Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 10, 1902, Image 3

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At tn rnllroasl srosln ths liliniu
MSII'll, '
Tirnnis I ) crank In hla fullhfiil hands.
)i. i;l tnd wrinkled, yit stroi.a and tius
Tii Urn ti' umy '111 hla to ill).
Vim xiii uny shins, or thi clouds msy
.luiy Uf tiiirUI, Jierimber ruM,
Vi t 1 1 -J . In h;a null ul well-worn brown,
If .u;uil', tl. wuv for iht yi.ut. nnd oid,
Kiel' , K With hlt-'loy, lirlrhii lilMlll
A hrui. .ui Hie) Inuounu, uiiiImmii d trnlrii
tie Biiuiiii ilia pfttiitagti of throuah
thi luwn,
Aa vt H It "TlnKlsl" and "Tlnklal" tlit (als
KII ll'jwii,
lion ii ili;n children esner and dsnei,
Aim tt,a w in i. hnr uurvnl nnil pruus!
Ituw tlie i.n vufit-ini.lila, u;on Miranda Usui,
Vim th Intrutl.Ta :fh ii"tnti r.t
While l!.ivy tur Mid fUirilil tim'b
MnriMr 1..H1.7 on tlu 111:1, y,
Afi'l mi II)' ouV ul.v'a time im riitirh
W.ih On- v xnm iiuiiiiii u-ii'y n-.ialla
A. 11I11O 'il 1' ilti'y' tri. 1 on n at !,
In u;u ui' liri. Mlari-. ut fiei.. of irw n.
Tl " (i-ii-n.. n jt:iU '.it tin ir.ii h.R Land,
And aii'afii.y tun lii. ihs hinin 0 iio.rii.
H.I I woniil 1 h 1 i or. vmv n,,id f.t.y,
Wheie a.i. m.u .la train I10.6 iliilil ..I way,
F.otlii- tfitunui, 11a rciuiy 3 thU l .!!;' sumd,
Tnrnii.r a-rni.fc In nil full It: ul hu.d
Tmu tvr whan unr threaten
Wlior.a lull) niuit oross I ha snllcer's
Roma ri a-ilnkla mlht Inierposs.
And 11 .id liu:n dliurji the wank ens
Xoriir miintiiard l built for unwary feet,
I'ii hall them midway In ti perilMir mint,
Aid Li xixnul to sach, suns ul Inn or
alar;o Im.'k fur your Ufa, "Wis lh fatas
are down!"
- M .rr.a M. Hslmsn, In Youth ! Comiian-
The Hole in
the Cliff &
IS THE warm aummer aunahine that
brighli ned 1 very humble-looking
urniah home a ruddy faeeil boy. (if
!fl ant overhauling a blril huiiter'a
iiijie. So intunt waa he with hla work
thut he did not notice the ill dreaaed
fX'tie thai alotuhcd down the nar
r,w road toward him, and pauaed
at Ift't a few feet away to watch him
v.ilh a pair of Jealoua eyea.
"Hewling jour rope, are you?" aud
(irnly aikiil the man.
The bny looked up and for the flrat
time a the evil-looking apeaker.
"Yea, 8:iU I'm atrcugthenilig a few
a'rnnrj," anawered the ropimmker.
"The aharp roeka cut, you know, and
one want everything aafa when be
g'yce down."
"There'a aomethlng bitter than gg
buninig in th wind Juat now," aaid
bid Eloper, thn ragged fillow.
"What la it?"
"They've Juat potted a reward for
Infnruialirn fiat will lead to the de-t-etlou
of the amugglrra. Three hun
dred pou ain't to be picked up ev
ery day, boy, and it'a better than go
to u- down over the cliff after guUe'
The Corniah youth, who waa ac
counted the moat eucceaaful egg-hitnt-rr
along the coast, mada no reply,
but dropped hie eyes to hla work und
did not look up again for a few mo
menta. When ha ralaed hla eyea, Sid Hloper
waa gone, and he thought be aaw the
ragged man's retreating figure van
t'h down the road, but waa not aura.
"Kgg-huntlng la profitable enough
for iur," thought the boy, "but I
would not mind earning the 300.
Kid Sloper'a word la to be taken with
a good deal of allowance, though the
coaat guaid la very anxious to catch
the smuggler e, and the reward may
be out."
The village mentioned by Rloper,
the vagabond iah Cornishuiau, was ait
iiiited a good mile from the coaat. It
waa farther away than the home of
Brant Burton, the young egg-hunter,
and aa the boy had not been there
fur some days, be did not altogether
ilii.lieUeve the man's atatemaut about
the reward.
