Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 08, 1902, Image 5

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    I'lMI lll'llia.
W'c urn nlill having March weath
er. Must every one in through farm-
Miwt Tinii (iiliMnn, o Maury, wax
v i h i 1 1 1 1 friend here Sunday,
J. V. WiiiHT im about com
pleted hi creamery building,
C. W. KlkiiiH, ciMinly road mas
ter, ims-ed through tliiH burg Udl-in'.-iluy.
M iKH Alum Thr-jnp, a popular
iiml mvniiiplMii'tl tit.iclnT dl M iu-
ry, imcntk'tl church here ruti'lay .
.1, S, Mi'Mccn, republican can
iliilulii fur Nlierii'f, wim slinking
liiindu with the dear people Jicri!
this wi'k.
Messrs, T. It. Curl nnil It, C.
Jiki have sold ilii'ir nuii'liw ami
intend tn move to Malheur county
noun. W'u are. sorry to Iohh them,
an Ihey arc aiiiu'ug our best citi.en.
I'ileellltll HHJIllllN.
Secretary of Statu I)uiiliir has
fnrwanled to the clerk uf the sev
eral counties cleeliim supplies M
lie um'1 at tin; June eli-rUmi.
supplies Collit of pull-hunks, tal
ly hherU, HllllellielliH, abstraets of
vntin, needle fur striimini.' ballots,
indelible puneiln, n-eeipt book for
clerks ami sheriffs, olhViiil seal
ami it copy of the election laws us
rcvisitl by tin- i.t-t legislature.
An additional requirement ex
acted hy the new law relates to the
t itling of tint ballot boxen of each
precinct. Iveh election hoard will
I"! Mlpplieil with an ollieial Heal,
whleh, when the count of the hal
low in completed, m iK , regular
ly signed hy each meiuher of the
hoaid making the Count, and pnsl
dl over the opening of the hallot
hox to remain intact until time for
making the ollieial count.
HtupM the Ouutrh and Works oirthe
l.jXHtiv llrimiu V" 1 Tablet, cum
C'llit in mie day. Nu Cum, Nu I'uy,
Tiiritwr Iiiml, Ael June 8, 1K7H.
IInitkii Htatkh Imkii Orru r.,
The Dulli'K, (Ip'K'Hi. April at, Ifttf.
Nulli-ii Ik hiTi'liy givim Unit la cinnpll.
inn Willi Ihe iiruriiini nl' Iln- nrX nfOnn
Kim "I Jinn.' .1, IniH, enlllli'il "An iu:l for
will' nf UiiiIht Inniln In tin" HtittcM of
I'Hllhirnm, tiri-iiii, Ni-vh'Ih. tinil Wiiililnii:
lull Trrrilury,'1 ih extiiiiili-il In nil tin piU
IJi- limit nlaii. hy act nl A nxuKt 4, llinz, 1 1 -1-illiinliiK
pur-oiiH have flli'il In till olliec
tln-lr riwurn "liili'ini'iitit, Ut-wH:
Clinili h W. J liornllmuili', nl' The lull'-n,
i-nunty nl' V, htuii- nl' Ori-tf'in, inurn
Hi'ili'iiii'iil Nu. lil'l, lil. il April I'l, IHC!, fur
Hi'-p'lri'lin'.i' of Ihi-K'.j nk' , hr, ,'JO, mnl
', rnt'i -II, T Is, nil K. w M.
I M. (iiniil. nl' Tlii Diilli"., i mv nf
V Ih'i'ii, Sluhr tif (In ynli, wwoill Hlitli'lni tit
Nn. 1!I7, lili'l April III, IP"!;', Hi'- pur-
'tin ( nn- n'v ;, .r.'i ! Mini lut .'i,
S i, ;i i, i li ii, a li v., w m.
.Ii iinie tl. (iriinl, nl Th" llilll
nf mm, Mnl
iii'-iiI Nn. W,
enil iily
nl Oriv'in, wi,rn miili
li"l April W, lire, fur iln-
i.f Hit' t'i nw;-, ami w'j skv, Ki i:,
, II 1 1 K, W M
Clni'lliii' I,. Tliiiinlhwiilli' nf Tim llnllin.
