jay. P. Lucas, Register. Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Cmteb States Land Otock, The Dallea, Ore., April 21, 1002 Notice la hereby given that in coin piiance with the provisiona of the act of C mgrees of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act tor the aaie of timber lands ill the tats of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wa-hinetou Territory," as extended to all the Public Laud Statea by act of All fjiist 4, 1802, the following persona hata this day hied in this office their aworu fltateinenta, to-w.t: Peter Aruevig, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Wasliing'ou, aworn abatement No. 250 for the purchase of the SW of Sec 8, T 13 S, B 10 E, W M. Haua S. Soeroa, of Spokane, county of Spokane, atate of Washington, aworn utaieuient No. 260 for the purchase, of the NJ SE and NJ HW'i Sec 5, T 13 S, B 10 E. W M. Au.lre C. Hanson, of Spokane, coun ty of Sp ikane, state it Washington, aworn at itomeut No. 2bl for the pur- tiuse ot the NtV and lota 3 and 4 Sue 5. T 13 S. it 10 E, W M. .1; i lj. Hoir. of Spokane, county of Sookaiu. s'ate of WashitiL-ton, awrn at.t'iiiHiit .No 2li2 for the purchase of the N rt'i See IU, T 13 S, R 10 E, W M. Oluf Johnson, of Spokane, couruy nf Snokane. suite "f Vtashington, aworn atatemebt No. ,273 for the purchaati of PRICES MOST REASONABLE, AT , ,,.. i I,, p Try- te SEJ Sec 2, T 14 S. R 10 K, W M. Thomas C. Tullelaeii, of Spokane-, cunty ot Spokane, mm oi usimmnui. sworn statement Pio. LW tor ttio pur chase of the SWj Sec 13, T IS S, It 10 E, W M. TKni they will offer proof tn show that the land sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for Agricultural purposes, anil to establish their claims to said land before the Register and Receiv er of tins office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Thursday, July 17, 1002. They tirinia as wittuiMH: Hartvig El lertsoii, Die himps"ii, Edward J. Boss George B. Taylor, 0,e L Ho If, Thomas H. Tollewn, Thomas C Tollefsen, Ol, Ustsd, Peter Arnevig, Hans S. So-ros. Ole Syrstad, A. C Hanauii, all of Spo kane Wiishin; on Anv aud all tiotia claiming advirse!; the above described lands are rei)iiesiei. to tile their claims in this othco on or be foresaid 17'h day of July, 1002. inlp JAY P. LUCAS, Kctmter. Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1873. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United SrATi: Land Ofhck, Tne Dallea, Oiu., April 21. J 1102. Notice is hereny given thut in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Cungress of June 3, 1H7S, entitled "All j act tor the sale of timber lauds in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washinoton Territory," aa extended i to all the public bind states by act of An- i gust 4, 1002, Ihe billowing persons have this day hied in 'Ilia "dice their aaoru statements, to-wit; Ole Simpson, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 204 for the purchase of the SEi Sec 8, T 13 S, R 10 E, W M. Thomas H. Tollefsen, of Spokane, county of Spokane, Slate of Washington, awurn atatentnt No.JMS for the pur chase of the N W Sec 9, T 13 S, R 10 E, W M, K-lma Phillina of Snokane. county nf Sr...kane state .if Washington, sworn statement No. 2li(! for tile purchase of the NV'.'i Sec 32, T 12 S, R 10 E, W M. Edward J. Boss, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state ot Washington, aworn statement No. 27 for the purchase td the SW Sec 33. T 12 S, R 10 E, W M. Ola E. Anderson, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington, sworn statement, No. 2('J for the purchase ot the S NE and lots 1 and 2, Sec 2, T 14 S, li 10 a, vv m. Artie lierkland, ot bpoKane, couiny oi Snokane state of Washington, aworn V r ., . L ..I statement No. ZYU tor tne pureuase m the SJ NW1 and lota i and 4, Sec i, I 14 S, K 10 rJ, w 1)1. Tliat thev will offer proof to allow that the land sought la more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur noses, and to establish their claims to aaid land before the Register and Re ceiver ot this office at The Dalles, Ore gon, on Friday, July 18, 1002. They name aa witnessea: reter a. nevig. Sherman Coiigleton, Ole Syrstad, Thomas 0. Tollefsen, Ole L. Hoft, Ed ward J. Boaa, George B. Taylor, lhoinas H. Tollefsen, Ole Simpson, Hurtvij? El- lertaMi, allot Spokane, Washington. Anv and all persona claiming adversely the above described landa are requested t j file their claims in this office on or be fore aaid 18th day of July. 1902. mlp JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ornu. T.ie Dalles, Ore., April 23, 1002. Notice ia heieby given that in compli ance wi,l) the provisiona of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the statea of California, Oregon, Nevada, aid Washington Territory," aa extended to all the public land atatea by act of Au gust 4, 1802, the following persona have tiled in thia office t heir aworn atatomenta, to-wit: Sherman Coiigleton, of Milan, county of Spokane, atate of Washington, awovn statement No. 271. filed April 21. 