Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 7

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    ),' I ) I. lf.t 'Ml llln lit
I ill, IV :. Rikua Ail.
Hi'ilMiiii AicMinv, M ami ll" .Miioliiuila !'.
oliwiK". Hun I'mui'-Ihii'i, (jrillfuniiu, wln-ru twit.
Iiiwm lot atlvei-Unliiu tun Iiii inn'Iu fur lb,
Itnvcnily Aililril hi I In- Oi'ruuii
lll.lorrYiil Mitiiliiiy,
Oorge II. Iliiui'H, M'rrMtiry of the
Oregon Ilinlnricul Hocicty, who Iiuh
jiiHt ri turni'il nun 11 trip through
mit tin) in llm inlitrcHtH nf tint
widely, kimlly luriiii-lics tint fol
lowing: Tliu room of thu Oregon Jfict
oriitul Hocicty uro ln'coiinn 11
center of tn licit intercut, und many
people u rw lining iillriii'fi.'ii tintlicr
ly thu dinphiy of relic of llio curly
ilnyti in Oregon. Miwt of thene
were hi'out;ht ihtiwh tliu pinion and
nerve toiliiy un nhject Icskoiih, or
IiIhzi h nloiiff tint trail of (.rorrMH.
Anion;; recent iiccmioiiH mention
may Iw made of tint following:
"Tlwi'oininiw-ion of Joseph Lund,
tlio liiHt Territorial (iovertwr of
rnM, dated f)i ccuiIkt 20, ISIS.
Tliu document hear the Hi;niiture
of Jainea K. l'olk, Preidilciit of the
I'tiiti'il Stniiw, ami Jamcd liiichan-
un, Secretary of ntut.
"l'nyroll of Captain Edward
Swiiin'n company of riflctm-n, din
charged nt Wiacai'HeU, Mi.1., Hcp
ti nilii-r 2.r), 1HM.
"A Kamlilini? devico, turned by
Horatio (,'onke, father of James and
Viiicftnt Cooke of thin city, in
Chimjio in 1H-11, and brought to
Oriyon in 1 H53. The device inn
liiarveliiim piece of exceedingly line
workmanship, which Mr. Cooke
retained (hiring tliu lifetime In
chunk the tumbler who gave the
order refund to pay fur the work
on delivery.
"A ticket of admiration to the
imM'iichmeiit trial of Andrew
Juhnnon at Washington on April
13 IMS.
"Program of F'ortland Academy
and .female Seminary, April 11
"Account book of Hev. I n v i d
Le-die, 1 S.;7 to 1810." Portland
W'llllaniaoii I 'or imikichh.
"Newt" WillianiHon, an he in
culled at home in Kastcrn Oregon,
in purely a man of the people.
1 1 h residence in nt Prinevillo, and
he haH for a number of1 years been
nigiiged in the tdicep huHincHD and
in HtockruiKing. To nee him in bin
homo town or on' bin ranch one
would never take the new congress
ional nominee for a political aspir
ant. In town he rmnglcn with the
"boy.i", being often Keen with
group of them on the street torn
ern, and in the moot common look
ing one of them all in drcftt. He
generally wears n pair of overall
and a broad-rimmed, hat of the
Komhrero pattern, and hiw a natur
ul kind word for every one he
incuts. He in not of the atripc
who go in thin attire for effect, but
it iH natural. Mr. Williamson bus
npent his life that way, and he
thinks nothing of meeting pronii-j
nent men who visit I'rineville in
Lis overalls. On his ranch it is
the ame way. Ho carf lasso n
broncho or shear or butcher a sheep
as quick as any employe on his
ranch, and he is not backward In
taking hold when it comes to man
ual labor of any kind. ' Still,
when one looks into the eyes of J.
N. Williamson and sees the spark
ol intellect Micro, togalhcr with a
classic, cleanshaven faco and a
voice naturally eloquent and pleas
ing, he sees in the man more than
a politician. He is an American
statesman. Antorian. " ,
All persons wishing grist work, done
and also those having old grists 011 our
books, must cull slid get same on or
before May 20th ns we will shut down
at Unit time, , .
