Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 08, 1902, Image 3

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    lloyi Hound Over,
r.iiowNHViu.u, April 2!). Wil
lium 0. Tycer mid Thorium Vi-n-niiiu
were bound over to the Circuit
Court today to answer lo a clmrp
of rubbing the hunk of Jirownxvullo
y(wtiirtliiy of If 1 T f . Their bond
WW) placed ivt 12000 each.
While thi) cuidiicr of the Hunk of
I'rovMu iiillt; wan at dinner yet'ter
dly dome one ontuicd tlm hunk
from the Mir part and took $1700
in gold. The robbery rmint hnvc
been ripimnitted between i mid
li!;.'if) I', M, No one kiiw unyhudy
in thi! bunk during Unit time, and
the 1 ii n k building hiiukIh in the
tenter of thubuHinoM pint of town.
The Hii)joiiLion in the pi-rmni or
permiiiB tlmt coinmitti'.I tbo robbery
filtered "the. woodshed of A. A.
Tunning, which joins the briek
biiildind on the went, mid entered
the reur of the biuik by wiiy of a
window. After utiuing entrance it
van an eay mutter to get into the
bunk proper.
The wilier in poing to dinner
did not turn the combination on
tbo wife, but simply loeked it. Tbo
robber wan evidently iieiliiiiiited
with the conttrui tmn o tlm lock,
and wan pri-pan-d with a email
piece of iron or Hti-cl which fitted
into the lock mid npriing it buck
The two young men urrefcted, Wil
liam 0. Tyier mid Thmnw Yen-
mim, were both rained here, anil
both belong to good families, 'i be
evidence aeuinst them i i not very
htrong. Tlie young men are being
defended by RumcU Wyatt, of Al
bany. Tim prosecution ix being
conducted by Prosecuting Attorney
J. N. Hart.
Uld Soldier Ezputlonee.
M. M. Amtiii, itohil vmemii,
of WincliMler, Iiiii., write. "My wile
wan nick lout; lime in kphu of (laid
doctor's trentnieiit, but wnn h holly
cured ly Dr. King' New Life I'illa,
wliicli wuikwl womlern for tier liinltli."
they always do. Try tneni. Only 25o.
at AiUinaon A Winiielc (Vs. drug
Tloitwr Uii'l. A.1 Juuu 3, l:"H.
I llltml Rtatw Law! Olliw,
The L).ll-, lln-unn, March 2fl, VMfl.
Nntiw la tirn-iiv iilim that lit ciiiniilium.
wi.h thti iniviaiini uf Oiam-tnf Cmit;i'a uf
.l-ini-3, liCK, i-iti!.iil "An act Inr thv ait nf
timlwr Linl. in tlm Huli-a i.f (.'ulif.iniia, Or.
Bun, Nnvaita ami Wiwhlnixtiin Ti.-rfitniy.'1 iw
nunili-il t all Of I'lll'lic I. m il Slata liy
cti Auk'Unt 4, l-Wl', the fiilliiwiiit,' N-ra:iiN
hai ttiu ilay li'.ni in iJiia cilluai llii-ir awi-iu
ataU'iHtiuta, vlr:
J'jni-.t H. Wallirr, iif Kannlnirftiti, ouiintv
of Whitman, Stute if Vivliiiiitnt aworn
UUutnt Nn. 2-H fur tit iMiirhaaij of tin
NK' at Src-timi No. 1 1, in Tuwiialiip No. 13
s.. N. to W. M.
William H. Mrl-arUml, of Varitiltuftnti,
ciiiii'y of W)'itmnn, .iuta nf W'nj-Kint.t'i.),
awn n alalnm-nt No. llLtl fur tint (mictuinf of
tin- HI'.'; nl Si film Nn. I ft, in Twiihi No.
13 S., !i i ff Nn. 10 K , Vt. M.
Hruoe Kniiwlt-n, if Kanninvtiin, ouunty of
Whitman, Htiilp nf Wnjiliintnii, mwi.iv Oitc.
nu'iit N.t. li.'tO, fur thu .iirclinMu of tlie HW'
of rti cllun Nn. Ui, Ih 'i'uwmhiii Nn. 13 S..
I'.MHte.Vo.lo K W. SI.