I'lillltlV nf Which, Fliilr nt llri':")ll, nwurn
xtttt-it-tit Nn, lili'l, lili'l April :'H, liny, for
lit- piirrlniMi nf l)n- nw' hi-e. Ui, T IN , K
II v., w u,
Tlml lln-y will nlli r prnnf In kIiiiw Unit
tin- Iiniil "'ulit 1m nmri' vitlnhli- fur ili tim-
lu-P UI..I.I. ll f'.. ......I.. Mil, I ,.r..,...
mnl In i-i"iiiiii-ii Ihi-ir i-liiinii to Kiii'l liiniij
in-i"ri- nn- niifi'i'-r linn iiri-rivi-r ri iin
nilli-i- ill Tin- li.-illi'ji, (in-Kiin, on l-ri'liiy, tin
L'.iih iluy nl July, ley.
Tln-y iimiii- um wilin-HHi-H: W'illiiini HlmitH
nii'l .liiln'- 1 1 , Nh'ilMT i if lli-iiil , Irryuii, mnl
l,i-c M , iimiii, ciirl-lini' I,. '1 iinnilliwullr
nii'l I'Iihi'Ii-h V, 'J'lioriilliwiiilc nf Tin-li;illi-,in-i(un.
A nv ini'l nil iM-ntiniN i-laliniri iiivi-r"i-!v
ti I i.....r;i.,..i i i ,..i i'..
The! m' I'" Irrkilnii- In Ihir "lllrd nn nr l-fnri-
,'ii'l inn Uuy nl Jul v, I'tri.
inp JAY f'. MX'AH, liilrli:r.
I'ncu, 'Jfi eniila.
lKlAllrykr or Tin; Intkhioh.
I . ti. lami Ollicis, The I)IIm, Dr.,
April II, IIW.
A aiilfi-lnl C"nU"t &HiiU it hitviiiic Uvn
Tihi in tblanlboc i llrhry U JiiUvit, cn
te.unt, iMuinut,'t'-itil fntrv .Nn. lllNl.
tJiixtn Juiii an, l!M. fur tin- Wi SK1-, Hrc. 7,
NW, NK ui'l SK NV Hue. IN, T. 1'.'
.: K. IU H, W. M , liy rinuol A. Ilnvii.
( inili-iW, in which it in ftlliiifl that Mill
r.-ttntii-l A. Ilui'i hw wli'tltv n!an(l'm-(! nuiiI
tiMi-t; that h ha chaiiKiJ lii rcNiiicnci' there
fr.iin fi'r ni"M than ix iiiuniha aiutf malting
Mitiii fntry; ttntt nail tr:u!t I nut Mvttlnit iimti
unit i-ultivati-il hy ".lilt party aa rtiirt-il hy
law: itiiil Ih'tl hi ahaii'lnfiinriit la nut (pit) tii
Inn ctiipliivini'lil iu the military nr naval acr
vit: ul tin- t'tiitfit hutit; aalil liartifi an
licrchy nuiiii"'! to api-tinr. rtmp"H'l and "Ifm
viilciicv t"ii':lliiin ai'l ailtYiitii'ii at IU iiVlock
. in. mi Juno II. ilii Morn A. ('. I'alinrr.
I '. S.lC!ninniUi"licr, at. hii nllicc in Prinrville,
tlrtvuii. ui-t that filial hearing will b lichl at
Id .i'cJiH.-k a in. mi Jiinti 11, I'.m'J, hcfiirti th
ltcuiii'r and Hicrvi-r at tht I'niUtj Ktalca
Lawl tlllict! ill lh Dalli-, Ori'iiti.
JAY 1'. Ll'OAS,
ap'.M HcKitr.
Tiinlx-r IjiiiiI. Ad Juiii' S, 1N7N.
VyiTttu Statih Lahii (Imi r,
The liullra, (Iri-K'ill, April at, 1!.2.
Nntli c la liin hy ftivt-n Unit in ennipli.
line1 with tlu- iiriiviniuiii of the net nf I'nn
eroKiif Junci. 1N7H, entitled "Ail net for
the mile of tliuh r lurid In the Ktnti-a of
t'nlilurniit, (in-it'in, Nevada, and Wimhlnit
Inii Territory," iu enti-iided to all the pul)
lie Iiniil KtHtii liy ni t of Aul'UhI 4. W2, the
fallowing permina have lileil in tlita office
their Hwurn tnt-inentH, tivwlt:
Alvnrn U. Mnrlcv, of Miatcnw, county of
I.utali, Htnte nf Idaho, worn "Uiteincnt
No. !W, tiled April "W, ll, for the pur
i lime of the 'S nhA, Hec. 117 and li, Hw
hit", ill!, T 112 , 10 K, w M.