STfc'rTAIlT & Co.
school mvmi
A I'l-.It. lwiwj weekly for and ly tlte
V und V) (Intd.ia uf tli I'lilillc Hi:lnil, -f
I'l'iimtllls, Oiii,h.
Hri'.i.u Ultima.,
I.IHU Sti aiinh, . ,
The VI I grade is now reviewing
fur ex ii in i ii st ti on .
We were pleased to see Mr.
U'illiiiin-on and family's pictures
ill the Daily OiTgoriiail,
The VIII grade class had ex
aminations last week their stand
ings ranged from X7.7 to !I2.
Inra Ward is atWig 'as assistant
editor, as Lora Sterns has remove i
to her home bn Crooked rher. nierns received iuu per
cent in eyery study last month.
was perfect in deport incut und was
neither tardy or absent.
Those of the third and' fourth
grades that have dropped out ure
as follows: Cecil Stems, Henry
Meenk, Mary Ilino, and Liura
Misses Frieda Lippnian, U-nora
Easterly and Stella Young spent
last Sunday with their schoolmate,
Vida Junes. A very pleasant time
was hud as the day was spent rid
ing bronchos.
Those of tho first and second
Grades that were neither absent or
tardy were: Orval Dillon. Hubert
Lister, Karl Lytic, Arthur Meenk',
Johnnie Miller, Alpha Od.s, Carv
Stcrns.Johnnie Nye.Arlhur Michel,
Hulph Ilarptr, Georgia Cleek,
Mahle Doak, Mary Elliott, Bcrtina
Orton, Kdith King, Lwla Estcs,
Lavella Dillon and Kutli King, i
The following is Professor i Or
ion's rcpurt for the mouth ending
April H, 11)1)2: No. enrolled to
date. 22:1; Is louging on first day of
school month, 14$; of new pupils
admitted during month,!; received
by transfer, promotion, etc., 0; re
stored after dismission, withdrawl,
etc., 18; withdrawn, dismissed, etc.,
40; dismissed by transfer, promo
tion, ete., 0; belonging at close of
month, 127; of cases corporal pun- J
ishment. 1: classes tamrht. Srtr ofl
visitors, 2li; of days present, 2iil l.J; :
of d iys absent, 285 j; times tartly,
7; average numlier belonging,
H.1U5; daily atteiidancp, 132.35;
No., of, pupils neiihr absent or
tardy, II"; of days taught by reg
ular teacher, SO; of days tauyht by
substitute, 0.
He Kept His Leg.
Twelve years ngo J. V. Sullivan, ol
lliirtltud, Conn., aersbdied his leit
with h rusty wire, liillaiiini 'tion ami
blood poisoning set in. For twoi
years ho sutlered intense
iy. Then :
the best tloetor. ...ged amputation,
but, he writes, "I used one bottle of 1
r.M. t.t. I s s a . .
Jieutliu tillteiH Hlltl 1 1-2 UOXCS 111 1
liucklen's Arnica Salve und my leg
wu miuud and well' as ever." For
Eruptions, 'Eczema, Tettor, lslt
ltlieinii, Sores und all blood disorders
Electric Bitters has no rival on earth.
Try tliein. Adamson fc Winiiek Co.
will gimrantee satisfaction or refund
money. Only 50 cents. , .. ;,
HhlnxW-ii Kor Bale.
I have for sule at my shingja mill
on McKay creek KXl.UDO shingles and
will niitimluctui'ii over 400,U(XI inoie
duriim tho season. All from the
nhoicpst timher. ' 1'i ioe, at the mill
2.25, delivered in Pnneville $2.50.
' J. V. ItllTER.
The denul work .f Dr.C. A. Cline ii
ton well ktluwn in this uunlry to nt'ed
sny pl'Kis. Me can itlw.nyfc be fnunit 111
llm old ttand,, iis-Kt dKir t, tli Firat
Nutininl Bunk. Uiv In 111 1 cisll. '
The Hi 017 of I ho riealtleiil's Mnllicr.
