Titular Und, Ant Juna , IH7H. NOTUK l'Olt I'l'llMCATION. Vnltml Klulric r.nn.l 1)111., Tlw llull.a, Or April 11, 1MM. Niitli la Iwrxliy given tint in aiiiiiilliiic with the priiviilniia of tile Ant f OiiKi'mt of .Ihim 3, n"H, antlLlml An tot fur the aula ul tlmlHir lamia In tlw HtitUa ul dtlllnriiia, Or. Iimi, NrvniJ ami WiialiliiKtun Tarrltury," u uli-iuM to all tlx I'uUlo mA Htutca hy Aot (if Annual 4, IKIC', the fnllnwIiiK paramia llim thla (Uy Hint iu thla ollioa tliair awurn alata mania, Via: A iinif Jiimn, of MMikane, ouuuty of Hn. kunn, alnln of Wualtlhiftiiil. eworn aliitiMiieht No. 'illl lur Ilia iiitrtiliWHi of tha WW, Una, i, T, 13 H.. II. 10 I',., W, M. helm Kllmlauii, til HMikftna, tmiinlv of 8hi kane, alal. .( Wliallillifltin, awnrll at.ltitllivllt ,N, U.'ai for tlia i.uriiluwt of tlio NW Hou, VI. T. 18., K. k K W. M, Ola StIimI, n( H.kn, comity of Hi. aitlin, atuLmif WaNhlliKtiin, awurn aUWIllrnt Nil, V'7 for IImi tiurr hum of llieMW), rti'C, 1'0, T. 18 H.,' It. 10 K., W. M. Ola I'at.wl, uf Hikati. cmmty nf HxikiMi, atata uf WhiliKtill, awurn aUtiillirllt Nu. If iM fur tlm poicliMB uf tha HV4 Hiw. HO, T. MS., K. 10 K., VV. M. Uwivitt KllmUun, of HkaiiA, ooutity of rfinkuMO, atitU ul WualiHttftoli, awiitll auta iiiiitit Nu, JiW fur tlwi iiri:liiuM uf tha H..C. 17, T. liS., K. 10 K., W. M. That llley will uffnr liroof Ui ahuw that tha Umi aoiiKht la iuii vnlimMa fur ita tiniimr or aUina than fur Kitrioul ural igriain, ami ti eataliliah tltt-lr claim to aaid IimiiI jefura til KriiUtri' mul lt"i.lver uf tbla ullloe At The I )alli. Dragon, on WailueaiUy, tha llltli liny i.f July, I null. They luHM a wltiiaaaea; Ola Hlltiiaon, Tli'iiniM II. Tilllan, uluf Juluuun. liioi;e It. Tityiur, M MyraUd, lluna H. "tuerm, i't.r .truaviK, A. C Haiieuu, lllv I'aUil, HJa L. Ilulf .III TMlIM U. Tollefaun, all ul Hi Lain, Wixliilirftili. An) an I ail ra.ina claluilnx ailteranly the almva-iiuaoriUxl Inl ara rtiii:at(i t til thalr tin u. in tliU ultliw un ur Uifurn aaid loth day uf July, 11)02, inlp Jay. I'. Luraa, KwUtor. Tiio'iiT Lin. I, Act June 3, 1178, . NWTICK Kttlt I'CJtlJCATluN I'mtkii Ktti Laki. Ilmi:t, Tim Oallue, Oif,, April 21, lf.)2 Nuiiirn ta beruuy given that in coui iliauue will) Hie primal. ma ul tile act n Umi vriwa ul June 3, 1H73, entitled "An act lur the aaie ut tliulivr landa III tin. aiali-a ul Oaliluriiia, Oroynli, Nevada and Waaluiia;!''!! Ternuiry," aa ejteiided t all th.i 1' ililic Land M.ilua by act of Au K'lat 4, IWi, the fiillnmiiii perauna have tula day hind in tint uthue their aauin ataleuleiita, to lt: Petvr ArneviK, uf Hpokane, ciunty of Kpnkaiie, atiite nl Waaliliiluii, awurn ataienifiil No. 2oU fur Hie piiichaao id the 61 uf .S.-c , T 13 S, It 10 K, W M. liana A. HiH-ru, uf tjpukaiie, county u( rip.'k inn, ata'.e uf SViuliinKton, awurn ai ale. mill No. 2li0 fur the puruliaae ul the N4 KJ and NJ UWj hec 6, T 13 8, U 10 fi, W M Aiulre C. U41H..11, uf Hpnkaue. euuu ty ul tip.ikaue, aiaie nl Wliint.iu, awurn etauimniu Ni. 2lil f the .pur- cbaaeof Hie ttj NWI ami luta 3 and 4 Hue 5, T 13 S It 10 t, W M. Jle 1 1. 