Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 03, 1902, Image 8

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$ Xocai petition,
John Fr-rc4r and V. T. E. Wilson
'w business visitors from Sisters
Any uno wanting a fine (took ranch
of a (lection of land will do well to
cull at this office.
A. Fogle, one of the substantial
farmers of willow crook, was it business
visitor in the city lust week.
C. P. Gay and S. 8. Black were
touuty scat visitors from our mining
camp f Ashwood last Sunday.
Frank Glass, of Bend, returned last
Sunday from a trip to l'ortland,
JSaleiu and iither vultty points.
The republican 'delegates to the
state and district conventions left on
lust Thursday's stage for Portland.
L. Gerber and A. T. Laogell, ol
..Bonanza, were iu ihe city last week
looking after matters' pertaining to
stock; " '
Charles J. Cdttor was a business
visitor from Bend last week, and re
ports everything iu fine a,pe out
that way.
W. A. Campbell, a representative
of insurance, was in town the first ol
the week from Condon and , paid this
office a pleasant call. . . j
Clarence 'arker will arrive in this
City in a few days and will open a
bicycle repair shop, where all can get
, nieir wlieels put in. trim for furthei
L. 1). Claypool was down from his
farm in Paulina valley last week, ii
attendance at the democratic convtn
tion. He report stock having win
lered well iu that section of the coun
Ctiaiies Cliristianl is the latest ad
dition to tire Journal force. He will
take a coursti iu the art preservative
and from present appearances will
mkii blossom out mto a full fledged
v. if., urr was down from his
touch, near Ciook last week, and re
ports Mock looking well up that way.
He is interested in getting an allot
ment u -the reserve this euiiinier fori
his sheep.
Gail Jfuwwtta fetnmed from Port
3aod 8unday where he lias been im
bibing the doctrines of Ksculapius, or
some other defunot dignitary. Any
way Gart is going to be a first-class
doctor one of these days.
Z. M. Biowb and L. 8. Logan, were
incoming passengers on last Thurs
days stage Mr. Brown will look
after his stock interests and Mr. Lo
gan will attend to his stock and real
estate interests iu the Camp creek
CR. Henry comedown from Paulina
last Friday and paid this office
pleasaJrt call, leaving his measure for
the Jomiwati and Oregoniaii for a year.
Our subscription list has been growing
f-oiihtftnt-ly Wjtil we now have very
nearly 750 names to which the Joubkai
goes regularly
w. w . jjrown returned the first of
thewek from Hay creek where he
purchased trambef of fine bucks for
his heep ranclies. Ho reports the
burning of owe of his stock ranch
houses in the Camp creek tmintry re
centlv. Tire loxswas not very great
the place was only used a portion
cf tti yesf.
At at an informal called meeting of
Ihe Crook County Stock-growers As
ociatirm Saturday, it Was determined
to hold a iKt-ing Thursday at ten
o'eloct, in t(ie eoort house for the
purpose of electing delegate to the
nieeting f the executive tommlue
f tlie Oreg.i Wool-growers Associa
tion, which siwju at Antelope on
.ApriJ .
urcle Itck Carmrcfiael and wife
sirru'edfrutu "Webfoot last week and
smdvi etopjnng with their lon-in-aw,
IK A. McDowell, on Crooked
rivvr. They will no doubt m. this
VmMf eir future home. Uuole
Ilk mn f the pioflin of thi,
emwiy havMig eome (re when wbout
h umif -civili! animals in the
tUJ ! ft hens and uteJopn.
H svsik- twielit Um whin hv
tv-4 JUswor Owsiaed riu-r mmt
T. R. Curl and J. II. Kelly were
flown frnm font last Wwek. lakinir 111 I
Mrs. K. C Faught is down from
Bear Creeks visiting her mother, Mrs,
W: K. MeFarlaiid." ... . ,
R.V. Jenkins was over from his
ranch near Culver last week attend
ing to county leal matters.
Elmer Clark was a business visitor
in the city last week and took in the
democratic convention. '
R. A. Stewart, E. E. and Clarence
Morgan were down from Paulina last
week, looking after Wines affairs.
Charley King closed a very siiflcexa
ful term of school iu the Weaver dis
trict last Friday. Ho has taught six
months there. . . .
Miss Ethel Swearengcn has opened
up a tine line ot spring millinery in
the Moore building which will be sold
at reasonable figures;
T. iU. Baldwin went over to the
Ashwnod country'the first of the week
and Will Wumvciler is acting cashioi
at the bank during his absence.
B. T. Voting, of Hood river, passed
through here last week with a bunch
of horses which he gathered iu 'his
county. There were a numlr of fine
looking ones in the band.
J. 11. lietiham caiiin from Bend hist
5atuid.ty and was looking after mat
ters pertaining to the Deschutes Irri
gation Mai Iteclaiuatiou Co., which
is working steadily on the ditch and
will be done iu a few weeks.
Last W eek Cornett & Elk jus started
up their blacksmith shop, the tem
porary injunction being dissolved.
Judge' Hrailshsw practically sustained
Judge Wills in refusing to grant a
temporary injunction.