Thut thi'.v H-ill "tTiT iniMif to Mhnw that the
lnnrl miuifht In iimnt vftliml.itt for ilji tiiulwr ur
at .ne than tor aiiculiural uuriii, kti.l to
flnUililiifh tht-ir cluim tn mud lunri ti.fiir tin
llcuiitiT anil Ken.jver of tliU ulHw at r'hii
Ijnllva, Oin'un, on Kiiiliiy, tha i;tthUayof
June, 11102.
Tli-y nnuie a wlt.ntff:
Knl Walton-, llnuo Knnwlwi, K. F. Dunn-,
William H. Mol-'arUni'. K. 11. Waller anil
Art Wolfe, a'l nf Fannink'tint W'nahiiiffiii.
Any ami all iiorm-na cluimiiiK n-U.'.rm I y tlm
alnive-nurilii-t IiumIh ai-e rt'iumt-'l to tlie
thnir ulaiiua in lliia nllice nu or litfnre aaid
ISthduyol June, I'm.
a 3 JAV V. UTAS, Rnrloter,
TiinlMT liimd, Act June II, 17H.
tnit.-d SUtt LjiMij OfTicP,
Tl iJiil'w., Onvn, March 28, 1902.
Notice ia herchy iivi n tlmt in ciiplitiiice
with the (iMvihion nf 'w imt uf OunmtK nf
tf tine 3. 1S7K, eiitiUcd "An net fur the Hale nf
tim Iter lamU in thu HUt-cH nf C'alifnruiii, Ort
g -n, Novoii ami WfviliiiiKtin 'JVnitnrv," hi
extended to lhtlm I'ul.lic Lnnd .SUtei by
not. of Anffuut4, ltfltj, thu fnilnwiiu (MtrnonH
Imvfl thi dy tiled in thu nthue thwlr nworii
tntMinMila, viz:
Hoi WnltcTH, of FuiDiinnton, coHnty nf
Whitman, fitiite of VVfwtti!tKtm, iwnrn tiito.
mant No. 'i'li fnr tli piirchnae of tlie ISK1 of
.SeetUm No. 14, iu Ttnvii8liip No. J3 S.,
iriKe Nit, 10 K.( W. M.
JnM'th H. Waltent,of FrvrniinRt'in, nnunty
of hitiuan, Htate nf Wa!)inUn, Bwtnn
Htatpment No. 22't for the pitr-hmte of thf
Lota 1 and X and H NK of Stwtion No. A
in Towiuhip No. 13 H., liane No. 10 K., W.
Frank F. ftutey, of Vanninirton, county nf
Whiti mil, Sute of W animism, tiwom tnte
n wit No. 22ti fnr thu purchase nf theNK'
of .Section No. U, in ToH'i.Hl)ii No. lU.S
lianu'eNo. 10fi , W.M.
Ait Wolfe, nf Kuril tinfrUm, ctninty of Whit
man, StaU of WwiliiitKlnn, nworn HtuU-umnt
No. 227 fnr the imrchaae of the SK1 nf Hec-1
nf , . , c ii
C 10 E.. V.M ""' "'' " i
' That tiiy will liffer proof tn ahnw that th.
LiMiwwhtuuure vaJuJie U it tinibw or
atnna than fur ajirluultiiral jrar)iiM, anil tn
, ""?'!, ,1 "
lliylnler ami Kiiwlvnr of thin nllirai t Tlm
i'il..i, (Iiiikhii on lliiuailuy, th UUi day of
J 'inn, H;;.
1 1-ny iminn an wltnnaai-ai
Wm. H. Mol'url-ind, K. ). Waiker, J.e.,h
H. Wnliiir., Art Wiilf, Hnl Walti.r., Minnie
A. Ilymi ami K, . iiiuvy, all of I'ariiilugti.n,
Any iuii! nil iii-rmm cliumhiff ailvemi'ly tlie
ulmn.ii.ii'! el IuiiiIii ara reiwatei tii filu iiiiuuiii in lliK niiioa on or Iml. ire aunl
VMi day of June, l!M2,
-3 .lA V V. M'CAK. Hifi(,
Timber Land, Ant June S. 1X7H.
NliTlUK Kt)lt PL'ttLlCATION.
Unlti-d Htaln Lain! Olfu.-a at
Tlie I);illn. (Win. March II. 11102.