11. ill', ul Kpnkane, ooupty uf Kpokane, aiatu uf WiulmiKtoii, awern aiHiHincni No. 202 fur the purchiiae uf the N V i huu 1 j, T 13 H, It 1U E, VV M. Ill nl J.ihiiemi. uf Hpukuiiu, ouuuty ul Mpukanu, aiatv uf VVaahnintun, a worn ataienieiit No. 273 fur the purcllaae uf ta. HEi Heo 2, T 14 K. It 10 K, W M. Thuiiiaa C. Tullefaeq, of Hpukane, c.iuulj of Spokane, ante of VVaaiiiuitn, aa.irn atatement No. 2U3 fur tho pur chaae of the UWI See 13, T 13 8, It 10 K, VV M. That tliy will utler pcuuf to ahuw tnat the land auuiiht ia mure valuable fur tta timber ur atune than fur agricultural ptirputra, (till tu eatabliah their elainia lu aald laud befure the kr(later and Iteceiv er uf tlm uHioe at The Dallea, Oreiiu, mi Thtiradmy, July 17, 11KB. , , Thry name aa wiliiiaaea: tlaftviK El lerlauu, Ole biinpaun, Edward J. 'IAf. ()..ori(H li. Taylor, Ole L. Huir, Thumaa H. T. tlefaen, Thumaa C Tullulaeu Ole L'atad, Peter Arnevix, Hana 8. Suen, OleSyratad, A. C. Ilauai.u, all uf Spo kane Waahuiyton. 1 Aiit and ail per anna elaitninf advaraely the above deacnbed landa are requeeted tu lile their claima iu thia uftioe u or be fore aaid 17i h day of July. 1002. mlp JAY P. LUCAS, Keviatcr. ' Timber Laud, Aet Juue 3, 1H78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uxitid Btitm Land OrncK, Th. Dillna. Ore.. ADril21. 1902. Nutioe ia hereby given that 111 ouuipli kiiu with the prnviaiuiia of the aot of Cungreaauf June 3, 187K, entitled "An act fur the aale of timber lauda in the atatea of California, Oregon. Nevada, and VVaahingtnn Territory, 11 extended tu all the public land atatea bj aot of Ait vuat 4, 1902, ihe lolluwing perauna have thia day tiled in thia ntboe their aworu atatemeuta, tu-wit; Ole Himpaun, of Spokane, eeunty of Spokane, atate of Waahingtun, (worn atatemrnt No. 2M for the purohaae uf the SKI Sec 8, T 13 8, R 10 E, W M. Tbouiae H. Tollelaen, of 8pukane, county of Spokane, State of Waahinglim, a worn atate.iiint No. 2C5 fur the pur chaae uf the N WJ Sec 9, T 13 8, H 10 E, W M. Sclraa Phillipa, nf Spokane, county uf Hpukane, atatei if Waaliiugtun, awurn atatement No. 2fi6 fur the purchaee nf the NVV'l Sec 32, T 12 8, H 10 E, VV M. Edward J. Buaa, uf Spokane, county nf Spokane, aute ul Wellington, aworn atatemrnt No. 267 f"r the purchaee nf the SWJ 8eo 33. T 12 S, H 10 K. VV M. Ole K. Anderaon, uf Spokane, county of Bnukene. atale nl VVaahiiigti.il, awuru atatement No. 2t'9 fur the purchaee of tint Mj NKJ nnrl lota 1 and 2, Hoc 2, T 14 H, 11 10 K, W M. Arm lluiklunil, uf Kpokaim, count jr uf Sp.ilmiiu, iiittn nf Vnliiiixtini, awurn aiilldomlit No. 270 fur tlm pcirrhiwn ul tho Hi N I urn! InU 3 and 4, tjo 2, T 14 H, 11 10 K, W M. flint Ihny will olfur prKjf to lioi that ilm luud i.iuht u in. mo valuublo for ita tiinlmr or ai.inn tlnin fni'HxriciiUiirni pur- puii-l, and ti ealuhliali tlmir olaima to aniil hind hi-furn f lie R.