Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 17, 1902, Image 3

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    hopublloan rimfoi ni.
The Hopuliliciin party of Ore
gun, in stale convention assembled,
proud of its record' ami j.unt his
tory, lis devotion to the principle
ol liunmn rights, itH gn-nt and iin
pcrisliablo iiiirtK'tt which le tiii lust
r and glory to llio American Na
tion ut hoimi 11 nd mining tliu na
tions 0 the earth, 11 nd us an as
surance of it continued fidelity to
Him great principles (or which it
lias contended in thu punt in Htate
mill national affairs, does hereby
make and allirtn the following
thwlnrution of iu principles
The events of thu lain war with
Spain curried uh into the I'hilip
pine Inlands. We hold it to be
oonsislcnt with the principles of
liberty and our National life that
the sovereignty of the United
ft'Ui'S should be 'maintained in the
islands, under such ncl self-government
ss the people may be, or
may bicome, fitted to participate
in. We therefore declare against
all proposals looking to the retire
ment of the United Hlulvs from
the 1'hilippine Islands.
That in the war which President
Roosevelt has inaugurated against
the gigantic combinations of in
corporated capital he has the unit
ed and enthtisiaatio support of the
lleptiblioan party of Oregon.
We demand and insist upon the
passage of tho bill now pending in
Congress for the exclusion of Chin
ma, known as the Mitchell-Kahn
xclusion bill.
We renin rm our allegiance to
the principles of protection in
iiecessary cases of industries still
in their infancy or unable to com
petu with foreign proJuctions.
We recogniis the right of labor
to organize and combine for niutu
al proUsclion under tho law, and
wa recommend that the Legisla
ture enact all nnceasary legislation
to protect labor in all its rights
and privileges. In the int-ret of
American labor and the upbuild
ing of the workingman as the corn
er-slons of the prosjierity of our
country, we recommend that Con
gress create a Department of La
bor in charge of a secretary, with
a teat in the Cabinet.
We demand that a law be pass
ed by the next Legi slat tire placing
nil public officers ot this state up
on reasonable salaries, which shall
not be increased during tho in
cumbent's term of office, and be
yond such salary they shall re
ceive no compensation as fees or
In order to promote the develop
ment of the mineral resources of
the state, we are in favor of the
creation and maintenance of a
mining bureau by the state.
We declare our approval and
support of the suggestions of Presi
dent Roosevelt for the irrigation of
the arid lands of the country.
This work should be undertaken
by the United States as soon as
possible, an i carried forward on a
consistent plan, under direction of
the General Government.
We urge our Representatives in
Congress and Senators to use every
effort to secure the speedy opening
of tho Columbia River between
The Dalles and Celilo, and for
clearing tho river of obstructions
to navigation from its mouth to
the head of navigation. We urge
aUo renewed and continued effort
for improvement of our Count har
bors and streams within the state,
and the speedy construction of an
isthmian canal.
That the public lands are the
heritage of the common people and
should bo held in trust for the use
and benefit of all the people under
the homestead laws. We ure
therefore unalterably opposed to
all plans, schemes or propositions
ior leasing public domains, either
to corporations or individuals.
We favor a policy by tho state
.n,i lint n!.,.,i h .uit
further foster and support our (is!
ricH, and we ru'iiicst the Legisla
ture to enact such further meas
ures as may be found by experi
ence necessary to obtain this result.
We demand and insist upon the
immediate passage by CongrcHH of
the United States of thu oleomar
garine hill, known us the Grout
bill, now pending in tho Hftiato.
That wo favor the nrouosed
amendment to tho s'.ato contitu
hoii providing ior mid initiative
and referendum,
nd recommend
its adoption by tho people of the
We declare our approval of the
principles of the primary law en
acted by tho Legislature at the
session of 1U01 , and wc ask the
r :ii. . . i it i ' oiiancv wini ind proviainna oi inn actor
Legislature to extend this law so,' . ' , .. ...
that in its main feuttires it Way
a.plyto primary elections in all:Hu11" "".. (". IC;J.
eloition precincts throughout the
state und we further recommend
the election of United States Sena
tors by popular vote
An Ingenious) Treatment by which
Drunkards are Cured Dally In
Spite of Themselves.
