Crook County Journal.. KO(iI.K PAliKER, VlW.lKHKK AND l'HOl'BlKTOIIH. W, T. 1'oiil.K. FlItTOR V. H, Varkkk, Manaui:h Oo.CSTY OFFICIAL l'Al'EK. lb Jol'HNAL is entered At tbe pofctofticw ill Trim ville, Jre., for tiaiiiiiimoii through the xj. S. itiU kr second uiatM matter. SU&SCRIPTION RATES. IS APVANOf ysi Ykab.,.., M.Jti .KlxMoNVHS "o 'J'hhis Month M ' THURSDAY, MAY 1,1902. JiU'knai. this vtvk ho will ri'iidlly see where those double eagles came from. A man should exempc a little judgement in politics as well as business affairs. All those who would like to have an ohVe ninnot he nivoimnoduted us there aro not offices enough to fo round. If Home of those whoare continuously hunting an ollice expect ever to pet one thev will have to quit the habit of working against the ticket! when they do not gcta nomination.! This applies to all political orgiuv izations alike. Vote for Carey Foster for clerk nd you will be placing a compe tent and deserving young man in ntlice and one who will fill the lace ably and with profit to the iieople of this county. Ho is thoroughly competent and skilled j jji the art of bookkeeping, which is m necessary adjunct to thn office bo that the records of the county may be kept in such manner as not to entail endless litigation which will tost the county a large amount of pioncy as well as lose some valu able opportunities. Vote the republican ticket and for a continuance of the present economic administration of the affairs cf the county. A county out of debt is something to be proud of. How many counties of the state under democratic rule that are out of debt? Mr. J, U. Whitney is a son of an old and highly respected family of Oregon, his father being a pioneer preacher. His record in business and political life shows him to he a man of honesty and integrity. If elected State Printer the state will find him an efficient and eco nomical ollicer. Statesman. That Cum Tux article seems to be the stock in trade of some of the democrats, but let them read on another page from a genuine Indian, one who is not nfniid to make his statement over liis own name. Register! Register!! This the one important factor in our latter day politics that is apt to be neglected. The 15 of this month ends the time for registration and there are some that will have to hurry if they get their names on the registration book. It will be a three-cornered race for county treasurer. J. N. 1'oiu dexter has tiled his petition and will he an independent cimdidato, with Marsh Aubrey, republican, and 11. M. Hell, democrat. Campaign lies are floating around with the same old regular ! ity and we may expect almost any i thing to be sprung on tho people ; Judge Wills will be elected and ! so will Mark Powell and the conn tv finances will still he administer ed in an economical mannor. Bargains in Ladies Shoes Subscrilie for the Joi'rxai., Brother Liggett thinks that we were sore about not getting to go out in a carriage to welcome Williamson, but he is mistaken. We are not seeking office nor no toriety of the cheap kind. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof and so long as we keep getting a good lot of business and etill run lip hwt n:rwr that Crook countv ever .had we are content, if he i Drugs, Stationery ami House Furnishing Goods. will glance over the colums of the i ADAMSON & WINNER CO. Incorporated 18i)9. Retiring from iusiness. Watch this Space for next week. We are offering 20 tlillerent styles of Ladies Shoes at less than cost. It will la,y you to call and examine our bargains in this line. I We can save you money. Ladies Shoes, formerly $1 .t0. now $1.00. " " " 2..r, " 1,50. 3.0O, " 3.25, " 3.51), " 3.: 5, " 1.75. 1.H5. 2.25. 2.35. U It 41 4.00, " 2.75. Our Stock must be disposed of by July 1, 1902. Simpson, Wilson & Co. PRLNEVILLE. OREGON. Kentucky Liquor House mmm ft It Hits the Spot Every 8 Time. f 3 This applies to our Stock. It's "JUST" right. A few of our leaders are: "GREEN RIVER" "Harper", "Jesse 1 Moore", Schlitz Beer,' Cambrinus, Hop Gold, Sierra. Carnpo Sauterne, Jules Mum Champagne, Imported and Domestic Ales and Porters. i C. J. STUBLINQ, Wholesaler, f THK 1) A I i.ks nitKcrtv -Aim 1 y&mmfr. RED FRONT BAZAAR. SIPRIItTG- GOODS The latest fashions In Mens', Boys' and Children's HATS. We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle. A new line of GLOVES has arrived which we are dispos ing of rapidly. Call and examine them, STRAW HATS. It is now the time of year for cool headwear. Our Straw Hats are just the thing, and we sell them cheap. RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. Reliable Merchant!. j, Jf. jCippman & Co. Manufacturers of Furniture AND DEALER IN- Fine Undertaking floods, Carpels, Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass, Lumber and Building Material. Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan. PRIXEVILLE, : : : . OREGON. - T