SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT. Of the County Clurk of Crook oounty, atnt of Oregon, allowing the amount, and nuinbur of olalnin allowed by (lie County Court of eitiil oounty, for what allowed, liuiount of warrant drawn, and amount of warrant outataudiutt mid uiijmid, Lym tlm lat tl,y of October, 1101, t the Slat day of March, 1U02, both incluaivo; AMI. WAR. UNPAID rlll.WIM, JNTgftKHT Oiltatinding unraid eourily wurrniiti I'UIMH AMTUUIMH AI.LOWKU, AMlWKII. .. 13 472 W 100ft OD (IN WHAT AIM) T AI.I.OWKI), County Court. Circuit Court, 107 ,luUuo Court 1...... KhenlTi oll'uie 3...... Clerk'e ofllce 3 Ticaaumr'a oftloa.., 8 2'X) 00 Cormier' oflice, ., ,, 11 01 40 lSuit' oflice 8., Ti !( I in tm 3 . 10 00 1250 00 900 (X) 21V OH M 04 Courthoiiee rxuenara 15 101 25 2. 05 115 Pour, euro of. , Hridgea And rt' iwU. H!l Election iinui. , 3 H. li bounty 42.'I Tub. tx., alanine. . , 17 Muwellaiienua 11 143 50 118....:.. 530 6H . 2544 46 . 71 10 . 3ij.'J2 00 70 65 Printing 4 Mdae Hud atatinuciy 3 Ai'ur' ullicn , , , 1 . Keoorile 3 11 mil Warrant (I. Total "54 on the 3lt flny of March, 1002 l'l.OOO 20 Eatiinated ititeruat accrued thereon . 330 00 131 40 10 06 10 00 73 00 1'IMl 16 I4,S15 131 Total 11.000 20 330 00 Scml-Annunl Summary Statement Of the financial condition of the County of Crook, In tlm nuts of Oregon, on tin. l.t duy of April, A. I)., IWi: Liabilities: To warranta outetundin); and Unpaid J 11.000 20 To ealimated amount of lutareat acorued thereon 330 00 Total Liability 11,330 20 Resource4: lly funda in lunula of County Troaaumr applicable to the payment of Couu'y Wairanta. 30,l)l 87 Jiy raliinalad unpaid taita applicable to payment County Warrant.... 11,445 80 ToLl Itnaourcoa 42.437 07 KTATE Ol' OREGON, County of Crook, aa: I, J. J. Month, Cuj(y Clerk of the County of Crook, State of Oregon, do here by certify that the f irroinii ii a true and oorreot etateiiient of the number and amount, of olaima allowed by the County Court of aaid County for tue aix uiontlia ending on the 10th day of April, 1002, on what K-oount the Mine were all iwed, and (he amount of warranta drawn, and the amount of warranti outataudiiiK and nn paid aa ill" aauie apprar upon tin reeoorda of tny office and in my ofhoul cuatody. Wit neaa my hand and aoal of, the County Court of aaid County thia 10th day of April, A. D., 11(02. 3. 3. 8MITH, (hkal) County Clerk. Semi-Annual Statement. Of the amount of money and warranta recireti for tnxee, aud money paid to the County Treasurer by the Hharhl of Crook County, Oregon, 'for (he ait nioiitha ending ou the 31 at day of March, A. D., 1002. MONTH AM T Ut' D , MONTH October 2708 3 November 131 67 Oeueiuber 371 It January 127 47 February 6700 30 March 27030 73 AM T PAW TO THE AH October e 2700 03 Novtiuber 831 67 December 371 15 January 127 4' Februaiy 57011 30 March 27030 73 STATE OF 0UE00.V, County of Crook, aa: I, W C. Cuugleum, Sh'jritl of a.iid County, du hereby certify that the foregoing atatemeiit it correct aud true. Witueaa my hand thia 2d day of April, A. D., 1002 W. C. CONGLETON, Sheriff of Crook County. Semi-Annual Report. Of the County Treanurer of Crook County, Htate of Oregon, ahowing the amount and number of claim, allowed by the Coaniy Court of aaid county, for what al lowed, amount of warrant! drawn, and amount of warranta uittataiiding and un paid, from the lat day of Oct., 1001, to the Itlit day of March, 1002, both incluaive. AMOUNT HeCBtjVliD. RCIHOOL fUNO. Aui't on hand laat report.... Ain't ree'd from taxea, eta... t 8312 14 , 0507 47 Total amount achool fund. . . 