When Murtha liulloch
the fair i
daughter of a wealthy Georgia
planter, married Theodore Roose
velt half a century ago she little
dreamed that her name would be
handed down us the mother of n
I'rewiilent Tim iin-l.l m mmniiep if
- i'-v-.j v
1.- ,i:. l it V ... V l
her meeting with tho ISeW York
man, llnir cuiirtshi) and mar
riage, and tho long honeymoon
journey in a stagecoach, forms a
" . '
cresting chapter 111
h the life of the pre-
Koosevelt. In the
new ami into
connection with
sent Theodore
June number of The Ladies' Home
Journal this romance and many
unknown facts concerning the
President's mother are told by a
Cousin of Martha liulloch.
Tin BaHy To Feol Good..
C'liintlesi! thousand linvo found a
blessing to the boily in I)r. King's
New Life Pills, which positively core
Constipation, Hick Headache, liiz.i
in;, Jiiiiudiee, Mnhiria, Fever in d
Ague und nil Liver and Htymni li
lliiuliles. Purely veKelnlile; never
Kri! or weaken. Only 25c at Ailuin
siin & Winnek Co.'t drug slorr.
Notice to whom it my concern;
That my wife, henna It. Wood, has
liwrtrtil and left me, and I will not be
reiipuimihle for any duhts cnntriicted
by her. LKK WOOD.
Dated at Ashwood,Oiegon,Airil 1 ,
1 102.
Don't forget that you can save 50
ernl on your winter reading hy suh
"criliing for the Oregoniciii with the
JottHNAi. for f 2.50.
W. Jf. Cyrus,
Elgin Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware, etc.
First-elusB repairing promptly
Do not be deceived by tlione who ad
vert b a piU.uO fewinif Mwhlue for
t-'O.OO. Thisklndofamocliliiecaii
be hoiiuht from us oranv of our
duilm-s from if 15.00 to $18.00.
The Feed determines the atrenirth or
wciikiiess of HewhiK Machines. The
iniiii 'm. ecunluutM with other
a?, mill IKtill f J4 tllllklW til. I V
the beat Bwlng Maelilne to buy.
showing lh sir-f.-t'iiit
slylm of
K..rinlr liuhlnu
wo muourucutru unt.. prK-iit bufuiu purutuwiug
OflaNo.1. sjaaai.
88 Union Sq. N. Y., CbU-oico, 111., Atlanta, Go,
6tIxulii,Ua, n.i!laslTn.'t.,Hun ii'mnoUoo,CW
JMew Some Sewmg AUohino Co
San Pranoiaoo, Cal.
This will saviiyour Life.
By inuucug you to uae
in Kiwi IlioftiVrrt
ma 91
CnrJSHni.nt!.') C.twhs and nn!ds
He. J. UI eta
The onfy CvBrJnt0(!(i Cure.
NO Cure. MO Hay. VourUrui-
-.ill . '
gtab n til w ni ntlH 1L.
Grip, lmluenia, Asthma, Jirouehitis,
Whooping Cnu!i, I'lteuworia. or any
Aiieciion or llie r.iroat und l.ungs.
Regular Size 60 cents and f 1.00.
1 Traoc Marks -
flittrklT natrrtnm our opinitui froo whwlirr
lnvpiiiliin It imihnhlf rttenfaMn. Oontmuiilftv
liinMncfly (ViiiUriciit in). lIsuuHxMikon Paiuutj
flit fn. Ohltt MfncT for ptTunnrf juilwiU.
Cii tents (ttin-n tlirtniirti Muiin h Co. mowlift
$prtuUnMUj wlthoat chMrru, iu the
Scientific Jinicricati
culatdm vt mnj nteiium journal. Trrnm, f.'t
yiir: four montli,
I."'"- New York
1. if I,... W i
m ar
WW bo cured 1
If ym ulTr from ny of llw f
iu 01 men, vm v im OWM
Specudm on (li Pacific Ceut,
on. k)row 1 00.,
I0KI Marliet M. Ettd 1832.
