Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 22, 1902, Image 4

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    Crook County Journal.
K(;l,E & rAISKKJ-i,
T. FdlM.K...
h. r.;m.ut
Manackr I
Coi'XTY Omcut. Fapkh.
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i.le tJul K. AL IS emeivu hi mr Mtiuiui.-v 111
IX iiivam:k
,)xs Yeih
vSx Months
J'hi:ks Munths
'.'S- !
THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902.
Staunch Republican has a lot
to fay about the editor of this paper.
A to the main part of his ennsion
we pass it by in silent con tempt,
Imt in regard to the statement
that we have at any tune tried to
prevent the settlement of this
.county with bona ride homesteaders,
we will Say that the aforesaid old
jnouldy foprolite is an unmitigat
ed liar and further we will say
lhat the editor of this paper lias
done more to advertise the resour
ces of this county than the wonder
ful master ' whose foot is on the
neck of this abject slave. We
would advise this poor contempt
ible worm to seek a little knowledge
from disinterested sources before
making suok- statements in the
Carey Foster, Republican candi
date for County Cle'k of this con
y, is a young man of exceptional
business ability, of pleasing person
ality, and if elected will make a
model oflieer. He is a native son
of Crook County, and is the son ot
an honored pioneer, William Fos
ter, who was drow ned in Crooked
River twelve years ago. His nom
ination was a well-deserved honor,
and he is making a line light for
the Clerkship Mr. Foster's splen
did qualifications recommend hinr
to the consideration of .the voters
of the county, and of this precint.
Ashwood Prospector.
J. R. Whitney, the republican
candidate for state printer, is not
opposed to organized labor as hav
been heralded by an irresponsible
,Salem paper. Neither has he
bought his nomination. Further
more there has always been a tend
ency to hog things in Salem and
it is for the balance of the state to
say whether this thing shall be
continued. The democratic nom
inee is from Salem and of course
Salem people will have a rake or
if he is elected. Vote for Whitney
And you will be voting for an
economical administration of the
'state printers office.
Charles A. Graves, the present
efficient county surveyor, is out for
re-election on the regular Republi
can ticket. Mr. Graves needs no
introduction to the voters of Crook
county. He has proven himself
a good efficient officer. There is no
need of a change. The duties of
county surveyor have been attend
ed to in a careful manner by Mr.
Graves. He is a surveyor of abil
ity and is well qualified to attend
to the duties of the office. He de
serves the endorsement of every
voter of the count v.
The rule is almost universal that
when a measure is submitted to
the people it must have, only a
majority of those who vote on the
question. But the constitution ot
Oregon is peculiar and it is quite
possible that before any amend
rnent can be adopted a majority of
all the voters muiit vote yes even if
not one vote no. Therefor it is
important that every friend of the
Initiative and Referendum amend
ment shall vote.
Is there any reason why we
should keep old men in office when
we enn get young energetic ones to
fill the places? When men become
old in ofliee, the same as in business
ihey should retire and give way to
more enthusiastic ones. Young
blood adds vigor to the burly politic
and should be infused whenever
.Opportunity offers.
If the people Want a repetition
of the hard times of 'Ui-'Mi let
thepi elect democrat to office and
ee how long it will be until we get
friii.. illi'.Jn.. fi.rtrKiin,isM.intlirflUKhtlwilierenil HIS Hie. liv is 11 Mm i.i.nueu 1 nepm m uw iinum
if. S. r..iila aemmd oiuu matter. I the noted ami universally beloved hut nix bottles completely cured me
I Carey Foster i. m.UUod to every
j republican vole in Crook county.
jliis splendid personality and mi-
lienor misincss qiuumcaiioiiH ni
I once commend him to all the voters
0f ,R 0OUMty irrespective of party,
il 1 1 . i , J
,.l,.rl- H ,v,.s born iii Crook conn-
years spent at college, he has lived
j , ... . . .
pioneer, William Foster, whose
waters 11 in the treacherous
of (.'rooked
over Crook
river cast
county. it
! would
be an cncouraBiwnt to
everv bov nut.
young man in Crook
1 county if Carey were elected conn
Itvcieik. It would sbow to them
ti.e ossibiiities and opportunities
Kir vouh" men who are industrious
and" honest, and who walk in thej
paths of rectitude and sobriety
Frank Johnson, candidate for
county assessor on the republican
licket", was born in this county on
Mill creek 30 years ago and has
been identified with the upbuilding
of the county from its infancy.
He was educated in the public
schools of the county and at the
Methodist Academy in Grass Valley
and is thoroughly competent to
fill the oilice which be seeks. He
is well acquainted with the value
of lands in the county and knows
where every farm and ranch is and
will be able to iind all the land
land assess evervthing in sight
and the taxes will that way be
lessened. An assesf inent giving
the full value of the assessable
property in the county would mean
a much lower tax levy two years
The Portland Journal, a red-hot
Simon paper, and the Salem
Journal, which plugged for the
Simon-Geer combination before the
primaries, are now both out and
out Chamberlain organs. What
does this indicate to you. dear
reader? Saiem Sentinel. !t indi
cates that there is a combination
of the Simon and Chamberlain
forces and it would be no surpri.-e
if a large following of the Geer
faction were not far away at the
time of voting. Ceer ought to be
turned down with the ethers.
Just now the Telegram and
other valley papers are full of the
account of a little girl at Albany
going to school in a dog cart. Wc
can go them one better and show
two dogs that can pull a wagon
load of hav.
