M fresh Held Seeds. We still carry a full line of General Merchan dise and Hardware. A new line of Hats and Crash Goods for Spring and Summer woar. La die3 Shirt Waists. Our Gents' Furnishing Goods Department is replete with the latest fatluona. i illMs lldiil&ii In bulk we have Teas, Beans, Corn, Carrot, Turnip, Parsnip, Radish, Hoots, Squash, Sweet Teas, Nasturtiums, Red Clover, Alfalfa, Hromus Inerimis, Kentucky Blue Grass and White Clover. A full line of Garden Seeds in packages. P Pi C I M -f- a,WM.ffa..VU.W,.ssr.ss CONTEST NOTICE. llfciWHTMlXT OF THK ISTEBIOP. I'nited Stales Land Otfiea. 'Tne Dalles, Ore-,. April 11, l'.Wi. A ffi cic ii t eon t tut a tiki ;i v i t Iwviog been hied in this oirice by hva C. Wbitsett. contestant, a -sins' Hou.etead cntrv No. 941s). ma le .lone U, lisjl. for SK'4 SK'i Sec. 7 and K Nhj ud SWJ NK Sec. IS T. 12 S.. 14. 13 .. W. M . bv Henry M. Davis, contcstee, in which it is alleged that Rui.t Henry M. Davis has 1 vhol!y abaissS'ii.tt sftl'l iraei; inat na lias shanked id? nsidence therefrom tor m re than ix months since making said entry: that said tract u not settled up and cultivated by s.ai.1 party as required hy law; and that liis aid abandonment is not due ti his bein,' em ployed in the military or naval service of the I'uited .States; said parties are hereby n.'tilitd to appear, respond an 1 offer evidence tmich ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on June 7. IltOJ, before A. C: Palmer. U. S. Commis sioner, at his office at Prinevllle, Oregon, and lhat final hearim; will be held at 10 o'clock a. 111. on June 12, lW)i More the Kevister and licceive-at tile I'uited States Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon. p2s JAY P. LVCAS, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 187 Ji. NOTIJE FOlt PUBLICATION'. United States Land Office, The Dalits. Ore., April 21, 1!02. i Notice is hereby given that in cotupliauce with the provisions of the Act of Congress of .luue 3, 1S78, entitled ''An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Calilomia, Ore jroo, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by Act s.f August 4, lKtl the following persons have this day Sled in this office their sworn state men's, viz: Annie Johnson, of Spokane, county of Spo kane, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 2'jo for the purciiase of the SW i-i Sec. 4, 1. 13 a., K. 10 K, W. II. Lolia Ellertson, of Spokane, countv of Spo kane, state of Washing-ton, sworn statement Ku. 2o6 for the purchase of the X VY t Sec. 514. T. 13 S., K. 10 ., W. M. Ole Syrstad, of Spokane, county of Spo kane, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 7 for the purchase of the ftWK Sec. 20, T. 13 S., R. 10 F,., W. M. Ole Ustad, of Spokane, county of Spokane, mate of Washington, sworn statement No. for the purchase of the S V Sec 20, T. S., R. 10 K.. W. M. hrtvig Kllertsun, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington, sworn alate iilaut No. 2fi.s for the purchase of ihe SKJ4 bee. 27, T. 12 S., li. 10 K, W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the l-.nd sought is more valuable for its timiier ur atone than for agricill.urul purposes, and to establish their claim to said laud before the Kevister and Receiver of this office at The Dalle, Oregon, on edaesday, the 16th duy of July, 11102, Tiiey name as witnesses: Ole Siinison, Til oiias 11. Tolletsen, Ulu: J'lhxison. George IJ. Taylor, Ole SyrsUd, Hans S. 3eros, Feter rneiir, A. C llansou, Oie Ustad, Ole L. Hott and