It is now generally known and un
derstood that Drunkenness ia a disease
and not sttakncM. A body filhd with
poison and nerves completely shattered
by poriotlintl or cmiaturil uae of intox
icating liiUiira, requires an antidote
cnpabls of neutralising and eradicat
ing llna poiaun, and destroying the
ciaving for intoxicants. Huflerers may
now euro themselves at home without
publicity or )os of time from btiinaa
hy tliit wonderful "HOME (iOLD
('I'KE'which liajt been perfected after
many yean of clore uttiily mid treat
iiient of inebrislea. Tho fuilhlul iim
accordiiiK to directions of thia won
derlul diacovery is K)iitivcly guaran
teed to cure the most olntiuaue cae,
no matter how hard a drinker. Otu
record show the marvelous transform
ation of thouaiinds of Drunksrda into
aober. induKtrioua and upright men.
T11EHHI I This remedy ia in no annae
a noatrum but ia a ajH-cifio for tnia
diw-aae onjy, slid ia ao akilWully de
fined and prepared that it ia thorough
ly soluble and pleasant to the tuate, an
that it can be given in a cup o( tea or
cohVe without ti e knowledge of the
peraon takin it. Thoiiaaiida of drunk
arda liae cured theinsulvea with this
priceleaa reinedr, and as many more
have been enrr. I and a m do temperate
men by having the cure ailmiiiiatered
by lining friends and relative with
out their knowledge in tea or coll'ee,
and believe today that they discon
tinued drinking of their orn free will.
00 NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded
by apparent and mialea ling "improve
ment. The HOME COLD CUKK is
sold st"the extremely low price of One
Dollar, thus placing within reach of
everybody a treatment more effectual
than othrs coating; t'ib to toO. Full
directions eacooinpsny each package.
special advice by skilled physicians
when reqnated without extra charge.
Heiu prepaid to any pan of the world
on receipt m uno jioiiar. Aiiureaa
Dept. E 480 EDWIN n. GILES A
CO. 2.130 and 2332 Market St. l'hila
All correspondence strictly confl
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1H78.
Umtkd Statks Lanii Osnca, 1
Tus Daukh, Okkoon.
April 2, 1U0-J.
Notice ia hereby given that in compli
ance with the proviaioiia of the Act uf
Cougreaaof Juue 3, 1878, entitled "An
act fur the aale of timber landa in the
atatea uf California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Waahington Territory," aa extended
to all the Puhlio Land Ktaiei by act iH
August 4, 1802, the following persona
have thia day filed in thia oltice their
awoin s'ateiiieuia, to-wit:
Michael J. Hauey uf Spokane, county
uf tjpokane, Slate of Washington, aworu
atateiuent No. 234 for the purchase of
the SWj if Section No. 27, m Town
ahip No. 12 8., Range No. 10 E., W. M.
Peter W. While of Spokane, luunty
of Spokane, State of Washington, swum
Bt-atetntmt No. 235 for the purchase of
i he SKJ of Section No. 28, In Townilnpi
no. u a., tutnge sso. iu c, n. m.
Raymond H. Scotiuld, of brook Park,
couiny of Pine, State of Minn., awum
stateinnnt No 23(1 for the purchase if.
the NEJ of Section No. lit. in Town
ship No. 12 S , Range No. 10 E., W. M.
Emit J. Link, uf Spokaue, county 01
Spokane, Slate ot Washington, swum
statement No. 237 for the puichase of
the NWuf Seciiun A'o. 34, in Town-1
.1.... ST.. IO C U V.. IA V VI' HI
snip is o, i o., rvaoifo no. iu u.., u, m.
