Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 2

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    Crock County Journal.
THURSDAY, MA A. 1, 1902
men have furnished thirty-two per j storm is coming, arc you putting
Republican Stats
W. J. Fl'KN'lSH, of Pendleton.
Supreme Judj;e,
R. S. I!EAN, of Lane.
See. of State,
F, I. Dl'XMAI!, of Astoria.
CHAS. E. MOOUK. of Klamath.
Attorney General,
A. M. CRAWFORD, .,f Douglas.
Sept. Public Instruction,
J. H. ACKF.RM ., Multnomah.
State Printer,
J. R. WHITNEY, of Linn.
Coupes 2nd District,
J.N. WILLIAMSON, Prineville.
Joint representatives, Wasco, Crook,
Lake and Klamath counties: X.
of Wasco and R. A. EMMITT of
Republican County Ticket.
County Judge,
V. C. WILLS.'of Willow Creek.
County Clerk,
CAREY FOSTER, of Prineville,
J. S. McMEEN, of Haystack.
M. D. POWELL, of McKay.
MARSH AUBREY, of 3end.
B. F. JOHNSON, of Mill Creek.
C. A. GRAVES, of Montgomery.
J. L. McCULLOCH, of Prineville
cent ot tin congressmen, torty-six
per cent of our senators, fifty jut
Cent of vico-prosidonts, sixty-five
per cent of presidents, seventy-
T i three per cent of judges of the
llCKCt. .supreme court, and eighty-three per
! cent of the chief justices. From
these statistics we sec tit oncu the
importance of a thorough prepar
j ation for life work, lint an educat
j ion means more than winning
1 1,. 1 i :.: .
iur,ut nun eeeMllg puMUOUh. js
I James Russell Lowell said. ''It is
not that you may get something
I hy which to earn your bread, but
that every mouthful of bread may
he the sweeter to your taste."
While it helps us to make a living,
better than it helps to make a life.
It better acquaints us with our
selves and our surroundings.
What a pleasure to have compan
ionship with nature, to turn the
rock leves of earth, and read their
history, to be so familiar that we
may call them all bv name, and
learn the lessons they would teach
us, to take mental excursions among
the stars in the far off distance.
Such companionship reveals to
man his superiority and supremacy
over all created things.
The question of means is an
important factor, for the lack of
which many feel compelled to give
up the idea of higher education
But, after all, it is not so much the
I question of means in hand as it is
of conviction and determination.
"I will," settles the difficulty
with the average youth. He may
hitch his wagon to a stump in his
own door yard or to a star swing
ing through a blazing universe.
The above is a prelude to a
question that the citizens of Grant
county are to settle with their
ballot in a few weeks. The ques-
in the foundation for it? Young
ladies, a preparation means just as
much for you. Does marriage
mean anvthing? Does mother
hood mean anything? Does pos
terity mean anything? Does home
mean anything? If so, they mean
a thousand times more with a good
Do t lie parents of Grant county
Big Deal in Typewriters, v
AiiHii'lnu (iivei'iiineiit Order l-ioo
Hnillli l'remlei'N.
"VlKNNA, Kelt. 7. Tho greatest
single purchase of typewriters ever
made has been ordered by tho Min
istry of Justice, which, after three
months of exhuui'tivn competitive
test, lias contracted to equip tho
realize the responsibility resting entire ministry with not less than 1200 Smith Premier typewriters,
upon them? Do all the citizens supplying every court."
Shall We Have a High School
Able Article on Education.
ine ecnooinouse is ttie power
back of the wonderful achieve
ments of our country the past half
century. No country offers better
opportunities for a liberal educat
ion to her young people.
It should be remembered that
realize the importance of the ques
tion they are to settle in June?
Kev. l'erry Chandler in Grant
County News.
Job Couldn't Have Btood it
II lied bad Itching Pile. Tlmy're
terribly i ojing; but Itiicklen's
Annex Salve will cure the worst case
of piles on earth. It lias cured tlnm.
ami. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily
Eruptions it's the best salve in (be
world, price 25c a box. Cure guar
anteed. Sold by Adamsim & Winnek
W. H. SNOOK, 51. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Am prepared to answer profes
sional calls promptly.
1lJt X. Xcll.
Press IhspaU'h to Portland Oregonian, February 7.
. Portland ollicc .'initli Premier Typewriter Co., Vi'i Third St., I. &
ALKXAXDKlt & CO., Agents.
W. T. KOGLK, Agent,
Prineville, Oregon
Smith S3ros.f
Sonera Merchandise.
Tito hauo jual rocet'ved a full lino of jCadiss wrappers
and glows, lift also hauo a full lino of Sontl Oman's
and jCadios' Shots.
Dry Soods, Sroccrics, JCardwarc.
jCadios' and Stnls' furnishing Soods
Cxamint our Slock
Call and
J P. 33,1tnap.
ZPJiytician and Surf gen.
