Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 3

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    Tallin Willi till) Dtirtor.
InlliM'ii.ii, (In) kH, r In grippd
iu iliu Kpiiii-Ii cull It, i nguin t j -mi
mi. It in rl-iHHoil iih a zymotic
(IKiiiien o llni gronlrvt Viu'iclice Mill
yv MiIi:irili"H. Thft iliniwe ih now
OlllllMllic, wllft il-r it will ll-CIIMK!
i'icili'inic or I'liwItMiik: in yt to l!
wen hihI fi'urml.
Tim iliHCiiHc umiiilly arts in with
an iiruto ouliirrlml favor ami un
ucul proittiutimi, lint tli ih tiKiili) of
onwt tint I'oiniiion id not gi'iitirul
fir mm nmy linvu tliu nr ' P 'tH
woi mi form mill never Inuu trm
fliglittutt limim of tin) rexpirntiiry
tract. It, Ih IImh that triukcs the
ilini'iiHi) ho vitriuil and ol ho ninny
Aftrr tliu ('mat jiamli'mic of in
fliiDiizn of 18 V.l-'iMit wan rerrmrhe I
Unit h 1 1 i i 1 1 j wan juirticiilarly com
moil iiml Minn) wriliTM tiinl to
hliow lint Hili'li uolH wito rwilly
tnuii'iililu to tliu grunt di'pri)HHion
of Hpirit. wliiih in tnoft oiikcu nc
i oiipiiiny the dixeiiM! unil rimming
ImiK uflir tliu niln:iit ii aiiiiiroiit
ly wull. How iniiny piilu will
uy toduy Unit tlifir ill-licnltii
iluti'H Imik to lli lnct cpiMlumii; of
in lunaa und let me itHUiru you
Ih, it in many iiwtiiiirM tln-y aiu
pi'ifc tly idiTDct. TIhto in source
ly any form of nurvouu dinnim.1
that limy not follow tin) grip; from
a rni-ro di irtviiim of spirit to com
p!i:tu ilwntiilin. Any organ in the
body la iv tiDcoliii) ufluttt'd und
niiiki) of tin) Hiiffi-rur a cripple in
health for life.
Tilts reilHoll ilifllieil7.ll is to he
fi iiled ih not ho tn U rli lu caUN; enrh
anil iverv individual cane is ho
' ceiion, lint rather liccatma the
numli'ir of Uio-d lialile to the
disea-e in ho triea!. Hardly anv-
nnu ihfxompt ami a rcviju at (iiN no itnnninity i'gainnt u
new one- Inlluittzii hy iti-olf in
not o dreadful a diceaHe, ' hut itb!mi'( mo what we inonl
fear; emineuent'.y 1 would warn
every one to regard thu iHmiik) an
HiiioilK; thus avoiding coinplica
lioiiH which ofan iirirni from ex
puMiire and lack of proper fine of
what one may think only to be a
slight cum; of eoryna or cold.
Ah tin) iliwans in no varied and
ilH manifehtalionB ho complex; a
routine treatment for u 1 1 would In'
iinp.wHihle; each care in or may he
come a dini'iisc altogether apart
from a mmplo ca-e of influenza.
In all cases, however, rent in lied ia
to he recommended an well an a
careful and nourishing diet. The
indiHcriminute iio of alcoholic
beverages iH often rnont harmful to
the patient at tho beginning of the
dim-UKe, hut a warm bath followed
hy hot lemonade and a good bweut
will often, relieve tho patient of a
great deal of his sufferings.
. Octave J. tiroflin, M. 1)., in Moro
Who Ih llelilml Context.
Ki'iiKSe, April 2(1. Many peoplo
, v ho have located homestead claims
would like to know more about the
authority which ban been instrum
ental in. filing contents against a
largo number of claims in this
county. II. H. Anderson, who is
now cruiaing in the eastern part f
tho county, is reported to have
made the statement that he ib in
the employ of the Land Depart
ment of the Government. He has
been instrumental in many of the
' contests that have been filed, and
from this it is infered that the
Land Department, officials are
making an investigation as to the
filings that have been made on the
homestead and timber-land claims.
