Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 8

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    Xocal 9fentt'on.
J. Y, Jlcnellel wan a visitor from
l'ai.-ley tlio first of the week.
A'bert Cunning was down from hie
.sheep camp the first ot tlio week,
L. Memior was in the city tlio first
vt the week buying cavalry horses.
Terry Read, the, Cujver 'landlord,
! a business visitor in the city last
Kobert Jordan and E. ltoiuie were
liusiness visitors from Squaw creek
Karry Keenan whs over from Wil
low creek hist Saturday looking atwr
business matters.
H. K. Darling was up from Haystack
tho first of the week looking after
busiuess matters.
J. T. Creamer and M. J. Wilt were
over from the thriving little burg ol
Sisters last Saturday.
Miss Maggie tilaie left hire last
Thursday for Burns where she has ac
cepted a position ou the News.
Miss Mildred Johnson, of 1'orthiud,
lias been visiting with her sister, Mis.
J. H. Wigle, for the past week.
W. T. Casey has been hauling wheat
to the mill for the past week and has
about fiuished up for the season.
'H J. Lister came down from Pau
lina last week to attend his wife, who
has been very ill for the past two
Mrs. Minnie Berger, of Eugene', is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. F.
Circle, and other relatives in this
Andrew Morrow was over from his
ranch on Grizzly the latter part of hist
week and repot ted lambing over with
and a fine yield.
John O'Kelly was a visitor in town
the first of the week. He was set
tling up some matters in the probate
court and filing on some timber laud.
J. N. Poindexter has filed his peti
tion to have his uame placed on the
official ballots of this county as an
independent candidate for the office of
J. M. Heukle was a visitor in the
city Monday from his ranch on the
north side of Grizzly buttc. He re
xrta five inches of snowfll there Fri
day morning.
A. P. Jones was iu from the sheep
camp Friday and informed our re
porter that he was about through j
lambing and that he would have a
good shnwiug.
M. 1). Lines was up from Hay creek
the fir. t of the week attending to bus
iness alfairs and while in the city be
came a member of the Journal's fast
growing family.
Don't forget that if you want your
mail delivered along the route going
out of this place that you must notify
the postmaster here to that effect and
you should do so before the first of
July when the schedule goes into ef
fect. Mausel Wheeler was over from Wil
low creek Monday attending to busi
ness matteis. He informs us that the
Willow Creek Land i Livestock Asso
ciation intend posting notices on their
land and will prosecute all persons
tris nening on it.
Elkins & King have put in a fire
hydrant at the corner of their ware
house and have i supplied with 150
feet of regulation hose that will stand
the highest pressure to be had from
the pumps ut the water works. This
is not only a protection to their own
property, hut to that of all the prop
erty adjoining theni.
Monday this city and surrounding
country was visited by the most se
vere windstorm ever known here. It
blew for about an hour and swept the
streets cleaner than they have been
this year. A windmill on the prem
ises of Mrs. Dayhw Elliott was blown
down and fell on an outbuilding and
partly demolished it and nn l the
neighbors' fene. Hob Smith's engine
house was laid low and the engine had
t sleep out of dour on that account.
Jto otlr damage was reported, but
flow indication should any that
over in the John Day country they
Itad something in tlw nature n( a
John Hunley was a business visiti r
from Rabbit val'oy Saturday. ,
R. L. Allis-Mi was a business visitor
in imr city lust week from Grass valley,
Harold Thompson and Tolliert Shan
non arrived from The Dulles Sunday.
George C. Brown was up from Hay
creek Saturday making final proof on
his homestead.
Chat." H. Podd, the Portland bard
ware man, was business visitor in
our city hist week.
W, C B irucs was down from How.
aid Fiiday and added his name to our
constantly increasing list.
T. W. Mosiiu, ol Burns, E. K. Mo
gan, of Paulina, were in the city Fri
day with a band of horses.
F. M and J. L. Siuiili were dow n
from PauliiiA the latter part of lust
week looking after business matters.
Homer Hill came up from Inde
pendence Friday to look aftei hisatoek
interests iu the Powell Butte country.
W. C. Jacobs was down from his
stock ranch near Hardin lust week and
reports stock looking well up that way.
L. C. Perry came down from bis
stock ranch on the Deschutes Monday
and reports everything looking well
up that wy.
(j, W, Noble was down from his cat
tle ranch on Heaver creek the latter
part of last week and rcpoits stuck
looking well up that way.
1). P. Adamson has let the contract
to J. U. Shipp for the construction ol
a brick drug store building 22x00, to
be erected on his lot adjoining the
Smith harness shop,
J. P. Van Houteii was up from the
U. S. i L. Co. ranch Friday and re
ports lambing about over and a good
per cent shown. The wool crop will
be good this season.
Many Temple was iu from Paulina
the latter part of fast weeK enrouiu to
liis old home at Dufur wlure lie will
reside for the future. We are sorry to
lose him from this county.
