Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 08, 1902, Image 7

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    THIS PAPKin.W.l
Jiii'tlaluX Akmiov, lit uii'l M ;MercliMit K
nliauiet, Hun KritiH(ii, (Julif'iniln, whi,re cm
Irani (ur wIvartlniiiK cm lm mule (ir It.
"Mrriernteil Hllk."
Every womiin in more or IrfU
fumiliur willi "meiecrized" fuliricH,
lul ctiiiipa ra I i vcly few know why
thuy ticar tlmt imiiid or how tlio
iiuineeri;iiuilrd. 'J'hi) cotton yrn
with itH nilliy IuhIio from which
tlicHO gomln mi- in nlii wan fiiH
produced ly a Frcncliiniin niinici
Mercer. The riiccH wiih dincovcr
cd by him more tliiin dirty yt-nri rtK"
hut it hiiHonly come into iniiihtr
lino within tlm hint few ycur.
Mercer (lifcovcn il tlmt by treat
ing the cut dm yarn tn a hat h of
cuiilii: nulla u 1 1 ' 1 Miilphiir it m on )il
become triuitdiicciil und eliiHtic,
ami nil iiiipurilifri would be rcmov
oil. Alter thiH treatment the yum
wan htix'tcbcil to prevent iln sdirink
iiiK, linil iiflerwiuil Hilhjccteil to the
Virtual proceiii of dyeing or bleach
ing. For Homo renon we notion that
the women do not take an kindly to
the work incident to the care of
their home in men do to the work
of jnovidinu for their families. For
i outlined there will bo ten tiliiep il
much kicking and jawing nXoul
wanting the dihrH and the like
among a lot of (.oris us there will
be among lioyn who have much
dirtier work to do in caring for the
stock on the farm or working in a
nhoi. Men put more (ntlumiaMii
into their work, no matter if it be
hard, drudging and in every way
unpleasant, while to many good
women Hceininjrly rcont the fate
which compel tlicni to perform the
drudgery of the homo. Why can
not women accept their limitation,
and invent homemakingand house
keeping with the Mine ctulitiriiisni
that men put into their businces'
One resiHon in that hO few gii ln are
ever tanjdit how to earu for a home
in a Im-ines-dike and
riintiiier and no work all their live
at a diwulvaiil.ige, doinn work in
the Inudcwt way and ignoring a
hundred economies anil methodx
which would make their work can
ier it 11 il more phai-ant. We will
put it in thin way the uveruge
American girl iH allowed too much
liberty, ih not rcnxibly ami praeti
caliy trained and is taught that
the chief end of her exirtlence is to
cecum Homo man who will take care
of her and provide for her wunU.
Reform on theie lines is needed
not only for the unite of the woman
licrnclf, but for the sake ot her hus
band and children. Ex.
Gncmu I'u'iacil Willi Uluuii'i-H.
Hotel-keepers in the Alps have a
new trouble and are complaining
at tlio Iokh of patrons, who are
moving away from ihe glacier..
Ye, the attractive glaciers are
actually pacing from tlio land
scape, and as they recede the hotels
along their borders find that their
registers, are shortening.
Tle.-e glaciers are not running
away, by any means, but they are
deteriorating slowly, with a pei
siHtency that means their final
annihilation. Hotels that a few
years ago Ktood very near to a
great river of slowly moving ice
now find themselves a considerable
distanco away, and the attractive
ness of the situ is lessened.
The famous glacier of the Rhone
lias shrunk 3000 teet in the last 20
years, or about 110 feet a year. A
number of the well-known glaciers
approximate this diminution, and
the scientific fact is established
that these reminders of tlie" great
glacial period are surely disappear
ing. The dental work uf Dr.O, A. Cliue is
tiK) well known in this country .to nred
ny praise. He can always be found nt
the old utanA, .nnxt dor tn tlm Fiiat
National tiaiik. Qiva hint a cull.
mmi column
A l'A 1' turned wnnkly for ami hy tl,e
V and VI lntil of tlm 1'uMlc HilKla, of
l'rineville, Urf'K'ill,
Ktki.u llniiuht K'HUir.
IiillA Wauii . Annulate-Kdilor.
Kill DA V", MAY 8, 1IU
(iraee Wilson has dropped out of
the V grade.
Katie Chambers lias dropped out
of the IV grade,
Maggie Foster was absent from
school one day this week,
The V J 1 1 grade pupils a re prepn r
ing for graduating exercises.
The pupils of the V and VI
grader are preparing for examinat
ion. lierna Poindcxter was. absent
from the VII grade Monday morn
ing. 4 H
liirdie Morris and Ilculah Hyde
have been abi eat from school this
Warren Yancey and Arthur
Chambers have dropped out of the
III grade.