Adolph. Morriaette. of S.okan,()oun. j
ty uf Spokane, Statu of Wusliiiniton,
srii statement No. 238 for the pur
!' th.H NEi .!' ! N.38,
Township Hu. 12 S., iUllie No. 10 K..
W. M.
That tiny will offer proof to show
tlnil ilm land sought in mora valuable for
in timber or atom tl.ait for agricultural
purpose, nail to ustnblisn tht-u clioin to
mud boforu the Ktigiaii-r and IU
emvur of tliu olhcu st Ilm Dalh.i, Or
J on Tuesday, the 17th day of Juno,
j winHM.
l'otui W. White and K, J. Lind. of
Hpokane, Wash,; L, E. Alliiighajn, of
' H(:,,licl, of llrmik i'ark, Minn.; M. i.
IWy, of Hnokano, Was.
U...... hi II.'......... ..1 II
1, ,A"' ",,d 1,11 V"'
j t li h ubove-auscrilrod lands art) requested
to tile their dawn in this oiiica on or bo
i ,H"1 ' "V "' ',u,.", wl
Timbur Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Umtkd Kttkh Lau Omen,
Tub Ohk,, Airil 6, l!Hr2.
Notice i lii-ruby Kiven tnat in com
an act for the sale of timber lamia ill the
It,, ,u u, public land Butca br act of
Aui(Uat 4, I8:t'J, the follnwiiig pcrauna
hate tin day filed in Una otlice their
aworn atatuieut, to-wii:
Mudiael t'l'iinnr, of The Da Ilm, coun
ty of iVaaco, Htate of Oregon, awum
lUtuini-iit No. 241 for tlia purchaae oi
ili NWJ of Sociion no, 1", m Townahip
so. 1.1 b , Kange Mi. 10 11., W. M.
t'ottr Mi (iuii n, of The Dallea, coun
ty ol Waacii, atate of Oregon, aworn
aiatnn-nt No. 2iQ for the purchaae of
the tiW'l of Huction Mo. 17, in Townahip
No. 13 B., Kange No. 10 W. M.
Juaephiiie Couty, of Farmiiigton,
county of Whitman, atate of Waahinv-
tnii, aWorn icat.-nnmt no. 2.VJ tut the
purchaae of the HE of Keel urn No. 17,
in Towuahlp No. 13 8., Kange no. 10 E ,
A'. M.
They will offer proof to show that the
land aouglit ia more valuable for ita tim
ber or atone than for agricultural pur
poaea, and to eaiabliah their claim to aaid
laud before the ltefialer and Receiver of
i liia ofhee at Thr Diillea. Orrgon, on
Wndiiuaday, the 18th day of Juue, 1002
They name aa wilnetaea:
Teter McUuig Fred W. Smith,
John McOuigxn, John Hl"a, Miiie Con-j
iiera, John J. SUKiuigHli and Michael
Canter, of The Dallea, Oregon, and Jaa.
MiiFarlaud, of Farmingiop, Waah.
Any and all peraotia claiming auvtraely
aha above-deecribed ianda are requeaied
to bio their cl.oma in thia ofiice on or
before aaid 18th dav of June, 13.
alOp IWgiater.
Timber Und, Act June X, 187S.
UsiTrn Ktateh Lasn Omca,
at Ths lAiLKa, Ouan., AraiL 7, 1H02.
Notice ia hereby given that in compliance
with tlia provision of the act uf Cmigrens of
June 3, 1S7S, antitled "An act for the salt of
timber lands io the butts of ''altfomi. Ore
gnu, Nevada and W anhintfton Territory," as
exu-mtett to ail the Public Land States hy
act of August 4, IW2, the following ers'ins
have this day 6'td in this othce their worn
staUnienta, to-wit:
Kralerick W. XvM of The Dalles, conntv
of Wasco, State of Oregon, sworn statement
No. 24'.' f"r the purchase ol the SH lj of Sec
tion No. 2S, Towualiip .No, Li S Kange No.