Many of the contests are made on
the ground that tho ' homestead
laws havo not been complied with,
that continuous residence has not
been maintained, improvements
have not been made as required by
Taw, etc. At first it was thought
lire that tbecontosU were brought
about by parties of caiiitalists from
, ,, , , ii
tliu Last who were iiesirmiH omjd- ,
tiiining the laiih by purchase on
entry for the timber. Many be
lieve here that Mi. Anderson,
instead ol representing the (iovern- "'''i '2 H IUW ,' . ' W'
Ail.ilpnii M-in-MMD, nl Miokaii,couii
ment, is, as a matter of fact, in the ty , HpoUnu, Bui of Wmihhvioh,
employ of timber speculations. loni muiciimiit No. 2.'W for ilie ,ur-
,. . .. ...i ,i 'thane of tliH NE1 ol Suction No. Xi, in
1 III; ill UOI1 10 I"' mm 'II nil mi euii-;
tests already filed will be watched
with great interests by people here,
about 2W or 300 of whom arejj,, Um)Ut l)t ,lohe ,mI, (r BKr,cuitura
directly enterested. There is no j purpuxu, mid to ellli thmr eUim to
i i i ... .i . iii, i iwii Imiil Imloro the Hcxmirr anil K
.louht but that many of tho home- tt lh (i(!8ttt Tiw UMi.,, Ore-
stead claims are covered with vnlu-j K..n, on Tumdny, th l'tli day of June,
able timber, but in most cases the ,
' I TheV numb a wiIiihnmm:
home.--tead claimanls have endeav-
ored to comply with the law, and
" '
th'ro is strong hope that tho fuling,,,,., ,,-((i( Millll , M j
ot the Department will be in tlieirj
How Tlie wot Tented lloimcvclt.
On Mr. Roosevelt's famous cam"
aligning trip across the country in
tho fall of 1 1100 it became tiipaienl
that some of the ilainsfolk were
hardly sutii-lioii that what they
bud heard of the candidate for
Vice-President was not too good to
1,a true. Hi. there ileveloned a I
. I
uniiue system for the entertain
incut of the distinguished guest,
lie was mounted on the most
spirited and not always the most
thoroughly broken horse in the
neighborhood, and was invited to
go for a ride with a number of em
inent citizens who wanted to "show
him the country." Sioncr or later
. . ,i . i i ,. 1,1 i
m t in course of the ride he would
be deeoyeil to ft B' retell ot open :
iiluin; the pace would be gradually
, i i i I
increased until the rule liecanie ,
a wild breakneck race in which
only the stouthearted and steadiest
headed rider could hold their own.
Time and again did this occur,
and no one was less disturbed by
the practice than was (iovernor
Ko.isevel;. May Ladies' Home
A Rbtfins. Roaring Flood.
Washed down a telegraph line
which t'liss. C. Kit is, , of Lislioti, la ,
Iiml to repair. "HtamliiiK wuit dieji
in try water," lie writ', "(save me
a terrihle cold ami cmili. ll Ke,v
worse daily. Filially the l-t ilnetors
in Ouklntiil, Neli., Hioux Cily mill
OiiimIiii mid' I hud ('niisiiinption unit
eould not live. Then I bewail ui-iiig
Dr. King'a New Dimoveiy mid was
wholly cured hy six but ties." Posi
tive!)' guaranteed for Coughs, Colds
anil nil Tliroiit anil Lung troubles hy
AdiiiiiMin & Winiiek Co. Ft ice ISOe
ami $1.00.
I nitail Statrt Laud driiw,
Tne Dallw, Oron. April 11, lift!.
A Ru!ftclcutciuu-4t atlidavit having U'an SI, d
in tliirt iillicn l,y Kva C U Sinctt. nmt'W'an',
a'itiiHt lloineti-ad fiitrv No. tMliO, timilcJiine
IL l!at. IK1 SK'i'Sec. 7 and K XK
nJ SWJ NK Her. Is, T. 12 H., II 1SU W.
M.. hv IK-nry M. l)avi conti-rttfe, in which
it ii alltiii'd llut ai,l llenry .M. Dvu h.m
wholly aUandmiid Miid trt;t; tti-at h haH
ahaiiKd hi rmidence then-froni tor in re than
mix month liuci.' m:ikiu itaul rntry; that miid
tract ia not aeltli'd p. n and cultivated hy
laid party an reipiired hy law; and thwt Ilia
aid abandonment ia not ilue to hi be inn mil
ployed in the military or naval aervice of the
I'llitvd fiUku; laid uiHiean! hereby notilicd
tn appear, rieiiiotid an I otter evidence touch
ing Maid altfiration at 10 o'clock, m, on June
7, UaiJ, before A. C; Palmer, V. H, ConuuiM
nioiier, at hi otlice a'. I'rinavilln, Drnrun, and
that final hearing 'ill be held at 10 o'clock a.
in. on June VJ, IIHTJ, hvfoi-e the Kiylntar and
1,'eceivei at the I niwd St.iten Land Ottice in
The UaU, OreKoii,
ap'Ja JAY P. LUCAS, Roister.
