I Xocal 97cnton, W. li. liugi'i's was in from his ranch at Culver lastweck on business bout. lice Adkins litis employed Mr. Kd TVnnctt, ol Portland, to assist liim in iiis bnrlit r shop. J. II. Oarrett is up from liny crook attending court in the interest of his wnier ditch ease. J. W. Wood was-a business visitor from his ranch on Squaw creek the :rs! of the week Fred V. Wilson arrived up from The Dalles last week and is attending; "court as an attorney. Hansel Wheeler, the Glizidy stock loan and fanner, was a business visitor in the city Saturday. 0. H. Belknap was over from the Vla.-sic dales of Haystack Saturday at tending to business affairs. Henniek Jessee was down from his ranch on Crooked river Friday look ing after business matters. G. V. Glenn and wife were down from Post the tirst of the week and aid this office a pleasant cull. J. H. Claypool was over from Sisters the tirst of the week attending court lis a witness in the Wilson-Cobb case. Lew MeCallister came down from the mines in the Howard district the first of the week to attend to legal inatters. J. H. Atkinson and wife were down from their home in the vicinity of Lava to at'end court in the capacity Witnesses. Miss Alice Smith, .1 niece of Mrs. Frank Johnson, arrived from Bums hist week and is visiting with her aunt mi Mill creek. There remains but two weeks more school for this term and there will he -Some irrudtiatinir exercises that will be Moith lining to see. Our next county treasurer came in Trom Bend the fust of the wetk and urid this office a pleasant call. His iiaine is M. C. Awbrcy. Clay Simpson wus looking after his Insurance business in the Ashwood Neighborhood last week and report a $:uod country over that way. J. N. (juiberg is in the city in at tendance at this term of court. He reports a considerable timber land be ing taken in the vicinity of Sisters. G. W. Scott, of Belton, Mo., arrived liere Sunday from Shaniko where he lias a lot of tine Herefoid bulls that will be driven over here and be on sale tifter today, Thuisday. Char-lea Lewis was down from the tnouth of Mill creek Saturday where iie is teaching in the Claypool school t:ouee. lie reports good progiess be ing made by the school. Postmaster Summers gives oot the information that Culvsr and Hay rreek are now money order offices. These changes will be appreciated by the patrons of Wit ofiices. J. '. Otilliford arrived from Pendle ton the latter part of last Week to liK-k after some laud matters. Mr. tiulliford is one of the pioneer tet tims of this part oi the state. R. K. Claypool and family are visit ing In our city. Mr Claypoo1 informs tis that he has disposed of bis property hear Alvord and Contemplates moving to Idaho. He has tesided in this t'ounty innny years, luid his friends 1iok he will prosper in his new home. Burns Times-Herald. A piivote letter from lion. J. K. Villiiimson Conveys the information that through the efforts of Senator Mitcln-ll the Sisters postodice will lie Inade 11 money older ofiice after the tirst of July, Senatoi Mitchell acted tipoli :l ietition drawn Up by K. W. Mitchell, of the linn of Williams, Wood A Linthii tim, of Puitlnnd. Sam Hamilton came over fiom Ash wood Sunday and was taking in the fights at the court house the tiist of the week. He reports very little hc- J. K Brock came in from Bend Sun. day to attend court. Lee Wood came ovor from Ashwood Sunday to attend court. W. T. K. Wilson, of Sisters Hot attending court this week. J. W. Gilchrist was down from Pan liua Friday and reports his stock look ing well. L. C. Caldwell was down from lies land Saturday to make Una! proof on his homestead . G. G, ItoiiM) was down from Rusland Saturday altending to business in the real estate line. Perry Read, the hotel man of Cul ver, was a business visitor at thecouie ty seai Saturday. A he llenkle arrived from Corvallis Sunday to 1h in attendance at the lleiikle-Sinith trial. The familiar countenance of Doug Dufiir is missed from hid accustomed place this tei 111 of court. K. H. Caldwell came down Saturday from his ranch near Lava to be in at tendance at this term of Court. J. II. Kelly is down from his ranch on I'pper Crooked river attending court in tin capacity of a juror. Randolph Gibson was down from the head of Crooked river the lirst of the week looking alter legal matters. Lee Wigie and Henry Gray went to Shaniko Fiiday to inspect the blooded slock that was advertised to beat that place. N J. P. Hahn and wife wero in from Culver tiie tirst of the week attending to legal matters and visiting with rel atives and friends. R. H. liarnett, one of the solid farmers of the Haystack region, was transacting business at the county seat the latier part of hist week. Charley Winnek has put up a regu lar city drug sign in from ol his drug store that adds a considerable to the looks of things in that pail of town. Love Bailey, the lteuver creek stock man, was down trom his ranch Satur day and paid this oilice a pleasant call. He reports stock looking well up that way. E. A. Parker was down from the tock ranch pf Wigle L Parker Friday and went back the next day. He came down to see about the purchase ol some blooded bulls. T. S. Hamilton, of Antelope, sold his entire band of TOO fine bucks last wee to "Kid" Kelsay of that place who will probably drive a large part south this