(Ira M. llurnan, of Moacow, county of
l.atuh, Hlate of Idaho, aworn ataU'tnent
No. in!, tiled April ai, Unlit, far the pur-i-linxe
of the "' Hec. .KI, 1 12 a, It 10 j.w M.
Cinlha A. Karlna, nf Moacow, county of
I.ntnh, HI ate of Iiluho, nwurn atuteinvnt
No. 1!7, tiled April 20, lflni!, for tlio pu
rhiiw of the Hcc. 10, T 12 a, R 10 r w M.
Nil M. I.nraon. vf Moacow, county of
Latah, Htnte of Idaho, aworn atHtement
No. 2NN, tiled April 2N, 1002, for the pur
ihaae of the aw', Men. 20,T 12 , 10 , w M.
Unit they will otfer proof to allow that
the hind wiuirht i more valuuhln for ita
timber or atone than for agricultural pu
lumen, and to ealahliith their elainia to tuiid
land before the Hiitiater and Kei-eiverof
thin ofliee at The Dnllea, Oregon, on Wed-ni-ilav,
the 23d day of July, ll.
They name aa witneaaea: (Tntha Furl.,
Nils M. Laraon, Ora B. Morgan, Alvaru 11.
Mnrley, f Mo"Cow, lilaho, Lowe Alliiig
liani, ol Warm hpringa, Oregon.
Any and .ill peranna claiming ailvernely
the alaiyeileai'rilH'd land" are reiuw.i il to
tile their claim" In thl office on or before
mii'l 23d day of July, l!i2.
niNp JAY 1'. I.UCAS, Regi.iter.
Tiuilu-r l.niid, Act June 3, !"!.
Tin- Halle, (in i'uii, April 21, j
Nutlet" i In-rehy jri vi ll lliitt in rnmpli-j
Hill-. V itil I III- prnvi "lull of I In- ll-'t uf i ill-
ifi-n uf J-ini: ... li"7a, i-iiiiili-i ''An in t fur)
iln- "lite nf liinlur Inniln in Ihe Mnii'ii f;
I'lilili'rniu, Oi-i-uii, Ni-vitiht nun Wimiiinir '
loll Terrilurv," u exteiidi-il to nil tin- tnl-1
lie html rimea hv lu't ol A ilirlt 4, V.I'!, the
fiiliuwiiil.' p'-ri-'iiin hiive thia iluy lilfl in
thi nlll'-i- Ilii'ir nwiill -ilnl' ini-nli". t-v, il :
N'ii-tor lli-nni- nf A-'hllill'l, etiunty "f A"h- i
liilld. Mule nf Wi'1-iiln.ill. aworn nilili.-lni-nl i
No. 2M I'ur the puri-lniM- "f lie- t-1-1 N
and w i, si:', h.-c 27, r 12 a, n I'l k, w m.
Jolni K. Selmeler "f'-l'l uniy '
"f Wii'i'l, llne nf Wixe miili, swnril alate- i
iin-iit Nn, 2sl fur Ihe purcha" of tin hk j
Jii'. 7, T l.'l , a in k, w m. i
Karl Mea nf M lir.thlii l'l, rniinl v nf W'.i-ll, i
Klitli-cf Wlitennnl, twnrii Miilcmrnl No.'
2'il lor the puri huH' nt th' Inta ,'t uul 4 unit ,
f'i ', hcc. .'), T 111 , ii tn k, w .
I-Vaiik Wiuliik "f A-hlaml, cuiity of
A"lllnli'l, Sliitc of WiM-uIfill, -worn rllltc- i
incut No. 2ir2 fur the pnrciiii!"'-nf iln- hd I j
mnl nrl., tm hcc 7. lili'l l"t I till'l Ml1, a'tvj i
N-c. I, t i;u, ii (i r w m. i
'Unit lin y wii! nllcr prnof to i-linw Hint j
the html itu'iiifhl 1 mure vulinthi'- lur it.j
liinh'-r or ftnin tliiin f r mfncultiirai per-;
piine. anil In exlnl-lifh thi lr clumn. tu ntl I
linn! Ii.-I'urc Ihc ll'-i-.ti-r un-1 lice ivi-r nf
lliianl'lee nt The ll.tllc. I lp gull, on Tni-a-tl.-iv.
the'.M'l day nf July, lt.