The aun was hanging very low In
the west, when, provided with bas
ket aud a rope, ba set nut for the
Cornish cliffs. He had dlaoovered a
hole right above a narrow ledge of
rock which promised good reaulta,
and Ui number of birds that whirled
about the place tempted the boy aa
he had not been tempted before of
There existed among the egg-hunters
of Cornwall a most Intense jeal
ousy. They would watch one another
like paid spies, and aoma even went
far aa to eat tke ropes banging
over the cliffs, leaving the poor bird
ueater In a terrible predicament.. , ,
Hrant llurton, the gull-hunter, bad
resolved to Investigate the opening
in tht cliff about sundown when there
was not to much danger of hia being1
seen; and when he reached the tdge
cf the wall the aun waa diaappeartng,
n ball of fire, beneatk the wavea of
the channel. ' - '
faying out hia ropa, he made one
end feat to a ggd rook near the
brink of the cliff, and with hla bas
ket strapped to hia back, swung him
eelf over the wall.
It waa not hia Arat deacent on
similar mission. Be alwaya kept a
cool head and steady hands on such
occasions, for beneath him, hundreds
of feet sometimes, boiled aba whirl
pools ot tb English chain! ,
This time hit good rnpa did not full
hi 111, for after 1 brink tfrscpiit he
I nod on a scanty leiljre of rock with
the diirknilnir aky far alioa and Ilia
wild VYuturs below. A
The hole In the cliff waa larfre
enoiiffh to admit a man, thoujfb it had
not looked o from hla point of ou
sarvatlon. To the Cornish boy It
seemed more than a tuera randetous
for gulls.
All at onne somethlnjr fell pant th
boy, and the next moment to hla hor
ror he discovered that hla rope had
Kor a moment he atood paratyzefl
bv the awful cataalrouhe. for ha cuuld
realize fully what it meant,
After awhile he went to the very j
edire of the ledie and looked up. He I
could lint catch a (rlluipae of a tin UiT
lirip; cord of any kind, and a htinilrr.d
feet bfldw the white wave of the
channel daahed afainat the foot of
the wall. '
Hla lilluut.ion waa terrible,
"If till la your work, tld filnper,
may Heaven for-rivc you!" exeiaiim d
the youn: e-f-ruttiitHr. . "I've ctiitflit
you follinvitiK me before now, fur you
don't want nnybrdy to make a lew
ahllltnira but youraitlf."
Aa far aa hia vision could reach,
llraut llurton aaw nothlii-r but the
tilinbllnif white caiia of the ocean.
The aun hud gone down, aud the ur-
,t. u,nu au iMi.,,
it. brilliant hue. In the ah.dow, of
deacendiiig night. (
The tour of the breakera enme up i
to the boy on the narrow rock and
filled his heart with terror. A few
lute gulls whirled before his eyee, in
If to mock his fleeting bupea, and
derkueia mine down over the acme.
The young egg hunler of Cornwall
was terribly Impriaonrd.
It was some time before he ven
tured to ii'ul (tie hole In the
cliff. The loss of hla rope had taken
his mi nd from everything else. 1 mik-e long. Butte, Montana, produ
Whrn he did turn into the dark 1 ,. i., . ,'.., ,t -
place and .truck a match .'on the,0' a11 hcr Wwlllh ,l0m P""'1 7
mugh wall, a most atouihl ig d is-1 100 acres. Thus Eastern Oregon,
eovery rewarded him. He seemed to compartBOIl, b a vast domain
nave oeen suuoeniy vrananorieo into . . . . . , ti
a veritable amnggkri' parndlae. I" area,Vat inrichw It Win
On every side were the fruiu of my estimation, the largentawl rich
mauy a nlght'a foray along the coast est district in the world. Ex.
boxes containing ai'ks and laces,
snd contraband merchandise of tvery
Tht cave was provided with natural
shelves, which were s ored with
goods, and coatjy furniture existed
eveiywhcre in pnifulon.
If tlu- t'onil.h boy had found the
amiigglera' cave with hla good rope
waiting for him over the c:!ff, he ,
would have rejoiced, but he wna lm -
prisoned where hia life waa in Irumi-
nent danger.