Yonnic men wl mlldl0 m
m Uli;d liif.n wtio vetullcnnc
Irom lh elrirti of y.Mtu Iridinrrelion or eii-
..r in ywwmr years, riervone and J nyiical
,',irty.lmp(l.rT.It9frrtinMl J
maiiii,c..mi,i,.iiio,,ii K,,-riii.torrriiin, f
rrw!n in pi-'inirr yrt. Ncrvuul and J nyncal
ProIBlrrll-n, 'llnnnrrlura, UlrH,
T V,Mn.i uf ft' r . .. . I .. . it.
cooijiiiaiif.n 'if nmtii!t,ijf curative yiV'
r, lb'ir liat fn krranctd but ImunMnt
llul It will nrit only (T irj immeluu relief but
J in hi
perffm mimcln, bit li telMtnciA, to lie a lair
endtqiiare Physician and Kurzton, pffywu
("'"''y K-arerx Of JliKi.
rrbllla thriroiiKlilvpriillr'HtMiljomtljej T
liermanein i.nre. llie Iitxtordft'
?!! "I'limit ii'li.e llmei.,
""I ..llf (nonwtllro
live ,nr Itontit iiptnttm tit lileivmitili'llit.
Ve wlli Uwrmiet a MJKJTI VKCCUt
(WTj tcur. we uwlr.rMx, at Jurjtlt One
Thouxand Iollnm.
Oneriltnti'jn HKK ai.d strtrtly private,
ment im.nally or liy fetter. Send for book, X
"The l'liiliiB(iilty of toturrUH f
its tn vauiiitiie dook lor men.i
Great Museum of Anatomy $
Ihm finMr ....I U... U rJ I.. Li-a I- .L.
world. C.nie and larn how woniierfillly yon
are made; how to avuij si. kness and disease.
We are continually adilinK nsr specimens,
CATAIHllW JfkKK. Cullorwrlte,
081 KjrVetStfef, San Francisco, Cat,
Stac Line
r-'tirgc leaves Pr:neville
Mondays and Thursdays,
returning on Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Connects
at Paulina with Canyon
City stage. Passengers '
and express carried at
reasonable rates. Oliic
at Templcton
drug store
PcrtlandAstoria Route.
Dsily R 11111.I Trim mcept Sunday.
Time C.'aril
Leave Pnrtland. .7 . m.
Leave Aalnrin "p. m.
The CaiiesPortland Route.
Sirs. "TAH9SIA" and "1IETLAZ0"
Daily trips uxa-pt Sunday.
Steamer "TAHOMA"
Lesv T!ie Dullea. Tufadaya,
Tiniratl-ysaud Saturrtaja t 7 a. 111.
Leave Pnnl.nitl, Mi.llJuya.
WedmjBtl.iya and Fridays at 7 a m.
t-teamer "METLAKO" .
Leave" Portland. Tuesday, Tliurs-
dav anil Saiurd ty : : : : 7 a.m.
Lhvb Dnllta, Monday, Vdn
.l.ty, EHdity ; : : : : ; 7 . ,,
LtiiduiK and oltica: Knot Alder St.
Both Pliynoa M iin 351, l'uttlaud. Ore.
John M. Filloon, .Agt.,'!The Dalles
A. J. lavlor, Agt., Astoria
J. Wvatt, Agt., Vancouver. 1
Pratlierillemiviaii Agt. Hood River
Wolford W'vers. Agt.. V. Salmon
R 0 (iILBUEl'rl, LyiH, Wah.
IOHN M. TOTTON, St-ve,la,.n, Wh
HENKY OLMSTEAD, Ount.ui,. Wash
E. V. Crichton, Agt., Portland
-isti )
Send nwuel.akeuJior pl otoci.nseiiticn lor
frcereinrtiin TjaiantaHlltr. Fnr fnefccok,
y BiUoa.Jkll,
if Itpwo, SUicor,
Mccortric. and
'othtT Xi:i!ona!r
Javtiututa began life
s l . a-,:;i ? v- " v e-..-i
:unra await
ft.SL il . i", '. V tavMtaws.