17009 01 UENKBAL IHND. Am't on hand laat report 12886 07 Iuat. fund on hand Sept. 30, 1901... 100 40 Iuat. fund ree'd iinoe Sept. 30, 1301 18 60 Am't reo'd from taxea, to... 30870 60 Road fund an hand Sept. 30, 1001 2598 78 Road fund ree'd tinot Dept. 30, 1001 3722 77 School Dial No, 12 on hand Sept. 30,1901 1 2 School Diet. No. 12 reo'd ainc Sept 30,1001 131 32 City of Pnneville on hand Sept. 30, 1901 180 89 City of Prineville ree'd ainoa Sept. 30,1901 1001 62 School Diat. Mo. 26 on hand Sept. 30, 1901 2 74 Miool Diat. No. 26 on hand Sept. 30, 1901 109 01 School Diat. No. 25 ree'd aince Sept. 30, 1901 247 24 School Diat. No. 21 on hand Sept. 30, 1901 22 61 School Diat No 21 ree'd aince Sept 30, 1901 3 02 Eeciiuat tuud on hand Sept 30, AMnCNTK fAIII OUT. acHooi. rvnu. Am't paid on School Soperin- tenden't warranta 7870 18 Hal achool fund ou hand 10039 43 Total , 17909 01 ORNERAL FCND. Am't paid on county wan ante. 12704 70 ISal general fund ou haud 30991 87 Am't paid out, luatitute fund. 73 75 " on hand, " ' . 45 15 " paid out, Mad fund 2599 01 " on hand, " " 3722 64 " paid out, Diat No 21 ... . 22 43 " unhand 3 20 ." " ' " 45.... 94 22 City of Prineville, paid out. . . 433 69 " " on hand... 748 82 Am't paid out School Diat No 25 202 86 Ain't paid out School Diat No 25 202 85 Am't paid out Sohool Diat Nu 12 133 24 Am't on hand, eacheat fund. ., 43 05 " paid out, Diat No 1 622 71 " on hand " "1.,... 693 92 32 10 08 ' " " 26 2 74 1901 '. 43 05 School Diat No 1 on hand Sept 30, 1901 345 20 School Diat No 1 ree'd lince 8.30, 1001 802 43 School Diat No 32 on hand SuptSO, 1001 10 08 School Diat No 45 ree'd aince Sept 30, 1901 94 22 Tela! General Fund 633H 27) Total General Fund S3311 27 STATE OF OREGON, County of Crook, aa: I, J. N, Poimlexter, County Treuurer of the County ol Crook, State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the fortuning ia a true and correct atatemeiit of the amount! reeoiyed, paid out and remaining on h.ind in the County Treaaury of aaid couu'y for the aix month ending on the lat day of April, 1902, Witueaa my hand t'uia 9ih day of April; A. D., 1992. .. N. POLSOEXTER, County Treaaurer. By W. Wl'ltZWEILER, Deputy, A Snap for 30 Days. A hoime and barn and three Io in the city of Prineville, well lo catwi near the business portion of the city, will be sold for caeh for t3j0 if taken before April 1. After that date the price will be advanced $100. This it a good investment for speculative purposes. For fur ther particulars call or write to the JonrtNAT,, Prineville, Oregon. flour Grinding. Bd Harbin denirea to announce that he ia prepared to do all kiwlaof grind ing in the latest approved faa'.iion. Chilled plow ahare grinding a ipeeially J .M. t. A .a . - -J - - J . -A - J - -A- J IAJ LJJJJ. TTTttTTtTtTTtTTTTTTTTTT r Vienna Cafe ' JE.H FEKU KO., Prop. i Rcpaiiered and Newly I uimslicd ALL WfflTU HELP. Havinc ptirchaed this once ..i i jiupuiur eiiuiiK uu'ii-u wc pui- a ; poe making it, without exeep- ' linn, one of the bent in the 4 ! ' city. A nliare of public pat- j ronage ret-pectftilly solicited. I Mcam at all h mr. f . .A. a.i, . t. j. ,..,.... ... a.. m t. t u tt f tpt tttttt t'i r i t i tj"i f m SPRING MILLINERY. Arriving daily and now on hand. A new and complete dtock of all poods in my line, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. A full line of notions and fancy goodn. MRS. SUSIE SLAYTOX. Subscribe for tho Jotkxal. POINDEXTER- Shaving Parlors TICK ADKINS, Proprietor ' alroutt.;nsr bnampoointr Baths.... Our Grocery Department Is nearly complete. ICew goods come in with every freight team. Among the delicacies in gtock vou will find FRENCH