1002, for the purchase of the N NW, SE) N m and N ffl NEJ Sec 28, T 13 S. R 10 E. W M aessie T. llefsen, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington, aworu statement No. 272, filed April 21. 1002, lor the purchase of the 8j Sec 0, T 13 Carrot, V Sweet Breimis Clover. c. L. slqm:oisfs- S, R 10 E, H'M. George U. Tav lor, of Spokane, coun'y of Spokane, state of Witsiiingloii, nom statement So. 274, lileo April '21, 1002, for the purchase of the M Sec 32, T 1'2 S, 11 10 E, W M. Ellen Van Hook, of Spokane, county of Spoknue, sure of Washington, sworn sinteuient -No. 275, tiled April 21, 1002. for the purchase of ih-j M'-i Sec 4, T 13 .', R 10 E, II' M. Henry Tollefsen, of Spokane, county if Spokane, sfalo of Washington, sworn .taivinriit X i. 27, April '22, W2, or i he purchase of the It ll'.J See 35, T 12 S, It 10 K, II' M Gjcrt Mikelson, of Spokane, county of 5pok..ne, siate of Wash'iigtiui, s"l'ii c.aiemeM So. 277, hied Apni22, J!HW, or the purchase "( the NEJ Suu 32, T 3 .S, R 10 E. .11' M.; They will oiler proof to show that the and aought is more valuaole lor its tim- j her or stone than for aoricultiiral pur inosis. and to esiabifsh their claim to said hind before the Register and Ke- I Ceiver of this c ilice at The Dallea, Oru- gon, on Saturday. July II), J IKK. They iiaino ai witnesses; Ole E. An derson", Ole L. lloll', Ariie Rei kulaml, Peter ArneviK, Hartvig Ellerisoii, v)le Sttnpmiu. Edward .1. li-a, (leorge II, Tavlor. Thomaa II. Tolielsen, all of S o- kane, Wahu:giou, and Sheruoiti Cougl' ton, of Milan, Washington. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above deseriiied lands lire rcmicsted to tile ihcir damn in this office on or be- fine aaid 10th day of July, 1002. mlp JAY 1'. LUCAS, Reg'sier. TIM li Kit A N i) STON E LAN Us riWORN STATEMENT. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon, April 23, 1002. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act nf Congress of June 3, lo7, entitled "An act for tile sale ol timber binds in the states of California. Oregon, Novao'n, Liid Washiiutoii Territory.'' as extended to all the public land statea by act ot Au gust 4, 1802. the following persons have Hied in this ollice their sworn statements, to-wit: William T. Bordello, of Moscow, coun ty of Latah, slate of Idaho, aworn state ment No. 202, tiled April 10, 1002, for the purchaeu of the EJ hw aud lota 3 aud 4, sue 31, T 11 a, R 10 E. w M. Nannie R. Borueno, if Moacow, coun ty ot Latah, atate of Idaho, aworn state ment No. 253. filed April 10, 1002, for I the purchase of the Ek Nw, and lots 1 I ...I o .. .: Ot 'P 11 .. P IO V u, SI and 2, section 31, T 11 a, R 10 E, w M. Fred C. Trim, of Pullman, county ol Whitman, atate of IKashinglon. aworn statement No. 254, tiled April 21, 1002, for the purchase of the Ht J section JO, T 11 a. k 10 x, w M, That thev will offer proof to allow that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural pur posea, and to -establish the'r claims to said land befnrt' the Bugitter and Re ceiver of this office at The Dalles, Ore ui. op Tuesday, the loth day of July, 1002. They inline aa witnesaes: J. H. Lump kin, J. A. Foley, Nannie R. Bordeno, D. B. Robinion, William T. Ron! , James A. (iibba, Wiuaiow M. llowlaud and Thoa F. Kelaay, all of Moacow, Idaho. Any and all persona chinning adversely the above deacribed landa are advised to file their claims in thia office on or be fore aaid 15th day of July. 1001. mlp JAY P. LLCAS, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Oekkie, Tne Dallea, Ore,, April lii, 1002 Notice ia hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress nf June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the aale of timber landa in the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the publio land rtatea by act, of Au guat 4, 