Crook County Journal. COL'XIY OFFICIAL PAFER. THURSDAY. MAY 22 1902. Republican State Ticket Governor, W. 3. FURNISH, of Pendleton. Supreme Judge, R. S. ISEAN, of Lane. Sec. of Suite, F. I. JH'XBAR, of Astoria. Treasurer, CHAJ3. E. MOORE, of Klamath. Attorney General, A. M. CKAWFORI), of Douglas. Supt. Public Instruction, 3. H. ACKEKMAN, Multnomah. State Printer, J. R. WHITNEY, of Linn. Con green 2nd District, J. X. WILLIAMSON, Priueville. Joint representatives, Wasco, Crook, Lake and Klamath counties: X. VVHEALDOX and J. X. BURGESS, of Wasco and R. A. EMMITT of Klamath. Trespass Notloe. Notice is hereby given that all per sons are warned not to trespass upon the following described premises by driving across or herding upon the same any livestock of any description whatsoever under the full penalty of the law for trespass and damage, vir.: The w J of the nwj. the sj of the sej, and s of sw of see 21, the sw of the svv ot sec 22, the scj of the w, the sej and the sj of the swj of st-o 21), the n$ of the nJ, the nwj of the nej, the s$ of the nej and the aej of the nn J of sec 29, all in township 12 s. range lti e, W. M., containing 800 acres and known as the Muling mill site. Willow Creek Land & Livestock Co. X. A. New mm.. Pres. mlmS Gkoiioe Dkk, Soc'y. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Wakefield & Starr is this day dissolved by mutual concent, C.'W. Starr retiring E. Z. Wake field collecting all bills and paving all indebtedness of the late firm. K. Z. Wakkfield. C. Stakr. Notice. All persons wishing grist work done and also those having old grists on our hooks, must call and get sumo on or before May 20th at we will shut down at that time Stkwakt & Co, Republican County Ticket. County Judge, W. C. WlLL8,of Willow Creek. County Clerk, CAREY FOSTER, of Prineville. Sheriff, J. S. Mt'MEEN, of Haystack. Commissioner, M. D. POWELL, of McKay. Treasurer, MARSH AUBREY, of 3end. Assessor, P. F. JOHXSON, of Mill Creek. Surveyor, C. A. GRAVES, of Montgomery. Coroner, J. L. McCULLOCH, of Prineville. Dimes Only Worth 10 Cent. Hhinitle For Sale. I have for sale at my shingle mill on McKay creek 100,000 shingles and will manufacture over 400,000 more during the season. All from the choicest timber. Price, at the mill 12.25, delivered in Prineville 12.50. J. W. RtTTKR. Seed Barley and Oats. S. J. Newsom has CLEAN seed bar ley and out" for sale at his feed burn in north Prineville. Timber Land, Act .lane 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber bund, Act June 3, 1S7N. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t'stTKti Ftatis L.inu OrrioK, The Dalles. Oreiron. Muv la. lmt. Notice is hereby aiven tlutt 'in compll. ance with the iirovUoiM nl l lie act of cm- Kress of June 3. 1X7S, entitled "An act fur tbosaleot imilsir binds In t he States nf California, Orciron, Nevada, and Wasbliiir toti Territory, " in extended to ull the tmi- lie bind states by act or August 4, IIM!, Sarah J. Newsotn of Prineville, comity ol Crook, State-of Oregon, lias this day tiled in tills ol'tioe her sworn statement No. .ill lor the mirclmse ot the swl KK'i See. Ill ami wtj urM Sue. SO, t i s, h 111 k, w M, and will utter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tinilier or stone than for L'rieulturnl purposes, and to establish her claim to sunt land Mure A. (,'. I'aliner. U S. Conunissioner at his olliee at Priuevill,,, iltviron, on Saturday, the aith day of July She names as witnesses: J. W. Wlmer if Sisters, Oregon, and John Coutbs, J. II. Kelly and .Mill, in L. llouk, of i rinev ti le. im-jron. Anv ami ull persons claiming adversely the ftliove-doscrilK'd lands are remuisted to tile their claims in this olliee on or More smd Silll uav of Jill v, lmrj. nuHp " JAY P. LUCAS, Register. W. II. SNOOK, II. D, Physician and Surgeon, CULVER, : : OREGON Am prepared to answor profes sional calls promptly. Cnitru Statks Land Officb, The Ulle. Oregon. April 3U. l'JOl Notice is hereby ifivcii tiiut in imtiunce I with the uruviKion of the act of (Joiiim ut 1 .June 6, Ino, entitled "An act for the nuleni timber landi in the iutu of California, 1 Oreeon. Nevada, and Wiwliintrton Terri