fJflJItTW1! MKiillliil In bulk we hate IVaa, I.eans, Corn, ' Carrot, Turnip, Parsnip, Radish, Beets, Squash, Sweet Peas, Nasturtiums, lied Clover, Alfalfa, liromus Inenaus, Kentucky Blue Grass and White Clover. A full line of Garden Seeds in packages. We still carry a full line of Goneral Merchan dise and Hardware. A new line of Hats and Crash Goods for Spring and Summer wear. La dies' Shirt Waists. Our Gents' Furnishing Goods Department is replete with the latest fashions. ; i sj fresh Field Seeds. I ties j880S I r I I; ,4 IS iV at 14 7- IV- it' 1 ! K1 PRICES MOST REASONABLE, AT C L SJL03VC03ST'S- . .X,A-.V .. ..I tVAJsla.lfrttaiiJaJJU J'-t.Hi...'. Att-f...'!1.'.'.-.-:...,.. ft ,,M'M it t;,. surt-rfurwilinii rtui Ss aV4i Billet Doux Saved Hl.n. At last a man litis been found -who appreciates the Congressional Diretory for what it is worth. A promising newspaper man editor of North Wash., acknowledges the re ceipt of one of thei-e valuable books, sent him by Representative Oush man, in the tollowing language: " I am in receipt of your billet doux about the special edition of the Congressional Directory, baud tooled, bound in leather, illuminat ?d initals, laminated sides and bot tom, ivory handled, fitted with a corkscrew, geared 1o 8G revolutions a minute and all mine because my name has been stamped on it in letters of enduring .gilt at the expense of the government and at the request of my congressman. You have my thanks my vote and my enthusiastic support were yours, apyway forever. You touohed roe off with this directory, at the proper time. I am under everlasting obli gations. I was downhearted, bilious, lad lost all desire. My tongue was coatad with yellow fir, and the world seemed slipping gently hence. Farewell my own sweet love, land of Pierpont Morgan and home of octopus! I thought I was a 'goner', soon to be like the fairest Sower of ihe meadow nipped by an untimely frost. Then came your lettur, and then later came tbu directory, and I took the same according to direct ions, and now I feel like a new man. That was all I needed, and when next you see me you will behold one who was given up for lost by all the local physicans and nearly all the crowned heads of Europe, nd was saved by the Congressional Directory." His Marriage fee. A poor couple living in the Emerald Isle went to the priest for marriage, and were met with a de , mand for the marriage fee, says Tit BitF. It was not foithcoming. J'oth the consenting parties were rich in love and in their prospects, but -destitute of financial resources. The father was -obdurate. "No money, no marriage." "Give me lave, your riverence," said the blushing bride, "to go and get the monoy." It was given, and she sped forth on the delicate mission of raising a marriage fee out of pure nothing. After a short interval she returned with the sum of money, and the ceremony was completed to the Batisfaction of all. When the parting was taking plana the new ly made ' wife seemed a little un easy.. . "Anything on your mind, Cath erine?" aaid the father. . "Well, your riverence, I would like to know if this marriage could not he Fpoiled now?" "Certainly not, Catherine. No nan can put you asunder." "Could you not doit yourself, father? Could you not hpuil the marriage?" "No, no, Catherine. You are past roe now. I have nothing more to do with your marriage," ''That aises me moind," said Catherine, "and God bless your riverence. There's the ticket for your hat. I picked it up in the lobby and pawned it." He Kept His Leg. Tw' lvi! ye;ir ni;o J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., wretched his leg with a rusty wire. Inflmmrrtion and blood poisoning set in. For two years he fluttered intensely. Then the beet doctors urg;ed amputation, "but," he rites, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1 12 boies of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For Eruptions. Eczema, Tetter, Suit Rheum, Sores and all blood diaorderi Electric Bittern baa no rival on earth. Trv tliem. Adamon & Winnek Co. will guarantee eatisfiictio.i or refund money. Only 50 cents. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Cunrt of tht State of Oregon, for Crook County. Bernard Gormley, plaintiff, vs. Cinthy M. flormlev, defendant. m; CINTHY M. UORMLKY, THE J- above named defendant, in the Name of the State of Oregon, you art hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled agaiaat yoa in the above entitled suit on or before the 1st day of May, 1902, and if you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff wilt applvtothe court for the re lief demanded in the comp.aint, to wit; For a dissolution of the marriage contract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. ruulubed in the fcroog County JofRNAi. bo order of the Hon. W. C. Wills, Comity Judge of Crook County, Oregon, weekly for a period of six weeks, said order was dated and Bled on the l-'tii dar of March 