Stella HinipKon,of the VII grade,
was absent from school Friday
Ralph l'oindcxtcr, of the VII
grade, was absent last Thursday
Frances Miller ahd Fay 1 lodges
spent last Saturday in the country
visiting Frances' sister.
Max Wur.weiler and Ralph
roindcxler spent .Saturday and
Sunday on the De-chutes, return
ing Sunday evening.
The president of the Wide Awake
Society, left lor home, at Haystack,
Weiinesday morning. Wo were
very furrow to lou draco.
In the final examination for. the
V and VI grade the following pro
gram will he followed: Thursday
afternoon, reading und writing.
Friday, spelling; Monday fore
noon, arithmetic; Tuesday, geog
raphy; Wednesday, grammar;
Thursday, physiology and history.
All Byea On Texas.
Client is'Tcxa. Her vast cotton
croon and imirvelluua oil dii-cnverie
Minute tlm world. Now fulluvm the
Klartling statement of tlio wonderful
work at Cinceio, Tex. of lr. kind's Xe
Disiuvory for Conmiinpiimi. "My
wile conructed a severe lung trouble,"
writes editor J. J. Eager; "which caus
ed m next obstinato cough und tinnliy
reunited in profuse hemorrhages, bur
she has la-en completely cured hy Or.!
king's New Discovery." It's positive
ly guaranteed for Coughs, Colds ami
Throat and Lung troubles. 50c ami
$ 1 00. Trial bottles free at Adanisoii
4 Winnek Co. t V
HIiliiKtea For Hulo. , ,
, (i
I have for sale at my shingle mill
on McKay creek 100,000, shingles ana
will iniiniifaetiini over 400,0(XJ more
durinu the season. All from the
choicest tiruW. Price, at the mill
12.25, delivered in l'rinevilla $2.50.
J. W. RrrTKit.
Notice. .
Notice to whopi ft msy concern:
That my wile, Lonna B. Wood, has
deserted snd left me, and I will not he
responsible for any debts contracted
by her. LY.1l WOOD.
Dated at Ashwood, Oregon, April IS,
Seed Jim-Icy und Oats.
8. J. Kewer-m has CLEAN seed bar
ley and onU (or sale at hia feed barn
in north l'rineville.
Trespofja Notice.
t . f . ' I I ! il , It.
nonce i nereny given uiar air per- i
sons are warned not to tresjiass Uion
the following deseribed preinlM; hy
driving across or herding upon the
Mime any liventock of any dcncrition
whatsoever timler the full penalty of
the taw for trespass un damage, viz:
The w J of the iiwj, the J of the sej,
and fj of s J of see 21, the sw uf the
sw of see 22, the of the nej, the
sej iiml tlie s.J of r.liH sw of n-c 20,
the I) J of the nv, the nwj of the nej,
tlK'sfof the iicl and the im- of tho
ii w J of sec all in township 12 ,
range (1 e, W. M , contuiniiig WK,)1
acres ami known as the M.ilmg mill
site. Willow Creek Land A LiveKti:k Co,
-. N. A. Nicw wi.l, Pres. '
iului3 (Jnoeoii Ddk, Sjec'y
IXsHohidon N'otlee. ,'
Notice is hereby given that tlie
firm of Wakefield & Starr is this
day dissolved by mutval consent,
C. W. Marr retiring E. Z. Wake
field collecting all bills and paying
all indebtedness of the late iiriri.
K. Z. Wakkkiki.d.
C. W. Stakii.
All persons wishin); grmt work done
anil also thme haviiiK old prists on our
hook, Han't call ami net same on or
la-fore May 20lh h we will nhnt down
at that time.
Stkwaht it Co.
Caliie for Hale.
Histy liend of stock cattle, inalnd
iiiKone thoroiiKhhiid toan Durham
und one half-hlooil roan Durham hull.
For particulars call at my farm or ad
iln8 me at Culver, Oreeon.
T. K. McCai.i.istkh.
Subscribe for the Joi rnai..
Jf. Ciru
Elgin Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware,' etc.
First-class repairing promplly!
buy the:
f 73
Do not bo rleeelve.l 1 y those who ad-
Vertise ; JVJ.'.O f-wi;i,; Mechlno for
fc-O.OO. J !i,.ikmd(if a'.ii.i' l:ineeaa
be tionj. lit fr..m nsrany of our
tleakvi fiuiiiii;.;'Oio i'.S.uO.
m. ii... .. . . 1
ii.e i i-eo ueKTirnnw no Birengtn or , Unves I..rtl.l, Taantav, Timra
weaknesa of b.--,v!ns .i.icaiius. The v ..i . . r, . .
iruuu.u a iTt' t-i'iic'iii'-u h um oiner
troiW jHilni. n.ahs tlie .w Home
the Ut K-riitg Waeliiao to buy.