George Ray was a business visitor
in the city the first of the week, and
reports everything moving along
quietly out his way. There has been
no decided change in the oil situation
in that vicinity lately. He reports
stock having' wintered exceptionally
well there and that everybody will
soon turn out for fie spring.
J. S. Churchill and daughter are up
from Spiingfield looking after their
ranches on Bquaw creek. They will
move ever the mountains as soon as
the snow gets out so they can cross
with wagons. Mr. Churchill says
that the spring has been very back
ward theie this year and that theie
has been do gardens plantod yet.
G. W. Wiley passed through
the first of the week with a huuch of
calves that he had purchased from
Charley McPhecsoii. 8ome of them
were iri fine Bhape, while others look
ed . aa if the supply of bunch grass
on the Hay creek hills bud given out
too soon. However they will all look
different next fall after a season on
the shorns of Kewsom creek.
John Cyrus returned last week
I rum a trip to Arizona, where he went
recently lor his health. lie says
tlie cinintry is no good and he never
saw as many rick people or broke
men in his life and is right glad to
get back to Crook oounty, wen if it ii
wot so famed for cures as some other
places. He lost fourteen pounds in
weight while he was there, but has
begun to regain flesh and color since
his return.
We had the pleasure of insperting
the residence of Dr. Rosenberg the
first of the week. It is now receiving
the finishing touch to the inside and
we can truthfully say thai it is oi.e of
tire finest residences in Priueville and
would be Considered a handsome resi
dence, even in tho best part of Portland,
Everything about the house is in g'xd
taste and suggestive of solid comfort
The hallway ii finished in Indiana onk
and it -a beauty. The woodwork ws
doira by A. II. Lippttiun 4 Co. and the
painting and decorating ia the handi
work of Bob Smith.
E. A. Parkef down from
Price the first of the week, to make
out the final papers in his trado for
all tire interests of Wm. Wigle in the
Cattle business. Bt this deal Ed. bo
comes the aosseseof tf a talf interest
hi nearly 00 head of fine cattle be
sides some of the test real estate la
the county. He is to be congrstu
lal-ed on his bargain. Uncle Billy
and bis eatimabie wife will no doubt
uin(:e PriiKvilie tlielr future home.
We will be glad to welcwHt them
autiHig out popuMsM.
rl Ua$i i
Spring the '
White Oak Shoes.
Theso Fhnes are niaile of the very lient
stock. Tho best is always the cheapest,
Every pair warranted. Special atten
tion called to the hoys' and youths'
shoes wade of this leather.
The Bitt Well Shoe.
Unexcelled fur style, tliirnliijity nnd coin,
fort. The liest of everything iim-d in the con
strtiction of thee slnn. Try it piir oiid ynu
will buy only Tho HILT WKI.L 8HuK.
ki v,r-.
Spring Goods
Kow ready for iio-pm:tion. Come
in and lot me stmw you the Hunrt
sorne-t hoe o( Huitings ever dis
pluynil in Priueville.
liny aaim-me-nowns until you
have seen my line of Uonds and
learn my prices.
liig Lumber Ural.
A. II. Lippman has consumated a
deal whereby his manufacturing es
tablishment controls the total output
of Hawkins Bros sawmill for this
year. The amount "involved is nrt
less than a million feet of lumber.
This has been rendered necessary in
order that Lippman dc Co. may have
belter facilities to furnish furniture
and complete buildings at the lowest
possible prices consistent with good
work These gentlemen are to be con
gratulated on tho energy displayed in
engaging in such a large undertaking.
Before another issue of the Journal
the Slayroo building will be almost
completed. The front is now ready
to be put in and it is going to be one
of the nicest fronts in the city.
Fred Lehman has added a needed
improvement to his premises in the
shape of a new picket fence. There
has been a lot of new fencing put up
during the put two weeks and the
town ia taking on a brighter appear
ance aa spring approaches.
One day last week Bob Harrington
had the misfortune to swallow n small
stick of wood while coughing and it
was thought for some time that a
surgical operation would be necessary
to save his life, but at this writting he
it improving.
Onion seta and everything else in
t See Ztt Hit, ,
. . to tub . .
. . ok . .
.j. . . &
f v :v ,
Do You Know
Barbed Wire
V, x 7.1 .tx"" f f
I. v, ?.-? -.1- K" 1 tftrf
guns more feet to the noiind fhnn any other P.nrbed Wire on earth
find Is e.Hial In strength to th 5tront:eiit?
Length to one pound, 1-point r-gular, 18.85 f-t; 4-poiiit regular, 18.20 dt;
weight, one mile in length, 2-point regular, S80 putinds; 4-point mgular, 8)
pijumN. ' ' ,-
Yon sre not so much interested in the prieo pur pound aa the actual cot
Imt rod or mile. ,
Figure for yourselvm, then consult our nearest agent. This will result ia
your buying the WAUKEGAN.
ElkinsO King,
Write for priaw. We are tho lowest.
The New Drug Store
D. P. ADAMSON, Proprietor.
A complete atock of NEVV and FBESIJ druei
and chemicals. Also Stationery, Booka, Comb,
Jhurhw, Toilet Article, and everything kept in a
first-class Drug Store. School Books and School
Prescription Work a Specially.
A'ext door to Smith & Kavler'n formal bW
Main street.