Mliiliitf-Cluliii Hurvny. Order Imvo been iwuiod liy Surveyor, (iimiirul Mclilrwn, for tlio survey nf upward of liO min ing claim in the mining ditrict of llukrr City, 111 tie lUvnr and Itolimnia. Never laforo have no Hintiy cliiim been ordered urvoy- I'd at ona tiiiio, Tlio coiiiniinioi)or of tho general land ollico ha approved the award of contract fur Hlirveyn to Homer I). An(v nml to ClmrloN 1 Campbell, lioth of Tlio Dalle. Deputy Hurvoyor (iiirnnr ih now surveying a town (diip in tlio Handy flection contain ing ti in 1 u-r land in which Portland ciipiluliHtu urn inlereHted. Karl Sander returned yesterday from Pendleton, where he hud heen on examination More tho supreme court for admission to practice, with pnperM in li ih pocket author izing him to hang out Inn hinile a a full fledged lawyer. Tho other applicant who were success ful were Mis Kin hftul Kay, whom all conceded ittood at the bead of the claim, Mwsr. Albert 1. Johnson, Wood win L. Patterson, Jame 1). Perry, Uolwrt II. Lloyd and Hcolt Z. Henderson. The examination given by the supreme court at this session is said to be the most severe ever exacted by the court, and an applicant to stand muster had to bo well versed in the rudimeiita of luw. Dalles Mountaineer. mmmmmm ff NOTICK roli I'UlSLICATlU.V, I United Htnl, Lund Office tt Tin llelltie, ()riKn. Much 10, 11102. 1 NuMoe la liureliy Riven that in compliance j with tin imivleluna ( the luit of Conifrtu nl Juiu 3, entitled "An not (or the aale of tlmlw lawla In the dtatea nf Calllomla, Ore Kim, Nevada and Wahln(Uin Territory," M eatondad in til the l'ulillo Land Htate hjr afct of Aiuinat 4, WI2, tin folliiwluK iareoiia have on tin IMth, 27th nl Mi daye of Feb. ruary, lM, filed In tlna ollltie tlwlr ntvorn atateniente, to-wlti 0, Clark loiter, of Port laml, county uf Multnomah, atste of Oregon, eworn aUttinent No, 211 for the purchase of the U Ki of H.o. 20. Jneeijh T. I'Ur of Thi llallva, ootitity ol Wumoo, etate of Oron, aworii nUtuiuiiiit No. 2lf for the ourcliAxe of thi) NWJ of t'.c. 20. Kufua A. Leltor of Portland, county of M ullnoinah, matt of Or- eyon, eurn etetaruimt No. 2111 for the pur- j chaw of tlxHKJof Hao. 20, anil John M. baiter of Portland, county of Multnomah, atate of Ore(on, aworn atateuicut No. 217 for tlx piirchaae of tin 8WJ of Mao. 20, all In Ti. Ill 8.111th, ItaiiK 12 Kaat, W. It., and will offtr proof to allow that land fought U mora valuahla for I La limber or atone than for ag ricultural purKiaaa, and to eatabllah their claima to aald land before the RUur and llecelver of thla nffloe at The llallra, Oregon, n Krlday, tha 23d day of May, 11102. They name aa witneeaea: John M, Letter, of Portland, Oregon, Ku- fua A. If ltr, of I'ortlaml. Orison, (). Clarke U tar. o Portland. Orf.m. K. W. Harden- hrook, of Portland, ()rKon, Joaeph T. het ara, of Tha llallra. Oregon. Any and all pareone claiming ailveraely trio alMive-deeclilwd landa ara rcqueated Ui tile tliir claima lii thia oWca on or Ufora aaid m day of May, 1U02. Mir. U.CAS. m20 Ueijiater, (rr(uii (iirl KrvtHl. Sioi-x Fall. H. I)., May 8- In the htato circuit court, at Water town today, Mr. Kaynu Moore, of New York City, wit granted an nlioluU) divorce from William A. K. Moore. The plaintiff was given the right to resume her maiden iiume of Fayne Strahan. Khe iiiHtituted her euiton the ground of extreme cruelly, non-Biipport and conviction of felony. The defendent i Kcrvina a term of 11) year in King Sing l'rison for alleg ed robbery. He allege hi im prisonment i due to a plot of the plaintiff to get a divorce in order to wed a wealthy Knglihman. The pWintiff't father wa tho late Chief Justice Htrahan, of the uprenie court of Oregon. 'The Journal 1 lit tHt M hit letter from U. F. Btewait, of Law ton, wherein lie stale that no elec tric power plant baa bom initialled at the Her) Boy mine and that the company ha not put in a store. Mewart & Son are doing a good borine, which we ire glad to hear. Mr. ritewort aayi Williamson it U. K. in that part of the itate. Tha bill for a canal across the iethmu ol Nicaragua wa never bo near to become a Uw a it I now. It ha passed the Ilouae, and bas heen favorably recommended by the Senate committee, which ftpent week in investigating tho two route. If the Senate steering com mitteo will give the bill a place on the calender, there is every reason to believe it will become a law. That brisk young chap Morgan, aged 78, it confident and hopeful. He intends to have his bill this trip, or but there is no "or" with Morgan. He intends to bave it. Parties who are well Informed regarding the sheep market say there will be a slump in prices immediately after shearing. They predict that before the season is