A return of the smugglers, luckily ! t,y poriiKliral or coiiaturil Uee of intox
for the young hunter at that time ab-. XIMm liquors, requires an antidote
aent. would pretty aoon put nn end ! capable ,- neutralizing and ertdioate
to his career of cliff-climbing, and the) jK this poison, nud dinlroying the
little home behind the watera would , mRVing or intoxicants. Sufforers may
never know hla fate. n()W cur themselves at home without
llrant llurton had no doubt that he ! ....m;,.;,., , ,M nf time from Imaiiwoa
had diseincred the cave of the veryj,,y t,,j, w01,dcrf "HOME (j(.)l.D
men for whose detection the govern- jcUKE'which lias been jrected alter
..a Uu unrrvu a ,arK rewam. no
persirn had dreamed that It had
...en in mai vicinity, anu tne interior
of the cavern in the cliff told the boy
that It hud been ued for evil pur-
poses a long time.
After awhile the moon came up and
silvered the rolling waves of the chan
nel. Its light fell against the foot
of the cliff, and si.owed the boy at
intervale the aoant pathway between
the sea and the rock.
Armed with a coll of rope which
he bad found among the amugglera'
goods, he leaned over the ledge and
tried to measure the distance between
him aud the water. It waa uncertain
work in the moonlight, but he did
the best he could. - ,'
There wna but one hope of escape,
and that lay along the foot of the
cliff, which waa slippery and waahed
by the tide.
The t'ornish boy dropped the rope
and saw it reach the rooks below.
A thrill of exultation took posses
sion of his heart.
He fastened the other end of the
rope to an iron staple In the cavern,
and thrust Into hla bosom a piece of
peculiar lace which he took from one
of the boxes. He remembered hav
ing heard a coaat guardsman any that
a certain kind of lace waa' beiug
smuggled Into Cornwall, and he be
lieved he had found It.
When all waa ready, the young gull
hutiter again trusted his fortunre to
a swaying rope this time to one he
had never before tested.
The following moment he waa
evringing between the, cliff and the
aea, going down hand orer hand to
ward the aurglng tide.
When he tuuehea the rocke beneath,
he waa forced to hug the wall, for
the waves were at hia very feet.
He shuddered when he thonght that
he would have to follow the narrow
path for more than a mile before
there waa a breath in the cliffs, but
he nerved himself for the task aud
atarted off.
It proved to be the moat perilous
journey of hia life. All the war he
was compelled to hug the wail of
rock, with the roaring surf leaping
at him. More than once he waa
aught, and barely aaved himself by
clinging to rocks that cut like knives.
At last llrant llurton reached the
break la the Cornish wall. It waa to
llilll U gaile of iuty, ,
SjriiiKlii? forwdrd, after a brlff
Ml, he ran to thr villain and told
hi aiory to the countable of the const
(riinrd. II. waa hard to believe, but
I) a hitnda and the lace Were proof
Tl.iit nlfrht, half a dozen mn went
down u-r the cliff to the aimrj-lira'
onvp, unil when the thieve caiiie buck
with more booty, every one fell into
the hnnda of the law. t
Hid Slope r hud no Idea when he cut
the Corniah boy'a rope that he waa en
richinjf Hrant with li:mo. and when
he found thut hia yonnjr rival had
eccipi d, he left the cuiinliy before
,h lnw ;olll(I deal with him, and the
v!,1"eT ' not aorry that he haa never
retumed.-Ooiilen I)ay.
. A (iermaa I'oMllilltlr.
I For our purl, we hope Emperor Wil
liam will compete for the America cup
and enter the next race wilh a ort
j of (icrtiian Shamrock. It would be an
I Inaplring aptctacle, Ihlnka the Ihicagn
'Tribune, to see a ma-fnifteent yacht
bearing the name of l)a Kaiai-rliche-Koenlgliche
Oruene Kleeblatt in full
ckate for that cup.
Job Couldn't Have Btood It
II lic'd lifid Itching I'ilea. lliey're
terribly annoying; but Bucklen'a
Arnica Snlv will euro the worat chic
P1"" " Mnl'' " h eat,i
audit. For Injurich, Taina or Bodily
hruptiona it'i the beat aalve in the
world. Price 25c a box. Cuteguar
ifttiU'ixl. Hold by Adaiiisoti i. Wimiek
1 "The JohanntHburg, Stftith Africa
i district, it) only 40 mile wide by
00 milt long. Cripple Creek, Col-
"Utlo, in four milt wide by six
An Ingenloua Treatment by which
DrunkardB Rre) 0ur6cl Dally la
,. . ,
Bpite of ThemselveB.
u is now eenerallv known and un
derslKKl thatDrUMkenneae i n dieeaae
iBllj not woaktieas. A body tilled witli
! misun and iierveacomnletelv shattered
mu)y ymn f 0M tUlAy nfl trBat
ex-lm(,lllo( iebritea. The faithful use
j ttCooruint! t0 directions of this won
j,erlu du,covnry j, positively guarsn.