Notion I hen liy (lven that In niinpllanra
.J ITVII HtlHrt, III ll-llllflliaill'll
with the iiriivl-liiinof the act of Cnni;ri-wi of
.lime 3, 1H7H, entiilivl "An act f.,r the mile of
tlmlier landa In the HUtm of Callfnnila, Ore-
Him, Nuviula and WahliiKlon Territnry," a
rtlnnilrit tii all the I'ublio Ijind Hta'.i by
II'". nf Alll'liet l, IKIIZ, Michavl J, Mff 1 ulWj,i,
nf Holm, t.'ouiity of Ada, Mule nf filnhn, huii
UiL'Liv llli din thili nlficn bin eunrn Uti-.
mi-lit No. 71. for tile innchine- of the !w;
nl .SM-ii-m No. IS in Tnwimhlii No, 18 M,
Itaiim- Nn. Id K., W. M, and will ,flVr .i .f
to hnw Unit the land aniixiit l inure v!i.
nlilii fur lt tluib-r or atone than fur
tiiml nnp.i.ii, and i iil r.liidn loe .in
bind l. fme 'he Iti'jl, ter and Kwi-iver of thin
nttire at The lliillf .. Ilre-j'.n on Hultinlnv ll.H
aithdayol May. mi.
He iniinei an whilneHRca,-
Mlrhaiil Cimiiiira, K. I!. McCoruilc, liol.t.
Mrlli.uald, Peter McOuian, all nf The
IMIee, ( Iri'inii.
Any and Hit liLt-Hi.tiH clidniln-r arlvn,tl II.
alinve-dni-riUd hoiiU a e reipieeled to lilf
thi-lr cluhiH lii tiii ullice nn or li ' iid
Mill day ol May, IWtt.
JAV I'. IA ( AS,
'-(' K'vieter.
Tiiulicr Land, Ant June 3, IH7.I.
NOTIt'K Ktlt mtlilOATWN.
Vnll'd Kutii Land Office,
f l' I laili-K, I In-null. Mil i'i nn, Ji
Notice i lii-eby ititru ;hat In ::unilili icce
witli the l-r-iviei .ua nf liiu act 0' O.i ,n u(
lime 3, ISiH, entitled "An act f." the aa'eaf
tilnbi r lamU in the ..'.at, o t! 'if'ti'lii... (lie.
. n, NvU,ilW,.,ii,,i,, Ter-lu.ry,"a.i" ", ;.1 "i iU "'r ' P''?"" '
estenili-d to nil be ,ul,:; nd i,t,ii by art i "' 'I, ' l"lllillli
of Aiini.i 4, W, the fiillnwi'i; imm have -v"- 13 . limit's Mi. 10 E., W. M.
tliie day 111. d in t'lia iiltioo their awoin aUta- f'etir Mi (iuili MI. ol Tlm LUIifi. coun
menu, Ui-wit
Minnie A. Ubie of l-i.rti.liii'l..n, .,(,. ,i, ki .i.. ..ivi-. i V. "!........
in-nt No. XII (r the ,.ireliiie' of the SV' I
it Kecilnti ,. lo. in T.ntinliiii No. i:i s
IUuki- N,.. ( K W. M.
Ueit ft. Wolfe, of li'aiuiioKt'in, c-nnty of
' iiiiiniin, niie ol w anliioKiun ew-ini iilaU.
Mn. ttfi fur the juiriili.Mi ol the rtKW nl .Vo-
tl'.ii n. 9, In 1-iwiuniu Nn. 13 K.. lUn.
N". 10 K.. W. M.
Tin I they Will iiller irreif to hnW ttnit the
lanu aonu'lil V. nune ritlnaliie tor ile t-uile-i nl
etniie limn fur a,;rii:uitin'al iiiiriewi-a, and ti.
eit their dm. II tn aaid land liefnre tl,t
Hesmter and Kmelva.- of thi ci!lii at Tlie
liaiiea, Hrouon 1-riday, the lllthduyof
June, 11102.
Tiu-y lume an witneanea:
Art Wiillo. Ki an It K. Kiuey, llurney
Walker, UiaaConnera, Minnie A. Pine and
Ine Ha'l -ra, all nf t ar'tillmtnn, Waahinatoii
Any ami all iiereniui claimini: tlvrnely the
vaiiawiiracrilKil landa are renuented to li,
tlwir claim, in Uin nnlca on or before aaid
him Hay ol gillie, I'.lOU
S JAYKUTAS, Uefclater,
I'hitod MtUen Ijind Dlnca at
The Dallea, Orrr-n. .March 10, 1IKJ3.