. J
Wri'ir.rriR .PQ iia..Vi",dl5
Wiltu ibi lllujl.i,r.o .:;.v,;i;
I'JiiiL2'n n.i .l I ulil, nil,...
: I John M. Filloon, Ag:., 'Tlie Dalles
THE ECU KZ MACHINE C0.!,. J.Tavlc.r,'A-t.. tstorii.
tit.Luuu,Ma,l;.iris,T'r:'ni''niuoisoo,cJ 1 ralherivnemuian Agt. Hood Kiver
Fo'' rh? 3y Wolford Ji' Vi: vu's, Agt., W. Salmon
New Home Sswini Machine Colli. O (JILIlKKfH, Lyk, Vuh.
San Pranoisoo, Cat.
Thiswiii savvjyour Life.
ay Jnauciag ytiii to usa
Dr. KiJi!0;0fj,
CcnsippifDfiL'is end Sclds.
T!aiy C(j4'i3ioed Curs.
NO Curd. KO 'r'a'j. lour Drug
gist will warrant it.
Grin, lnlluenra, Asi'T.i.'i, Jironchltis,
By Inducing yitfi 'to iua
Whooping Cor.t'ii, Fneuiaonia. or any i
Aiiectlon ot tii T.'irost ana icings.
Regular Sizo CO coma and $1.00.
kVvM 60 DEARS'
rh?te-'?$f EXPERIENCE
Villi X:
r'rV',, Copyrights Ac
Anrnne nrnitlriB a nketfh nnd dmrriptlon mf
UnlcilT Miwdim our nptiiion free whe'hrr uo
liivfntinn m prohalMf piiiDiiuiI'lu. iVmmmrtUn.
tloniHinctlTCrniflilontUI. Hnmlliook on Pttiu
cut fro. ulr'.8t itneiicj' for ktminnx I'atwi'n,
Fnteiiti llirtiiik'h lUumi A Co. kccIta
ifvt-t-U notice without clixrue, lu the
Scientific nmrkm.
A hitnrlinmfilr Hhifirnaw) weklr. Trmt rlr.
OUlntton of fr (tfionUOo louniftt Turiiis, 3 (nur irmitUa, L flow by all newndealtr.
MUNN &,B- New Yoik
firaacH One. 6 t M. WaabUwiou, U. ok
I $h ttiuiibocured
T I ferE& J' from uty of lh
ilC, of men, com to the oH4t
Spttuliat on tl Pacific Ojhu,
Off, J0HDAN ft CO.,
1051 Matket&f. Ed 1862.
Ynnng men and mlddln
ii. to A mtl uln nr miftrrinir
from the efTtiof ywifiil inditcretiorw or e-
inallilinirJirtifini: HftermutorrhirR.
M ff tonm 4 rcm(i,of (real curative pfiw
,er, itw D'KVit ha to irranKed hu lft;tinent
A tol it will not oclytff'Td hmiiwikie relkf but A
perform intra. kt, but is tU-UtvMn to I 4 fair m
m in hu Hpfnalty iHnt'Uftfn of $
M wytv-tn without m',tt Merrury
f IVIHV SIA.'I mi.lyf..K tOMWM!l-f
We vltl tJwtTuntet a HfkJTJ VKCUIiR in 9
A w uwlntake, w JorjeU One A
W ThonnaiKt IttAlnrtt. ' 9
a Consultation fkV'.K an! ttH-tly private, a
f CUAHOLli V'KHY k RA HON A HI. It. i'rea f
mum pttvinwy or ly lettef, hcrJ fir Nmk.
"The Fftilonophv of nrriafte
free, (A vaJ.uMe look Jot men.)
i Great luncum of Anatomy i
uw h'kii "j iai'.w rj a scum rn its Kirwi mine jk
WiiUi, Come and learn how wonderfully you 9
in mane; now to avoiu aicwnew ana aiwiu.
We are oniinna'fy adrlinjr nrw fpeotmcna.
i ,.iAujtvRi ear, a, i wiHr write, if
V 1051 Msrkwl Street San Frrnriieo, Sid.
Stage leaves Princville
Mond avsand Thursday,
returning on Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Connects
at Paulina with Canyon
City stage. Passengers
and express carried at
reasonable -rates. 0!Tir:
at 'iwHplcUni & Son's
drug store
Fcrtl2cdAstoria Rout
Diily It mi, J Trios i-xuupt Sunday.
Time Card
i Leave P.irtlnnd 7 a.m.
Lvuve Anna ot
illic Mfam tab.
Sirs. "TAZCMA" &zi "USTLAZO"
Dully Irijn except Saartiiy.
LeHvn Tlie P..lli-, Tamrlnvn,
Taiimlrij'a ::d Suiurrtnja at 7 a. n.
Iji'ii'.e lr jv 1,1ml, MiFiiats.