1002, the following persona have thia day filed in thia office their aworn at'Atemeuta, to-wit: Jmnea A, (tihb, of Moacow, county of Latsh, atate of Idaho, aworn atatenient No. 248 for the purchaae of the swj of aedion 32. T 11 s, 10 E, wm. Joseph H. Lumpkin, ol Alaacnw, conn ty of LaUh, atate of Idaho, sworn state- We still carry a full line of General Merchan dise and Hardware. A new lino of Hats and Cras hGooda for Spring and Summer wear. La dies' Shirt Waists. Our Gents' Furnishing Goods Department is replete with the latest fashions. -r-r "''"s' nient No. 210 for thi) pnrchaso o( the NKh.f seclion 31, T 11 N, R 10 It, W M, Wuislow M, Howlund, of M.uiO'W, county of l.atah, sliitD ul Idalio, aworn stati'iiieiit rtii tou tor lint pui viHSii m the Hf of section 32, T 1 1 H, H 10 IS, W M. Tlioinus F. Kulaay. of Killoin, couiity n( iriiiiimiii, siuto of fl'iishiinilon, sworn alii'emeiit No. 2S1 for the jirclus of llicM:j of seel ion 31, T 11 it, U 10 H, w u That tlo'V will ''Iter proof In show that! the land sought is inoro valuab.e foi its timber or siono thai, for iiitncultimil purposes, and to t-stablih their t'laima In said land before the Register and Kr iviver of tins oltieo at the Tim Dalies. Oregon, on .Monday, hv Mill day nf July, 1!W2. 'i hey name as witnessea; J. A. Foley P. li. Robinson, .l.tnios A Uibb, Ren K. Hush, Joseph II I.llll'psm, Win. T. Bor dello, II'iiihIow M. HotvUhd, Jnitiea A Foley, all of Moscow. Idaho, and T. F. Kelsty, of 1 itlona, M asbmjtoii. Any and all ihmSohs cUimmg adversely i the aimm discnbed lamia am rrqttpstrd ' from I'orthmd by tt.es , It. rV S '. . is to tile their ciniois iii this olliee on or be- "o be linind one o tlo mi 'i'tillman ( r forn said 14; h Hay of July, 1002. jdinary Weepers " The car is niisched mlp JAV I'. Lt'CAH, lievis'er. 1 1 tlm 'I'lucaoo I'. rtlstiil Hpwial, Tinde r Lii i. Act June 3, 1002. NOTICE Folt PUBLICATION. I'itiTKii Smtiw Land llrrn-K, The D.illes( Die, April 21, IW2. Notice is liereliy given Itial In compli ance tilth the provisions of the aci of Congress of June 3, 1878, enlitlud "An act for the sale ot umber lauds ill the states ol Cslisorma, Oregon, Nevada, and H'ashington Territory," as ext. tided to nil the public land states by act of Au gust 4, 1002, the billowing persons have ibis day Hied in i his olhue their Bworn statements, to-wit, Frank R Bier, of Milan, county of Spokane, state of If'asbingtoii, aworn atatenient No 278 for the purchase of Hie NK, section 31, T 12 h, H 10 e, w M r Guoigo D. Coiigleton, of Mil ill, count) of Spok.ilu, slate of ll'aahiugtoii, sworn sintnnieiit No. 270 tor the purchase id the NK section 32, T 12 a, K 10 K, w M John J. McGuigaii, of The Dalles couniyof IJ'asco, state of Oregon, swori statement No, 2K0 for the purchase ol the nk of section 20, T 12 a, K 10 K, w M. That they will oiler proof to show that ihe hind sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone than lor agricultuial purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of thia ottiue at the Dalles, O'e gon, on Monday, the 21st day of July, 1002 They name as witnesses: Ole Simpson, Thomas H. Tollefsen, (ieorge B Taylor, Ole L Hot!', of Spokane, irashinglon, Sherman Coiigleton of Milan, Cashing tou, and Mike dinners, John Itloss, Fred W. Smith, Peter Msduigaii, of The Dalles, Oregon. Any and all persons clain ing adversely the above described lands aro requested to file their claims in this office on or be fore said 21st day of July, 1002. mlp JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, WK. N0T1CK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 20, 1!2; Notice Is hereliy given that in oomplUnce with the provisions ot the act of Congrrss of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber hinds in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4,1892. Fred H. Strong, of Rend, county nf Crook. State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn state ment No. 223, for ihs purchase of the HWU of Section No. 12 in Township mi. 1H H, Hangs No. 11 K., W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is mors valuable for its tinier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said Isnd before A C. Palmer. U. H. CommisaoD er, at PHneville, Oregon, as Thursday the 5th day of June, 1002. He names as witnesses! Charles I, Krock, Ovid Rilsy, Charles J. Oottor, nf Bend, Oregon, D. D. Warner, of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversly the above-described lands are requested to tile their clsiins in this office on or before said 5th day of June, 1902. JAY P. LUCAS. Register. Plow CJilnillng. Bd Harbin doairea to announce thnt he la prepared to do all kinds of grind ing in tho latest approved fiis'.iion. Chilled plow share grinding a specialty. Pullman Ordinary Skeper$, Tlin tourist travel Imtwotui the east and tliu i'acillu coast h is ro(ielied enormoua pfuportloiis in' the Inst few yuan, and calls ftir (ii ulii) class of eiiiipiuriil. 