Notice la hereby in cnniiitiant-a
with the I'Mvlalont ol the act of Cnnirrean nf
June S, !(;, entitled "An act for the aale of
limber land In the Statu of Cillforui.i, (be
((on, Neta-la and Waa'ninKtoii Territory," a
ext'-mled ail tiiu l'ubiio Lnd .Statei by
act of Aiutimt 4, W.C, tiie fnllnwiu iern.uii
have on the 2ttli, 27th and 2illi day of Feb
ruary, VM2, filed in thia office their awnrn
ataUimnta, tn-wtt: O. Clarke Leitcr, Kn-
fm A. 1clter and John M. Leiter, of 1'urt
laml, county of Multnouiah, State of Orei-on,
and Jneih T. l-ti-ia, of Tlie Ihillea, oonnty
of Waaco, State of (Irejron, have nn tho 2lih,
2Tth and Mth da. (,f Kebruary. 1IK)2, filed
their awnrn atitement.ii Nna. 214, 21 210,
217, for the NHL NWJ, ,'KJ an-l SW'i S,
tiun 20, Tii. 19 Houih, IlanKe 12 K.Mt W. M.
and will offer proof tn ahow that laud niuulit
ia uinre valuable fur lt limlwr or atone than
for agricultural puriaiaea, and to eatahlinh
their claim, tn aaid land befure the Keiiiter
and Kuceiver of thia nllioe at The llallea, Ore
Kim, en Friday, the 2od day of May, 1!KI2.
They name aa witnenM-a:
John M. Leiter, of I'ortland, Orci(nn, lln-
fuA. Leiter, of i'ortlauil. OreKim, (I. Clarice
fii-iter, of l'lirtlaml, Oriyon, K. W. Harden-
brunk, of Portland, Oi-enn, Joecpli T. Pet
era, of The Ilallea. Oregon.
Any and all peraoni claiming oilvemely the
atiiive-dnacrilied landa are rpquciited ffl lite
th.iir olaiuia ill thia nrlics ou or before auid
lUil day of May, IM'.
m20 Keiuter.
Timlwr Land, Act Juuu H, 1H73.
Umtku State Lanii Office, l
Tim Dallkh, Okeohn.
April 'J, lata.
Notice ii lii-rnhy given tiiut in couinli-
ance with the prnviainua of thu Act of
ConeroBs of Juuu 3, Iti'H, entitled "An
net lor tlm aitlu nf tnubnr lunda in the
atatm of California, Oreuon, Nevada,
and WushiiiKtnii Tunilory," na i-xluuded
to all the I 1 1 til i (j Lud Smt by net ot
Auuuat 4, 1KII2, tin) fullotr iutr lii-raniu
1iav I lua U.iy tiled in thin olhue their
awi'in a-aloiiienia, to wit:
Mitliai'lJ. llaiiey of BlKikane, county
of Hpiikiinn, Ktnte of Waahinitnli, aworu
tatciiient No. 234 for th purchaao of
tliebwt ot Section JNo. 27, 'n Tnwn-
ihip No. 12 S , limiKe Nn. 10 K., W. M.
refer W, Whim of Stiokiiiie-, county
of Spokane, Hutu of Waaliinifton, sworn
statement No. t'.'t.v fur I)im nnri-buiM i,f
i. ck-l ..i u. ..;. v u !.. t i..
1 i" iTDiiiiuii o. ill ti-nriioiu
N"" 12 S-' lla,"!B No- 10 K - W- M-
Ryniond H. Scolield, of brook Park,
couuty of Fine, butti uf Minn., iivoru
-ataUment N 2.'i(l for th purcha of
tl' NK1 of Hoctiim Ho. , in Town
.i,, m i.i u ii,.,. v,. in v m
Inn N 'l M lt.ini Nn 10 1! W M
Kniil J, Link, of Hpokane, county of
npokHiin, Mi ni h ol Wiutiiiigtoii, aivurn
alatiimeiil No, 2.'!7 fur tlm pnrchaaa ol
Hio N VVi of .Section Mi. 34, m Town
hip No, Vi H., JUiiko JSu. 10 K , W, M.
