Crook County Journal. KOOLK 4 I'AhKKR, Pi Hl.lXHKK 4SI) I'ROrilllTOKB. .V. T. Fou Lie, KnirnR Vl. H. P.tKKKH, MaNAUEH County Ofkicial Papkr. 'ih Journal u entered t the tottie tn Print illt, Orej(,, firtnuitnuiiion through the V' . S. ju seciiud qIum. matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. IN ADVAM'r Oat Yaw. $t.K MX .MONTHS Thkkb Months 60 THURSDAY, MAY 15,1902. The democrats tell us that all Oregon needs to get legislation through congress that will help to bund up this country is to get a democratic congressman and place jthe state m the doubtful column find then the republicans would help to get appropriations for the '(slate jn order that it might be bought over to bo a republican Again, hueh argument is childish Jo say the least for to get anything through congress to help us out we must present a united front in that body, llnscanonlv be done bv Jiaving a delegation there that will worn in penect narmonv ana one jn whom the other members of congress have faith. In his speech the other night Butcher said that Oregon had gotten nothing from congress because sue was known to be safely republican. U e would respectfully refer the gentleman to the time when Binger Herman was in congress and he will see that we did not need a democrat to get things for this state. Any state to get recognition must have a dele gation in congress that can com mand the respect of the members and one that will work together as a unit. This can never be accom plished by having part democrats and part republicans, or a'l demo crats, lor tliey would quarrel over trifles and accomplish nothing, cut what is the use to worry r Or egon is going to remain in the front rank ot republican states and show to the world that she is a business state. We would like to call the utten- LivmonU Lines, tion of the voter of this county to T,, wnlow CW)k hoa rido ; the fact that J. S McMeon is the t fn v,i..i ' republican candidate for sheriff and that the gentleman is thoroughly rrnnK miouo imsjusicomjuoieti qualified for the olfiee. Mr. Mc- hi new pasture feme. Mecn has lived in this county for J. C. Rush is very busy summer a number of years and is well fallowing his timber culture, known to nninv of the citizens.. ... ... . ,, , He has ton engaged in the stock ' MlS8 Alu; Ror?, of Culver is business for several years and has thieuwt of Mra' M,ir' Stroud ,hlH been very successful. Last veari ' he was so unfortunate as to lose j A. B. Scales, of Lanionta, his dwelling house by fire, together I been on the sick libt for the with the entire contents. This; few weeks. happened just as the building was lias psst completed, ami with ttie tire wis swept away many things that had been gathered about him by years of foil and economy. 1 he blow fell heavily on Mr. MeMeen, yut Phoenix like has another residence arisen on the site of the first. He is to be commended for the energy displayed in this matter, for he is a poor man and could ill afford to lose at the time of the fire. All he has is the result of honest toil and frugality. A vote for Mr. MeMeen means a vote for honest, economi cal administration of the sheriff's office. i Mr. Furnish says: "If you elect me governor, and 1 believe vou will, I will make mv home in S?a lem during mv administration. I will make a thorough, personal ex animation oi an oi the various state institutions, taking great pains to familiarize myself with every detail thereof, learn the needs and wants of each and see that they are managed with the utmost economy, and to the best interests Stroud, Seals and Compatny are sawing wihkI on drizzly with thet wood sawing outfit. A party consisting tf three left their homes near here a few day ago for a May outing.' Joseph Weigand has been amus ing himself the past few davs bv putting up a barbed wire fence. Messrs Frank and Jack Miller are putting in a large crop of potatoes on their father s ranch this year, C1 K. I. A communication in the last is ue of the Review gives Judge Wills some very effective blows as cf fective as trying to drown a duck by pouring water on its back. The writer wishes to assure the Journal that it was not written by an In dian and did not come from the agency. We did not need the as surance as the article in question Is too illogical to nave emanated from the brain oi even the most ordinary Indian. We would like to ask "Voter" how many counties jn this state under "honest" demo cratic judges that are out of debt? Perhaps "Voter" has had a bill up before the county court and through the efforts of Judge Wills it was cut down. Can he, or any one, point out a single instance where our present county judge has acted dishonestly in the administration of county affairs? No. And be cause he hag thwarted gome of the schemes of those who would rob the county treasury he baa gained their enmity. One of the surest ways to avert strikes is to vote the democratic ticket. Why? Because in a short time after the advent of democracy in power there would be no mills running so there would be nothing left to strike for. During demo cratic hard times there are no (trikes, but given a couple of years of republican business methods and then the fool laboring man gets too much money and wants a change. If it takes Mr. Booth three weeks to make up his mind whether or not to accept the nomination for the office of