Thomas 0. Tollefsen, ail of hsj kau, Wasiiiutou. Au and all jeisns claiming adversely the b'sive-d.jscribed lands are rerpiested to file their c' urns in this otlice on or before said loth tiayof July, PJ02. i.l! . Jay. F. Lucas. Register. V: 111 our Liiid, Act Julie 3, ItiTd. XoTICK FOR PU1JLICAT10N C.mteo Stated Lako Otoue, The JJallea, Ole., April ill, I'J'j'l Notice is hereby give.n th.it in coiu piiance with the provisions of the act of C iiiKresa of June 3, 1B7B, entitled "An tiut for tlin driie of limber lands in tire soate-s of California, Oregon, Kevada and Waliitii.'tcu feiritory," as extended to nil the Pobli: Litid rtates by act of Au afitsvt 4, 1832, the foliowiiiu persons have tins ov.y bled in this uHije thuir awutn ataterueiits, to-it: Poter Arnevijj, of Spokme, coutry of Hpokaite, stitto of Washiugioii, swum H-atuioiu No. 2oU for the purchase of tae SW of Sec , T 13 S, R 1(1 E, W M. Hans S Soeros, of Spokana, county of Sp kane, state of Washington, sworn a'.a'e oot. No. 2l0 for illy porciusi. of the N.V SEJ and NJ SWj heo 5, T 13 S, 11 10 E, W M. Andrew 0. Hanson, of Spokane, coun ty of Spokane, s'atn .if Washington, worn statement No. 2(il for the pur c!i..s ot t!ie SJ NWJ-aml lota 3 and 4 hoc 5, T 13 S. it 10 K, W M. L).u li. Uoif, of Spokane, county of ypo'tane, stato of Washtiiiftoii, sworn MifiiirtOl N" 2'i2 for the purchase; of t:, NWj Snc 15, T 13 S, li 10 E, W M Oinf Johnson of Spokanu, county of Sjail-auo, state of Washinot'in, aworn lalMiieut 2vo. 273 fur tile JjurcLuM of PRICES MOST REASONABLE, AT C. X.. SALOMON'S. tke SEj Sec 2, T 14 .S. R 10 E, W M. Thoiuas 0. Tollefsen, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state ot Waahiiintnii, sworn stateoieut No. 2Ui for tho pur Hi eae "f the SWj Sec 13, 1' 13 S, K -10 E, V M. That tiiey will otirtr proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber 01 stone loan for agricultural purposes, and to es'ablish their cltiins t said land before tho i lister and Rocviv er of this otliee at Toe D.diea, Oregon, on Thursday, July 17, 11U2. They name as witinsses: Hartvip; El lertson, die hiinpsoi Howard J. lioss tieoryo 11. Taylor, (lie L. H '!f, Tll-onas H. 'ioliei'sen, Tilouo.S C Ti'lleisell, Ob LTstad, Peter Arnevi, H uts S. Soeros, Ole Syrstad, A. C tiansoti, all of Spn kaue Was'iiogton. Anv and all persons claiming adverse! the above described lands are requester to Hie then- claims in this noico ou or bt foresaid 17ili day of July, 1!U2. mla JAY P. IA'CAS, R-Kist.r. Timber Laud, Act Jjne 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.N1TKD SlATItS La.SD OkKH E, Tub Hades, Ore., April 21. I!)02 Notice is hereby ijiveu that 111 ooinpli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1(S7S, entitled "An act lor t he sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the public land states by act ot An Kiisl 4, 19U2, the Pillowing pes.. 113 have this day tiled in tlua office their suorn statements, to-wit; Ole Simpson, of Spokane, county of Spokane, a'ate of Washington, sworn statement No. 204 fur the purchase of the SEJ Soc 8, T 13 S, R 10 E, W M. Thoiuas H. Tolletsen, of Spokane, county of Spokane, State of Washington, sworn state. ntnt No, 2(15 for the pur chase of the N S t Sec 9, T 13 S, K 10 E, W M. Seluia Phillips, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state if Washington, sworn statement No. 2til! f.r the purchase i f the X Wj Sec 32, T 12 S, It 10 E, W M. Edwaid J. Doss, of Sposaue, county of Spokane, state ul W.ithini(ton, sworn s'atement