tory," aa extended to fell tlie Put -lie Jaud Estate by act of August lew!, PIm ant Chit wood of Grizzly, county of Crook, State ut Oregon, has thin dny tiled in thia office his sworn Utement No. .Hi I lor tlie pnrchse of the sfti NE'4, ni NtvJ nod Lot 2 ud 3, Sec. 31, T. 12 a., H. 1( it, w. v., and will offer proof to show that the land Bought !h more valuable for its timber or vtoue than fur atcriculturnl puriNee, and to est ab null bii By conservative estimate therein"? id before a. a Maimer, u, - ,v t n a i n . to. Uommuitioiier, at hi tithe at riineville. are in Baker County and Eastern . Oregon, on Friday, the 2.)th day of July, Oregon 719 "25th" tlime8 of the San 1 1W'2. He names an witnem: Arcu p t ,rrt 1QQ urtw.likald, John Iewu, J. K. Newbill and Jauiea Francisco mintage of im, says , Hmk'(!i of Grialjr 0K the Baker City Herald. I Ar.j nd all ixraous claiminif xlvenclv Frank Colton, the Geiser Grand ' l1?8 ..jesaibed .r. riiu-.wd u, Daroer, wno reaa in ine xiersia Bjd 2jth dv of July, l'J02. three weeks aeo a dispatch stating j Jy f. L"au, nxutte., that coin collectiors were looking for 1893 dimes with an "S" on the obverse, and that a premium of $5 each were placed on the coins be cause the 'Frisco mint issued only 25 of them during that year, is responsible for the estimate. Frank collected 24 of the dimes and told the Herald about it. The Herald told the people about it, and now both the Herald and Mr. Colton are being deluged with letters from parties in all parts of the country who have the 25th dime and in ome cases two or three of them. The explanation is easy. In the origional dispatch, either a typo graphic error occui red, or else the news agency which sent the dis patch to the Herald was misin formed. Most probably the "intei ligent compositor" is to blame, and , the finger of accusation points directly at the printer who substi- Tunbex Land, Act June 3, 187S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ukitiii Status Laxd Offii'S, The Dalles, Oregon, Muy tl, lisri. Notice is hereby given thatiucoiiipiiaoce with the provisions of the net of congress of June 3. l7rt, entitled "An net lor Hie sale of timber lands in the (Hates of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wa-hiiigton Territory, as extended to all the Puhlic Land IStiites hy act of August 4, ISIti, tlie following persons have this nay bied in this olliee their sworn ntatemenis, towit: Jarcd iiurton of Wlieatou, county of Traverse, Htate of Minnesota, sworn state ment No. 325 for thepurehaseol thes and lots 1 and 2, bee. "i, TCjs.ii 10 k, w u. Henry I. Hull of W heaton, eoumy of Traverse, Htate of Minnesota, sworn state ment No. 34J for the purchase of iot 1, xt'4 nw'4 and nJ kk Bee. lii, lu x, w a. David Uurton cf Wlieatou, county of Traverse, Mate of Minnesota, sworn state ment No. 327 for the purchase of the hK hw4 and lots 2, 3, and 4, bee. 7, T 12 s, R It) I, W H. Anthony Hardy of Wlieatou, county of Traverse, Slate of .Minnesota, sworn state ment Nu. 32s for the purclm-c of the s nkW and n sw Hec. 4. T 12 s, u 1U tt,wk. AloysiotiA M. Fleming of Whcaton, couu- tUted a figure for a "4" in the j stateim-nt No.'.tai for the purchase' of the i date. It is thought that 1894 was ' E ! Hua 1 u"u le 1 u jfttornoy-mt-jCam TRINEVILLE, OKE00N. jff P. flMnap, iPhjfsieinn mn4 Jury rem. Office in rear of Adainaou, Wiunek Co PRINEVILLE, OHEtiON, 7If. C. Brink Pitloraay ant Counnlor jCaim PKINEVILLE, OREOON. if. 53i33t j ?forney-at- Ca u. PRINEVILLE, OltEOO.V. 0 Xy., W. 2. - ZPAyiivam anil urymn, Dfwases of women a niwcIkHv. Phone Nn. 2. Residence back ut the Photograph vJ.illety. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Big Deal in Typewriters. Austrian Government Order I'-JIKI Hm Ull rremlera. "Viknna, Fob. 7. The grenlest single inirclmso of typnwritors ever nmile hits been ordered by tlio Min istry of Justice, which, lifter thrt months of cxlmustive competitive tost, Ims Kiiitructcd to t'(iiip the entire ministry with not less than 1200 Hmilh l'lfinier typewriters, supplying every court." l'rcfis lir-piitch to Porlliiml Orcgoniitn, Fclirutiry 7. Portland ollieo Smith I'remiur Typewriter Co., 122 Third Ht., I. it M. ALEXANDER & CO., Agents.' W. T. FOGLK, Agent, I'rilU'villfl, Oregon .lSi Smith 33ros,, DEALERS IN- Scneral TJforchandisc. SISTERS, OREGON. life A a ut Just received a full lint of Xadies wrapper and glovts. lift also hau a full lint of Stnlltmtn't and JZadits' Shots )ry Soocis, Sroccrics, Jfardwarc, jCadits' and Stnlt' Surniihing Soods Cxamint our Slock Call and CHAMP SMITH. ISOM CI.EEK. SMITH'S be Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Ciars. The Celebrated A. B. G. Ueer Always on Hand. Proprietors of l!ie Prineville Soda forks. Two Doors South of First National Hank. PBIKEYILLE. ORE. SHAHIO Fire-prnof buililing, 9(1x300 feet, is now ready to handle Merchandise, Wool, ntc. HAUL YOUR FREiCHT TO SHANIHO yt Jf. fiostnitry, 7. 2) . ZPhyttoian and Surpten Calln answered promptly day or ni;rnt Of- lies with Dr, V. Gwnur. Keaidc-nce corner 1st aud Main street. PKIXKVILLE. ORK()() the year of the rare mintage of dimes at the 'rnsco mint. Mr. Colton hag another explan ation to offer. He cays that 1893 dimes with an "S" on the "tail" side are worth 95 each when the "S" is set sidewise. He has posted an offer of Id each for coins of this character. The error, or the chain of errors, rather, concerning these rare dimes has one good effect. It has caused a great many people to save a number of dimes, who otherwise might have allowed them to slide smoothly over some mahogany bar in return for a foaming stein. Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes. "My wife was sick t long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. Kind's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." tlmy always do Trytneni. Only 25c. at Adiimson t Win nek Co's. drug stoie. Louis K. Swartz of Wlieatou. e.Untv nf Traverse, 8tte ot Minneta, sworn state ment No. 33J for the purchase of tlieKtswJ and lots .1 ami 4, wo. IS, lu cw u. Colby Ware of Wlieatou, county of Trav erse, Ktate of Minnesota, sworn statement No. 331 for the purchase of the t Hec. IS, T 12 S, K 10 E, W H. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuahle for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- Foses, and to establish their claims to said mil before the Kesrister and Receiver i,f this ottlce at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mon-1 day. the ilxth day ol July, V.m. iliey name as witnesses: -ilavid Burton, H. I. Hull, A. B. Fleming, Colby Ware, Jared Uurton, Anthony Hardy, all of Whcaton, Minnesota. Any and all persons claiming adverrely the alKive-dcscrilttd lands are requested to tile their claims in this ottke on or before said 2sth day of July, Utti. tulip JAY P. LUCAS, Register. J, W. liOONE, Saddles and Jifarnoss Maker of the celebrated PRINE VILLE STOCK SADDLE ULL L1E OF STOl'KME.VS SI ITLILS Latest improved Ladies' Side and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, Quirts and Hacka- mores. Write for prices. Pltl.NKVILLE, : : Ohkgon. llote Theileiiou iis .i DiX. A. filine is ton well known in this country to need ny praisH. He can alwaya be foiinrl at ilia old stand, i-U disir t-i th First Jiational tUnlt. Oir him a call. Jf. CyruSj DEALER IN Elgin Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, etc. First-class repairing promptly done. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. ! Subscribe or the Jovbmau ' C. E. McDowell, Prop. Thoroughly Renovated and Re furnished Throughout. American Plan. Rates $1.50 and $2 per day. Accommodations are Unsurpassed in the eity. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers, Long Distance Telephone Station in the house. f -DEALERS IN- Coal, Flour, Lumber, Wood, Hay and Grain. Special Attention given "to wool trade. Kirst-cliiM baling and grading facilities. Also stock yarns, latest plans. All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock. PROPRIETORS:- French if: Co., Hankers, The T)al)ea. Mookx linos. , Hunkers, Mcru, W, Loxn, The Dalles. B. F. Laoiialim, The Dalles. A. M. KELSAT, General Manager. IVI C r-iJ rr::sn per jr IS i perm Sawed Shingles $2,75 nil at SHIPP'S. City ffiarhcr Shop. I (Powtll & Cyrus, Proprietors, JCot and Cold faaths. !Prinvillt, Ore