juril.i.i.- Aa-anny, Hi ii'l l ,Mic!ikiiH K. dialing, Smu r'iatiuloii, California, where onti trauta lor ixlvarlKiiiK can lw made lor It. II nil III Hliow Him. Tim Kant Oregonian tell ol an ftimvliig Incident that occurred on the iilittform ol the 0. It. & N. dcM nt Pendleton. Two twins uro duo to leave the depot at shout the tumti time, and when there arc any jjassuigers going toward rt'iokmie with ha,;gage, this hud to Le trans ferred (ruu the west-hound to the east-hound train. This particular evening there was a large, husky young Jul low who hud come from Missouri and was going to Spokane. . . . i i : 1 ....... I...... ..I lie gol oil we tram situ n inghiseyus on his trunk, which j ItuU ...en laaen ,. o, ... ear ul one tram to u the other. When tlie baggageman touk hold of the trunk to load it on the truck to take it across the plat form theownet walked up to him, (dapped hitn on the shoulder, and said:;1 ' "Look here, sir; what are you going to do with my trunk?" The baggageman was in a hurry, 1 n.t nt II. fl fi, lnur fur , , , , i i . a moiiielil asked him where he was ., . from. He replied: "I'm from Missouri, and I want you to understand you can't steal trunk and run off with- it in my t.rnnil iluvliuht." At the same time! thBhiL-MlHsourianwasdouhlinKupl I.!, lilt itvi.lentlv with the iten-: tion of showing the baggageman that ho was going lobe as good a:"" ' rKl ",;tlon ,K hi. ward. It took several inii.ii'.es ' MtituUd for the power of force to explain to the traveler what was , going lobe done with the trunk and then 'ho allowed the railroad man ' ... ...i... i ii,. ,..lw.rir,in Tl. incident caused a great deal of amusement for those who snw it. Hmull I"o I'mentlee, Six bit worth of preventive hmiU) tlmt weultl, tPaFB, to a whole lot better than 80 days in; wealth if you have not obedience quarantine with loathsome aftnull j t0 law, pence, order and content iox, Keep clean and take this, ,nient among the producers of Following is an old time remedy j wealth, for all -the results of or forsmiillpoxiSulphateof jinit.l gr.;glni,,,!,j labr vanish if wealth, ia solid ext. digitalis, 1 gr. Dissolve, destroyed. American Journal of each in a teaspoonfulof water; mix Eilucation. and add one teaspoonful of sugar; ' 'when thoroughly mixed add 4 o.s. The folIowin(? ,)r0gram wa ren water. Dose-One teaspoonful every doreJ iast Fri.Iay by the third di hour for 12 hours. Children under! viiji()n. yong by the school; reci tcn years, one-half teaspoonful;; tlUion by Ht,ulah CIine; niUHic l)V infants, lOdrops. Vaccination will ( G()rtio 0(,g(,H; recittttioI1 by Ben". not take after this treatment is la), Jlyde; select reading by Lester Kiven" ' Cohrs; select reading by Lawrence Send your order to any drug- I)illon. nilwio by Kdna listes; gist. Symptoms of all small pox . Sl)ecial tttoe bahy by nmm (variola). Period of iucubatiou 10 j mai by Verna Cline; song by tl,6 to 14 days. Mode of onset, sudden i gtijooi. chill, high lever, headache, pain in loins. Eruption appears on 3d day, typical evolution about the (Hh day or the 9th of the dii-'case characteric pustulus fully formed. Eruption fades, desiccation at end of 2d week, crusts slowly separate leaving mark ed and enduring cicatrices. Danger of contagion so long as crusts re form indefinitly in families. What hag become of the cinnabar discoveries which were recently made in the southern part of this county? