1 SI 111 . J,0 ' &f! csi.s .risic 1 , J u bulk we have Peas, Beans, Corn, Carrot, Turnip, Parsnip, Radish, Beets, Sqfaish, Sweet Peas, Xashirtiiims, Rod Clover, Alfalfa, Kroimis Inernms, Kentucky Blue Grass and White Clover. A full line of Garden Seeds in packages. We still carry a full line of General Merchan dise and Hardware. A new line of Hats and Crash Goods for Spring and Summer wear. La dies' Shirt Waists. Our Gents' Furnishing Good3 Department is replete with the latest fashions. X1 1 n M At k&iiNif.i? Nature's lee House. ' The number of birds that go to' the artic regions to breed is vast beyond conception. They go not by thousands, but by tens and hundreds of thousands, and be cause nowhere else in the world does nature place such a lavit-h of prodigality of food. The vegetarian consists of cran-j Jierry, cloudberry, and crow-berry hushes, and these,' forced by the perpetual sunshine of the artic Summer, bear enormous crops of fruit. But the crop is not ripe un til the middle and end of the artic Summer, and if the fruit-ealing liirds had to wait until it wns ripe they would starve in the mean time, as they arrive on the very day of the melting of the snow. But each year the snow descends on an immense crop of ripe fruit before the birds have time to gath er it. ' It is thus preserved perfect ly fresh and pure, and the melting vl the snow discloses the hushes, with the unconsumed lust year's crop hanging on them or lying, ready to be euten, on the ground. The frozen meal stretches across the breadth of Northern Ada. It never decays, and it is accessible the moment the snow melts. The same heat which thaws the fiuit brings into being the most prolific insect life in the world the mos quito swarms on the tunura. No European can live there without a veil after the snow melts. The gun ba'rels are black with them, and clouds of them often obscure the sight. Thus the insect-eating birds have only to open their mouths'to fill them with mosquitoes and thus the presence of swarm of cliff chaffs, pipis, and the wagtails in this artic region is accunted for. Cincinnati Enquirer. Oil in folk County The first crude petroleum struck in Oregon has made its appearance near Monmouth, Polk county, and the predictions of oil experts have thus been verified. The fluid be gan appearing at the top of tlit n ell short Jy after a depth of 670 feet had been reached, and effort? lirrve been made to suppress the news until more land can be secur ed in the vicinity,' but the secret was too good to keep. The well in question, was bored on the Whittakerfarm, three miles from Monmouth, at the expense of II. Hirschberg of Indeiietidence. I). M. Watson, of this city, who lias luen drilling the well declines to ive any information on the H'.ibject, but would, not deny that oil had been struck. Persons post ed on the work fay that arrange ments ar being made to pump the water out of the well so as to per mit the oil to flow. As the o;l is now kept down' by a pressure of 1 00 feet In the inch, only a small portion of it manages to reach the top. PRICES MOST REASONABLE, AT 'W 'VI '.: tirlr7p'.wT?iwi The well was not cased, and : o could not be pumped out. A 5J inch pipe is now to be sent down and as this will shut the water off, the oil will then be permitted to come to tho suri'iin- and show how strong the flow really is Herald 'OTICE KOK PUBLICATION. DmuTUKNT or thk Interior. Land omen ai The U.i.lks, Okiwos. I April, 1102. f Notice is hereliy given that the tollmviuy n-uued wilier lwu I'sIkJ tiiiiiee "f 'i inteutioi to commute aui make final proof in miior tif hi" ciaim, an.i that ..id pro if will ( mail before .1. J. JMitith, County ti.uk at Fruit vilie. Ortuiii, "ii KiUay, May :M, IW2, vix: Kdward K. Francis, of LmuonU. On-gni H. K. No W21 fr the N'S N.W NKH Sec l. awl SW; Shi T. is &. K. 14 K., V. M. He njnitwtlie following uitntMutrit t prmt hi continuous rwdrietice upon and cultivation of said land, vis; ii, S. Aimer, .Jeme H elf rich, namuei Pier Of and iVhjaiiiin Helfiivh, ail of L;t monu, Ureyim. JAY P. 1X0 AS, al7p iiKitr. N ' OT1CK KOK PC PLICATION. TUvPAKTMKNT Q TllK I.1TKP.IOK, Lund Office at The ball.n Orejron, April , UHJ. Notice in hereby Riven that ll.e- flLwiuf nauied settler ha tiled notice of hi intenti-n to make final proof iiiiip.rt of hi claim, an-1 Lha. taid pnwif will he toad' I-tore J, J Smith, Comity Clerk at Prim-ville, Oren, mi Satnrdiiv, May 24. 1102, viz: William .V. J..,iin. of flv Orewk, Orejfon. H. K. No. XMiy for thf N NKI-i Se:. 10, T. 17 S., K. 21 K., W. M. He iiaine tho following wirnewt tl prove hut contitniouit rmideijue up"u and oultiration of Haiti land, viz: L. N. LL'Kt, of Prineville. (tref.n, M. W, Suiead and (i)-rye Wily, of P-wt, Ore jjun. ud Geurye Meyer, 'if Prine iu Ore. .JAY P. LI CAS. al7 liwter. SIMMONS. In th Circnit C'-urt of tliu SUte of Oregon, for Crook County. F.erimid Gonnley, plaintiff, v. Ointhv 1. fionnlv, defendant. rp. 'C1NTJ1Y M. tioHMLKY. THh hU)ve intmcd defendant, in the Name of the State ot'On-jfon. you are herehy reiuirei) to aptxjar and an we the complaint hW auaiont you in the iJove entiflnl uit on or before the let day of May, l'.HW, and if yon fail to so aprtar and aiwwer for want tliereot th. .laittiif will ,! th wart for U.r w ! iw .Kinuimeu ... u. -..... .... . ... a , u..hiti,m if t. ii niurri!iiH ft.ntriu't m.w existinif litwe'n tlit- pbttititF an'l d:Vn!aiit. fuliluliwi in tlii Wo ) County Joi.ksai. bo onlri of the Hon. W. C. Wi;l, County Juie of Crook Cocintv. (In.ji.il, weekly tor M;ri.rfi of nix wekis aitl ur.lr fluted and filed on the litliiUvof March 1!i0'.'. Tne date n'. the ftlitt )iuhjicntilt heiui; the liOLh day of Murch IWi. ;:. r. iiu:o. Attorney for fUintiff. TimlKr l.iul, Act .lime 3, 187rt. NOTICE FOIi PUBLICATION. United StU Ijind Office, The l)alle, Oifuiin, March 20, l'J02. Notice ia heiehy iriven that in 'johifiiii.ui. with tlie prfiviioiiit of the act of ConjrresH of .luii. 3, 1W8, entitled "An act for thr naie nf timher land, iu the Mtnte. of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Waaliiiiirtnn Territory," iui extended ti nil the ptihlic land ataten hy act of Alltfiliitt, 1S!2, the followiiiK peraom have tliia day tiled in thi, otlice their hworn aUte meiita, to-wit: Minnie A. K hie. nf Karniinirton, county of Whitman Nt Ue of Wiuhinxton, auorn atate. limit No. Kll for the p'UTihaae of the HW'! & & V 'E Xl 13 a! Vi lOK V M K. Wolfe.' of' KarminKton. e ntity of of Sectl. Hanire liert Whitman. State of Wahiinfton awom .tate-1 No. 232 for the imrchaae of the K of Sec ti.m V. , in townahiu No. 138. v tn It W M i Thai they w.U offer prcrf to almw that the , land acmiiht ia more valuable for ita timli"ror I f thai, forani icultural pura, and U, e,tali.h their cfaitn to -aid land before the Keiinuir and Keceiverof thi. otfice at The j ad.. Oregon Friday. the 13th day of I iiirw Tneymie m witnee,: ' Ait Wolfe. Kianli . K. Buaey, Hurney Walker. Mike Conner,, Minnie A. Iiineand! J. Wa'tera, JI of Karminton, Waehin)(t..n. I Any and all h.iui claiming advemely the , al,..d;rild landa are requeated to file t t.tefr clanna in tin. orhue od .f before .aid 13th day uf June, 11X12 a J JAY P.LUCAS, K(?i,tr. Subscribo fur the Jolu.nal. Timher Ijtiul, Act Juiw U, l7rt. NOTICK FOR PCHLICATION. Und OHict at The lulUn, Omptti, Man-h 20. 1'2. Notice in hereby nn that in coinplwne with the iriiiiii ol the act of Conre til June 3. b7s, entitltid '"An act for the nale of limber land in tlit Stt of CBlifomm, Ore ,'oo, Nsvatta, and aluiiKtm Territory," a extended to all tlm Puhliu Umd State hy wtof Au;uHt 4, 1H!;. Kr4 11. filnmn, ( 'it-nd, cotin'.y of Cnrnk. State nf Duv"'. hi day tit-d in thin office tun aworu Ut. in-lit Sti. 'iS lor the purcliaiie of the SS li I Section No. 12 hi I'owmhip No. 1H H, ';ann No. 11 K., V. M ., and oiler proof o kiiow tint the land oin:ht i tut ire vilnaole or it it timber or toiie limit for ntricultiiral i:rp"itt-, audio cUhliih hit cUiui to n.vid in, I lief- rt- the Ke.'Wter aud lvHfjer of tldt in--'e at Tne lallr, rek'onoa Thurwlay, the id day of ,lune, l!r. fie name at uitneMe: CharioH 1. lirock, ihiJ Kilev, CharleaJ. 'ottnr, tif liend, Orentm, 1). U. Warner, of t'oitUtnt. OCk'oll. Any and all erM claimiii,- adverly the ibuve-dencrilw-l bin lit are rerjuented tti file their claim in thin uftice on or More aaicl 5th diy of June, 1W2. JAY P. Ll'CAH. iieister. TiniU-r Land, Art June 3, H7K. NOTICK KOK PCliLICATIoN. tnited Statfi Land Office, ' The Ial, Orison, il arch 2H. 1102. Noticf it heieby Kieii that in coiuidiaiiue WUb the provihinnn of thenar, i.f Coiire of Liue3. Hrs, entitled "An act for til-jle of iitnlier l..nd in tne Stiff California, r. 'on, Neva'la and Wihiiiiftnii Territory, " a extended ti idl (he I'uMiO Lm.d Ntate by .wt tif Aii'.;ut 4, WU, ttie foil. mini pt-i:,iM Ijave tin day filed iu thin ottke their iwoiu utennii., sh: Knifrt Ii. Walker, of Kmniiij;ton, oonntv of WhiMimn, State of W iniiift 'n, w.nn .itaUluetit No. --'H for tlie jmirhiUMj of the SK '4 of Section N, 11, in 'ioivimldii No. 13 S., Itnvifco N- 10 I-. W. M. WiJiiAin S. iL-Karlaiiil, of Kanotntui, county of Wldtm.in, ntAte of a-hiiijitou. a worn Uti-nieiit No. 221 for the mn;Laeof the hKJ of Sec fi. tit No. lo, in Towittliip No. 13 S.. liHii.reNo. 10 K, W. M. P.riice Knowljt. of ('arioiiitoii, conntv of WliitliiMl, State "f Wi(x,in'.,'loli, mvoni xfa'.e ment No. 2'0, for the .'inrliin-e tf the SW of S:fion No. 1". in Tiwni.ip No, I'A S., LanifrNo. 10 K.. W. M. That they will oiler nnrnf to hIihW that the laud ioiiiiht i nitire vaiual'le for it timber or ht-itftnlor aL'riirul'ural purpose, and to eftal-liih ttit ir Haim to a.ird land In-fore the Kev'iatrr anl Receiver of thi- nlh-.-e at 1 he I fallen, Orem, on Friday, the ioth day of June. PJ02. , Th--y nmiiB a witiiMs.-n: So! W a Item, liruce Knovlen, K. K. Puney. William S. McKarhmd, K. Ii. W'aik.-r and Art Wolfe, all of Fanniotfton, Vhii'iftnu. Anv and all twmom cbiuiitiK ajtvmly the t.jr ;,;llm, , thi. ,Mce n 'r .fr8 tM atiove-denurihed laniJn are ivtiuented hh m , (( j m,r 1 i3 JAV I'. U'CAS. ItcKUter. Timber Land, Act June 3, IM. NOTICK KOH l'l'HLICATIOX. L liited Statea Land Office, The Ia!le, Oi i-ki.ii, March 2X, IW. Notice ia hereby uiven that in con-pliance with the provi'.ni of the act of 0nrrei of June 3, 1M7H. entitled "An act for the .ale of timber landa in the Stalea of California, Ore. Sfon, Nevada and Waphiuyton Teriilory," aa extended to all the I'uhlic Land Matea l.y jifit of Ail'UHtt, 1X!)2, the following ierefina h ivelhia day tiled in thi, "thee their awoin Kt .tenonta, viz: Sol Walter, of Varminnton, county of Whitman, Htute of WaahinKton, worii tate. ment Ni. f2'2i for the piircliaae t the SE'-i-of Meciion N". 14, i" Tonhip No. 13 h., iianne No. 10 K., W. M. Joeeph H. Waltem, nf Fanninirton. county nf Whitman, State of Waahinntnn, aworn Ktatement !n Mi for the mr.:haii of th Jta 1 and 2 and Mi SV.H of Kectinn No. ft in Townahip No. 13 A., Umgi Nn. 10 K., W. M. Krank r. Kuwy, ol r aruiniton. county ..t Whitman. State of Waahintou, a., ate. n ent No. till for the purctiaae of theNh'4 "f ciioii .14 , in Town-hip No. 13S., l.nu N. iu r.., . w. Art W olfe, of I h arnmia-'nn, cunty of h.t- o Wa.hint ,w.,n .utenomt No. 2l7 for the purchaae of th HK', of rlco t N'. W, I" fown.hip No. 13 S., l(.lKe No. 10 r.., , . ,. , , li..t they will offer prr f to .how that the f,,'r U "m,K'I "' "tone than for ricultura p lraea and to h their claim t., .a id land beh th. Keuwtor and Itecriver of thia ntfice at The ", W on Thu.aday. th, 12lh day of J '. 'hey ""J" " : . .. , . ! 8-M" 'ff ZfwJirn' Mhm '. ; "J1 J l an and I" . K. Buaey, all of t anmnxton, ! ""."K.. " Anv and all uemonti claindnz aijversely the alve,'-dwcriu--d landa are repie.ted to file their claim, in thi. ottic on or before aaid 12th day ol Jun. 1K02. i JAY F. LUCA-i, l((n(itr. NOTICK KOH I'l'ULIO.VTION. Unit.nl SUtna fjiud OlHr. at The llb, Orrtion. March 10, V.KC. Notice la h.irel.y jveuthot incompliance with the protitdon of the act of C'onreMof June 3, 1N7., entitled "All act for the aale nf timber land, in the State, of California, O-e-koii, Ni'valik and Wa.hiiijton Territory," a. eilnndi'd all the l'ublic mm Stale, by act of Aui'u.t 4, IMira, tliu following pureoii. have on the '.'1th, 27th and 2lh day of Kh. ruary, 11KI2, lilnl Iu till, utile their .worn ataUmenta, t.wjt: O, Clarke lauter, Hu. fin A. Leiler aud John M. lalter, of Port land, county of Multnomah. Slate ol Oregon, and Jm..ph T. 1'etera, of The Dalle., county of Wanco, Stale of Oregon, hive on the 21th, 27th and 2th day. i.f February. 1IHI2, hied i tlo ir .worn .l a. no iit. N.w. 21 1, 211, 210, 1 & 217, lor the N KJ. NW, .'K aud SWJ Sec. lion 20, Tp. r.lS ,u'.h, Itane 12 K.nt W. M. and will ollr pi'..f to .how that laud wut'hl . uiore valuable for lia limlier or .tone than for aiicullural purpo-a, and Ui eatabii.h thi-ir claim, to .aid lati'l before the Ueii.tei and Receiver of thi. ottioo at The Dalle., Ore Koii, on Krl ly, the 2.ld rlay of May, 1!1M Tltey name ua witne.f.: John M. le-iti r, of Cortland, Own, Hu. fu. A Iilr, -.if Tortland. Oienoll, O. Clarke L iter, ol Portland, On.n, II. W, Harden bnatk, of Portland, On-tfoti, Jtae-ph T. l'el era, of Tile Dalle... Orwi,-oll. Any and alt tron. cUimlnit adveraely the ahove dewi iln-d land, are le.pie.ted to fin th.ir olaiio. In thi. o tloa on or before .aid 2 .1 day of May, lit)-. JAV V. LUCAS. BlJO Ueiilatrr. swicifK'H"i'i,w.i(,A'ris. ""' Lanii OlCll'l AT Ikevlw, OkkooS, Kebiuary ;'.l, IIKJ2. Notuie I. hereby k'iven that the foilotviliu' named .eltler ha. filed notice of hi. httriitin to u.ake iinnl pn.f ill .upport of hi. claim anil that .aid proof wl'l In ma le befor A. (.'. f'aiuier, U. S. C'oiimii..i.n.ir, at I'riiieiille, On-uoli, oil May 3, liz: Leauilel C. (,'aldwell, H. K. No. f"r the M'.'-i N V'-i, SW', SKH amtSSNK!,. Sec. Mi, T. 21 S,. 11. 11 K. H. nam... the following witne...-. to pruvi' hi. coutinuoua re.i.leuc. u.in and cultivatiol of add land, viz; Oeorije T. Slv. Ceor-'e W. llo-rue, Wlllian. K. lb,j.ite uud lieort. t. Hrene, all of Lava. Ore. E. M. l'.KATTAIN, 3 0 02 lle(iatr. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore-jon, for Crook County. 8. K. Sippy, plaintuf, v.. M. J. Slppy. defendant. rpu M, .1. KII'I'V, THK AIIOVK NAMKD -4- del'endarit, in the Name of the State of Oregon, you ale hereby rei.illrel to appear I and anewer the complaint filed aKiu.t you in the above entitled edit on oi hefore the oth tiny of May, an-l if you fall to appear and anewer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wit: For a di...lutin of the marrhwe contract now exiHtinx between the plain'.itf and defendant. l'ublihed In the Cnv.k County Jiiiukai. by order of the Hon. W C. Will.. County Judge of Crook County. Orejrou, weekly for a period of .ix week., .aid order v. a. tinted end tiled tin the 2-"ilh day of March 1!Kj2. The elate of the Ui at publication beiliK the 2ith day of March 1'.J2. (i. W. Haiinpk. Attorney for Plaintiff. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1N7S. NOTICE KOK lTJILICATION. Ignited Statea Land Office at The Dalle., Orenon, March II, 1W2. Notice la hereby (riven that in compliance with the provlidon. of the act of Conai e- of June 3, 1M78, entitled "An act for the .ale uf titular land. In tho State, of California, Ore-K'-n, Nevada and Wa-diinKton Territory," a. extended to all the Public Land Statea by act of AuKU.t4, Michael J, Mcf:ui-an, of Boirte, County of Ada, State of Idaho, haa thladav filtd in thi offic hi. .worn .tate ment No. 21'J. for the nurchaHe of the N K H of Section No. 16 In 1'own.hip No. 13 S, Kanue No. 10 K W. Al. and will itter piool tti .how that the land Nought i more vain able for ita timlter ur .tone than for agricul tural iurtKi.eN, and eetabli.h hi. claim to .aid land before the Heni'ter aud Keoelver of thia nrhce at The Dalle., Oregon on Saturday, the 24th day of May. l'.Ktf. He namea aa whilneaae.; Michael Connora, K. B. McUnrmlc, Hoht. McDonald, Peter McOuian, all M The Dallea. Oreon. Any and all perar-na elalininff adveraely the alaive-deiicrihed laud, am ret'uetrted to file their olaiuia in thi othc on or befota aaid 24th day of lUy, WJ, JAY P. LI CAS. m20 Ktgitr. Pullman Onliuury Sltrjitrt. Tint toiirial travel between ihocaat mid I be 1'acitio ciuiai haa rouuhud en,.ruiuua pr.. p.. riiu in in tlm laat lew yuan, mid call lur A apvcliil claaii of ciiut. incut. To itic.'t thia demand I he Pullman Co. Iiaa iaaucil fiiiin ita .lii. what II li. I.incall;, cull. tin. "I'lilliiiaii Or. In ury hloeper." Tl.t.M) car. uppunr .miller in tbu reijulnr alocper, lielnjj built on the .ami. plan, but nut (iirin.li.d with the .amc ,.,.iaiue They nr eipiipped mill ii.atit.-im. , tilanknta, licel, pilluwa, UI..w fa.,.., t..wel, ci.inl., hrii.ln., etc , t -. -. 1 1 1 1 u ti..thiii(of 1 In. k ..al tub., Iiifti.tbid l.y lllo .aaaeniti r. Each tar haa a kti.vo f. r niakniK collee and lea ami il.uoo Iwlii h..im.kei.piim, ' anil e.:li aeciioii can b Ifttid with an ailjiiainblc trnde, A mil liit iiied purler ncci.ni..iiiii'a i-at h car. hi bn.iuea l.ii lit makeup leril., lie, . the) car clean, ami look all, r lite looitf. i t and aina tf tliu uaaat'iitfoi. In ,-jh-I ,.f 'hu trniin which urn iiu.piith.-tl dull) (nun l'.irtlatitl by the (), J;. , N. C. . .a in he IiioiiiI tine uf Ihce 'i'tilloi.u .liii.ry 8le..i.-ra " The car i i'im h..i to I bo 'Thicnifn I'orllMi.l Specml, which ((.to tbiiiuKli to (.'hicif't wit It. oit ulmiivn, anil tliu ttlie in tho "A'lnmio Kx-pr.-a" tuna to Kaiiaaa Ony without flianoH. IWhiii i in tin. car for Chi uro t hunt-e in ai'nilar car at (in.ha. r. Much of the Ural clnx Irani I Ihiiik rarricil in I'.tatt our, (hit rate ben. a lower, "ii. I the ...riic beiliK murly itiial to thai iu the palace atecpera. K"r 'ale and full int., no. tin n, in cltidttiK "lib-ia, wrtlit lo A. I., ('lain, II, I'. V. O. U. N. (.',., PurllaitJ. On., Titular IjwiI, Act June 17", NOTIJH Foil PUPLICATION. United ."UU Land (iffice, The Dallr.. Ore,, Kebiuary 12, 1H02. Notice i hereby iilien that In coiitpliante with the provision, of the Act of Conrex of lune 3, 1k;M, entitled "An attt for the .ale of tilnUr lan.U in the State, of Cnllloinla, Ore ifon, Nevada and WaaltliiKton Ten lory," a. e.ten.l.d t.. all the Public Land SUUa by Act i Auiiittt 4, lkfr.', the follow ittK peraon. have hi. day riled iu thi. othc tin ir .worn .tate ment., vut: Ilenty A. Sndlh, of Portland, ootiulv ..( Mtiltuoiuah, Slate of Onyon, .worn .tate meiit No. 210 for the purcliatM of the SF.1 SK!-, H. 29 and E'j NK' and NW'S NKl; Sec. 32, Tp. 1!IS K, II K., W. M. Helen A. Kerr, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, awurti atate. inent No, 211 for the ptirchaee uf the K' NK Sec. 21 and W! Sec. 2J, Tp. 10 S., It. 11 K.. W. M. That they will oft'or proof to ahow that the land aonuht i uior valuable for it. timber or atotte than for aaricul.ttral puraM,ea, and to eetablilll their lIuIiu to .aid land In-fore the Iieui.ter and Kecelver of thi. oiHce at The Dalle., On'xon. on Tuiday, the Otli day t.f May, I'm. They name a. itnea.e.: II. K. Smith, t Helen A. Kerr, Until Danf utlt, W.N. June, and lleiwv A. Smith, all of Portlaud, Otenon. Any and all punem. claiadnK ttlverw.ly the alatve-ilmcribed land, are reiiiie.ted to tile their claim, tn thi. ofilce on or before .aid Oth day nf May, 1IKJ2. F20 Jay. P. Limb. Beifi.tor. CONTKST NOTICE., DtKAItTHtKT OF Tll ISTKKIOB. U. S. Und Office, Th Dalle., Or., April 11, 1002. A aiifTicirnt content allldavit havlnic been tiled in tni. otlice uy Henry L. Whitwtt, eon te.tant. axai'iHt llomeatead entry No. 1I4K4, made June 20, 1001 for the WA SKK Sec. 7, N V ! N K( and N Y. N W See. 1M, T. 12 Si II. IKK., W. M., by Samuel A . Davia. Coltte.tee, in which it ia all. ed that laid Samuel A. Davl. haa wholly abandoned .aid tract; that h h.t chunked hi. re.ldeitce there from for uiore than nix uinntha aince niakiuif aaid entry; that aaid tract i. not aettlerl ue,n and cultivated l.y id party h. required by law; and that hi abandonment I not due te nt uiiipiuyuiciii, in .ue military or naval ler- vie of the United Stutc.; aaid ttaHica ar hereby notified to appeur, re.ont( and otfet evideno touchintr .aid allegation at lOo'ttlock a. ni. on June It, 1IKI2, before A. 0. Palmer. V. HJCiininiiaalnner, at. hi. ntfice In I'riiuville, OreKon. and that final hearing will be held at 10 it'cliwk . m on June 11. I'M', before the Kevi.ter and Receiver at tne United State Land Office in The Dalle., Oregon. JAY i LUCAS, ap24 Kexi'ter. Subscribe (or the Journal,