AiI'iIoIih Miirriai.tto, of Hpi kuin-.cuiiii
'7 ol rliokuii, Htnlo of h'aaliiiiiftou,
awiirn atati'inont o. 'I6n for tlm uiir
(nn oi tlm AKi ol Moetion , ;).!, u
Tomialiip No. in H., Itniio No. 10 Ji ,
n. ivi.
Tint tliky will offer proof to ahow
that lln- land touglii i more valuable for
il tiinbor or aunie tlun for ii ;ull unit
purpom.-a, and to iMlablmii thnir clmm lo
I "''' I'"' 'w'"" !' '-''r and He
I -
I "' He ollice at Tim JJnllti,
T"1. 17tli day of
lli.l, Urn
J 1)02.
Tlii-y ii iiiw a witiieaaea:
i'niui W. Wlnto and E. J. Link, of
Kpokiiii, Wmli.! L. K. Allinlmiii, of
Warm riprniK, Oregon; Hnyriioiid II.
Kcolicld, of .lironk 1'ark, Minn.; M. J.
il.iney, of Kpukiiiie, Wuali,
Any and all pormina claiming nlvr-ly
tlie aboni-owcribi:ii l.iiiiln aru rnUi-lnu
tn lilu tlifir cUtum in tina ollico on or hu
f.jiu a.i nl l"ili day of Jiem, Wl.
TiuiW-r Ltiid, Act Juuu 3, 1878.
Umtku Statkh Land Okwb.
TiiK Du,u, Okfc., April 5, VMYZ,
Nuiu is h'-juby nivtjii tnat in com
phuiiuu with the rnvmi'inii nf flin act (
Cniiu.-vM nf June 3. 1H78, enttrh-d "An
an net for tlm uf tiniljT lumU in the
tSUtcd uf (!,ihf..rui, Oron. Nevada,
and V-Wiiiitfion 'lVrrunry," mh ;xf.vii(lcd
lo nil the put.tic land Ktttlt by nc ol
Amount 4, mi'l, th fillnwiii pt.rwmn
tlim duy ijlud in tliia tdhie thtir
a'trn tKteim-nt, to-wif;
Mi- h:d Cmiiurt, if Tiip Dilli, coun
ty nf Wm-'ii, H'lu of Oreiem, rn
ty ol Wiiauo, m.ite of (IriL'ini. aworn
iiinieut vi. .SU for the ijuiclinai!
aialonieut Hn. '.',0 for the uuivhuni of
th ,S,Wi "' '" Mo. 17, in Timmhip
No. 1.1 Kain.'e Ml. 10 t.. v,
.i"e linn- ta il; , u fariiiiiiK'nii,
Coiiiiiy of Whitman, aute of Wa.liiuy-t-Mi.
aworn a-.ati unlit no. 2.3!) fur the
purihaio of the SKj of Sociinn N". 17,
in Towiialilp Nn. II) rj., Haue no. 10 ,
V. M.
'J'licy will i-lfer pr-iof tn allow tlmt the
hind tnuxlit ia un re valuable for in tnn-bi-r
or alone than for aKricuilurnl pur
pneoa, nud lit ea'aiiliah their claim t.i .i d
hind betoru the lt-eieti-r blid Receiver of
ihniitlicu at The D.illca. (Ireon, on
Wedin-adiiy, the SHi day of Juue, I'J02
Tln-y name aa wilncreea:
v Peler Mc(iiiiti, J-'red V. Snil'h,
Juliii Mcfiuigm, John Kli aa, Mlee Coii
nra, Juliii J. M (itiijjin mid Michael
Canter, of The Dallm, Or' Kini. Slid Joa.
McFarlaud. i-f Fartningim, Waah.
Any nnd all permmi ciaimiiix Hitvmlj
ahe iileivH-deacribcd landi rn reUt-aled
to tile (heir claimt in thia otiii-i- on or
before tmd 18th day of Jiiiip, 1!K)2.
nlOp Ri'triater.
Timlwr Land, Act Juno .1, 1.-I7S.
UxiTun Statkh Land Orm-n,
at rim :, Ohko., Armi. 7, 1!K2.
