I ! t i j f-! I:-', f..' ft ih V I A Crook County Journal.. FO(iT,K 4 PAKKKK, Yv bi.8H and PioPKimwa. MV. T. u, V. H. F.MIKIiR, ;.. MaXAUIK With no disparagement to any f if lils nrmliimtKUMrfl Mr Pnmiuli iH elected, as it is almost a mutter of course he will be, will he the best, .PmrnHl or equal to the host, governor Ore- Coukty Official Paper gon ever had. he is completly clean, utterly invulnerable, He spends money to carry on his can- in h 'mv?il b uM ? ,t ! vast, no doubt, but only in a per IPniK vlll. Ore., for transmimion through thi . ... U. is. ivtiU m aeoimd c.hm matter. 8UB.SCRIPTI0N BATES. IK AOVANOr si Tim l.u tONTHH 7. Thkki Mokths 'H'' I th'8 ying mau 8 on guard. THURSDAY, APRIL 10,1902. Republican State Ticket vr. Governor, . Fl'BXWH, of Pendleton. Supreme Judge, "R. S. BEAS, of Lane. , Sec. of State, F.I. DUNBAR, of Astoria. Treasurer, CHAS. E. MOORE, of Klamath, Attorney General,. A. M. CRAWFORD, of Douglas. Supt. Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, Multnomah. State Printer, J. R, WHITNEY, of Liun. Congress 2nd District, J. X. WILLIAM SOX, Prineville. Republican Count; Ticket. County Judge, W. C. WILL8, of Willow Creek. County Clerk, CAREY FOSTER, of Prineville. Sheriff, J. 8. McMEEX, of Haystack. Commissioner, M. D. POWELL, of McKay. Treasurer, MARSH AUBREY, of 3end. Assessor, B. F. JOHXSOX, of Mill Creek. Surveyor, C. A. GRAVES, of Montgomery. Coroner, J. L. McCULLOCH, ol Prineville. fectly legitimate, proper way. As governor, he will need no watching. People will deep safely and sound ly throughout Oregon, bo fur as the governorship is concerned, when There will be no trickery, corrupt bargain ing, hypocrisy, or schullduggery, in his admini: tration. Telegram. mim Announcement Yesterday was a day of acclama tion in the state of Oregon, Hon. J. N. Williamson, of Crook county, was nominated by acclumatien in Portland, and a like compliment was handed out to Thomas II. Tongue at Roseburg. Neither had opposition, although that of Willi amson faded away but a few hours before the convention. Mr. Wil liamson will ably represent the congressional district. Mr. Ton gue's service in the first are known to all. Portland Journal. You are cordially invited to call and inspect; our New Spring Stock. THE LATEST TRIMMINGS ... LACES AND LACE APPLIQUES NEW WAIST PATTERNS, DOTTED PONGEE SILKS, f W00LCIIALLTES. The latest in Wash Fabrics, Silks and Dress Goods. SIMPSON, WILSON S CO. eaaJ ADAMSON & WINNER CO. Incorporated 1899. The state ticket is something to: Druyg stationery and House Furnishing Goods. be proud of. It is sufficiently well i , scattered out over the state that no I one locality has the lions share of, ;.)C4W'fCiCt!'2 the candidates and it is justdivid.'d I up wen enougn mm it win oe winner. He predict tne largest majority this year that the repub lican party has polled in many years. Jfllmrnmy.ml-Xmm PRINEVILLE, OKEfKW. Now what's the matter with Bin ger Hermann for United States Sen ator?, That is if he dose not get the appointment of secretary of the interior. Did it ever strike you what a fine quartett John Mitchell, Binger Hermann, Tom Tongue and Newt Williamson would make in congress? We'll wager any old thing that with those four men in congress there isn't a state in the! Union, nor any country on earth, that would have better representa tion under such circumstances. pAyteam mutt Surf ten. ; Oltio iii ror of Aclsnin.n, Wimisk Co PRINEVILLE, OUEGOXI Watterson and Bryan, who are against "imperialism" and advo cate the policy of "scuttle", do not have the support of such able dem ocratic papers as the Atlanta Con- j stitution, the Nashville American peal. The democratic party, on this, as on nearly every other quest ion of importance before the people, is divided- W 4 The Journal feels a little bit stuck up over the way things work ed out in the state convention. Ever since the campaign fever first began - to pulsate in the arteries of the vanguard of the candidates we have advocated a fair representa tion on the ticket for eastern Oregon and now that such representation has fallen to our part of the state it is with a high degree of pleasure that we look back at the path fol lowed by this paper from the first. We