MUSHROOMS, FRENCH PEAS, A3- PARAGUS, Purie de foies Gras, and a thousand and one articles too numerous to mention. Come and try our home made Hams, Shoulders, Bacon and Lard, and you will want some more. The price is alright. Seeds, If you are planting any seeds don't forget that the Bee Hive has a fine variety of them, at prices that will curl your hair. A share of your patronage respectfully solicited. , - MICHEL & RISSER. BJLLSTcnsr BAY STALLION OWNED BY . L. WIN DOM, will make the season of 1902 at Culver, Or- A fine bathroom devoted eapecially to the uae of ladiea. Everything up-to-date id atrictly C8on- ; j Pepk;ri:e Sire: The registered Clydesdale, Ballnton, bred by Ladd Deputy Stock Inspectors. jjj Reed, Portland. Dam: Registered Cleveland bay mare, Connies Notice is hereby Kiv. that I have j, . , , d by La(JJ & RecJ portlan(5 appointed the followinj; named pumoiit . ' deputy UkV inapeeiors: HrtV UreeK. AhiH)d. ; pounds. He is a dark blood bay, four years old in June. Sulere. j HnyMaok, I TERMS $10 for insurance; reduction for three or more mares. Vaulina, I Poat. -rrrrrrrrTrrrrrrrrrrrTrrr Boar Creek. J. 1'. Carta rijjht, nam Haiiiiltou, E. Hparka, A. Morrow, F. M. Kmith, Koacoe Knox, T. C. Swain, J. 8. Hogue, Alt'! Slvlutmh, J. P. VanHouten, V. 8. Cowlea, Joe Hiukle, Btink luapector Cnnik County, Bred by G. Springer, of Culver, Oregon. BALLSTON is 17 bands high and weighs in thin working order 1020 OTICK KOtt PUBLICATION. Department or the Intexior. Lako Ornoi at The Oalluk, Okkwh, I Aprils, 1902. Notice ia hereby irlven tliat tha folinwiofi n uned Mttler haa tiled notice of hia intmtirai hi cnnniut and make final proof in anpport of hia claim, and that aaid proof will be made before J. J. Smith, County Clerk at Pnne Ville. Oreiton, ou Kriday, May at, l'JOJ, vU: KdwarJ K. Francia, of Lanmnta, Oioii. H. KJ. Na. DO-.'l for the NK KWK, NWK NKX Seo. , and 8WJ SKj Hefl. 4, T. IS S., K. 14 K., W. M. He n.imea the follnwimr witnewea ta prove hia continuum raaidence upon and cultivation of aaid land, via: O. H. Millar, Jamea Hi-lfrich, Samuel Fierce and Brnjaroin Halfrich, all of 1 anonta, Oiwon. JAY P. LUCAS, 17 Keuiater. jy OTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Pep ahtment of The Interior, Land Otfice at The Unlit Ort-fon, April 8, 1902. Notice ia hereby frlvea that the fulluwinfr niuiml aettler haa tiled notine of hia intention tn make final proof in rapport of his claim, and that aaid proof will tie made before J.J. Smith, Connty Clerk at Prineville, On-ijon, on Saturday May 24, 14102, viz: V ilium W. Jnlin. of Hay Crek, Oregon, H. K. No. H0(W for the SW Seu 10, T. IT S., K. 21 K., W. M. He namea the following- witnnuta to prove hia onutimtnu' rniidi-iice upnu and cultivation of aaid land, via: L. N. LlKgctt) of rrineville. Orecnn, M. W, Smead and Owinte Wilciy, of Poet, Ore con, and (ieoiye Meyer, nf Prineville, Ore. JAY P. LUCAS, aU Keller. ,gil887 Haystack Stallions 1982 The Haystack Ranch will use two Stallions for the season of 1902. THE FRENCH COACH,. A large, stylish black, and THE HACKNEY, A very handsome mahogany bay. The above stallions will be permitted to serve a few mares at $10.00 each, one-half down at end of season and $5.00 more when the mare is known to be with foal. Mares will be pastured at $1.00 per month. Will not be responsible for accidents. Call at ranch or address. v G. SPliLVGkR, Culver, Oregon. EGGS. Blooded Plymouth Rock Eggs. I am now preptred to furnifh ppgs rum my jiens at rcasonahle price. Price, $1.00 per setting nf 15 eggs. Call on or address, JOHN (jEKiER, ' Prineville, Oregon, Sub-scribe for the Joi knal.