summer where be will dis pose of them. J. E. Roberts was down from Alkali Flat Friday and reports pretty stormy weather up there for lambing, but the wet weather will make plenty of feed for the stock and that is something to be thankful for. J. L. Windom paid this office a pleasant call Monday and informed us that at the recent rabbit hunt in the Culver neighborhood, the score for one day win 2u.")4. He was unable to get the jiawes of those participating. J. K. lienliam and Frank Glass were over from the lie-chutes Friday and report work progressingon their ditch. Grass is growing tine in that part of the county. Fishing will soon be good Mm j 4 hi "S THE WALK OVERSHOES All Sizes 1502 FOU MEN. All Widths White Oak Shoes. These Shoes are made of the very best tock. The best is always the cheapest. Every pair warranted. Special atten tion called to the Iiovh' and youths' shoes made of thin leather. We are sole agents for WURZWEILER m The Bilhvell Shoe. rnexccllod for stylo, durability and com fort. The best of everything, used in the con Htruclion of these sdiocB. Try 11 pair ami you will buy only The HILT WEI. I, SHOE. I5AKER I5ARHKI) WIRE. & THOMSON. GHORMLEV TAILOR. 1 1 . . TO TIIK . . coxsrMKits BARBED lllllll-UIII. Py the provisions of an act, of eon gross approved March 11, IW2, tiling,. and li 1111 1 proofs for land under tl,e Timber and Stone acts limy now lie madj before I.'. S. Commissioners. Timber claims promise to lie very val liable in tint near future and 11s these hinds are being rapidly taken by east ern people, parties here who desire laud of this description should not fail to take advantage of the oppor tuuity to secure claims before thev are nil gone. For 'u!l information as to prices, terms, and lo'-ntinn of tim ber land, apply to A, ('. Palmer, I'. S. Commissioner, Piineville, Oregon. Hon. J. X. Williamson has accepted n invitation to deliver the Fourth of July oration at Wasco. Mrs. W. H. Peck was over from Cul ver last Thursday and informed our reporter that the Artisans and J), ol II. at that place were going to have u Fourth of July celebration there, and they will have a good time and want kll their friends to Coilie and enjoy the day with them. Program of the enteilainnient will be published later. Powell & Cyrus have added a fine pole to the front of their burlier shop and have put in a skylight in the WIRE . . Do You Know WAUKEGAN Barbed Wire Rmi-i more feat o thg pounJ thin anv other Brtrb-d Wire cm enrth. bath rooms that makes them lighter in tlie river, lint it is too cold yet for than any other part of the shop, be them to bite very good. ;8ides furnishing more light in the main shop. They have also put up a line bicycle rack in front that will be appreciated by their rider customeiH. wnd Is coiiil In strength to the Strongest ? II D " 1 '"" length to one pound, point regular, 1S.H5 feet; 4-point regular, lS.'Jij f.t ; weight, one mile in length, 2 point regular, 280 pounds; 4-poiut regular, 2!K) pounds. You are not so much interest,! in the price per pound as the actual co-t per rod or mile. Figure for yourselves, then consult our nearest agent. This will result in your buying tho WAUKEGAN. WAUKEGAN BARBED WIRE -SOLD ONLY II Y - (smm Elklns 8 Kind, S. M. W. Hiudiiian, of Camp Polk, is in the city looking after legal mat ters. Mr. Hiudman is one of the early pioneers of this County, having settled at Camp Polk before there was any settlement to speak of in the interior of the state. L'ick Riggs sold his fine trotters last week to Joe Howard. He realized for iliem which he considers a very moderate price for such well bred and well broke animals. There is no doubt that they could crowd a 2:40 pace very close and With training would do much better. Crook county can turn out some fine stock. W. A. ISdl returned Saturday from an official trip to Lakevicw. He re- L. Vote for J. X. I'OJNDEXTKK, Independent candidate for Countv TreaBiiror. VAUKEGAH CHIEF. PniNEVILLK, ORKGON. Write for iiriees. We are the lowest. no km. 1 tiorts beinv in the biv earthnnnl;p rti.it tivity in that camp at present uigi()mln.e(1 . t,mt f , 1,10 anil Was considerably ".liook (asR comes up oeluie tli? pn(ifriii' j tu.r).,r court in Shii I' mne sen 011 May 9. If up" There is still about a foot of Isnnw in the Silver l.nL-e mnnli-v l.nr the King people win out there h! hoto. k is looking well as the ranchers n huge number of claims start up I j tlt clmMry put M( of, work of developing and the camp wi 1 rh willter ,m, been V(iry mild n(, W, idly oume w Iroi.t. j lw, u, ,lut,k hM wem.tvd ,u ,vutk JOXKS To the wife of A. P. Jones, on Monday morning, May 5th, 1!)02, a daughter. KIHBF.K To the wife of II. G. Kib bee, in Ashwood, April 2S, a daugh ter. Mother and child doing nicely and the fond papa was able to be over to the county seat last Friday. TO ( UJtK A COM) IN .K lAV. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails t cure. E. W, Gruvs'a tniimturs is un (anil boa. 'Jit, The New Drug Store I). P. A DAMSON, Proprietor. A complete stock of .NEW and FRKSI1 drugs and chemicals. Also .Stationery, Books, Combs, I'niflKis, Toilet Articles, and everything kept in a first-class Drug Store. School JJooks and School Supplies. Prescription Work a Specialty. A'cxt door to Smith & Kayler's harness shop, .Main street. PRIXEVILLE, : : OREGON.