Crook County Journal. COl'NIY OFFICIAL PAPER. THURSDAY, MAY 15 1902. Ki-mrnilK-r The llnlueaiitit. I til in n War Claims. Republican State Ticket Governor, W. J. FURNISH, of Pendleton. Supremo Judge, K.S. BEAN, of Lane. See. if flute, F.I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. Treasurer, CHAS. K. MOORE, of Klamath. Attorney General, A. M. CKAWEOKl), of Douglas. Hnpt. Public Instruction, J.H. ACKKKMAN, Multnomah. State 1'rinter, J. R. WHITNEY, of Liun. Silver Lake is an F.astern Oregon The Indian War Veterans will town whose people liave not cut. I nn ... i... ii i i ... .1 . ebrated (J,r..tma8 seven years, - Legislature a bill for an am.ropri. according to Z. M. Brown, a Crook ' ation to themselves ot the difW County stockman, who has just re- of the amount paid them for turned from that part of Like! their services hy the government t0,111,y- . and the amount the stale agreed hv An expensive monument, stand- n n,.i in5r,. , ., ... ; ;" vii lid nil W HO nig m thevillageecnietery, hesavs, 1 enlisted in that war. ' - tells how 42 residents of Silver 1 , Lake met a horrible death hy fire Old Soldier's ExpoTfenoe. unuugo uie upsemng ot a conl-oili v ,, ... lamp at a Christmas-tree festival- ' Kcml w"r v",,,m" seven rears ago. That iniinher ..t ' oI ",(,ll,,st,,'i writes. "My wife persons t iken out of a small eoni-! w"8 su'k '""K.time in spite of good niumty leaves vacancies in the' ctnl' ti'"tnuiit, but. wan wholly nomea mat, wilt not he filled in th s 0"rw Dr. Mug s New Lid, PilU generation. Silver Luke will not j which worked wonders for her health." l . .nn, a nuoiiii license to ne issued : theyaiwavs do. Try them. Only Congiess 2nd District, J. N. WILLIAMSON, Prineville. Joint representatives, Wasco, Crook, Lake and Klamath counties: N. VHEALDON and J. N. BURGESS, of Wasco and R. A. EMMITT of Klamath. since that tragic event, and so it is tlie one absolute v "drv" town in the state. A drunken man overturned the amp (hristmas eve, 1SU5, that Itepubltcau County Ticket. County Judge, W. C. WILLS, of Willow Creek. County Clerk, CAREY FOSTER, of Prineville. Sheriff, J. S. MrMEEN, of Haystack. Commissioner, rf. D. 1'OWELL, of McKay. Treasurer, MARSH AUBREY, of 3end. Assessor, B. F. JOHNSON, of Mill Creek. Surveyor, C. A. GRAVES, of Montgomery. Coroner, J. L. McCULLOCH, of Prineville. at Ailamson & Winuek Cos. drug sun e. SIllllKlt'H l'or hllln. T I.-.,. I... ..l ... ,, , . , , ' - - miu 111 my h 111" 0 nil resulted in a t rased v wh eh ,.,,i,.,l ! .... , . . T a thrill of horror to la over hei M f . "H entire Northwest ,1 n, , 1 1 W'11. nmm,fl,ol,,IB w W ore Countv of Lake in.,, ;'" the season. All from the 2loom. Televram ' 1 "''t tl delivered in l'rmevillu $2.50. J. W. RlTTKH. ig Deal in Typewriters. AuHirluii (Jovertiiiient Order I 'Jim Nmltli I'l'i-iiilem. "Viunn.v,' Feh. 7. The greatest f f .?" W-"' " "'"J?1" purchase of typewriters ever Al'r$ , l.'l-xSx mm,,! '" '''" ordered hy the Miu- uni'i inrco 'oinijetilive test, has contracted to eoiiin thn iMitiieiiiinislry wilh not less than 1200 Smith Premier typewriter, fiippb''B I'Vfry court." I'ress Dispalch to rortland Or. 1 ortland ollico Smith rremier Tvnewriler Co.. Vl'l Third Si I X- Af ALEXANDER A CO., Agents, W. T. FotiLK, Agent, l'rineville, Onunn WA&K , l-X " I'M '"'''"I ordered h u1V''-'Aw'S 'Mfyt,s Jl",til'"' w,li,,,,'B i; 1 if'!.'' ' months of exhaustive, ci Smith ffiros,, -DEALERS IN The WlHer Way. Our true policy is to hold fast to ' ' 11 - under our l'rotective policy and iW. !!. SNOOK, II. D. not to frirtir t mm a .. : : i and needless concessions to foreign ' PJiycirhn nrf inieresis, winch are ever seeking a V,,v,uu K" JUICU.I, larger maiL-ct in the expense of ,i, .:: : OUE(i(). Sonera Merchandise. SISTERS, OREtiON, W havt Juot noind a full tint of Xaditf wrapptrs and glow. W, aso hau, a full iint of Scntlcmon't and JCadias' Shots. Mr. Chamberlain insists that the governor's salary should be 11500 a yejr, no more and no less; that he should receive no additional salary as member of commissions. Then why should Mr. Chamberlain want to give up his salary of $4000 a vear as district attorney of Multnomah county to accept $1500 a vear as governor. Is the honor worth the difference of $2500 a year and can Mr. Chamberlain, who persistently insists that he is a poor man, afford to throw away $2500 a year. Mr. Chamberlain fl!?Urefl that the irnvprnnr now ceives a total of $0900 a year under present arrangements ana it is higly probable that if he did not expect the same remuneration he would not be a candidate for gov ernor. In fact he has not yet resigned as district ' attorney of Multnomah and perhaps he figures mo 11 cicvlcu governor ne can hold both offices. At any rate Chamberlain is looking out for George, the thing he condemns in men line r urnisn. Kegister. indnritriuu un.l worKing people. It is far fmn. certain that opening our markets wider for the admission of forei"n .manufactured products would pro cure a larger market tor some of products abroad, for no European wountry is tuning iro.n us to-dav more of our comnioiiitiM t),.m ;'i needs, and would never take more inan wliat is actually needed for immediate consumnti'nn: ami concession that we make in pur Tariff rates to foreign interests will only serve as a precedent for other demands of the same Liml ........ ..lUfJl all the circumstance we have onlv to follow the rightful i,l r1"; conserving our own to continue masters of the industrial and commercial situation within our own borders. New Orleans "Item." Am prepared to answer siunal calls promptly. profe ltf, Sell. FRINEVJLLE, OREGON. Dry Soocsj Srocerics, Jfardwaro. Xadits' and Stnls' Jurnisniny Soods Call and Cxamino our Slock CHAMP SMITH. ISOM CLKEK. J P. ttdknap. SAysiciaa arttl Surf ton, Office in rear of Ailamson, Winuek Co PRIN'EVfLLE, OREGON j HEGEPTIBI. A report comes from Mnnatniii Nicaragua, that leprosy has devel oped to such an alarming extent among the people of Western Nic aragua, particularly in Leon and Chinendega, as to cause a promin ent newspaper of Leon to warn parents against permitting their children to go on the streets of the towns for fear of unknowingly coming into contact with lepers, all of whom are licensed 'to go where they please and beg. About fifteen years ago it was established that the number ot lepers in Nic aragua was 200. At the nrefent. time their number in and beyone the secondary stage of the disease is placed at from 1500 to 2000. Bhudderj At His Paat. "I recall now with horror," says Mail Carrier Burnett Mann, of Levan m, ()., "My three years of suffering from Kidney trouble. I was hardly ever free from dull sches or acute pains in my back. To stoop or lift sacks tinide me groan Too Many (.erne. Geo. Shaw infornm lift tlmf ia geese and cranes are about, in .. away with his meadow and, while he is a law abiding citizen, and would not advise anyone to k:ll game out of season. h I pass notice on his premises.. The local nimrods are at liberty to go out and scaref ?ith mi riff t)a nw..i. - - mud- dow as often as they desire. It is not generally known outside of