No. 2(7 for the purchase of the SWJ Sec 3.'i. T 12 S, R 10 K. W M. Ole E. Anderson, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington, iw..rn statement Nc. 2t'fl for the purciiosn of .lie XE and lots 1 and 2, Soc 2, T 14 S, K 10 E, W M. At no LcrkUnd, of Spokane, coiin'y of Spokane, s'ata of V asliingtoti, sworn statement No. 270 for the purchase of the S4 NW I and lots 3 and 4, Sec 2 T 14 S. li 10 E, W M. That they will olfer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish their claims to said land before the Jtegisier and Re ceiver ot this office at The Dalles, Ore gon, on Friday, July 18, 1902. They name as witnesses: Peter A; neviu, Sherman Coiigleton, Oie SvrstaJ, rhomaoC. Tollefsen, (lie L. Holt, Ed ward J. Boss, George B. Taylor, Thomas H. Tolletsen, Oie Simpson, Uartvig El lerts in, all of Spokane, Washim'toti. Any and all persons chiiniin adversely the above described lands are retjiiested li tile their claims in this olrice on or be fore said 18th day of July. 1902. mlp JAV P. LUCAS, Register. Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TJ.NiTED Statbs Lsd OrricE. The Dalles, Ore., April 23, 1.J02. Notice is heieby given that 111 compli ance wirli the proviaions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act. lor the sale timber lauds in the sta'es of California, Oregon, Nevada, aid Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land slates by act of Au gust 4, 1892, the following persons have Died in this oince tueir sworn statements, to-wit; Sherman Coni'leton, of Milan, county of Spokane, stale of Washington, sworn statement No. 271, filed April 21, 1902, lor the punOiase ot the N'i NIP", SEJ N tf and N W NE See 28, T 13 S. K 10 E. W M oc-ssie Ti'llefseu, of Spokane, county of Spokane, stale of Wellington, sworn statement. No. 272. tiled l""' 21, VMS, tor (lie purclouie of the Sli'j Hoc V, T 13 - .)Vlei.ai 'fiill ' I'A S, R 10 E, IP JI. (ivurge B. Taylor, o' Spokane, coiin'y of Spokuuil, Slate of Washington, sworn siaieini'iit Nr. i74, tiled Aoril 21, 1902, f T tiie pmehase of the iit'. Sec 3.', T 12 N, K 10 E, II' M. 1'.. ion Van tlook, of Spokauu, county of Spokai.e, slate of ashingtoii, sworn s'atement No, 27i. tiled April 21, PHI.!, tor the purcluiHe of tho M. Sec 4, T 13 U 10 K, IP A!. Henry Tollefsen, of Spokane, county f Spokaiie. suite of Washington, sworn .taiouietit N 1. 27t, li.ed A'ni 22, I5KI2. or lie puir'iaso ot tne X U'4 Sec li.'i, T 12 N, K 10 li, IP jl (ij'-ft Mikeiaon, oi Sjiokaiiu, county ot ipoKatie, slate ot Washil.g'.ott, sw-o'tl uauinetit No. "77, Iil,d Aorii 22, I'.KC, or I11. purchase ot the Xl'. A'eo 32, T ;3N, U10E. W M. T'aey will offer proof to show that the -i'"j sought is m jre valu.tioe for its tiot tier or stonu than for su'r;ctiltura! pur p.ists, and to establish their datum to s nd bind before the Register and Ue cef.'er of this 1 lliec at T lie Dalles, Ore gon, on Situiday. July 19, 1902 They name at witnesses: Ole E. An derson, Ole L iloll, Arne Pieiselaod, Peter Arnevig, ll.irtvtg Ellerisoti, .lie Simpson, Edward J. IJ. ss, Oeore II. Taylor, Thomas II. Tobetsen, all of N 1 kaiie, Washiugioii, and Sherman Cookie ton, of Milan, Washn ion. Any and all pers .us ciaoiiing adversely the above described lauds ere rrojitesied to Hie their claims 111 this i.ftice on or be fore said l!lth day of July, 1902. mlp JAY P. Lt'CAS, K.giaier. TIMBER "Ab'sTOK LaYiOn .WORN .STATEMENT. Land Office at The Dallns, Oregon, April 2.'), 191 (2. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the uel of Congress oi Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lauds in the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory. ' aa ex'vudtd 10 nil the public land slui.a by act ot Atl vusi 4. IS.)-', the following persons have tiled in this blllce thiit awm 11 s'atemunts, to-wit: William T. Bordeno, of Moscow, coun ty of Iatah, state of Idaho, sworn state ment No. 252, bled April 19, 1!K)2, for the purchase of the Ei sv. J anrt lota 3 and 4, sec 31, T 11 , U 10 K. W M. Nannie It. Bordeno, 1 f Moscow, coun ty ot Latah, stale of Idaho, sworn state ment No. 253, tiled April 19, 1902, for the purchase of the t' Nwj ami lots 1 and 2, section 31, T 11 a, R 10 E, w M. Kied C. Tiuo, of Pullman, county of Whitman, mate of rP.islmigton, sworn sU.eiiient No. 254, tiled April 21, 1902, for the purchase of tile se j section 30, T 11 H, H 10 E, W M. Tliatihe) will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to estitblish tllur clanus lo said land before the Register ami Uo ceiver of this oliice at The Dalles, Ore g"ii, 011 Tuesday, the lntii day of July, 1902, They name as witnesses: J. H. Lump kin, J. A Foley, Nannie R. Bordeno, D H. Robinson, William T. Bordeno, James A. (iibbs, Wiiislow M. Howlaiid and Tlios F. Kelsuy, all of Moscow, Idaho. Any and all persons claim !ug adversely the above described lands are adviskd to tile their claims in this olrice on or be fore said 15th day of July. 1901. r.ilp JAY P. LLC A 8, Roister. Timber Land, Act June 3, 188? NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Csitkd Status Land Omitis, The Dalles, Ore., April 19, 1002 Notice is hereby piven that in compli ance wuh the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of tunher lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all the public land riates by act of Au gust 4, 1902, the following p-rsoi.s have th's day hied tn this office their sworn statements, to-wit: James A, Oibb. of Moscow, county of Lstah, state of Idaho, sworn statement No. 218 for the purchase of the nw of section 32, T 11 , B 10 E, W M. Joseph . Lumpkin, of Mascow, coun ty of Latall, slate of Idaho, ft or 11 state j, ' I. I'..l .a,. ... i.:l.u:-J, Imwilii'uWih.ti'iiii li lLi.aiis.jl inij ment No, 219 for the puiehasn of the N'cJ of section 31, T 11 N, 11 10 It, W M. W'lll.tow M. ilowhiud, of M.iACoM, county of Latah, slate of Idaho, sworn siatemtoit No 250 for the purchase ol the sf. of s. eti.m 32, T 1 1 K. It 10 It, w M ThomiiB F. Keis.iy. of F.illons, county of irillllliall, slate of Il.is!illli:t. -11, SWolfl sla'emelil Ni. 2ol for tin purehase o Ihe si:j of section .'II, till It 10 K, w M Thai they will oiler ptool lo show lhat the land sought is more vatualKit fot its J tutibor or aione than fur agrieiiltiuui ! puiposes, mid to establish llii-if claims to! sanl laud bttforo l lie Uegis'er ami Re-i cetver of tins i.ihce at it, T no Dalies,; Oregon, on Monday, llm 1-i'li iluyof' Julv, 1902. T'liev name as witness -h. J A. F'tley I). II. Robin.ou. J unes A. (iibb, lien li, Hush, Joseph H, Lumpkin, Wm T ;..r d, no, ll'iniio'v M. llowlati'l, James A Foley, all of M,-o, Id dio, and T. F. Kilsty, of F.illons, ll'aslonglon. Any and atl peaMops doming adversely tile aleive doscrlbeil l oids unt rviioi steii to tiie thior coiims in this olliee on or be foresaid 14'h dav of July. 11X12. mlp JAY P. I.ITAS. Ileuis'er. Timber Lind. Act June 3, 19112. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Pnitkii Sr iTca Land Orrici., The Dadis, Oiu , April 21, I'M. Notice is hereby given tiial in compli imce wilh the provisions of the nc. of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An a't lor Ihe kale of umber lands in Ihe stales ot C.ilisoruia, Oreuoh, Nevada, and ll'ashiugtoii Tomtoiy,'' us exteinb o t'i all ihe i.anlic land stairs by act of Au gust 4, 1002, the following persons have this day tiled ill tins oltiue Uieir sworn statements, to-wit, Frank It. Buxier, of Milan, oounty of Spokanu, state of ir.isliuii(ton, sworn statement No 278 for the purchasu of the KK.j seetloll 31, T 12 , K 10 K, W M. (jeoige D. Couulftoit, of Milan, county of Sfsikaii. stole of U'ashiiiitoii, sworn statement No. 279 for the purchase ' the N K. seel l. hi 32, T 12 is, H 10 E, W John J. McOuigau, of Tiie Dalli. coiiuly of ll'asco, state nf Oregon, swot . s'atement No. 2H0 for the puteluse o the tr. nf section 29, T 12 k, H 10 K, w M. Tli .:t they will oiler proof to show thai the laud sought Is more valuable for Its timber or slone ihau for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said isnd before the Register and Re ceiver of this oliice at Ihe Dalles, 0b ioii. on Monday, the 21st day of July. 1902 They natni! as witnesses: Ole Simpson, Thoiuas II. Tollefsen, (leorgo H. Taylor, Ole L. Hoff, of Spokane, H'aslniiiitoli, Sherman Coiigleton of Milan, IV'ashtni' tou, and Mike C'ouners, John liloss, Fied W. Smith, Peter MjOuigan, of The Dalles, Oregon. Any nod all persons clain in adversely tiie sbove described lands are requested to file their claims in this oliice on or bo fore said 21si day of July, 1902. mlp JAY P. LL'CAS, Register. TimlwLaid, Act June 3, WK. NUTICK KOK PI'LLICATIOX. Land Oliice at The Dalles. (Won, March 20, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congress of June 3, 1N".S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevala, and Wsshilinton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of AilK'lst 4, 1MI2. Fred II. Strong, nf Mend, county nf Crtsik. Slate of Oregon, has this day til'-d in this otfice his sworn state meet No. 2211, for the purchase of the HW'$ of Section No. 12 in Township No. 1H S, Raters. No. Jl K., W. M., and will offer pnsif to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stonn than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before A C. Palmer. U. S. t'.nnniisson er, at Prineville, Oregon, oil Thursday the 5lh day of June, 1902. He names as witnesses: Charles 1, linsjk. Ovid Tliley, Charles J. Oottor, of Bend, Oregon, D. D. Warner, of Portland, Or'nn. Any and all )ersons claiinhik adversly the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this olhce on or before said 5lh day uf June, 1002, JAY P. Lt'OAS. Register. Plow (Jrlnillng. Hd Harbin ilcirft to annoiiiiccthtit he is prepared to do all kinds of grind ing in tho Intent up proved faa'oion. Chilled plow share grinding a specialty, J'ldlmitn (h-tLnnry SltrjH-rt, The tourist Iran i belwien ihvvwt and the Piieilio e,!,si Ins reached enormous) pt'i lions In ii,,, I,,,, (,, yri calls tor a special class Hipiip,,,, ,'. ' uiuol llns den... ml me I'tillm.iti t.'o. h, ' h".s "l..it it 'eel, locally calls ihi "piilliiuoi Onlu.iiy SSoper." These oars appear s r i tl,0 tegular sleeper, being lonlt on the mr plan, but not furnished aith the same el,.( au,.J They are eiOiir.-, va-j s Is miiiii,ws., blaoliets, sli.. -Is, pillos,, p,n lowils, Combs, '.tushes, e lv, telptlling lioihini'of the li,.d to l, i,iii,i.,i , ,V the pes oner, leo-li car has a si om . 