1902. The date of the first publication being the 20th day of March 1102. it. Biona, Attorney for Plaintiff. Timber Laud, Act Jims 3, W8, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 20, InM. Notice is hereby given thnl in compliance with the provisions of the act of Con:r,n of June 3, 1S7S, emitted ''An act for the sale of timber lands in tht States of California, Ore K"il, Neva-la, and Wa-diuitfton Territory," aa extended to all the I'ublio Land States by acini Auipist 4, ISM, Kred H. Slnlii, of Mend, county of Cr.iok. State of Oreijou, has thu ilav fii.'d in titis oflice his sw.tii state, tiit'iit So. f.r the niia-haseof the .NW1 of s:tion No. 12 in Township No. IS S. Ilsnce No. It K., W. M., and will offer pnsd to eliow that the land smiciil is more vi luable for in. timber or sumo than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said ' land bef re the IteitisUr and H eivr ol this i oltiie at The Dalles, Oreannoa Thursilay, the j 5th day of June, I 'Jr.'. 1 He names as witnesses: I Charles L Hrncii, Ovid Riley, Charlea.1. Cottor, of Heml, Orecon, i). 0. Warner, of Portland Orxon. Any and sil persons claiming adversly the j a'ove.described lands are reuoestcd to tile , theirclaiuis in this oitice on or before said 6lb dsy uf June, WOi JAY i'. LUCAS. ReKister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dallas. Oregon, March 10, 1902 Notice Is hereby aiven that the following named aettler has tiled notice of his intention lo make final proof in snppr rt of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before J. 1. Smith, County Cleilt at Prineville, Ore-, gon, en Saturday, April IK, 1902, via: William H. Grfale, of Post, H, K. No. 8198, for theSF. NWJ KR', HWJandWJ SK Sec 1, Jp. Ii 0; K, A) e,., VV. XL. He names the followiiiK witnesses to prove his cotitinuous-restdeiiee upon and cultivation of aaid land, viz: R. P. Miller, uf Post, Oregon, W. R. Kelley, of Post,-Oregifl, Jiff Stewart, of Mowry, Oregon, Henry Orchard, of p(t, Oregon. JAY P. LCCAS, BJ20 Regiater. Timber Land, Act June 3, lS7o. NOTICB FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, fhe Dalles. Oregon. March 29. 1902. Notice ia hereby giveu that in romplianco with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, IXW, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gn, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1&02, the following persons have this day filed in this office their sworn state ments, to-wit: Minnie A. Rine,of Famiington, county of Whitman State uf Waehiugt'in, aworn state, ment No. 231 for the purchase of the SV4 of Sectkm No. 10, in Township No. 13 a., Range No. 10 K., W. M. Bert K. Wolfe, if Farmington, ccunty of Whitman, State of Washington awnn state No. 232 fpr the purchssa of the H of Sec tion No. 9, in Township No. 13 S., Range No. 10 E., W. M. That Uiev will offer nroof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purposea, aud to establish their claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of thin office at The ! lls, Oregon on 1'riday, the 13th day of June, 1802. They name as witnesses: Art Wolfe. K.ank F Bnsey, Bumey Walker, MiLe Coimera, i mie A. Kiue and J.H" Wa'tera, all of KarminKton, Washington. Any and all ieramia cl dining adverae y the alaive-descrila-d lands are requested to tile their claims in this office 00 M before aaid 13th uuy of June, llKTJ 3 AY P. LUCAS, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1X78. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United SUtra Land Oifice, The Dalles, Oregon, March 28, liM. Notice is hereby given that iu compliunce wi,h the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, ln','8, entitled "An aid for the aale of timber Unda in the States of California, Ore. gon, Neva.ia and Washington Territory," a extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lxtri, tne following pen us have this day filed in this ollioe their awoi-u stAtemenU, via: Krnest B. Walker, of Farailngtnn, county of Whitman. State of Washington, sworn statement No. 2'J8 for the purchase of the SKK of Section No. 11, in Township No. 13 8., Itsnge No. 10 W. M. William S. Mcrar!and, of Famiington, county of Whitman, mate of Washington, sworn statement No, 221' for the purchaae of the SKH of Section No, ITi, in Township So. 13 S., Range No. 10 K-, w. M. Bruce Knowlea. of Farniiugton, countv of Whitman, State of Washington, sworn state ment No. 2, for the purchase of the SW4 of Section No. 15, in Township No. 13 S., Range No. 10 .., W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timlier or st .ne than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish their claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this otfice at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the 13lb day of June, 1902. They name as witnesses: Sol Walters. Bruce Knowlea, F. F. Buaey, William S. McKarland, B. B. Walker and Art Wolfe, allot Famiington, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described landa are requested to file their claims in this oflice on or before aaid 13th day of June. lf02. a 8 JAY P. LUCAS, Regiater. Timber Ind, Act June 8, 178. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stataa Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March 28, 1902. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act ef Congress of June 8, 1K7N, entitled "An act for the aslo of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, ihe following persons have this day filed In this office their sworn statements, via: - - ' Sol Walters, of Farmlngton, county of Whitman, Stale of Washington, sworu state ment No.-224 fin- the purchase of the SK' of (Section No. 14, in Township No. 13 S.. Range No: 10 ... W. M. Josepn S. Walters, of Famiington, county of Vi hitman, State of Washington, ewoni statement No. 225 for the pnrjhae of the Lots land 2andSJ NEX of Section No. S in Township No. 13 S., Rauge No. 10 .., W. M. Frank F. Busey. of Farmington. county of Whitman, State of Washington, sworn state trent No, 22ti for the purchase of the N vi Section No. 14, in Township No. 13 S., Range No. 10 F... W. M, Art Wolfe, of Farmington, county of Whit man, State of Washington, sworn statement No. 227 for tlia purchase of the SK4 of Sec tion No. 10, in Township No. 13 S-, Range No. 10 E W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land eougtit ia more valuable for iu timber or stone than for agricultural nurpisies, and to establish their claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of thia oltice at The Dalles, Oregon on Thmsday, the 1.1th day of June, 1902. They name as witnesses: Wm. S. Mcr'arland, K. B. Walker, J.waph S. Walters, Art Wolf, Sol Walters, Minnie A. Ryan and, F. F. Busey, all of Farmiugton, Wasliington. Any ami all persons claiming adversely the abore-deaorilwd lands are rniursted to file their claims In this office on or before said 12th day vf June. 1902. a ) JAY P. LUCAS. Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Oflice at The Dalits, Oregon. March 10, Wl Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, lt-78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber landa In the States of California, Ore gon, Nrva.ta and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by' act of AuguU 4, 1H2, O. Clarke laoter, Ku- fus A, Ltiter ami John M. Lsller, of port-1 laud, county of Mtlltliomall, State ol Oregon, J and Joseph T. Peters, of The Dalies, county of Wasco, Slate of Oregon, have on the 2lih, 27th and SSttt days of February, liXrJ, tiled their sworn statements N'. 214, 21. 2111, A 217, f.r the N K. NWJ, and SWJ Sec tion 20, Tp- VJ South, Range 12 K4.1t W. M. and will offer proof to show that land sought ia more valuable for Its lim'ier or stone than for agrtcuUural punssies, and to establish their cbiinia to said land befoie the Register and Receiver of tills othee at The Dalles, Ore. g on, en Friday, the 23d day of May, Wl They name as witueiues: John M. Leiter, of Portland, Oregon, Ru fus A. Ulter, of Portland. Oregon, O. ClaiV Uiter, of Portland, Oregon, R. W, brook, of Portland, Oregon, Joseph T- Pet era, of The Dallea. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file thjlr claims In this niHce on or before said 23d day of May, 1002. JAY P. LUCAS. Bl20 Register. Tluiber Laud, Act June 3, WA. NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March II, 1 902. Notice ia hereby given that in coniplinot with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, lrfH, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," a, extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1HV2, Michael J, McOuigan, of liotae, County of Ada, Stats of Idaho, has this day tilid in this office his rworn state oient No. 2)9. for the purchase of the NEk of Section No. IS in Township No. 19 8, Range No. 10 K W. M. and will iffer pusif to snow that the land sought ia more valu able for its timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and establish his claim to aaid land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon on Saturday, the 24th day of May. 1902. He names aa whilnesses.' Michael Connors, K. B, McCormie, Robt. McDonald, Peter McOuigan, all of The Dallea. Oregon. - Any and ail persons claiming adversely the abnve-diovribed landa are requested to hie their claims in this otfice on or before said 24th day of May, 1902. JAY P. LUCAS, m20 Regiater, NOTICfc FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornci T Lakovlew. Ouitnog, February 21, 1003. Notice la hereby given tliat the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make tine! pnsif in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before A. C, Palmer, U. S, Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on May 3, 112, vlx: launder C. Caldwell, 11. K. No. 2318, tor the NKM N'A'H, NW, NEX andSJjNliH. Sec. 30, T. 21 S R. 11 K. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and eullivation of said land, via: Oeorge T. Sly, George W. Br.r-ne, William K. B.igue and George 0. Iteeee, all uf Lava, Ore. E. M. BRATTAIN, 3-6 02 Register, , SUMMONS. ' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Crook County. 8. F. Slppy, plaintiff, vs. M. 3. ippy. defendant, qio M. i. SIPPY, THK ABOVE NAMKD -1- defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon, you an hereby required to appear and answer the eomplaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on 01 before the 5tb day of May, 1902, and if yon fail to an aiqiear aud answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wit: For a dissolution of the marriage contract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. ' Published in the Crook County Joiisxal by order of the Hon. W C. Wills, County Judge of Crook County, Oregon, weekly for a period of six weeks, said order was dated and Hied on the 2!ith day of March 1902. The date of the first publication being the 27th day of March 1902. 0. W. Bahnw. Attorney for Plaintiff, I'ullman Ordinary Ulirjmi, The tourist travel between llmiwst and lh J'acilio coast haa reached enormous proportion, in the last few juaia, and calls for a special class uf Hiiijiment. To limit this dmiinnd the Pullman Cu, Iu, issued from 11a shops ht lt u-ifiiinially calla the "Pullman Driln ary Sleeper," These cam aiar similsr in the regular alinr, boiiix built nn the same plan, but not furnished with the same i bgante They are niuipp.d with matireMea, blniikoia, alieota, pilloe,, iii,w paK.,i , towels, cijinle), tiruslns, io., iiqiiiiin nolliingiif 1I10 ki..d tu lm fornishod by the I'saaongor. ICnch car lis a siioe f,.r makun collce and tea and doing "light honaeieoptiiK," anil nam ai cioii on bo lilted with wi adjustable t.bbj. A uni formed porter luuoiniwniea em-h car, lm husmeaa being lo niake up berths, th oar clean, aim look ttut the comloria and wanls of the pasavtigers. In each f ib Iraim whirh are d:i;MU.'i.d Uaily from Piirtlnnd by tl,. (). J. & , Or, ia .i be found one of t,eav "I'ullinali Or dinary Bleep. " The car it attached to th ''Chicago I'orll.nd Hi, which goesj llnouph m (',icgu wuhout change, and the one In the "Atlantic E preaa" runt lo K.n.a, ; wuhout chaiigrj. Psssengon In thia ear fur Chi Cairo change in a ajioiilnr car at 0'rauger. Much of the first diss travel it being carried in tbeee Cera, the rslea being lower, anil the service being nearly tual to that in the palace sleepers. For rales and full iiiformstion, In eluding oldera, ril to A. L. Craig, G. P. ., O. k. N. C. Portlsnl.O. Timber land, Act June 8, 178. N0TIJF. FOR PUBLICATION. , UnlUd States Land Office, The Dalles. Or.., February 12, llMf , , Notlot is hereby gives that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congrest of June S, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timlier lands in the States of Calilonila, O s-g-n, Nevada and Washlngbm Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land Slates by Act f August 4, 1892. ths following rsons have hit day filed ia this oltice their sworn state, mrnts, ii; Henry A. Smith, af J'oritlsnd, oonaty of Multnomah, State of Oregon, sworn state ment No. 210 for the purchase of the SEW Sou. 29 and KX NF.! and N W) NEJ.; 8c, 82, Tp. 18 S., R. 11 E, W. M. Helen A. Kerr, of Portland, ootinty of Multnomah, State of Oregon, (worn state. meiii jvo. 211 for the purchase of tht K'i NEW See 21 and W NW Sm. 22, Tp. Ill 8.. R.11E.. W. M. That they will offer ironf to show that tht land sought la mora valuable for its timiier or stone than for agrlcul.ural imruoses. and to establish their claim tu aaid land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, 00 Tuesday, ths 6th day of May, 1902. They name at witnesses: B. F. Smith, Helen A. Kerr. Dewit Danfmth. W N. J,. and Hewr A, Smith, all of Portland, Oregoa. An) and all persons claiming adverssly the ahove-deeoribed Unda. art requested to lilt their claims in thia otfice en or before said (ilk day of May, 1902. F20 Jay. P, Ltwat. Register. NOTICF. FOR PUBLICATION, - Land offiot at The Dalles, Oreg.m March 10, 1902. Notlot it hereby given that tht following named tettler bat tied notice of hit Inten Hon to make final proof in support of hit claim, and that aaid proof will be made before A C. Palmer. U. 8. Commissioner, at Prine ville, Oregon on Saturday, April 28, 1902, Vll! , t ! ,, , . Geora ft. ftrriWM a 1T. P....L XT V 9R80 for the SJ NwV NK1 SWt ,d N W j SKJ S 13, Tp. 11 8, R, 16 V.., W.M. He names tht following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultiva tion ne taid land, via: Jaroet A. Allen, J. P. VaaHouten, Kd. C. Elkina, i. 11. O Kelly, all of Hay Creak, Or, gon. Jai P. Ltwaa, b9 Register. Baptist Church aemoos at Prineville, very 2nd and 4th Sundayt in ich month, tt Culver every 3rd Sunday and ' at Howard tvery Itt Sunday. . . M. Brantblet, v