Office iu rr cif Ailatniun, Winnek Co
ISOM ( I.liKK.
. Shrink
Wines, Liquors,
Domestic and
Imported Cigars.
non is wneiner we are to J ave u i
high school or not A Valley puiffMortrry and Counttlor
The Celebrated
A. B. G. Beer
Always on Hand!
beautiful for situation as the John
Day valley, so richly endowed by
nature in soil, climate and scenery,
is worthy of the best classes of
people. But such a class of people
aie largely influenced by the ad
vantages that schools and churches
t' offer them. Shall we not then put
school life opportunities come but our schools in a condition that
once in lifetime. The way that! their voices may unite with the
opportunity is improved determin
es largely the destiny of the whole
Proprietors of the PriiieTille Soda Works.
Two Poor South of
I First Xational Hank
Jf 'torn ey-at- jCaw,
0 Jfydo, 7. 0.
r y turn
life. How many gad regrets have
been expressed for not better im
proving school days. Many would
willingly give all they possess if
they could have those days brought
back again. "Too late" is written
across the door of every echoolhouse.
Such opportunities money cannot
purchase. Many of our fathers,
without school advantages, fought
in lite'g battle and won, but the
weapon that gave them victory
would bring ignoniinioug defeat to
the children of this generation.
Times have changed. Xot many
years ago a few thousand dollars
Piyu'aan ant Surfon.
voice of nature in extending a I 'u pwinlty.
hearty invitation to the very best I ou Jn i KcmdiMicu back of the
class of people that may come lit re ( Photograph 0llt-iy.
to help pay our taxes and add to 1 J'KNM "'LK- , OREGON.
our morality and prosperity?
Again, can we as parents willingly
put our children at such a disad
vantage the struggle of life before
them and no preparation to meet
No more promising young people
can be found in the broad land
than those reared in Grant count v.
ing and culture and tliey will find
their way to the highest positions
in state and nation. Money put
t JT. Siosonbory, 77?. 0
hjaeian and Suryton
CallN aimw.-roi promptly ay or iiitfli'l
fic with Dr, V. (Jenner. Kwidi'iiw
Itcdby Hotel.
into their heads will help them
made a man rich, but today it takes! thousand times more than if put
millions to make him rich. In the! into their pockets. Competition
days of our fathers a power to run in all the activities of life is becom
a stage coach was all sufficient ing greater and greater, especially
for transportation, but today it re- in this Northwest, which is destin-
quires the power of a steam engin.
In those days of the past, to be
able to read and write and know
the multiplication was a fair
ed to be the center of the world.
Eastern people arc coming to the
Pacific coast by thousands and
tens of thousands, many of them
Maker of the celebrated PRINE
t i l l Y IM, OF
Latest improved Ladies' Side
and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs,
Angora Chaps, Quirts and'Hacka
mores. Write for prices.
Plil.NKVILLE, : : Ohk;on.
Kire-prtHd building, 9dx3iK) feet, in now
ready to handle .Merclmndine, Wool, etc.
, Coal, Flour,
Lumber, Wood,
Hay and Grain.
Special Attention given to wool trade. Fimt-clasii baling
and gr.iding faeihtien. Also stock yann, latest plaiw..
All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock.
f Fhknch .It Co., liankcru, The T)e,,
1 Miiokk Hros., Hankerii. Mi ro.
I VV. Loud, Tho Udle.
LB. F. Lawiahn, Tho Dallei,
education. The world moves, and ! from tb.p bent enllnoea
the man that does not keep upiities, and they are coming to cap
must be left behind.. If the young, ture the best they can find. Those
people of today expect to attain who are unprepared for this on
eminence '.hey mutt . thoroughly coming competition struggle will
prepare themselves. To excel in 'have to fall out, and pick up the
business life, the surest way is by i crumbs of what is left,
the way of higher education. Sta-j Now is the time to act. Our
tistics show that it gives one more i schools are to determine the battle
than- two hundred times the ad-j of the future. I
vantage. Out of thirty-seven sec-j Preparation should be the watch-'
retaries of the treasury of the word of the rising generation. It
United States, twenty-four were ! takes time, but pays. When God!
college graduates. If you. seek! builds a mountain,' he puts under
political distinction your oppor-i it a mighty foundation, go that the!
tunities are increased more than; very pinnacle can feel safe in the!
four hundred fold. College bred ' greatest storm. Young men, the ,
C. E. McDowell, Prop.
Thoroughly Renovated and Re
furnished Throughout.
American Plan. Kates if! I,
and $2 per day.
Accommodations are Unsurpassed
in the city. Sample Rooms for
Commercial Travelers,
Long Distance Telephone Station
in the house.
ui LilfflO
A. M. KELSAY, General Manager.
$11 per m
Fish Sawed Shingles $2.75
per m.
City harder Shop.
Powell d Cyrus, Proprielors.
Jfoi and Cold $aths.
iPrinevilt, Qrt