,. ,i, ' , u.,u,
teed to cure the most obatinate :He,
no matter how hard a dt inker. Out
records show the niatvelcns transform
ation of thouaands of Drunkards into
sober, industrious and upright -men
THERS! I This remedy is in no tense
a uoHtrttm but it a specific for this
disease only, and ta so skillfully de-
vtaed and prepared that it is thorough- j
!y soluble and pleasant to the taste, so
that it can be given in a cup of tea or
coffee without the knowledge of the
person taking It. Thousands of drunk
ards have cured themselves with thia
priceless remedy, and as many more
have been cured and made temperate
men by having the cure administered
by lot itig friend and relative with
out their knowledge in tea or r.otVee,
and believe today that they discon
tinued drinking of their o'vn free will.
DO NOT W AI T. Do not lie deluded
by apparent and misleading "improve
ment. The HOME GOLD CURE is
sold t"the extremely low price of One
Dollar, thus plaoiiig within reach of
everybody a treatment more effectual
than otlira costing $25 to $q0. Full
direetion eacompany each package.
Special advice by skilled physicians
when reqeeted without, extra charge
Sent prepaid to any part of the world
on receipt of One Dollar. Addieea
Dept. K 485 EDWIN B. GILES A
CO. 2330 and 2332 Market St, Phila
delphia. ' . . ; ' . - '
All correspondence striotly confi
dential. ' Hoga Wanted. "
I wnnt to titty about 200 head of
stock hogs.. Pirtiea hiving hogs for
sale will plenae call on me at the farm
or addresa me at Culver, Oregon.
Settle tp.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the ft rnt of Stewart A Co,
will please call and settle as we do
not intend doing any credit business.
941 Stewart t Co.
Gary House Ear.
Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors.
a WIRES, :
A Complete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country . Produce.
Main st. friacvie'
Baniillcn tables
Md Redby Feed Barn
White &
Journal Real Estate Agency.
Is now prepared to handle your
Property if you want to sell.
By placing your property with u you get the benefit of free adver
tising. ?
Having had years of e cperience in this line we know where to adver
tise in order to reach prospective buyers.
There will be a large influx of immigrants to this coast in the spring
and in order to sell advantageously it will be necessary to place the
advantages of your property where buyers will be attracted by them.
List your property with us and we will treat you right. .
FOR 8AI.E-A two story dwellinir with
barn and outhouses in tlia city of Prinovills.
This property is well aituxted and is covered
liy irrigation. It stivers on4ourth ot a block
anil is one of the best reiidencs locations ia
tlie town, rrice ruSMfinsnle,
KOK SALE Cue of the best located fiurns
In the famous clover belt in the tiqnaw ereek
country, eouxiatimr of 1U0 acre.. 40 seres ia
4 South End Blacksmith Shop .
.... , 'i
We Have
Canton Gang Plows,
Canton Sulky Plows,
Canton Walking Plows,
Canton Blue Jay Plow,
In both Chilled Iron and Steel.
We abo carry in eto k the Famous Cttnton Disc Harrows,
U Bar Harrows aud Favorite Pipe Frame Harrow.
eH jd. Eramun Our Scotck Clifpra-A Steel Pkw Cast Star
Fester & Lehman
'Phone 31.
Stock boarded, by day, week or
month. Fine saddle homes and
livery turnouts. Bates reasonable.
Good accommodations.
Remember us when in Prine
ville, and we guarantee that yuor
patronage will be appreciated
and deserved.
G. M. C0RXETT, Proprietor.
olevor. A amid tarn 40x100 and all under
fence. Ltw ampe. and other ordinary iuimvp
ineuts. IjimhI usrden ruined tvory er and a
varietv f final I fruit". 120 urM if tme unr
tiuiWr tbitt will eveiittihfty lie worth tuvr
than the price now nuked fr tiie mi tin Una.
All priwit iirigiitinif ditch tlut ifoe
with tint property, , t ..
Prineville, Oregon,
We Have
Superior Hoe Prills,
Superior Diec Drills.
, Superior Shoe Drills. ,
Superior broad cast sett r
. , With Cultivator attachment