-niatnr ami Ho- i Conor ul tin iifllu at Tim D.illua, Ore Kiiii, nil Friday, .Inly 18, V.WJ. Tln.y naniH aa witna..: 1'cior Ar- ! xttviir, Hlierinaii C.ni(lot,iii, Ole Kyraind, riioiiia. o, Toiiffi.ii, oik l. Uoit; u- wnrd J, Hum, (Luirue U, Tiiylur, TIiiiiiiik II, Tnlli-faaH, Ole Mimpanii, Jarlvi El Inrta .l, all nf H..knl,u, Witahiiivlnn, Any and all porauiii oliiimiiiK ilvanrl)' the aijove (li-orih-d landa are reUatd 1 1 tile tlmir claima in Una i.fttcu un ur be furn wid lHili dny uf July, VMU. inlp JA V P. LUOAH, llrgiater. Timber Land, Act June 3, lHTH. XOTICK- FOR rUBMCATIOX. Ukitkd Ktatkh Lanu Orri:. I Tim Dallea. Ore.. Annl 23. l'.KC. Notice la heieby given Hint iu couipli nnre l'll the pr.nli.jna uf II. e act uf C'nniireM nf June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act lur Ihe aale of liiiiiu.r luiida iu the 'aui.-a uf Califurnia, Oregon, Nevada, aid Wiwliiugiuii Turrittny," a eiteiidud tu all the puMio land autua hy act of Ail I gual 4, IHII2, ihe fnlliiwiiig ii.'ia..iia have j hied 111 thia ..llh.e their awurn aiatumenta, J tu-wit: , Slmruian Ctinuletnii, uf Milnn, cut) ity uf Hp. kalie, alali- uf Wajihiiigton, awurn ialaieitieut No. 271, filed April 21, 1U02, j fur the puri-haae nl the N Nll'l, SKI I N H I ami N H'l NKI Sec 28, T 13 8. ll i 10 E. W M. j .iomio Tullrfann, of 8mkane, county I uf Spokane, atale uf Waahluuluii, awuru j atatement No. 272, lil-d April 21. V.W. for the purciiaait uf tlm Slt'i Sec U. T 13 S, It 10 E, II' M. Oeorge U. Tiivlnr, nf Spnkaiie, coun'y nf Spokane, aiatt uf Wimiiiiigtuii, awuru ataienieiit Nr. 074, lilci Annl 21. P.I02. ' for the purclniaii nf Hie MCI Sue 32, T 12 I X It 111 If II' M Ellen Van Hook, nf Spokane, county uf SH.km., alatn uf VVaahingtim, awi.m a'Hleinuiit Nn. U'b, filed April 21, HHrJ. fur the purcliaae uf tha A'EJ Sec 4, T 13 H, II 10 E, W M. j Henry T..ll.'fa.-u, nf Snokiiue, cutinly nf hpokHtie, aiatu uf VVaaitiiigiun, awi-rit ataleni-nt N . 27, filed April 22, 11102. I (or the purchaao nl ilia Mil See 3i, T j 12 S, It 10 E, ir M . Iljurt Mikela.ui, uf Hp.. Vane, ouiinty ul I Smkane, atate uf Wellington, aw..tii I ataieneiit No. 277, filed April 22, 1!K)2, I fur the puicluae nf Hie NE1 Sue 32, T i 13 S, It 10 E, W M. I They will i.Qur proof Iu ahuw that the j laud aouviht ia more valuanlc fur iia tim ber ur at.. ue iluui fur agricullunil pur- I ! a, nod tu ratabliali ilieir chiiina to ; tAiti land ln"!ure the ltt-giater and It.--ic.-lierol thia iHice at The DJIt-a, Ore- gun, mi Silunhiy. July II), !HI' I 'l'hey intuit! ai wiiueaaea: Ole E An idureuo, Ole L. II. .11. Arne liarbelaud, ! Pelur Arnevig, Hartvin Ellei'Moii, v)lr Sinipaoii. Edward J. Il..aa, lienrge It iTaylur, Thuuiaa II. 'follefaeii, nil uf Su , knue, W.uhiiigtoii, and Sheriuau Cuugle Hun, ul MiIhii, VVaahiiigtnn. Any and all puraona claiming adveraely the above di-acrild landa are rniueaied ti file their claiine in thia ..(lice nu ur be fore aaid lth ilav of July, 1002. mlp- JAY P. LUUAS, lUsriair. TIMHER AND STONE LAN fiWORN STATEMENT. Land Ottice at The Dallea, Ort-goii, April 23. 