Crook County Journal.. J'OfJLE PARKER, I'mUHHKU AND pROPMRTOHa. W. T. Fditob IV. H. Pakkuh, Maxaukk County Official PArm 1 h Journal it entered at th jiitotlic in Printline, JreR., for tranRRiifiwiim thmuxU tl1B Vi Si. t,-il ha second ciasn uiatter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. IX ADVANUF Ux Ykkr.. Sl.l Hll MoSTHH ' KKKK MllXTHS W THURSDAY, APRIL 17,1902. Republican Stats Ticket (iovernor, W. J. KURMSH, of Pendleton. Supreme Judge, K. is. UEAX, of Lane. Sec. of State, F. I. DUX" BAR, of Astoria. Treasurer, C11AS. E. MOORE, of Klamath. Attorney General, . A. M. CRAWFORD, of Douglas. Supt. Public Instruction, i. II. ACKERMAX, Multnomah. State Printer, J.R. WHITNEY, of Linn, Why Not Hie (.'uiitiiiUnlonern? In lust weeks Review tlicre was a communication, presumable from the Warm Springs, but no doubt written in town, in which the writer takes Judge Wills to task for not granting a terry liseime to un Indian. As to why the license was refused one need but to refer to the. published proceedings of t ho county conmiifsioncrs court. The writer fails to take into consideration the fact that there are two democratic members of the court who should be able to outvote tho judge, even if they cannot out talk him. We think the views of the writer are too narr.iw and should take in the commissioners as well as the judge. After having done the right thing by the court then get down to facts and if there has been any thing wrong give it to the demo crats twice to the republicans once and we will be satisfied. I 11? wit 1 Congress 2nd District, . X. WILLIAM SOX, Prineville. Rftjiltblk-au County Ticket. County Judge, W. C. WILLS, of Willow Creek. County Clerk, CAREY FOSTER, of Prineville. Bheriff, J. 8. McMEEX, of Haystack. . Commissioner, . M. D. POWELL, of McKay. Treasurer, MARSH AUBREY, of Send. Assessor, B. F. JOHXSOX, of Mill Creek. ' Surveyor, C, A. GRAVES, of Montgomery. Coroner, 3. L. McCULLOCH, of Prineville-. Take a look at the republican county ticket and say if there is anything wrong with it. Can any county jn the state produce a bet ter or more competent person for county clerk than Carey Foster? Follow the remainder of the ticket m down and ask the game question. As for the county Judge his record is what he must make the race on and any candid minded individual will give him credit for all he has done. If the democrats want to throw all the blame on him for any mistake oi neighborhood ill feeling occasioned by some order of the court, we are perfectly willing they should do so, but also give him t-redit for bringing the county out of debt under adverse cirsumstan- res. A copy of a long communication to the county court baa been hand ed us for publication, but is too lengthy, besides it seems to us to be more a matter of neighborhood utrife than anything else. Any way as the matter will conw up for hearing before the board of com missioners, and a majority being democratic, it will no doubt receive the donsidereration it merits. If. at any time, the county officials grossly violate their official pledges we will cheerfully take up the mat ter and give it all the prominence possible and also aid in having finch officials retired from public view, but in the present case we will leave the matter with the county court for tho present. The national debt is now 1997, 7;!2, 332, this being the first time it j A cartoon in the Sunday Ore- gonian represents George Chamber lain viewing the democratic plat form as it is unveiled by Miss dem ocracy. His expression is very sad at the thought of having to run for governor of this great state on such a structure as that and no wonder, for it contains but one plank and that is "scuttle." You are cordially invited to call and inspect our New Spring Stock. THE LATEST TRIMMING3 ... LACES AND LACP1 APPLIQUES NEW WAIST PATTERNS, DOTTED PONGEE SILKS, WOOL CUALLIES. The latest in Wash Fabrics, Silks and Dress Goods. SIMPSON, WILSON 8 CO. ADAMSON WINNER CO. Incorporated 1K!)9. Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods. W. II. SNOOK, 51. D., Physician and Surgeon, CULVER, OliKdON Am prepared to answer profes sional calls promptly. We believe that investigation i will reveal the fact that the worst SCCC mistakes are :ado bv democratic I officials; why this is so we do not attempt to explain, but suppose it is in the nature of things. We believe there are just us good dem ocrats as republicans, but some how they fail to get to the front. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Com pany succeeded in bringing down from the upper Mackenzie river Tuesday to the boom at Coburg a drive of logs of between 5,000,000 j and 6.000.000 feet. a Heed barley und Out. j a r x 1 fl t." i V 1 1.-- 9 p. J. lew(.'in una aeeil unr- ley and ost for sale at his feed bum in north Prineville. Cavalry Horses Wanted. I will be in Prineville between the 20 of April and May 1, for the purchase of cavalry horses. I will pay from 125 to 132.50 for broke horses, muBt all be broke. Height 14.1 to 15 hands high. All colors except white; mares or geldings. From 5 to 8 years old. For furth er particulars inquire of Davenport Brothers. L. MEADOR. (entucky Liquor House Uncle Sara's Boys' Are restored to health by Green River. It's tho official "Whiskey" of all the Unl- 2 ted States Naval Hospitals. This means that "Whiskey Without a Headache" is $ pure, wholesome and health giving. Un- cle Sam's Navy and Green River Whis- f key have never met their superiors. Ask your dealer for "Green River;" if he f doesn't have it we will send you a sam- C. J.iSTUBLING, I ft Wholesaler, s 8' PRINEVILLE, OKKliO.V. Jft 3. SSalknap. PAyiiean mmd Jury torn. OHiiia in rear of Adtinftiu, Winnok Co PRINEVILLE, OKKHCWj . 33'rink jfloraty and Covnittor at Xa ' PRINEVILLE, OREGON. tt. S3is9t ,. i PRINEVILLE, OKEUON. FARM FOR SALE 320 acres. 75 acres in cultiva tion. 40 acres of meadow. All under fence. Good house. Good water. Call on or address the JontNAL, Prineville, Oregon. Price $1800. a3m3 BICYCLE REPAIRING Havine onened a Bicycle ffiW Repair Shop I am now prepared to do all kinds of bicycle repair work on short notice and at reasonable rates. Am also agent for the MITCHELL and YALE Bicycles, the best on the market for the money. Give me a call when needing anything in my line. Shop at Harbin's old stand. CLARENCE PARKER. D F We carrv a full line of JFAJSTCrST GOODS Of all kinds at prices VERY LOW. Gentlemen and Ladies Shoes, former price $2.50, now selling at $1.50. $3.00, now at $2.10. $6.00, now at $4.00. $4.00, now at $2.75. $5.50, now at $3.00. 0 J(j,J9, 55?, a ff'iytiemn itnj Suryrtm. I)lraa ut woiiimi a aKOlaltr. Plione Nu 2. RonidnntM back uf tho I'he.toi(mdi tjullory. PRINEVILLE, OREdOX. Cll iiutmiid irniiitly iluy nrnljdi Of. fio. with Ir, V. Uwnir, Ul(kiic Rodhy Hotol. I'KINEVILLK. OBKliOX For Sale or Trade. One thoroughbred Kentucky Jack, for sale or will trade for broke draft liorsw. Also livery stable fully equip ed, located in the Town of Antelope. For further information write to E. 0. Diekerson, Antelope, Oregon, p. 4 8 . bus Kne below inark in Years. the billion dollar Pon't lorget that you cmii save 50 unt uu your winter rending tiy nilc fur the OregouUn with the Juvnn fur$2.i0. Counljr TreaNurcr'a Notkt. VOTICE M HEREBY (JIVKX THAT 1. itH Crfvik Ciuntr warniiiU reht'teml nfter Xo. 14, 1001, to nl lnchuliii? warrant rrzulriti Un. 147. April 12. mi, will I uaid tin urweuUti'm tu the TrMutvr ttf tilts cmntty. JntreHt will oewtc fntm date .if Uiii l'riuevii;, (Ifwri. April 14, 1!W2. J. X. PoiKfitXTKH, Comity Tmwurrr. By W. 'Vuin tiLKK, Deputy For 30 Days Only. Ladiea Heavy Fleece Lined Vests, special at 30c. Ladies Dres Skirts at $1,10. Ladies Kilk Flowered Handkerchiefs 17c each, 3 for 50c. Misses Mackintoshes at $1.95. We have 300 pairs of Ladies Shoes. Your choice for 50c per pair. We have Crockery and Notions, Fancy goods of all kinds. Step into our ntore and price our goods. RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. Reliable Merchants. j. Jf. jCippman & Co. Manufacturers of Furniture J. W. BOONE, Saddles and JCarness Maker of the celebrated PRINE VILLE STOCK SADDLE IILL LINE OF KTOCKMKiYM Sl'PPLIEM Latost improved Ladies' Sid and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, Quirt and Ilacka mores. Write for prices. PiiiNF.viUK, : : 0)N. C4 n v jjllVlVl 1 1111V I UlVit AND DEALERS IN Fine Undertaking Goods, Carpels, Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass, Lumber and Building Material. Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan. PRINEVILLE, : : : OREGON. C. E. McDowell, Troi). Thoroughly Renovated and Re furnished Throughout. American Plan. Kales $1, $!.." und per day. Accommodations are Unnurpaiwcd in the city. Sample Roomi for Commercial Traveler, Long Distance Telephone Station in the hoime.