Athens, Twin., Jun. 27. WL
Ever Bfnoe tho 6mt abearance ot my
menses thervrere verv irregular and I
ufler&d with greet wiu in my Mtmi,
bade, ctoirbch and loga, icith terrible
bearing: rtown painn fa lbs a-v'.ocM-u.
Iurin(f tho prwt mouth I hsva hwu
takius Wiiie of Cnrdui and Tfjodfom'g
BJa)c-Drrniilit(jnd I ptfiwltherjontb
ly period without pais tor tho first tim
ia jean. Nimmk Davu.
What is life worth to a woman sufrr ,
Ing liko Nannie Davis suffered? Yet
there are women In thousands of homes
to-day who are bearing those terrible
monitrual pains In silence. If you ire
one of these we want to say that this
will bring you parmanmt relief. Con-
sole yourself with the knowledge thai
1,000,000 women have been completely
cured by Wine of Cardui. These wom
en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular
mensos, headache, backache, and
bearing down pains. Wine of Cardui ,
will stop all these aches and pdnt
for yon. Purchase i $1.00 bottle of
Wine of Cardui to-day and lake it in
the privacy of your home.
viuii, "ine uuiirt Aoviwjry j.-iMmiirni
T'w CtMUUaoogk JledUiut Co, Ciuiunuug
Incorporated 1899.
Drags, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods,
Shudder At HI. Part.
i r(.0iill now with horror," miy
Miul Carritir Himiett Mann, of Liivau.
1111, 0., "My tliruo year of aufTurlnx
Iroin Kidney trouble. I wiis hunlly
Over ITVQ IIOIU mm ncnra ur iiuwiu
-.. .1.. I -......
l'"'1" '"' l,'"'k' To "Ul0' ur
limit suckd ni'ulo me uruM. I Mt ,
tired, worn out.iiliout remly to (jive up,
. . 1 t : ii'h u
Hindu mi) feel like a new num.
iTIii-v'ro universal to regulate,
at,;" .,,,,1 u,...,i, .,.r
' ,,...'', '.. ,.
Wiimek Co. Only 50 cents.
$5 Itetvui'U.
I will give $3 reward for the safe
delivery of my four year old black
maru on Crooked rivor, three miles
above Yancey bridge, branded Jll
on right stifie, and bay four year
oid gelding branded J Hon right
May 1(1. Mns. Lizzn: Smith.
A prominent farmer in the liny
tack countrv "joshed" his neighbor
on his balky horse, but not long
afterwards his own did a worse job
of balking than his neighbors
"He laugh best who hilichs hist."
Tbl ilmalure In on erery boi of tl genuine
Laxative llronioQiiifiine Tawae
the remedy that rain eoil In one Oaf
J." L.fkCulioch,
'.iKAl.KIt IN
Ystcbes, Clocks, Jewelry.
Repairing a Specialty.
I'rineville, : : Oregon
TICK ADKINH, Proprietor
. Baths
A film hulhro'in devoted esj'tcinliv t
the use of UUii'S.
Eimvilii!g up-to-date and itrictlj
Arriving daily and now on
hand. A new and complete
stock of all goods in my line,
which will be sold at greatly
roduced prices.
A full line of notions ano
fancy goods.
j itr).H t''t"r-'.tt-t,'r"',t',t,it'tir't"t-
i Vienna Cafe 1
Repapered and
Newly Furnished
Having purchased this once
popular eating house we pur- 4
pose making it, without excep- t
tiou, one of the best in the
citv. A share of public pat-
,i..n.. i:,.;t,.i
Meals at all hours. 4
Deputy Stock Inspeotors.
Notice is horeby given that I hnvi
appointed the following named persuiir
deputy auick uupvotora:
J. P. Oartrrijht, flay Creek,
Sam Hamil'.oii, Anhiroiid,
E. SiMiika. 8mtr,
A. Morrow, Hyiack.
F. M. Smith, Paulm.t.
Rneo Knox. Poet,
T. C. 8ain. Bear Creeli.
J. 8. rtniruii. Kolnd.
Aits Mcliitmh. Hardin
J. P. VunHouten, Hhy Creek.
U. 8. Cuwl. Hay Cieek
Joe II inkle,
Stuck Inspector Crook County.
examine our Bargains
We can save you money.
Ladies Shoes, formerly fl.OO, now 11.00.
O !
a if
il it
it it
Simpson, Wilson & Co.
'j w r A w
' .
mmwrt m
mK,V!:M.i1 1 z,?Ow '
Hop Gold, Sierra Campo Sauterno, J
Jules Mum Champagne, Imported and
Domestic Ales and Porters. ft
I C. J. STUB LING, Wholesaler, t
The latest fashions
Children's HATS.
We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle.
A new lino of GLOVES has arrived uhich we are dinjios
trig of rapidly. Call anil examine them,
It is now the time of year for cool headwear. Our Straw
Hats are just the thing, and we sell them cheap,
N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs.
Rcliahle Merchants.
j Jf. J&'ppmctn & Co.
I Manufacturers of Furniture
1 Fine Undertaking floods,
Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass,
m Lumber and Building Material. '
Goods sold for cash and
argains in
Ladies Shoes
V ore ofl'uring 20
(lii'Vront ntylcs of
Ladies Shoes at less
than cost. It will
pay you to call and
in this line. .
" , 1.50.
" 1.73.
' 1.K3.
" 2.25.
" 2.33.
A mm b
Time. S
Thl3 applies to J$
our Stock. It s
"JUST" rlffht. A
few of our loaders $
"Harper", "Jesse
Moore", Schlltx
Beer, Gambrlnus, 5
In Mena', Boys' and
on the installment plan.
. : : OREGON.