1202. Nutice ia hereby given that tu cmpli- aiwe with the prnviaiuiia uf the act ul Ouiigreaauf June 3, 1878, entitled "An act tor the aale uf timber 'aiida 111 the atatea of California, Oregnii, Neruda, and Wnahiiigtuu Territnry,'' aa extended to all the public laud atatea by aet ul A.I guat 4, 1892. the following perauna have tiled 111 thia utflue their awuru auteiueuu, tu-wit: William T. Bordeoo, of Moaoow, coun ty of Lauh, atate of Idaho, awuru atate ment No. 262, filed April 19, 1902, fur the purchaao uf the KJ awl and luta 3 end 4, sec 31, X 11 , K JO Hi, w M. Nannie U. liurdetio, 1 f Mutcuw, coun ty ul Latah, atate uf Idaho, awurn atate uieiil Nu. 263, tiled April 10, 1902, fur the purohaae uf the Nw and lute 1 and 2, aeom.n 31, T 11 a, R 10 E, w M. Fred C. True, of Pullmau, county uf. Whitman, atate of H-'aahiuglon, awurn atatement No. 264, filed April 21, 1!KI2, fur the purohaae uf the ai j aeclion 30, T 11 1. 1 10 I, W M. That the) will offer proof to ahuw that the laud aought ia mure valuable fur it timber or atune than fur agricultural pnr puaea, and tu eatabliah the'r olaiuia tu aaid land befure the Regiiter and Re ceiver of thia office at The Dallea, Ore run, 011 Tueaday, the 16th day of July, 1902. They name aa witneeaea: J. H. Lump kin, J. A. Foley, Nannie R. B-rdenn, D. H. Riibinaun, William T. v Hurdenu, Jainea A. Oibha, Winaluw M. Howland aiidThoa F. Kulaay, all of Muecow, Idaho. Any and all perauna claiming adveraely the above doacribed landa are adviaed to file their cUnna iu thia nfrice uti ur be fure aaid 15th day nf July, 1901. mlp JAY P. LLCA8. Keeiater. Timber Land, Aot Juue 3,. 16,8 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'mtf.I) Statu Land Orrtct, Tn. I)llea, Ore., April lit, 11X)2. Kotica ia barabj kivsu lhat lii coiupli- auce with the prnyiaiuua nf the aot uf Cungreaauf June 3, 1H7H, eiitnlod "An not fur the axle nf timber luiida 111 the ataiua uf Califurnia, Omgoii, Nevada, and Wiiehingtoti Territory," aa extendt-d tu ill I the public luud rtatea hy not ut Ai guatel, 1902, the following perauna have Una day tiled 111 thia office their awoni alittoumnte, tu-wit; Jnuo-a A. (libh, uf Mnacuw, county uf Latnli, atate uf Iduho, awuru ataiument Nu, 248 fur the purch iae uf the K j nf auction 32, T II H, It 10 E, w M. Juaoph II. Lumpkin, uf Mnacuw, Coun ty nf L1I11I1, atate uf I.IhIio, awuru aute iiivnt Nn. 249 fur the purchnae uf the K4 "' ''""UII 31, T 11 S, It 10 K, W M. Winaluw M HnwUlid, uf MoacW, ouuuty nf Liitah, ainte f Iduliu, awurn UlL-iui-nt Nu 250 fur the purohaae nl the M j uf aisctiuii 32, T II a, it 10 K,,w Til. . uma K. Kelaiv. of F.ill.oia. county of (fill! man, atel uf Waallinloii, awurn I ataieii.eut Nu, 251 fur the purcliiiau uf Ihe nkJ uf auctiuii 31, T 11 W, K 10 K, w M That they will utl.-r primf tu alio that the laud au.luht ia irmrii valuable fur it timber ur aiuue than fur agricultural purpuaiw, and tu t-auhlmh tlmir claima In aaid laud bofure the Itngiater and 11 ceiver uf thia nllice at the The Daiica. Oriigun. mi Munday, the 14t.il duy uf July, 1002. They name aa witneaaea: J A. Foley I). 