Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 10, 1902, Image 5

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    I Additional Locals. I
V. II. SIiik'h, the li.tnd liot
mnu, wits a business vhitor in town
lust Saturday,
T. M. Ikldwin returned lat
week from a lri luminous trip to
outside (mints.
U. V. Brwito and C. W. Carey
ware in (mm Comb, flat tl.o fj rnt
of the week attending to buwincHK
Mr. Minta Prlne arrived from
lwihUm Iiiiiho Saturday for a
visit with liur mother Mrs. Dun
J. W. McMoon and wife and
Frank Rodman and wife, of Liunon
U wuio viaitors in the city last
Undo Jim Caught was down
from hi ranch on Crooked river
Tueoday, and paid thin office a
pleasunt call.
W. G. Keady came down from
Howard Sunday and wan peram
bulating around during the fore
part of the week.
II. G. Kibbee, of Hay creek, wii in
town the fint of the week looking
altar hit book buiinaa. He i rcpre
entinga largeealru book concern.
Miu Ruby Mulvnhill, tlio accom
pliahed daughter ol our friend M.
Mulvabill, of Mitchell, wan married
March 30 hi (Hit Uclmi, of Twicken
ham. Mr. and Mr. E. R. Cary came in
from Matolu Monday, tlio lint time
since moving onto their farm hut fall,
liotli look hale and hearty and report
that country life agioea with them.
Sunday night and nearly all
day Monday the wind blew a gale
and Monday night there wai a
alight fall of anow. Old father
Winter ia very loth to withdraw
from the scene and let a more wel
come viaitor take bin place.
The Journal editor it plcanxl to
Dote that hit friend Newt Buifriw
and C, A, Daniwman are two of the
rni'iibliPAii Irginlntive noinnuet. Thay
are mighty good men, who will be
canity elected. Newt'i brother-in-law,
Dan Malirkey of Portland, It alto a
republican umninro for representa
tive. Komil Journal,
Wallace l'uit wat down from Poat
the flrat of the week and informed the
Journal that D. Koopman had lott
tome ninety odd tlieep by having hit
band 8red into one night while they
were intide the limit of the Maury
Mountain cattle reaerve. If thete
partie had all joined tbe Crook Coun
ty Stockgrowera Ataoeiation they
could have had their difference ad-
jutted and there would have been no
A. Roberta, formerly of Alkali flat,
waa brought over from Mitchell
Monday suffering iroin a aevere
race of blood poisoning. He was
over on the John Day when hi
foot became inflamed from being
chafed by his ahoe, but it waa not
thought to be anything aerioua un
til it had gone on for several daya,
then becoming alarmed he came to
Mitchell, but could not get treat
ment thore 10 he wai brought here.
On the summit the team mired
down and the outfit was compelled
to remain over night without food
ol fire in a blinding snow storm.
The party arrived here afternoon
Monday and Dr. Belknap waa
hastily summoned, but nothing
could be done to save the limb and
it waa at once amputed by Drs.
Belknap, Rosenberg and Gesner.
He was brought over from Mitchell
by A. C. Donnelly and P. L. Puett.
Application "blanks are now
ready for all desiring to become
members of the Crook County Stock
Growers Association. Parties can
sign same by applying to W. A.
Bell or at this office Every stock
owner and every person interested
in the stock business in this county
should become a member of this
association and thus aid in main
taining our home range for homo
stock. In this rummer we can re
tain enough grans to kw p our stock
in good condition.
Considerable interest is being
manifested in the proposition to
open a wagon road from here to
Detroit. We believe that the road
now crossing the mountains can be
used to the county line, or so
much of it as is necessary, and
there would then remain but a
short distance to build. This rond
would be a great accommodation
to travel us it would shorten the
distance and make a much better
road. Besides all this it would
give this county an outlet to San
Francisco and other points and
give better freight tutes than wc
have at present from Portland.
Hliliilea Hir Huln.
I have for tale at my ihiitgle mill
on McKay creek 100,000 aliingle and
will manufacture over 400,000 more
during the aesaon. All from the
choicest timber. Trice, at the mill
1125, delivered in Prineville U0.