Tln-v iiitini-1'. vi iiii-Mt-H : John K. Kelimt.
fcr, K'-irl Me-" nf Man-hti'-ld, Wi-cnnin, Wiiilak. Victor IIcihw, nf Ahl:ni'l,
Wi-con'in, niiil H' ter Mctiuiyan, Henry
Miiliaur, of The Dnll-a. On-gou.
Any and all pi-r-un ehiiining advc-vcly
llie iilMiviMtcHci-iln-d hiinla are ri-'uci'ti-d Iu
lile their elaiini" in tliit nltlce nu or liefnre
anid 22'l day nf July, l'r!.
map JAY I'. l.l'CAS, Register.
, 7
--.-to ,v- V...
yfr-ciTBr "-r'rT"' "''M '"C-Trr''l"rrT' WV""T'-ri' "e "i: )-' r-.,? . . r?rrTrr!f '
r n
t i .3
In order to close out our business by July 1st, we are offering goods
, at figures that cannot be duplicated by any competitor. It will pay
you to investigate thi3 matter before you purchase ypur supplies.
For Sale or Trade.
One tlioroiiKlilued Kentucky Jack,
for al or will trade for broke draft
liorKci, AIo livery ala'ole fully equip
ml, located in tlie Town of Antelope.
For further infnrniation write to K.
C. llickenon, Antelope, Oregon,
ji. 4 8
Suliwrihe or the Joi unai,.
If you come to Shaniko this season. If you cannot do this, sen. an
order by your teamster, or if you can send us a mail order. We assure
just as careful attention as though you visited us in person.
New Goods. Accommodating Clerks
Prices that Profit the Buyer.
We have but one price for our goods, which, the market
permitting, wo offer to all, and we show every on 3 the same
courteous attention.
Write for prices and samples.'
Spring Announcements.
Lingerie A full line of White Skirts, Night Gowns, Che-
iniees and Drawers, also Ladies Summer Vest. Come and I
see them. Price and quality will suit you. Also a nice line 1
of Shirt WaisU. ,
For men we have the newest Silk Front Shirts, Fecai Front
Shirts, also Negligee Shirta of all descriptions. Summer un
derwear galore.
J. L. WIN DOM, will make the season of 1902 at Culver, Or
egon. Bred by G. Sjirinxer, of Culver, Oregon.
PuiWiREE Sire: The registered Clydesdale, Ballston, bred by LadiJ
A Recti, Portland. Dam: Registered Cleveland bay mare, Conuinj-'S
Maid, bred by Ladd & Reed, Portland.
BALLSTON is 17 bands high and weighs in thin working order lt2'
pounds. He is a dark blood bay, four years old in June,
TERMS $10 for insurance; reduction for three or more mares.
4".-i. , -.- -v
Blooded Plymouth
Rock Eggs.
I am now jirpp.ired to furnish
eggs from my pens at reasonable
prices. Prion, $1.00 per setting of
15 eggs. Call on or address,
Prineville, Oregon.
7 Haystack Stallions 1902
The Haystack Ranch will use two Stallions for the season
of 1902.
A large, stylish black, and
A very handsome mahogany bay. The above stallion9 will
be permitted to serve a few mares at $10.00 each, oije-half
down at end of season and f 5.00 mora when the mare is
known to be with foal.
Mares will be pastured at $1.00 per month. Will not lo
responsible for accidents. Cull at ranch or address.
Culver, Oregon.
820 acres. 75 aeres in cultiva
tion. 40 acres of meadow. All
under fence. Good house. Good
water. Call on or address the
JorHNAL, Prineville, Oregon. Price
lltSUO. a3m3
My wife, Mnry A. Morgan, nml I
have agfeed to diangree ami I nut
stand good for any dobta she may cuii
tract. Xohhii MowiAN,
Vric, Ore., April 26, 1001