11 Robiuain. Jamoa A. Gilib, Kxn K. Iluah, Jnaeph H. Lumpkin, Win. T. Bur deno, ll'malow M. Uuwlaiid, Jaiiu-a A. Kuley, all uf Mnacuw, Jditho, and T, F. Ki laay, nf Fallnua, ffaahingiun. Any and all pewma claiming adveraely the above deacnbed landa are roqneatcd Ui file their claima in thia uHice un or be fore aaid 14ih day nf July, 1902. mlp JAY P. Lt'CAS, Keuia'er. Timber Land. Acl June 3, 1902. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , Unitkd Statkh Lanii Okii k, The Dnilra, Ore , April 24, 1IX2. Nutice ia hereby given trnil 111 cumpli auce wuh the pruviainua uf the act uf CmigreM uf June 3, 1878, entitled "Au act fur the ale uf limber Jemla 111 the aiaiea uf C'aliaurnia, Orei(iNi, Nevada, ami iruhiiigtun Terrilrry," aa eXtendtHi lu all the peulic land aiaioa by act uf Au guat 4, l'Hr.', the luliuwuig perauna have thia dny tiled iu tine ulhce their awuru eUtHiueuta, tu-wit, Frank It. ISaxior, uf Milan, Count y of j Suokauu, atate nf lt'.milinton, awurn autemeut Nu 278 fur the purchaao uf ! the NKJ aectmii 31, T 12 a, R 10 E, w M. I Oeuige D- Cuiiuletun, uf M1U11, onunty uf SHik.iu a, aute uf iraaliiiigtun, awniu j atatement Nu. 279 fur the purcluue of tlie NKJ aucti.iu o-', T 12 a, K 10 K, w M John J. MotiuiKau, uf The DalUa, County uf H'aauu, aute of Ori-gun, awurn Btairmeut Nu. 280 fur the puicheae uf the k ut a.-ctiuu 29, T 12 , k JO K, w M. That tliey will ullcr prout In aimw tlut the I mil anught ia mure valuable for it 'timber ur ainne than f..r ai;iiculiuial I puriMiaea, and tu ealahhah their datum tn a. ml laud IH-furr the Itegiater and Re ceiver uf thia utile iitMlie-Uiitjew, 1h--lroii. un MiMiday, the 2Ut da uf July. 1902 Tliey iianui aa witiiraaea: Ole Simpann, Th aa H. Tollffa.-M, (ieoigi- It. Taylor, Ole L Hotr, nf Saikaiie, If'aalnuiriun, Sherinaii Cnugletuii uf JIiIaii, If'aahllir tuu, and Mike Couuera, .I..I111 Hh.sa, Pied W. Kinitli, Pelur M-iuig.ni, of The Dallea, Oregmi. Any and all oerauna claiutiug adveraely the abnve deacnbed lauda are reiiiualed in tile their claima in thia othVa nu ur be fore aaid 21ai day uf Julv, 1902. ml JAD P. LUCAS, Regiater. Timber Land, Act June S, 11-78. NirriCE FOR Pt'HUCATIOX. Ind OHice at Tin Dallea. Orripai, .March 20, 1 '..'. Notice ia hervhv viven tliat iu cmuuliuicp with the pruvutfuua M the act uf.Cencrae-i uf .nine a, ls( K, rtititlrd "Aiiactmr the tula uf tirabrr lanili In tht Sutra nf California, Ore iron, Nrvaila, and VVahimitun Territnry, a extended t-i all tha I'uhlic Land Stati-a l.v act of Annual 4,189. Krad H. Ktruug, ul r.enl, euuuty f Cruolf. Htatol Oreirmi, hue tliia day tiled in thia nr&ce Ida awurn ta Le nient .No. 223, (ur the uurcliaie uf the MV'-j of Section Nu. 12 in Tnwnahii Xo. IK S, Kanxe Nn. 11 K., W. aud will offer proof to ahuw th t the lend auilt,'ht ia wore valiuble fur ita tlrulaar ur atone than fur airtlcultural uuruiauia, and to eatabliah hla claim to aaid innd before A C Palmar. U. S. Commlaaon er. at Prineville, Orwon, onThuraday the Stli day nf June, 1002. He namea aa witneaaea: Charlra L Brock. Ovid Riley, Charlta J. Cuttnr, of Bud, Otrgon, D. L. Waiver, uf Portland. rriai. Any and all irauna clalmiim adveraly tlie abuve-deaoribed lamia are reoueeted to tile their claima in thia office