Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 08, 1902, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal.
THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1902.
Republican State Ticket.
W. J. FUKXISU, uf Pendleton.
Supreme Judge,
It. S. BEAN, ol Lime.
See. of State,
F. 1. lU'N'UAK, of Astoria.
CHAS. 1C. MUOHK, of Klamath.
Attorney General,
A. M. CliAttTOKD, of Douglas.
Sept. Public Instruction,
J. H. ACKEEMAX, Multnomah.
State Printer,
J. R. WIUTN'EY, of Linn.
Congiess 2nd District,
J. X. WILLIAMSON, Prineville.
Joint representatives, YVasco, Crook,
Lake and Klamath counties: X.
of Wasco and R. A. EMMITT of
Republican Count; Ticket.
County Judge,
W. C. WILLS, of Willow Creek.
County Clerk,
CAREY FOSTER, of Prineville.
J. S. McMEEX, of Haystack.
M.D. rOWELL, of McKay.
MARSH AUBREY, of 3end.
B. F. JOHXSOX, of Mill Creek.
C. A. GRAVES, of Montgomery.
.1. L. McCULLOCH, of Prineville.
Ellis Sf.jH It's
Judge W. R. Ellis, formerly Con
gressman from this district, came
down from Pendleton yesterday on
legal business. In speaking of the
political outlook; Judge Ellis said:
"Umatilla County will give Mr,
Furnish all the way from 500 to
1800 majority. I do not personally
know much of the feelings in the
other counties. While Mr. Chamb
erlain is stirring up a great deal of
enthusiasm in that part of the state,
it appears, to me to be in the nature
of a personal tribune, merely be
cause he is a 'good fellow.'
"I know Mr. Furnish, and have
known him for a long time. He
13 a good, clean man and com-j
mands the eniire respect of the
people of Eastern Oregon who
know him. Unless Mr. Chamber
lain gets a vote in the western part
of the stae that is unprecedented,
Mr. Furnish will be elected by a
safe majority.
Judge William C. Wills, who i6
Republican candidate for County
Judge of this county, deserves the
vote of every man in Crook county
who takes a pride in the present
splendid condition of his county's
affairs. Without disparagement to
his predecessors, Judge Wills has
given Crook County a remarkably
clean, businesslike and sound ad
ministration, and the result shows
in the excellent condition of the
county's ofiairs at this time. He
has earned bis re-election, if faith
ful performance of a public trust
can earn the eonsideration of vot
ers at the ballot box, and we be
lieve that the Judge will show Mr.
Booth a clean pair of heels at the
June election. Ashwood I'rospect-
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Dnnforth, of LaGrand, Ga ,
suffered for six months with a fright
fill running sore on hie leg; but writes
that Iiucklen's Arnica Salve wholly
cured it in five days. For Ulcers,
Wounds, Pile", it's the best ealve in
(he world. Cure gnaritutued. Only
'I'm. Sold by Adaiiuon & Winnek Co.
ICxnmlixitttiii Forest Itenri-vea. !
TJio report on the examination j
of the foiest reserves and adjacent j
timber regions for the calendar
year 1899, by Henry (Uuwett, 1ms I
j been issued as Part V of the Twenty
first Annual Report of the United
States Geological Survey. It makes
a volume of 711 royal octavo pages,
illustrated by 143 plates, including
a number of maps, most of which
are in an accompanying portfolio.
The report includes, besides a
summary of the work done in ISfli),
the following reports on specific
areas: Olympic Mountains in
northwest Washington, by Messrs.
Arthur Dodwell and T. F. Rixon;
Cascade llau .rc in southern Oregon,
including part of the Cascade
Range Forest reserve, Washington,
by Fred. G. Plunimer; a portion of
the Sierra Nevada of California,
including the Stanislaus and Lake
Tahoe Forest Reserves, by Geo. IS.
Sudworth; Lewis and Clarke For
est Reserve of Montana, by II. II.
Ayres; Woodlands of Indian Terri
tory, by C. IT. Fitch; Clns.-il'.ea'.ion
of lands in various parts of (he
United States, by Messrs. C. H.
Fitch, H. Ii. Ayres.
Application for this volume
should be made to Members of
Congress, or to The Director, Unit
ed States Geological Survey, Wash
ington. D. C.
Upon his return to his old home
at Prineville last week the citizens
of that place, irrespective of party,
gave Hon. J. X. Williamson a joy
ous welcome home. The stage
coach bearing Mr. Williamson was
met several miles out of town by
a special carriage decorated in, Na
tional colors, and the entry into
town was in the nature of a tri
umphal march. It is jutt as well
to begin calling him Congressman
Williamson now as any time, for
he's a sure winner. Lakeview Ex
aminer. In regard to Judge Lowell's bolt,
I think that the Judge made a
mistake. While' it will have no
big influence, it shows bis impract
icable nature. Judge Lowell per
sonally is a good end lovable man,
but in politics be does not com
mand much strength." Portland
Ex-Gov. Hogg, of Texas, is will
ing to sell Englishman stock in his
oil companies, but he balked- on
wearing the regular court costume
required of callers on the King.
Too much housework v recks wo
men's ii"rves. And the constant
core of cluHrcn, day and night, is
often too hying for even a strong
woman. A hag'ard face tells the
story of the overworked housewife
and mother. Deranged menses,
leacorrhma and falling of the
' womb result from overwork.