J. W. Rittkr.
320 acres. 75 acres in cultivn
tion. 40 acres of meadow. All
under fence. Good house. Good
water. Call on or address the
JoiiiiXAi., Prinoville, Oregon. a33
For Sale or Trade.
One thoroughbred Kentucky Jack,
for sale or will trade fur broke draft
horse. Alto livery tta'ule fully equip
I'd, located in the Town of Antelope,
For further information write to E.
C. Djekenion, Antelope, Oregon,
p. 4 8
Tiuibor Und, Act June 3, 1H"S.
Vmtku Ktatwi Land Omul, 1
Thk Uauks, Oksunx.
I April , Um.
Noticn it heruhy given that in emiipli'
anoa with ilia pnxiiiuiit uf the Act of
OuiivrvH uf Juiid 3, 1878, mulled "An
act tor the tula nf timber Und in I lit
auto ol California, Oreuoti, Neraila,
and WwhiiiKion 'J'wntory," at axtiwdod
to all Ilia I'uhlio Land bwitu by aot ol
Annual 4, 1H!W, ilia following praona
hava ihit dy Hied in thia uttioa their
twin n t'aifinumt, to-wit:
Alichavl J. Hanev of Sfiukaiie, county
of UKkna, Statu of Wuliiiigtou, tworn
lUlamaiit No. 2'M for tha purcnaaa uf
tiia 8WJ of Heition Ho. '27, in Town
hip Nu. li S., Kauxt No, 10 E., W. M.
Petar W. IV hit of Spokane, county
of 8pokn, Suit of Wuliinsion, twora
utaUonniit No. 2U5 for tha putchute uf
the 8EJ of 8tunon No. 28, iu Tonntliip
No. U o., Kim)! Pio, 10 W, M.
fUyiaoud U. rjcilia.ld, of brook Park,
ooumy of Pine. 8tat of Minn., iwurn
UianiHiit ro llm lur tha purchata ot
the NEJ of Saction No. IU, iu Town
hip No. 13 N Ranga No. 10 K W. M
Enid J. Link, of Spokanr, oounty uf
Spokane, stale or Waahiiujtou, tworn
laieuient No. 237 for tits pnrehaa of
til N n i of Beetiun iVo. 34, in J own
h.p No. 12 8., R.o.t No. 10 K, W, M.
Ad ilpha Morritttta, uf Spokant.eoun
ly of Bpoktue, Stata uf Wailiiugton,
worn lUU uionl No. Z16 for the pur
chata of llit NEJ of rluoti'in Nu. 33, in
Townahip No. 12 8., Kanga Nu. 10 E.,
W. M.
That they will offer proof to show
that tha land sought it mora valuable for
it timber or itou than lor agricultural
purpotet, and to attablito thair olaim tu
laid land twfor tut Kegitttr ana Ka
oaivar of this offio at The Dallat, Ore
gnn, un Tueaday, the 17th day of Juu,
Thov name at wilnaue:
Putat W. Whit and K. J. Link, ol
Spokana, Waah.; L, & Allingham, of
Warm HprniK, Ure(on;' Knymona a.
Seotirld, nf llrook Park, Mum.; M. J.
Hatirv. of Sookana, Wath.
Any aud all peraontolaiininjiadvaraaly
the abuva-oetoribed land are raquatted
to file thair oUunt m thi oltioa ou or ba
ton said 17th day of June, 1903.
alOp Rugiitar.
Timber Land, Aot June S, 1878.
Uihtkd States Land Omca,'
Tub Dai Mil Ohl. Aoril 5. l'.)02.
' Notice i hereby Kiven tnat in oom-
plianoe with the provision ol tne aot ui
n.,.a ..I Jiii S. 1K7M. eutitlod "An
an aot fur the axle ef timber land in the
8tatea of California, Orexon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," aa extended
ti .11 tha nu hi io land State bv act uf
AuifUtt 4, 18i, the following peraona
have tint day hied in tin imce meir
tworn atatement, to-wit:
Michael Oonner, uf The Dalle, ooun
ty of Watoo, State of Oreg.Hi, tworn
auteinent No. 241 for tha purchata oi
the NV'l uf Section no, 17, m Township
no. 13 8., Kniige No 10 E W. M.
Petur McOuigi,n, uf The Dalle, ouun-
ty of Waacu, Hutu of Orrgon, sworn
aiateiin-lit No, 2i0 for the puruliaae nl
the HWJ of Hootmn No, 17, in Townthip
No. 13 ., UanK No, io , m.
ilotifpliina Coiity, of Fariiiifiictnn,
oounty of Whitman, ttate of Whini
ton, tworn atntntnent No. 230 for I In
piiroliaae of the HK of Houtiun No, 17,
in Townahip No. 13 8., Range No. 10 K ,
Tlmy will olTer prwf to thnw that the
land aouglit it more valuable for iia tha -bcr
or a.u,ne than for uiriciillural pur-
fioaet, and to eamblith their claiui to taid
and before the Kciruter and Iteceivrr of
ihit ollice at Thf Dull ft. Oregon, on
Wwlneaday, the 18th day of June, 1902
They name a wiinwaet:
Peter McGuigan, Kred W. Smith,
John McOuwm, John Kloat, Miae Con-
nert, John J. MtKiuigun and Alicliuel
Canter, of The Dallet, Ori-gon, and Jat.
McKuriand, of Karmingiop, Waah.
Any and all rwraoin claiiuing advoraely
ahe above-detcribed ,andt are reqiiealril
U b!e their elmnii in tint umai on or
before laid lHlh day of June, VMft.
alOp IWiaier.
Tlinlwr Laud, Act Jun H, Win.
I'NiTrii STATia Lano Orcioa,
at Tk 1au,k. Ohuh., Aran. 7, 11102.
Notice ia hereby Kiven that In compliance
with tha prrviiiiia of the act of OmKrima of
June 3, 1S7S, tulitled "An act for the aale nf
timber land in the Htatca of California, Ore
ili, Nevada and Waxhint'ton Territory," aa
extended to all the Public Land ttatea by
act ol Auifuet 4, IK'J2, the followltia perefma
have thia day h'ed Io thia ollice their ewom
ataUnieliU, to-wit;
Frederick W. Sinlth of Tbe Dallw, ermnty
rrf Wmco, state rf IreKon, awnm atatement
No, 242 (r the purchtwe of the KWK of Keo
tinn No. 2S, Townahip No, 12 S Kange Nu.
10 K W. M.
Jainea H. Lane of Minneapolia, county nf
Hinnefwii, Htate of Minn., aworn atatement
No. 243 for the purchiwe of the N N W of
Section No. 2 and the H Hw, of Kection
No. 21, in Tnwnnliip No. 12 ., Kanxe No.
10 K, W. M.
John Hloaa of The Dallea, county of Wna
oo, State of Oregon, eworn atatentent No. 244
for the purchaae nf the N'KStJ of Hectinn No.
17, io Tuwuahip No. 13 i Kaure No. 10 K.,
W. M.
That they will offer proof to ehuw that the
land emitfht ia more valuable for ita timber or
tone than for agricultural pnrpoi-ea, and to
retablieh their claim to eald land liefore the
Keviater uid llecelver of tlila office at The
Hal In, "niton, on Thuraday, the luih day of
J one, 11102.
They name aa witneeet:
Frederick W. Hmith, Peter McHniynn,
Michael Conner! and John Worn of The
IJaIIh, Oregon, and Jainea H. Lane of Minne
atKtlla. Minn.
Anv and all peraona claiming adversely the
aoove-rieacriiierj landa are requested to nie
their ciaima in thia uffioe on vr before aaid
l'Jlb day of June, l'JOi
a-lOp . KniUr.
, Land Ovuci; at Tin DAtua, Or.,
April 8, laol
Notice la hereby (riven tliat the following
named Battler have tiled notice uf intention
tu make final proof on their reetective clainii,
before A. C., I'H.Commiaihmer at
HrinevllU', Oregon, on Friday, May lli, l'J02,
Kdward B. Knox of Pt, Oregon, on
honieatead application No. ftoTiJ for the NE14
N W'A and Lota 1 and 2 Sec 19, T. 17 S.. K.