m or before aaid 5th day of June, liKWj JAYF.LITAS. Kntlater. POINDEXTER- Shaving Parlors TICE AKKINH, Proprietor Bhavlnfj fialrouttitur. tSbampootrtaT Baths A fin Ulhnx.m deruted aapccia.Hr to tlm uao nf Iniltn. i Evury tiling tip-to-data and atrictly firat-elaaa.. Keed Jtarli-jr and 0m. 8. J. Newacm haa CLEAN teed bar ley and out" for aula at hii feed burn in north Prineville, , i- i t 4 uic mJm1 Our Grocery Department nfftrly complete. Isew goods come in with every freight team. Among the delicacies in stock you will find I'HEiN'CII MUSHROOMS, FRENCH PEAS, AS - I'ARAGUS, Purie de foies Grits, and a thousand and one articles too numerous to mention. Come and try our . home made flams, Shoulders, Bacon and Lard, and you will want some more. The price i3 .alright. . Seeds, If you are planting any seeds don't forget that the Bee Hive has a fine variety of them, at prices that will curl your hair. A share of your patronage respectful ly solicited. .MICHEL & R1SSER. BALLSTOIT BAY STALLION OWNED BY J. L. WINDOM, will make the ceason of 1902 at Culver, Or egon. Bred by G. Springer, of Culver, Oregon. Fkiwjiibk riire: The registered Clydesdale, Ballston, bred by Ladcl it Heed, Pnrtland. Dam: Registered Cleveland bay mare, Conning Maid, bred by Ladd & Reed, Portland. BALLSTON is 17 bands high and weighs in thin working order 1620 pound. He is a dark blood bay, four years old in June. TERMS 110 for insurance; reduction for three or more mares. . 1887 Haystack Stallions 1902 The Haystack ilanch will use two Stallion Jorahe.eason of wm. " ' ' THE FRENCH COACH, , A large, stylish black, and THE HACKNEY, A very handsome mahogany bay. The above stallions will be permitted to serve a few mare9 at 810.00 each, one-hatf down at end of season and $.j.0O more when the marc is known to be with foal. Mares will be pastured at $1.00 per month. WiH not responsible for accidents. Call at ranch or address, '. G. SPRINGER, Culver, Oregon. ! Vienna Cafe 1 1 JES FEIU-I S0, Prop. Kepapered and Mewly Furnished ALL WHITE HELP. Having purchaeed this once popular eating house we pur poM making it, without excep tion, one of the best in tho I city. A nhare of pulilic pat t ronage respectfully solicited. I . Metih at all hours. tnitn),ii,iil,itiii,i,im ii,i n, 1 1. i.h,ii, ffo Save Tljoney. &e-v U; EGGS. Blooded Plymouth Rock Eggs. I m now prepiri to fuming cgns from my ptns t iettrjnb!? pricw. Price, f 1.00 per tH ttiug of 15 eggs. CiH on or uddrepp, JOHN GE1GER, Princvil e, Oregon. Deputy Stock Icepectorfl. Nntic ia hrrohT (ivva that I have appointed tho f.illowihg uaaied pmnia dMity atuvk nwiruiora: .1. P. CartwriKht, Rj Wk. Sam Hamil'uu, Aariwwid. . Srka. ' Siatera. A. Miwrow, BayataCK. V. M. SmiiU, Pitulua. RuaoHi Khui, Hi!, T. C. Swum, BvarCrmii. J. S. Bugut-, Kilaml. Alu Mrlatoi, Hanliu J, f. Vouti. utui, Hay Crek. V. 8. Cuwlta, Hy Crtwk Jue Hinkle, 1 Sleek Iiiauictnr I'tin.k Ci.uiUy. I'luw (.rkuUlnic. Kd llarbiu deirta to minouitca that he ia prepared to do all kindaof nnit ing in the latett uipnivet) tiAiion. Chilled plow tlmre griudiiig ipecialt ,-.