would like to ask the Hunt ington Herald if it has heard the news from Portland? Did you hear a dull thud when the Baker county delegation deposited its ballot for Moody? You gave the Journal some information a short time ago, but you must have been eating baking powder bread or something that disturbed your Bleep. Wouldn't that jar you? J, It. Whitney, the nominee for state printer, ii a newspaper man of Albany. He is a man of ability and will make a good stale officer, It is pleasing to note the fact that occasiinally one of the newsnauer fraternity is recognized. The state printing office is the best 1 CULVER. : : OREGON paying "Dice in the atate. Port-' Am prepared to answer profi;s knd Journal. sional calls promptly. The Kentucky legislature Jpassed a bill prohibiting the "docking" of horses tails, but it was vetoed by the Governor as its provisions were aimed against the sellers of "dock ed" horses. He was unwilling toi discriminate against Kentucky dealers, he said, but would gladly sign a bill aimed at the faddists who bought and drove the mutilat ed animals. Kentucky Liquor House Uncle Sam's Boys' Are restored to health by Green River. It's the official "Whiskey" of all the Unl ted States Naval Hospitals. This means that "Whiskey Without a Headache" Is pure, wholesome and health giving. Un cle Sam's Navy and Green River Whls- key have never met their superiors. Ask your dealer for "Green River;" If he doesn't have It we will send you a sam- ; . C. J. STUBLINO, , . Wholesaler. Jfllaraty mnj Cannttltr ml Xmm l PRISEVII.I.E f)E(lilV i j jflfmiy-ml.jCam. ' PRINEVILLE, OKEOON. Eastern Oregon is in it this time. Well we wanted the Governor and we got him. Cavalry Horses Wranted. I will be in Prineville about the 25th of April for the purchase of cavalry horses. Will pay from $20 to 130 for green horses and $35 for well broke. Height 14.1 to 15 hands high. All colors except white; mares or geldings. l. meador; Notice. All persons wishing griat work done and also those having old griaU on our books, munt call and get name on or before May 20t,b as we will bjt down at that time. ' ' Stewart k Co. Dr. II. Clark will go to Hay creek Monday and will be there and Haystack for the following three weeks before returning here Hata, a new line, all sizet, ihapei and color that will fit big men, little men and bovs. See Bee Hive. W. If. SNOOK, JI. D., Physician and Surgeon, RED FRONT BAZAAR. We carry a full line of Zrrnsrcz goods Of all kinds at pricee VERY LOW. Gentlemen and Ladies Shoes, former price $2.50, now selling at $1.50. $3.00, now at $2.10. $4.00, now at $2.75. $5.50, now at $3.90. $6.00, now at $4.00. . For 30 Days Only. i Ladies Heavy Fleece Lined Vests, special at 30c. Ladies Dress Skirta at $1,10. Ladies Silk Flowored Handkerchiefs 17c each, 3 for 50c. . Misses Mackintoshes at $1.1)5. We have 300 pairs of Ladies Shoes, Your choice for 60c per pair. We have Crockery and Notions, Fancy goods of all kinds. Step into our More and price our goods, RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. . ' Reliable Merchant. ; 0 JCyd., ty.Q. ! fAytieitm mini Surfwmm. Phone N'u. 2. ltwmlnoe b.ck ul tl Phutoiinph Oidlury. rRIXEYILLE, OBEOOX. Jt Jf. S?onimry, 7?. H fAjitmm mum" iSmryttm Cll. mrKi prumU)T ay w nixM (tl 6c with , V. Goiur. IUsidniM Rll7 Htrl. PWNF.V1LUE. OHKtioN JIHritjf.m.Xmm. tfmfmry fyi Allbuilotw promptly tad eanfullr tOtaiM to. CollHtina pcwltr. PRINKV1LLK, OUKUON .j. rm j. J&ppman & Co, Manufacturers of Furniture AND DEALERS IN" Fine Undertaking floods, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass, Lumber and Building Material. Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan. PRINEVILLE, : : : OREGON. J, W. BOOA'E. , Saddles and Jfarnsss Maker of the celebrated PRINK VILLE STOCK SADDLE tl'LL LIVE OF KTOIKMLWS Srr PLIES Latest improved Ladies' Side and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, Quirts and Hacka mores. Write for prices. Phineville, : Omwon. Hotel Prineville. C. K. McDowell, Prop. Thoroughly Renovated and Re furnished Throughout. American Man. Kates $1, $1.50 and US per day. Accommodations are Unaurpaaiied in the eity. Sample Roomi for Commercial Travelers, Long Distance Telephone Station In the home.