Timber Lull,', Act Juno ii, IrtVtt.
Uniteh States Lano Okhck, 1
Tint Daiizs, Orkikin.
if. )
April 2, V.m.
NnticB ia hereby Riven that iu compli
ance with the provtaiotia of the Act of
Conirresi of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the ante of timVr lands in the
tatea of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Wmliinutnii Teintory," a extended
to all tho I'ulilio Luml Wtatua hy act of
Auxuat 4, 1S!)2, tlm folliiwiue peramia
havo tliu day filed in tliu utlioo their
awnin s'aleinen's, to wit:
JliohaelJ. Haney .if 8.kano, oniin'y
n( Suokana, Slate, nf WaaliuiKlnu, awnrn
i)f Sunkane. Statu f WaaliiiiKUin, iwnru
tatament N.i. '.'35 fur the puicham "if
tlit SEJ, of Section No. 2H, in Tnwnlnp
N. 12 8., Kanite No. 10 K., W. M.
Kaymnnd H. Bwilield, of bnmk l'ark.
count u( Piue, btt of Minn., morn
tateniant N... '.'34 for tli purchaae of , N W',' and Lota 1 ami J Reo. iu i. ii a., n.
theSW f Sectiur. N... 27. m T..w. 1? K. arnlb NKh Sea 24, T. 1. s., K. IS
iHtimi - 'i't No 280 fur tli purcbam of
tlifNKl of Huetion No. I'K m Town-
.,,, N - ,,, u N, in k. W. M.
him! J. Link, nl tfiiokniie, county i
HpnkaiiH, Hum nl Wwiimgliin, worn
utHiiiniii No, 21)7 'or tl' iiurohme of
(hHAWjiif Hhoiiuh JVo. 31, in Town
,. ,,.,..,.. v.. U !'..,- N',. 10 If
W. M.
That tliijy will effor proof to uliow
11.... , I... I.. ...I I,, i. ,,,,,,, !.!.. I,.r
ielm vv. White anil E, J. Link, of
K..kao, Wk.Ii.; L. K, AllinKiiaiii, of
111 it..,,..,, 1.,,.... 1 tl
Jlmi.y, of Hioknn, vah.
An V ami all tiuraon chuininz aelveraely
thti aliovu-iiewn ilied laii') arK reiiinl..-:l
to hlu thi'ir clainm in ttui oNice on or be
fore n.iul 17, li day of June, VMl'i.
10i RcKitr.
Timlier Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Uitku Siatkh Land Oiner,,
This Uali,u, Okk., April 5, 1!02.
Notice la hereby uiveii I mat in com
pliance willi the provmi'Hii of III" act ot
OoiitfrB.ii of June 3. J7, milled "An
an act for the anle of tiinher land In tint
hutu of Culiiorui. Orenon, Nevada,
and WaaliiiiKlou Territory,'' aa exteuderl
to all the tuililie land Ktntea hy act of
AiiKiint i, 1M)2, the follnviiiK peraoiu
liaie thia day hli-d ill tint ollico tlieir
woi n itateineni, to-it:
Michael Conner, of The Dalles, coun
ty of Waaco, Ktate of Oreion, wotn
uteinetil H'i. -41 for the purchaae ol
the NW of Section Ho, 17, m Toanahiu
Sn. 13 S.. lUnge No. 10 E., W. M.
1'etir MrOuig Ii, of I he JJallea, conn
tv of Uaioi, atate of Oreijoii. aworn
' " . . . . .
aiaiciiM'ni No. 20 for the purcnaae of
tl(. sV of Section no. 1", in Towmliiu
IU t- n:
.fofphine 1,'autr, ,.f tarnn
Cliu1 Whitu.ii, ite of W,
unit y ol wiiituiini, aiate ot hiuif-
lon. aworn utcmeiit No. for the
liun haae of tlorSKJ of riecltoii tt". 17.
in T'oviiahlp No. 13 8., Itaugo No. 10 E ,
vV. M.
They will oiler proof to flioW that the
land aought i ui'.re valuable for ita Inn -ler
or atone iltau for agricultural pui
piui, and to eatablUh their clim to aa d
land tmloru the Uwiter and Kocmvi r of
illlaoltioi at The Ualba. Oregon, on
Wodnoaday, the JH'.h iky of Juue, I!I02
Thvy iiHiue na wiltieeaei:
IVler MotiuijjHii, Knd W. Siniih,
John McIiiukui, ,lohn lit, bii Miae Coti-
nera, John .1. MrCimgiu and Miclntel
Canter, of Tlie Dillca, Oregon, and Jo
McKurland, of F.unoi.ftoi', Wanli.