: Ca o Jevt5 )m
U h.k y-tt (J. lay, others
niy psiUnC our Idcisj.
of tisiiil tia fi.r au rrfiaw
FOfj, l'luV-lilti.1 1'l '1 lkaat)le i it.
&J.r.Miil.i.,Dt. "Inventor' j
xt (ill Wn( " unt irtuon fx tjuvitt.
e promptly ouua U. 8. and Kun
illti t a-aM-KA
im PropTiCscr.
j.'iM leave I'rineville for
bisters iiid "way points on
Mondays, Wednesdays and
F ridays. Pi ssengers car
ried at reasonable rates. . . .
(Klice nt Templcton & fon's
drug store, l'r:neville, Ore.,
VMM JinnT I. itmb
akoUwiow Pacific
i rrgo""'
I Cliteaco lalt Lake, CenTer, liaaa
; Furtlaiil Ft. Worth, Omaha.
I . Special K.DSU Cits', St.
litis a. r. liouisvCoicatoaad
I Tia Huat- East.
Atlantis Salt Uke, nenrer, 1 40 a. is.
Erpresa Ft. Worth.Omaha,
DC p. at. Kanaa Cut, 8t.
via Hins- Loula,Caica4oaud
tnttoa aat.
St. Walla Walla Ila- 7:0 a. as.
' rant Mall ton.Hpr kant.Mia
tMjt.m. liraiKiha.lH. Paul,
II Duiu'.h. llllsrau
tpokans kee.ciocagoiEast
1 . .
I a All raillnj dates 4.0s p. av
aubjeul Is change
For Pan Franelsco
Bail ererj i daya
I "
Datlr CsknaMa lm 1-00 .m
J Sunday llesmi.-a. Iz. Huod.a
Satttrdar Ts A atorlt anS Way
I 10:U p. m. Laudlngs.
t:0Oa.m. Wlllaaiatts (Iter. l:iDp.m.
Ei.suuday K. Haadaf
Orearon i:ity, New.
ber(. Salem, In.le
petiileui:,) 4t Way
1:00 a. m. Wlllaatettt and Taai- 1:30 p.m.
Tuea.. Tltur. Ml Wen. lis., Wed.
m aad Fii.
Oreioa Clly, py.
ton, A Way Laud
Ittfa. ?:V?' lssws llssr.i 4:N.m.
Mea, lUat Man.. Wl.
aad Sat. Portland to Corral, sud Frl
lu 4 Way Land,
lnaa. . .
U.RIparla (oaks Hirer.. Lf.Lawl.ft.a
.l:a.m. pny
Daily Klpaila to Unlilon fa. av
I .
W. L Lawrence, Agent,
Biggs, Oregon.
Ooltirabla SoutUem
seiid-w'.Tr '
Kd.clire A. II. f-.-Dilr , lAm.
NarOt ; Vortte
Houtis bound
14 p. ml
w j: n p.m. iti Dions ll K.tU' H-
S:: L.m -iM p.m1 Vim' v:if,
:ii .. a!:. KI',avki.0:u'i iii i i i
l:3i haw 2::tp.m hunimit Hi-.'J . '-.r. !
:t it. in, i:4.'i p.m Hv t .It'Jwiic a m -i.i. ,
t:l2 ftm J.:4-H p ni Wi'liN'i'.n-j ni 2 ii
2 Lini i ai(Mii I'tMi'i lo rn s.m. 1... i
:i0 a.iui Sn-f p.m ilnio .0.m) ,
X:, Crikihrt :.t .vj
K:5D, JIM4 p.m O'i vv SM.'. tn
p.m ntmr otii :,.) .m ...
l .'iJ p.w O'lihiit j .
4:) D m, U lie x I 8 i m
ti..i ! .
I. J. H tKl-'TS.
VsWiVutM, s. . i