over yearling will aell at 11.25 to 11.35 per bead. Their reason for this prediction is that tbe markets are well stocked and ai summer range is scarce owners will be willing to take what they can get for their surplus stock. Dalle Mountaineer. To Our Exchange: Have you any minion or nonpareil type for sale. If to, send proofs and price. The Journal. The Journal Real Estate Agency ha a customer for 2000 or 3000 acrea nf deeded land in one body. Any one having that amount of land for ale would do wea 10 give us a call. A shooting gallery started up in the Miller Imikunn luesday and ha been doine a land oflice business. Thai aitaatara la w arary be of tk fl I avaMvai RewnnUlntnlne Tablaia uaaiiiv winuw ate raaatHly aUt a-ra aaaalh REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. $02.1 H0 acre of deeded unimproved knd. covered liy ditch that furtiinliee ample water for irrigation porpoeoa. Can raiae tomato; and all kiu.ia of tender veKal'd'leaonthe place. llirea atoea are lenord with baroed wire fenoa. CovwriMi with chemeaU, aai.'eliruali and acatteriilK jtinipera. Kiuaat oulrantre in oounty wijoiniiitf where owner can turn out nia cattle and uilt little feeding net-eaaary duriiiK winter. Addreaa Jul'KHAl iteal Eatata Aitam-y, I'rinavil.a, OreKon. KOK HAI.K-A two auiry dwelling with bam and nuihouaea in the city of Priuevilla. Thia prtiierty ia wall aittiatad and ia covered liy irrigation. It oovare one-fourth of a block aud la ona of the heat reetdence locationa in the town. I'rioa raaaonable. KOlt HAI.K -One of the beat located finn. In tha famoiH clover belt in the Hqita creek country, ouiiatini! of UjO acraa. 40 aerea la ek.vur. A good bam 40x100 and all under fence. Log houae and ttther ordinary iniprave menta. lloid tardea raiaed every year and a variety of auiail Irulla. 120 aorea id hue aaw timber that will eventually lie worth more than the price now aeke-l for the entire farm, All under private lrriKtin ditch that (ce with tlw property. , . - , . Notice, , . Notice to whom it may concern: That my wile, Leuna B. Wood, ha diverted and left me, and I will not be ree-iHiiuible for any dehta contracted by her. LEE WOOD. DaUvd at Athwood, Oregon, April If, 1903. Closing Out Sale In order to close out our business by July 1st, we are offering goods at figures that cannot be duplicated by any competitor. It will pay you to investigate this matter before you purchase your supplies. CALL ON US If you come to Shaniko this season. If you cannot do this, sen1, an order by your teamster, or if you can send us a mail order. We assure just as careful attention as though you visited us in person. New Goods. Accommodating Clerks Prices that Profit the Buyer. Wo have but one price for our goods, which, the market permitting, we offer to all, and we show every one the same courteous attention. Write for prices and samples. Vh $1 e ee we. TJo Save 'rU.l i .J. U 1 Spring jinnouncements. Lingerie A full line of White Skirts, Night Gowns, Che- roiees and Drawers, also Ladies Summer Vest Come and 1 see them. Prioe and quality will suit you. Also a nice line of Shirt Waista. For men we have the newest Silk Front Shirts, Pecai Front Shirts, also Negligee Shirts of all descriptions. Summer un derwear galore. . MICHEL & RISSER. B-A-LLSTOIST BAY STALLION OWNED BY J. L. WINDOM, will make the season of 1902 at Culver, Or-, egon., Bred by G. Springer, of Culvert Oregon. Pedigree Sire: The registered Clydesdale, Ballston, bred by Ladd) k Reed, Portland. Dam: Registered Cleveland bay mare, Conning Maid, bred by Ladd & Reed, Portland. BALLST0N is 17 hands high and weighs in thin working order J62Q pounds. He is a dark blood bay, four years old in June. TERMS 110 for insurance; reduction for three or more roarea.. EGGS. Blooded Plymouth Rock Eggs. I am now prepjred to furnish eggs from my pen at reasonable price. Price, $1.00 per letting of 15 egg, ('all on or add rose, JOHN GEIGER, Prineville, Oregon. 7 Haystack Stallions 1902 The Haystack Ranch will use two Stallions for the season of 1902. THE FRENCH COACH, A large, stylish black, and THE HACKNEY, A very handsome mahogany bay. The above ataffiona will be permitted to serve a few mares at $10,00 each, one-halt' down at end of season and $5.00 more when the mare ia known to be with foal. Mares will be pastured at $1.00 per month. Will not b responsible for accidents. Call at ranch or address, G. SPKINGER, Culver, Oregon. FARM FOR 5ALE 320 acres. 75 acre in cultiva tion. 40 acre of meadow. All under fence. Good houce. Good water. Call on or address the Joi'bnal, Prineville, Oregon. Price $1800. 3m3 J, I, McCuUoch, Dealer in Real Estate and Ab stractor of Title. PRISEVILLE, : OREGON Subscribe for the,x