'r aiakiug collee and lea and l.iu -'Oulit hoii.eki.. pii, ;," ami each steitoi, ran I h li'l'.-'l with an sojii.table table A , (onii.t.l i t r act j..,ie.s each cr, , MISIIIKS being lo make tip btrll,., .w.. the ear c's u. am, !'; n;.r ,, c ',,', ami walll i ( llo. piisetigers. In i.,K.. , f the tl oiu wh.i-b, are dlspit.!, fl in I'orll, lid l.y tl.oO. R (;,. . be found one f i1(s 'p1llllll (t. .Unary SUeei," The ear is aHached lo the ''('Inesoo poitl.nd r..,., j which goes throiich to Chic.ig.i a i,, i',( chsnye, mid Ihe one in the "Aihiniic K- iress" ritll lo Kansas ('jly Wif,i,( ehsnire. Pasenteis' III this csr for (;i,t. csi-o i liaiiue lo a si'iiilsr cr at (Iranger. Much of Ihe (ir..t ru j, ij, curried in h.so ca', the rales laripg lower, ami the .eriiie being nearly eual to thai in the palace sleepets. Fr ratea and full iiifornmiion, in. rinding ..I.I. rs, write lo A. L. t'rsig, (i, P. V., O. It. N. Co. PoitlsnJ, Or,! CONTEST NOTICE. Drpahtuxnt or nut Intkiiioh, V. H. Lsud Otllue, 1, Ii.IIm, or,, April II, 190'J, A aiilficlrni contest affidavit having bran flle.1 in tills other oy Henry L Wliitastt, en t.tant, acsinst Homestead entr)' No made June 20, lisil, for the Ws HV.' Sen r' MU NF'i NW, See. l, f p : It IS K W. M., by Samuel A. Davis. ntets, In which it Is all. ed l,t ..t li.uel A. Davis has wholly l'!oi,l..n... said act; that he has cbanKtd liis residence there, cm lor mors than u months sines making til rutry; that said Iraet Is not settled iiK,n .ml cultiiatril by said party as rtpiircd by ! and llr.t his ahamloi.n.ent is not one to his employment In the miliiary or naval ser vice ol the 1'uiled States; said pa.lies are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching auld alliefali.in at Hi nVbs k a. III. on June tl, 1002, before A. C. I'alln, r, L'. S.'C.imn.issloner, at. his oliice In Prinn illn Or.'K"li. and that final h. srirr will Is- held at lOnclta-ka m. on Juno II, 1!I2, before the Uejstcr and lleeeiver at the I niud States laoid tlilice hs-The Dalles, OroK. ,n. JAY P. LI '('AS, 'I'-'l lteKister. JUTICK FOR PL'r.LICATIOX. Dni'AtiTimNT or Tin Isukioiu Land Orritu at Tiik Dai.i.ioi, Oiikook, 1 , , , Aprils, 1002. Notice Is hereby kIvcii 1,'irt tl... fllnwi.,. named seliler has tiled noiice of ins intention to cinmuts and make final pr.s.t in support of his claim, and that said proof will Iwmwls before J.J. Smith, Comity Clerk at 1'nns- vino. iireRon, on r rinay, Aiay 2.S, IKU2, K lward II. Francis, of Um.inta, llrstnn. H. K. No. 11021 for the N)j S KW' SM Se 0, and HW4' HK1 See. 4, T. 13 S., He n inies the follnwhnr witnesses t, i,r,,v his enntinuous residence ufioii and cultivation of said lAnd, viz: d. H. Aj ill. r, James Helfrlch, Samuel Pierce and i'.eniaitiiii Helfrlch. all of lai. nionta, Oregon, JAY F. LUCAS, '7p Keglster. OTICK FOR PI'IILICATION. Dkpaiitmknt or Thk Intkriok, Land Ollica at The Dalles Oregon, April , 1U02. Notice Is hereby given trat the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to inuks final proof inaupport of his claim, ami that said pr,.f will be mads Iwfors j, J. Smith, County Clerk at Prinevllle, Oregon, nn Saturday, May 24, 1002, vli: William W. Joslin. of llav Creek, Orepon, H. K, No, t'SKl!) for the UK XK'4 Se-j. 10, T. 17 R, It. 21 K., W. M. He names Ihe following witnesses tu pnive his continuous residence upun and cultivation of said land, viz: L. N. Ligett, nf Prinevllle. Orenn, M, W, Smead and (ieorKO Wiley, of Post, Ore gon, and CeorKe Meyer, of l'rhievili.t, Ore, JAY P. LUCAS, a!7 Reifister. Subscribo for tho Joukhal,