our raiiuners mat geese are very de structive to a meadow duriii" spring overflow. They can ruin a meadow in a remarkably short space of time, being even worse than hogs. Burns Times-Herald. Supplies for Alaxka. Twenty-five carloads of mixed merchandise, snmruer supplies for the various Government stations along the Alaskan cost, have just left Portland for the Hon it will be Wdefi w.m .x bcv10 distribution. The shipment is a very valuable everythintr that IT1HV Kft Dutiful in keeping body and soul togather.J Butter, to the value of about $5000, was included in the shipment. It 8aved His Leg. P. A. Danforth. of LaOrand. C, . suffered for six months with a fright- lui running sore on his lez; but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 2sc. Sold by Adamson & W'innek Co. If the Democratic party has any great principle to promulgate what is it? In Jackson County they are playing for the Prohibition vote. In Portland they are trying to work the saloons and the dives, and have formed a collusion with the bolting element of the opposite party. Mankind has some respect for religious or political principles, "lue who go iortn lor plunder C S3rink . " . - '--'jr wna .ounttior at jLam Pill NEVILLE. OREGON. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. The Celebrated A. E. G. Beer i Always on Hand. t SSiggs jftforney-at-jCai. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. O Jfydo, ?fi 0. Proprietors of the Prinetilic Soda Works. Two Doors South of ivn rT itt tt t i-t First National Hunk. 1 T M. V J I , J . 17 1i mm Ptyjean mutt Suryn. IMnewel iif women pciitv. Phona No, 2. Kiitideiiu, K.k .,1 .1... I PliotimrMph kjallvry. the PRINEVILLE, OREGON Jt Jf. SPosen&oy, 7. 0 cuu amwered promptly any omlKSrt Of- m with Dr, V. Gnr. IMdMiot comer lit and Main streets. rlll.NEVlLLK. ORK(l).V J. W. BOOiVE, Saddles and jfczrnessl Maker of the celebrated PRINK. VILLE STOCK SADDLE m i. LIVE OF STOtKMKA'.S SI ITLIEK Latest improved Ladies' Side and Stride Saddles, BiU, Sjiurs, Angora Chaps, Quirts and Hacka- mores. Write for prices. Pm.neville, : : Okeoon. 188 ?A1 iSiU w lire-proof building, 9(x3(K) feet, is now ready to handle Merchandise, Wool, etc. HAUL YOUR FREIGHT TO SHAKIKO DEALERS IN , Coal, Flour, Lumber, Wood, Hay and Grain. Special Attention Rivei, to (M trade. Kirst-el',,, bslinf and grading facilities. Also stock yards.-ktct !. All ;3Iodern Improvenients for Handling Stock. ' Fhkkch ,f- Co., Bankers. Tlia PKOPIUETORS:- 1 Z'm . B.nikrs, Mtro. B. P. Laucuun, The Dulles, A. M. KEL3AY, General Manager. If . i nuiui mmj mull sucks msde me gman. I folt, - mm uu loriiuor niunuer. 1 tired, worn out, about ready to give up, j Spite or position only, will never ' ,, uiuwrsgiuii ine conndence of the masses nut six ootties completely cuied me ; ot the people. Ashland Town anil uiaue me leei like a new man C. E. McDowell, Prop. Tbf y're universal to regulate Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Perfect SNtisfactinii ijuaraiiteed by Adamson A M'innek Co, Only 60 cell U. Talk. Don't forget that you can save 50 cents on your winter reading by sub-i scribing for the Oregonian with the I .'uknai. for 12.60. Thoroughly Renovated and Re furnished Throughout. American flan. Rates $1, 1.50 and C! per day. Accommodations are Unsurpassed in the eity. Sample Rooms, for Commercial Travelers, Long Distance Telephone Station m the house. . er, $11 per m ML Ftt;sh Sawed Shingles $2.75 per m. at SHIPP'S. City JJardor Chop. Powell rf Cyrus, Proprietors, Mot and Cold Qath. I j.M.l."... M.W ... HWJ I