ID K.. and bKJi NKH See. 24, T. 17 8, R. W
B., W. M.
Caleb Davla, nf Poat, Orejon, on hnme
rtead amdication No. Mild for tbe WJ4 HWVi.
V'4 and NEK 8w' bto, 17, T, 17
a., K. 111 w M. .1
Wltneeaea: M. W. Nroeivl. J. a 8uial.
K. K. tiillenwater, K. li. Knox and Caleb
Davie, all of Vml, Oregon,
a 10 JAY P. LUCAS, Rrtiiler,
Elgin Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware, etc.
First-class repairing promptly
done. 1
Arriving daily and now on
hand. A new and complete
stock of all goods in my line,
which will be Fold at greatly
reduced prices. -
A full line of notions and
fancy goods.
Subscribe for the Journal.
TICK ADKISS, Proprietor
Shaving '
, Haircuttrn
A fin derntfil rtpcoiaJlr to
tha uaa nf lad in.
Evurvthing up-to-date and itrictly
A 1 i A
Our Grocery Department
Is nearly complete. ' New goods come in with everv
freight team. Among the delicacies in stock you will
1'ARAGUS, Purie de foies Gras, and a thousand and
one articles too numerous to mention. Come and try our
home made Hams, Shoulders, Bacon and Lard, and you
will want some more. Tbe price is alright
If you are planting any seeds don't forget that the Bee.
Hive has a fine variety of them, at prices that will curl
your hair.
A share of your patronage respectfully solicited.
J. L. WINDOW!, will make the season of 1902 at Culver, Or-,
cgon. Bred by G. Springer, of Culver, Oregon.
PKMiiitKE Sire: The registered Cfydeedale, Ballsston, bred by Ladd;
& Reed, Portland. Dam: Registered Cleveland bay mare, Conninjrs
Maid, bred by Ladd & Reed, Portland.
BALLSTON ia 17 hands high and weighs in thin working order 1620,
pounds. He is a dark blood bay, four years old in June.
TERMS 110 lor insurance; reduction for three or more mares..
1887 Haystack Stallions 1902
The Haystack Ranch will use two Stallions for the season
of 1902. "
A large, stylish black, and
A very handsome mahogany bay. The above Btallipns. willj
be permitted to serve a few taares at $10.00 each one-half
down at end of season and J0.UU more wnen, yie. mare k.
known to be with foal.
Mares will be pastured at f 1.00 per month. WiH not. be
responsible for accidents. Call at ranch, oj- address, ' .
I Culver, Oregon.
A Snap for 30 Days.
A house and barn and three lots
in the city of Prineville, well lo
cated near the business portion, of
the city, will be sold for cash fyr,
1350 if taken before April 1. After
that date the price will be advanced
1100. This is a good investment
for speculative purposes. For fur
ther particulars call or write to the
Journal, Prineville, Oregon.
. flow Orimllna;.
HJ Harbin detire to announce tliat
he i prepared to do all kimlaof grind
ing in the lateat approved faaiiion.
Chilled plow (hare grinding a peoi,ilty
TJo Save?
!"' A "
Blooded Plymouth
Rock Eggs,
I am, now prepired. to. f.orniah
epgs fropi my pens at reasonable
prices. Price, $1.0a per setting of,
15 eggs. Call on or, address,
Prirj(evillev Oregon. .
Deputy StocX Jrjepectora,
Notice is hrmb givan that I Kat
appointed the Ml'min? naaied, rsima,
dutj BtiHrk inapactor:
J. P. Cattwri)(hK ai Crk.
Sam Hamil,tvnv Ahwod.
E. Hparka, Sietera. .
A. Morrow, Byiack.
F. M. Smithy Paulina.
Itoacix Knox, Pat.
J. C- Mwain, var Creeki
8. Buru, Koilaud.
Aim Mclut.k, Haniia
J. P. VaiiHi.ulan, lay Oa.
p. 8. CowK', Hj Crf
Joe Hiokhi,
Slock Inaiwctor Crixik County.
Don't forget ttia yon van aave o
cent on your winter reading by sub
eribing for (he OregoiiUu with the
Journal for $ i 50.
Subscribe for the Jolh.nala
It f,A