10 K , W. M.
James H. Lane of Minneapolis, county of
Hhnieian, State of Minn., sworn statement
No. 243 (or the purchase of the Ntf NWX of
election No. !(S and the SH 8w) of Section
No. 21, in Towuship No. 12 S., Range No.
10 .., W. M.
John llloaa of The Dallea, county of Was
co, Htate uf Oregon, sworn statement No. 244
lor the purchsae of the of bection No.
17, In Townsliip Mo. 13 6., Kaoge No. 10 li.,
W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land aoug-hi is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to
establish their oiaiui to said land before the
Register and lieceiver of this office at The
Dalles. Oregon, on Thursday, the lsth day ol
June, 11102.
They name as witnesses:
Frederick W. Smith, Peter McGulgsn,
Michael Connsia and John Rlues of The
Dalles, Oregon, and James H. Lane of Minne
apolis, Minn.
Auv ami all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims iu this utfioe on or before said
tilth day of Juue, l'JOi
a-10p Register.
Land Ornci at The, Or.,
April 8, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlers have tiled notice of intentiou
to make final proof on their respective' claims,
before A. C Palmer, VS.Coinmissioner at
I'linevllle, Oregon, on Friday, May 18, 190-2,
Kdward B. Knon of Post, Orecon, on
homestead application No. o67'J for the NK1
N VI '4 and Lots 1 and 2 Sec. 1, T. 17 S.. K.
l!l K.. andSK"4 KK Sec. 24, T. 17 M, 11. IS
E., W. SI.
Caleb Davis, of Post, Oregon, on home
stead application No. 5409 for the WH SWx,
SW NWW and NEX S!, Sec, 17, T. 17
H., R. Id K., w M.
WitnevsM: M. V. Smead, J. 8. Sinuvl.
K. K. liilleuwater, G. H. Knox aud Caleb
Davis, all of Post. Oregon.
a 10 JAY P. LUCAS. Re Bister,
All persons wishing (tri' work done
niul ttltjd tlioao liaving old gi ists on our
books, niUHt cull and lif t aume on or
beforf May 20th us we will ahnt down
, ,. . .
M UM t""9'
Gary House Bar.
Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors.
fine wines,
City Moat Market,
A Complete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Main st.
Hamilton Stables
and R'edby Feed Barn.
G. M.
White & Combs.
Journal Real
Is now prepared to handle your
Property if you want to sell
By placing your property with us you get the benefit of free adver
tising. Having bad years of experience in this line we know where to adver
tise in ordur to reach prospective buyers.
There will be a large influx of immigrants to this coast in the spring
and in order to sell advantageously it will be necessary to place the
advantages of your property where buyers will be attracted by them.
List your property with us and
FOR 8ALH-A two storr dwelling with
barn and outhouses in the city of Priueville.
This property is well situated and ia covered
liv irrigation, H covers one-fourth of a block
and ia Hie of the lieat residence locations in
the town. Price reammalile. ,
KOR SALK-One of the best located farms
in the famous clover belt iu the Souaw creek
couutry, connistiug of IliO acres. 40 acrea ia
We are instilled in our new quarters next door to the
Hamilton Stables, and are better equipped than ever to handle
all kinds of general blacksmithing and wagon repairing.
Is fino Horseshoeing, for which we have no rivals. A trud
will convince.
Carriage Tainting in connection.
Fester & Lehman
'Phone 31.
Stock boarded by day, week or
month. Fine saddle horses and
livery turnouts. Kates reasonable.
Good accommodations.
Remember lis when in Print
ville, and we guarantee that yuor
patronage will be appreciated
and deserved.
C0RNETT, Proprietor.
Estate Agency.
we will treat you right.
Clo-Tor. A swra
foot. Lf 'Khoutte and other ordinary tnipmvf
ineiitd, irnsd jfrvrdeo ralfeH every year and
variety of ouiali fruits. )'J0 aci-ea f fine aaw
tititbttr that will eventually H worth uiurw
than the price now nxktd fur the entire farm.
AH under privata irrigating ditch that ynea
with the property.
Prineville. Oregon.