J. L. Luckey has purchased the
Stewart lots on Third street near the
court house and has let a contract to
Shipp for the erection of one of the
handsomest cottages in town.
Yince Ciicle and family arrived
down from Paulina Friday and visited
iu town for a few days befoie going to
Dufur, where they will probably locate
for some time. He sold his ranches to
W. Colthard and Marion Morgan.
Only about half of the voters of
this precinet have registered, so wc
were informed Saturday by the clerk.
Register. No matter what party you
belong to, for it is the greatest privi -
lege that we have on this mundane
sphere to cast our ballot.
On Tuesday last, the 22J of April, a
jolly crowd of relatives and friends of
Grandma Breese gathered at the home
of Henry Gray and celebrated the tilth
anniversary of her birth. Grandma
it hale and hearty and enjoys life as
well as the younger generations.
Dick Vnndevert is moving out to
Ira ranch in the vicinity of Lava. We
shall mist his smiling countenance
among us this summer, but ho will be
back in the fall no doubt like the
flowers that bloom in the spring, only
he blossoms in the fall. Well, Dick't
alright, any war.
This office has just finished printing
750 catalogues for Elkins k King
which is the finest work of the kind
ever turned out of a print snop in this
town and will compare favorably with
the work if any of the large city
shops. These gentlemen deserve great
credit for their enterprising spirit and
modern methods of advertising.
Last Friday the editor wat the re
cipient of one of the nicest boqueti
that ever graced a sanctum in any
city. Among other fine flowers were
some beautiful carnations, as fine at
could lie produced, even in Portland,
and panties and others of which we
are ignorant at to their names, but
their fragrance wot delightful. This
boquet wat presented by Mrs. Taylor
Hill, who ha the finest flower garden
in the city. Our feeble thankt are in
adequate to express the pleasure af
forded ut by these fragrant beauties.
Tska Laxative Quinine Tsblets.
All druggists refund the moiuv if it tails
to cure. E. W. Grove's aifuatar wu
cava hut. Sua.
'; If n l
M X m 1
Spring the , 1902
' While Oak Shoes.
These Shot's tiro tniulc of the very best
stixk. TliC best is nl wave the clietiost.
livery pa ir warranted. S)eciul atten
tion called to the liova' ulul youths'
shoe.-! mailc of this leather.
We arc sole agents for
The Kilt-well Shoe.
l.'iicxeclleil for Htyln, durability ninl
fort. The best of everything usee in the
struct ion of these shoos, Trv n pair ami
will buy only The HILT WKU, MIOE.
' fuli
I Voll
"7J Tt
1 m
Spring Goods
Knw ready for inpi!tion. Come
in and let me show yon the Hand
somest lint of Suiting! ever dis
played in Prineville.
Iluy hand-me-downs until you
have seen my line ol Ooisls and
learn mv prices.
. . TO TIIK . .
. . OF . .
Do You Know
Barbed Wire
Run more fwt to the noun J thin any other Bnrbrl Wire on earth,
ftndls equal In strength to the 5lronjroxt?
Length to one pound, 2-xiint n-gular, 18.85 frn't; 4-point regular, 18.20 fn-i ;
weight, one mile in length, 2-point regular, 280 pounds; 4-point regular, 2W
You are not so much interestnl in the price per pound as the actual cost
per rod or mile.
Figure (or yourselves, then consult our nearest agent. This will result in
your buying the WAUKEGAN.
By the provisions of an act of con
gress approved March 11, 1902, tilings
and final proofs for land under the
Timber and Stone acts may now be
made before U. 8. Commissioners.
Timber claims promise to be very val
uable in the near future and as these
lands arc being rapidly taken by east
ern people, parties here who desire
land of this description should not
fail to take advantage of the oppor
lunity to secure claims before they
are all gone. For 'u!l itifunnntlun at
to prices, terms, and location of tim
ber land, apply to A, C. Palmer, U. B,
Commissioner, Prineville, Oregon.
Ed Dorgan arrived from Albany
Monday and will look over this part
of the state for business opjiortunities.
Frank Elkins savt that all the can
didates who expect to beelected should
get their shoeing done at the shop of
Cornett & Elkins. A Utile oil of per
severance taken with their smooth
shoeing will certainly bring them out
in the lead.
Beady made cigarette at O'Neil
PARKER -To the wife of Ora Par
ker, last Friday, an 8-pound boy.
Mother and child doing wicely and
Ora it stepping around aa proud at
peacock, lor it is the first wu.
Elkins G King,
Write for prices. We are the lowest.
The New Drug Store
D. P. ADAMSON, Proprietor.
A complete stock of HEW and 'FRESH druga
and chemicals, Also Stationery, Books, Combs,
UruchHS, Toilet Articles, and everything kept in a
first-class Drug Store. School Books and School
Prescription Work a Specialty.
JN'ext door to Smith & Kayler's horuess shop,
Main street. ;