'i'u ineot thi iliniuiid tin) I'lillooill Co. lias J isaiieil from Its simps what It tvi'Mnnilly Sculls the "I'ullinsn Onlii ary tibeper." Then' ears appear similar tu Die reinlur alefper, lieii built nn IU u we plan, but not furnished with, the sumo eo ,niiie Thny are npnpped with niaiircssus, tilankols, sill-els, plllotta, pillow i t,,wel, coinbs, brushes, eic, ieiimiii liolhinuof the h ! to be lorlnnioul l.y ilin pnsseiieer, E o li car haa a siote for .linkiiig collre mid lea and lining "light housekeeping,'1 and mich seriioti can k lined with an ndjuainblii lublu. A iiiii lortnd (sirler areoinpstiies eseh ear. Iiis husiiM'sa benn id iinik up bet tl,, keep the car clean, aim look after th" C"io("i is and want cf the passi'iigers. lit oath of the trams which sro di.pali lied ila.ly -inrntcn goes iiiroogii in t iiit'sgo wiiip'iit chingi, slid the one in the "Ailuiiiie Es- press runs to h Hisua t.'ily sill. out chiiiigt'. I'aasrnevia in iliis esf for Chi cago i hsiige In a similar car al Granger. Much of the first class llaivl j, hmu curried in these curs, the mto being lower, and the service being neatly equal to that tu the p.iliice a!feHoe. Fir rstea and full infounaiion, In cluding ohlers, writi'ln A. I.. Crsig, (j. P. ... 0. It. N. C... Poriland, Ore. ' CONTEST NOTICE. lri'.tKTj(kST or tiik Istio, V. S. Land Office, Tim Dalles, Or., April D, IWti, A stifliHml contest alfidnvit hstih; lawn filed In thisoltic oy Henry U Whitseti, rou te, tjint. against Motoi-sU s.1 entry No, UM, itiiele Jims 20, I'.iOl, for the W j SK't Sec. ',', Ntt S' SK and NK',' N Ws Krc. 11, T. 12 ; It. 13 E W. M bv Samuel A. Davis. :,nitrlre, in which it Is alh-gnl that said iaiuilel A. Davis hi wholly sbaftdotied saitt -.ract; that he has otmngtd Ills rrsidetics there. Irotn for more than six months stnee making naid sntry: thnt said tract is not settled ueut and cultivatrd by said party as rejpdrad by law; and th.it his abandonment is not utie to his employment iii the military or naval ser vice of the United States; said parties are hereby notified to appear, rasHind and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 oclock a. in. on June lii, llsri, More A. C. Palmer, '. S, Coiiiniiwi.mer, at.his office in l'rinvlll, Oregon, aud that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a m. on June 21, 19U2, hefors the Hegister and Iteeeiver at the Uniud States Land Olhce in The Dalles, Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS, p2 Register. 'OTICK KOK PUBLICATION. Dkpatiiint or th Intuiuh. Land Orrica at Tin Daliw, Ohbion, I April H, 1902. f Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has fifed notice of his intention tn commute and make bus! proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before J.J. Smith, County Clerk at Prme yille. Oregon, on Friday, May 2.1, 1902, vis; Edward H. Francis, of Lamorita. Oregon. H. K. No, 9021 for the N'X NW'j, NWW NKX Sec 9, andSWi HKJSec. 4, T. 13 S 11. 14 K., W. M. He names the following witnesses to nrovs his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: (j. S. Miller, James Helfrlch, Samuel Pierce and Benjamin Helfrlch, all ol La niontn, Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS, a17p Register, OT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. TitrAHTUtNT or Thi Istiiioh, Land Office at The Dalles Oregon, April 8, 1002. Notice Is hereby given that the following, named settler hss tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J, J, Smith, County Clerk at Prlneville, Oregon, nn Saturday, May 24, 11102, vie William W. Joslin. of Hay Creek, Oregon, H, E. No. 0009 for the NH.NKJ4 Sei. 10, T. 17 8., R. 21 E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, vis: L. N. Liggett, nf Prineville. Oregon, M, W, Sniead slid George W'lley, of Post, Ore gon, and tieorge Meyer, of Prineville, Ore, JAY P. LUCAS, al" Register. Subscribe lor the Journal.