Notice ia ben.liy i(iven that in ':nniiitinur
with the prnviaiona of tiie act of Cnli;reiw of
June 3, 1K7K, entitled "An act for the aale of
tinilier knda in the Statea of California, Ore
Kim, Nevwla and Wahinnton TBrritlly,,, an
extended to all the Public Land SUtt-n by
act of Autfuat 4, Utl2, the fnllnwinx pcin-nm
have thia day ti'ed iu thii otfice their eworn
aiiiteineiite, to-wit:
1'rcileriik W. Smith of The Dallea, county
of aacn, state nf Oregon, aworn etateiusnt
Nn. 242 for the purclnuie nf the SWVi of S. c
tion Nn. i, Towiuhiu 4Vo. 12 S Kar.Re No.
10 K , W.
JameHll. L-.iieof Minncpnlii, county of
Hiiinejian, Slate of Mii-n., oni
No. 2-13 for the purcbaac i f the X h N W ,' nf
Section Nn. 2K ami the S'4 Sw)., of Secu m
No. inTnwuahip .No. 12 8., Hanee No.
10 K., W. M.
J.ilin Mima nf The Dallea, enmity nf Wna
oo, State of Oregon, aworn atatement No. 244
for the purchaae uf the NK' .' Section No.
17, in Tnwnahin No. 18 A., ltank-e No. 10 K.,
Tliat they will offer proof to hhnw that the
land e-iuKht ia nuu-e valuable for ita timber or
Htnne than for aL-ricultural purimwa, anu to
eetabliKh their claim to aaid land before the
Hi-jjiater and lieoeiver of th.a otiice at The
Uallea. (li-i-Kim, on Thuraday, the Wth day of
June, 1SKI2.
They name an wiVnewe:
Frediriek W. Smith, Peter JlcG nitron.
Michael Connera and Jnhn lilnai of The
1 billea, OriiKnn, and Jamei H. I-aueof .Miune
aoliat Minn.
Any and all peraoni claiminir adveraely the
above-deacrilieu land are reijuested to tilo
their claiiua in thia ntlice on or before aaid
10th day of Juue, 1002.
a-10p I!eKiter.
Land Ofmce at Thr Dalum, Or.,
April 8, 1S02.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named aettlere have tiled notice of Intention
to make tinal proof on their reaHctive clr.ima,
before A. C., US.Couiniii-jionor at
Prineville, Oreifon, uu Friday, May IB, 1002,
Kdward B. Knoit of Tnet. Oreon. nn
hnnn-eU-ad applicatinn No. fai7ll for the NE1.,
i W '4 and Lota 1 and 2 Sec. 10, T. 17 S.. K.
10 K., andSKH NE Sec. 24, T. 17 S., li. IS
K., W. M.
Caleb Dftvia, nf Post, Oreirnn, on hnme-
ati-ml pilii-ntion Xo. M'.l'.l orthe W'H SWi
SW'i N W'4 and NKJ.' SwK Sec 17, T. 17
S., It. 10 K, w M.
Witneaaen: M. W. Smcad, J. S. Sineml,
K. K. ((illenwater, K. II. Knox and Caleb
Davia, all of Poat, On-Kiiu.
10 JAY P. LUCAS, RfKiHer.
Gary House Bar.
Ilondcrson & Pollard, Proprietors.
A Complete and' Choice Line of
1'eef, Veal, Mutton, -Pork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Hamilton Stables
ffll Mby Feed Barn.
White &
Stage Lfp.a
Leave Shaniko, 6 p. m.
Leave Prineville 1 p. m.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
damson & Winnek Co., Agents.
G. M. Cornett, Manager.
We are installed in our new quarters next door to the
Hamilton Stables, and are better equipped than ever to handle
all kinds of general blacksniithing and wagon repairing.
Our Special
Is tine Horseshoeing, for which we have no rivals.. 'A trial
will convince.
Carriage Tainting iu connection.
Foster k Lehnian
Oregon. 'PIlOHC 31.
Stock hoarded by day, week or
month. Fine saddle hor?es and
livery turnouts. Kates reasonable.
Good accommodations.
Kemeriiber us when in Prine
ville, and we guarantee that yuor
patronage will be appreciated
and deserved.
COBiNKTT, Proprietors.
Arrive Prineville, 6 a. m.
Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m.