county judge, how long will it take him to decide any real important question affecting the affairs of the county? Would the commissioners be in session for such length of time as would be required for him to decide? At this time can we afford to make a change in the office of county judge? "Honest Abe" Lin coln said it is daugerous to swap horses while crossing a stream and hs we are just now out of debt it would seem unwise to make ft rad ical change at this time. of all people of the whole state. I will devote mv time and energies to the affairs of the state as 1 would to the management of anv private business concern of which were manager. I will use all my power to enforce and uphold all the laws of the state with perfect justice to all classes and citizens and all sections 'of the state. To summarize upon this subject, I will say that I will give the state of Or egon, so far as lies within my pow er, a thorough-going, clean-cut, up right business-like administration in every detail." Saturday the King of Spain comes of age and will ascend the throne in his own name. The rt. I . . 1 a opanisn people ae preparing tor a week of festivities winding up with the taking the oath to the consti tution Saturday at two o'clock. Carey Foster is thoroughly qual ified to fill the oflite of countv clerk and will do so to good advan tage for the taxpayers of tms countv. IO llrward. Tho above reward will he paid lor any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the parties that stole the ladies' ramb ler bicycle that 1 left at Ed llarl in's shop for repairs. OMAR Cl.AYl'OOL. Subscribe for the Jouhnai,. J. L HcCulloch, JKWELER. Repairing a Specialty. Prineville, : ': Oregon POINDEXTER- Shaving Parlors TICK A OK INK, Proprietor Shaving Halrcutttns Shampooing Bathe A fine liaihriH'Qi devoted eipeciallv tn th uie of ladive. EverTtllillg up-to-date and atrictl) Read what J X. Williamson sas about leasing and also about irii gation schemes to defraud the peo ple out of their just rlits. Eight Grade Final Examination. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Crook coun. ty will hold an examination of appli oants for public ichool diploma at Prineville, Oregon, as follow: Commencing Wednesday, May 21, 1902, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continu ing three days. Wednesday Written arithmetic, apelling, pbyaiology. Thursday Meutal arithmetic, read- in?, writing and civil government.. f nday Lanitunge, blttory and ee ograyuy. William Bosai.i, County School Supt. 25 Choice Registered HEREFORD BULLS Mrill be in Prineville Saturday, May 8th. These Bulls are a selec tion from our herd, which num bers 500 head, and are of as good breeding and as well developed asj we have ever offered. They are! from 13 to 24 months old. We have Certificates of Transfer and Pedigrees all prepared to deliver to purchaser. Come and see them. SCOTT & MARCH, Belton, Missouri. SPRING MILLINERY. Arriving daily and now on hand. A new and complete stock of all goods in my line, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. A full lino of notions and fancy goo!s. MRS. SUSIE SLAYTON. I Bargains in Ladies Shoes 1 We are offcring 20 different styles of Ladies Shoes at less than cost. It will pay you to call anil examine our Bargains in this line. We can 'save you money. Ladies Shoes, formerly $1.90, now 11.00., 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00. 1.50. 1.75. 1.85. 2.25. 2.35. 2.75. Simpson, Wilson & PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Co. J Kentucky Liquor House I Vienna Cafe JE-8 mtliimV, Prop. I Repapered and Newly Furnished ALL WHITE HELP. Having purchased this once popular eating house we pur pose making it, without excep tion, one of the best in the city. A share of public pat ronage respectfully solicited. Meals at all hours. iniilinmiHMiiiiM'i'''i""i" Deputy Stook Inepeotors. Notice U hereby given that I hare appointed the following named peraona deputy stock inapectora: J. f. Uartwriglit, nay CTeeK. 8am Hamilton, Aahwwid. E, Hparka, , Hiatere. A. Morrow, Hayatack. K. M. Smith, Paulina. Roacoe Knoa, Poet. T. C. 8win, Bear Creek. J. 8. Boxue, Roiland. Aln Mclotmb, Hardin J. P. VauHuuten, Hay Creek. U. S. Cowlea. ' Hay Creek Joe Hinkle, Stock Iiiapvcbir Crook County. ADAMSON & WINNER CO. Incorporated 18,99. Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods. It Hits the Spot Every Time. This applies to our Stook. It's "JUST" right. A few of our leaders are: "GREEN RIVER" "Harper'', "Jesse Moore", Sohlltx Beer, Gambrlnus. Hop Gold, Sierra Campo Sauterne, Jules Mum Champagne, Imported and Domestlo Ales and Porters. C. J. STUBLING, Wholesaler. THE DALLES, OREGON. RED FRONT BAZAAR. SPRING- GOODS The latest fashions In Mona', Boys' and Children's HATS. We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle. A new line of GLOVES has arrivod which we are dispos ing of rapidly. Call and examine them, STRAW HATS. It is now the time of year for cool headwear. Our Straw Flats are just the thing, and we sell them cheap. RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. Reliable Merchant!. HP, At jf. Jfc J&ppman & Co Manufacturers of Furniture AND DEALERS IN Fine Undertaking floods, Oil and Glass, plan. Carpels. Stovea, Ranges, Lead, Lumber and Building Material. Goods sold for cash and on the installment PRINEVILLE, OREGON.