Any and all ieraoiia ulaiiiiint! anvraely
ahe aliove-di'Hcribd .an.U are rwiiieMed
to lite their claims in thii olli'M oil or
before taid lHth day of June, l!l2
alOp Keirtater.
Timlier Land, Act June 1. 1S7S.
Umtfii Statiw Lani OrKICK,
at Tits H.itxKB, Oioio., Aran, 7, 1!KU.
Notice i hereby iven that in ';,irapliaiice
with tlie prnviniimit of tlie act of Ctnree of
.lone 3, IS7S, entitled "An act for the Hale of
timber in the Statin of California, )l'e"
Kon, Nev!la and Wahmiirton Territ.ny," as
extended to all .he Public Ind Statea hy
act ol AiupiHt 4, IMI'i the followiiiK pem nw
have thin day li'ed iu thin ottice their aworn
Htateiiienla, ti-wit:
I'redern-k V. Si-ith of Tlw Ilallei, county
ol M .'leeo, BUile ol i irej(oii, lovorn sutieioeui, .
.o, m lor ci)e.puiT:(iiu.e in inv o ,, ,m "w
ti.m .No. L's, Tuanai.ip No. Vi S Kange No.
10 K., W. M.
.faiuaaH. Lano of Minnei-polis o'iinty nf
Hiim"ron, Htate of Minn.. woni ulatenient
No. 3-IJ lor the pmchaar of the N' NWj of
Section No. ?S and the S.'j H,4 of Section
!N". at, inT.iwnahip No. 12 8., liaut-e o.
! 10 V... W. M.
John llliwli of The Dailen, county of Wan.
Co, Slate ol I lre;on, nworn gtateineut No. 44
for the purchiJte of the NK' of Section No.
17. in Tuwmhip No. 13 S., Kuiik No. 10 K.,
W. M.
That they will offer proof to nhow that the
land man-lit i more valuable for it timber or
toil than for agricultural purae, and Iji
rataldiah their claim to aairl land before the
Keuiater and deceiver of thin oil'ue at The
Dallea. ttngun, on Thuivlay, the ltlth dav of
June. 11102.
Thev name an witnee:
Vrederick W. Smith, Peter Mcliuian.
Michael Oonnera and John Mom of The
llalles, OreKn, and Jaiuea H. Lane of ilinne
aiNilie, Minn.
Anv and all personn claiming adversely the
ahove-described lauds are reuuesti-d to tile
their claiina in this office uu ur before aaid
a.lOp KeKister.
Lanii Okkk'K at Ths Dau-sn Or.,
. April 8, W02.
N'ntiM ia hereby (iven that the fullnwinit
named aettlera hav filed uotica of Intention
I to nuike final proof on their reniwctive claiuia,
KUm A. C., US.Commissiuner at
i Prineville, Orenon, im Friday, May Hi, 1U02,
I yAvnri B. Knox of Port, (IreRon, on
homeateail application N'. "" for the N K i
: KU,,, t.'w, vri. mwu Sao. 17. T, 1!
s., It. ill K, w M.
Witnee: M. W. Smead, J. S. Rmead,
K. K. liillenwater, K. 1. Kn.Jl and Calet
I Davia, all of P't. Orrin.
a 19 JAY P, LUCA8, Eeiitr.
Gary House Bar.
Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors.
A Complete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Tork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Mail! St. Prioevie,
Hamilton Stables
and Redby Feed Barn.
White &
imported. . 'UIVJTjMJlIO,
country drupes first d00r south
solicited. p0indexter hotel.
Stage Line.
Leave Slinniko, 6 p. ra. "
Leave Trineville 1 p. ni.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
damson & Winnek Co., Agents. .'
; G. f. Cornett, Manager.
We are instilled in our new quarters next door to the
Hamilton Stables, and are better equipped than ever to handle
all kinds of general blaeksmithing and wagon repairing.
0ur Specialty
Is fine Horseshoeing, for which we have no rivals. A trial
will convince. '"' ' V I ':
' Carriage Tainting in connexion.
Fester & Lehman
Oregon. 'PhOlie 31.
Stock boarded by day, week or
month. Fine saddle horses and
livery turnouts. Rates reasonable.
Good accommodations.
Remember us when in Prim
ville, and we guarantee that yuof
patronage will be appreciated
and deserved.
COKNKTT, Proprietors.
Arrive l'rineville, G &. m.
Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m.