WeriiiesiLiy n Friiiuyn t i m.
steamer '-METLAKO"
T, ... 11.11 . M l tV 1
. , J jl'""'"y- " '",ne
I i ,yi y , : J 1 I 1 :J,
! LwhIipi; mil nttum: ,,t Alt!
'- m-m,.x,i. p,.rti..d,
. ' . "1 ' a . in.
a. r.i.
Alder St.
IOHN M. TCH'i'nN, Sieveiwii. Wash
HEXKY OLMSTEAD, 0r..n, Wi,sh.
E. W. Crieiiton, Agt., l'
J Soud m.del, saetcu or i.oto oi hjYemlrn for
r i:eeif ptjit tin viHpriftrpint? r-rf tr-.e rxok,
llowtote'ji'c'rB.'t.rr innnv, Ute
i-:ri, .? Si.-yj J', xiA-n- i f i
TOlfci1caiVBCT7e-,w' ? :
I a5W Wlk ! 1 f M,,cU !2:M &'. !.
lLfl ll it I 8 A rl. CII o'1"1 " i 'v"" ! ''""a
Pally Dally i,,,r
. . . Jnmiht Poaa. r""- Fairbt
, . n r u noil t lini L llini.lKI Trt
FAJJfottiL-r .aw, i
WtZiiU1NaaSwV 'PVlanMn. 7:S0a.m'
B-ajvjj J Pirfiv Fnrta-iea await :C
IP?! V- ''i' hr ta-irttors. A.ui'
''Hif if Con v,.mi itvis tin.
! E Jf 1 tfl Vi'y Provtmentf cu article J:.1
K4 way'" "o-',rn ? S-ia. 1m
r'JiSJ fT IB"y P"1'" r ' m
C pi.tjj n' 'iv piiid u l,,r ,rvlri-a.
ifjZ'V 'iiMdi'iaU,eiii. paxahlely
&rt;J'ir!,'"'lm',' "Une'ntor'l j rr-,
K ftjfiD, ! Mu iiivuit ivi;iiu.t. :
Sta2;e lite.
JOliN ELMR, Proprietor.
Stage leave l'rineville for
Histers and way points on
Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays. Passengers car
ried at reasonable rates
Office at Templet on & Son's
drn; store, l'rineville. Ore.
and ukion Pacific
Ctilcifo H ut, rienrtr, 4:91 p. a.
: Porllu4 Ft. orth,Omh,
i Sm'' Kmii City, St.
i 9:00 . m. Louts-CtUcaEoaud
tit Hurt- Eit.
Atltalle Salt Lake. Cenrr, tt a. m.
Kxpreia Ft. WortS.Omaha,
.00 p. m. Kaniai Citjr, St.
via llvst !uiR,CaicaKoaud
I taitoa halt.
i " 1
St. Pnl Walla Walla Iwla. 7:00 a. m.
Fwt Mall tun.SpcKKiie.Min
I I:v0p. m. neiitmlit.St. Paul,
Tia Dululli. Milwan
I tpokaaa kfe.cbicago&Kaat
,. All raillnc dam 4.W p. m.
abject u diaag
For 8an Francico
Bad averj i da) a,
- -
Datlj Galumbia iiw 4-00 o.m
Iisnnitaf tlKumirt. Ka. Suudar
Saturdaf To Aatorla tnfl Way "
10:1X1 p. m. Laadicgt.
:00a.m Wlllamatla Slvar. :)..
tx. Suudaj Ex. Suidat
Orefon City, New.
brjt, Salem, Imle.
peuiieuce dc Waj
7:00 a. in. Willamette ami Yan- a:30p. m.
Tnti., Tliur. bill Inert. Him., Wed,
aadSat. and Fri.
Oreno City. Day.
Ion, A Way Laud
iuga. :Ma. m. Wlilimatte Blver. l:Sp.ra.
ruea.. That. Hon., Wed.
and Sau Fortland to Corral, and Fil.
Ill 4 Way Land,
Lt. Rlparla tnakt Klvar. LT.UnUtoa
a. m. Uavily
Dally Rlparla to Lewlaton I a. m.
W. I. Lawrence, Agent,
"Biggs, Oregon.
OolumTola Soutliem
IaTe Lfar
1:S4 p.mi Piftft 11 :a5
(.iu,(.iblHiiii U:m
l':'J7 Kio'clrkr lPr'X)
p.:n- HtinimU lu:'i5
p.m II. -,v : Jpid:!..
.i:4J p. 111 5J.-Iro'li,nf:!.'
S:t9p.ut' Morfi 9:4)
:lt p.m Itrkittvl V'v hria
ti.ni1 a
:40 pm H
:u p.ia
: P
h i;
.trv 1 1
;-tU p. in
4:ti! p.m At.'ttrn
4.- p.m (fiithrii.
4:tp.m' Wttocx
G. A