Every housewife needs a remedy
! to regulate her menses and to
keep her sensitive female organs
I in perfect condition.
is doing this for thousands of I
! American women to-day. It cured
Mrs. Jones and that is why she
write this frank letter :
Glandts&nA. Kt.. Fh. 10. lfitn.
T 'A V,. uri H i
) ii lie!p'n me. I ra feeling bettefr ,han
f I havo leit ror yean. I am doiifc my
! own work without any help, aud I
washed last weer and na do ono bit 1
, tired. Thfct shows that the Wine ia
j tUu I erer was Wore, aud sleep K"i
f and eat hearty. Before 1 bcxao U-iinjr I
' Wine of Cardui, I used to have to Ixj
down five or sii time every day, but
i amnv me (rood. I am tettinir lluMhidr
now 1 aonoc wuna oi lying aown iu rough
the day. Mbs. Hjcuajld Jomta.
I For ad iie )Uraln, wldrm, iTin( lymp
tomi. "Tb Lftdtcf' Advlawry U,iTinfet ", It
YfMJ V (j
Hogg weighs some thing like 400
pounds. Think of that elephantine
figure in knee breeches, wilh a
sword wabbling between its knees I
We don't Ma mo him .'or balking.
Bhuddi r j At Hta I'ust.
"I recall now with horror," says
Mail Carrier liurnett Mann, of bevini.
na, 0., "My three years of iiilTuring
Irom Kidney trouble. I was hardly
ever free from dull Helms or acute
pains in my lack. To stoop or lilt
mail sacks mudo mo groan. I fell
tired, worn out, aliout ready to give up,
when I began to use Electric Hitters,
but six bottles completely cured me
and made me feel liku a new man.
Tluy'ie universal to regulate Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys and llowels. Perfect
satisfaction guaranteed liy Adainson &
Winnek Co. Only 60 cents.
Don't forget that you ran save 50
cents on your winter reading by sub
scribing for the Oregoniim with the
JoniNAL for .$2.50.
W. !!. SNOOK, H. D,
Physician and Surgeon,
Am prepared to answer profes
sional calls promptly.
ftt ft. Bell.
Jt P. floUnap.
ZPtysician and Jury ton.
Office in rear of Aduinaon, Wiiniek Co
ftjt C. firink
jfloraty and Counselor al jCau)
0 Jfgdo, 9.
ZPAysic'an anil Surgeon.
Jlis"at?i nf women a npci:iltv.
Phone Xip. 2. Itesidencu back uf the
Plxitogiitph ijullcry.
Jt J(. fiosenberg, D
SPAyMt'ean and Surpton
CaJbt aiiHWered proinptiy day or niMJ Of-
Hue with Dr, V. Gusnnr. ItirtiiJeiicP
Kedtiy Hottfl.
Saca'ffS and JCarnoss
Maker of Die celebrated PRINE
Latest improved Ladies' Side
and Stride Saddles, BitH, Spurs,
Angora ChapH, QuirtG and Hacka
ruoreij. Write for prices.
C. E. McDowell, Prop.
Thoroughly Renovated and Re
furnished Throughout.
American flan. Itufes $1,
$1.30 and 'i per lny.
Accommodation! are Unsurpassed
in the city. Sample Rooms for
Commercial Travelers,
Long Distance Telephone Station
in the house.
entire lninietry with not less than 1200 Smith Premier typewriters,
supplying every court."
PrcHH Dispatch to Portland Orepmiari, l'cbrmiry 7.
Portland ollice Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Ml Third St., I. it M.
ALKXANDKlt & CO., Agents.
W. T. KoiiLK, Agent,
Prineville, Oregon
Smith !j3ros.f
Scncrctl yiJorohandisG.
hctuo juat received a full lint of jCadics wrappers
and gloves, llJo also haut a full Una of Stntloman't
and jCadias' Shoss,
Dri Sooclst S roc
jCadi'es' and Sans' furnishing Soods Call and
jxamme our
V7ine3, Liquors,
Domestic and
Imported Cigars.
Proprietors cf liic Prircvi!!; Siila Weils.
First National liank. .P.KIKI'a ViKLK, OR
Kire-prixif building, 'Jlx!i(MI feet, is now
ready to humtlii Mercliuinlise, Viol, ele.
-liKALKlt.S IS-
Coal, Flour,
Lumber, Wood,
Hay and Grain.
Special Attention pven to wool trade. Kirst-clum I. sling
and grading facilities. Also stock varus, Intent plans.
All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock.
W. 1
U. F.
Fresh Saved
per m.
tpowell & Cyrus, Proprietors,
Jot and Cold Baths. Prin.viii.. Or.
Big Deal ia Typewriters.
Austrian (Invei'iimcnt Oritur tUllll
Him 1 1 Ii I'lcmlrl'X.
"Vii:nn., Kcb, 7. Tbn (jrealcHt
einitle plirchnKo of typinvriterdver
lutnle Iiiih been ordered by tin) Min
istry of Justice, which, after three
inmillmof cxhuuMivu coinpelitivn
lest, has roiilriicted to 1'ijuip the
cries, Jfardwctrc,
4,a The Celebrated
K A. B. G. fccer
4 Always on Hand.
it Co., Hiuilieni, The TXilleg.
ItKus., Hankers, Mini.
1inii, Tho Dilh's.
Laikialin, Tho Dalles,
A. M. EEL3AY, General Manager.
ShingEcs $2.75
, - - - f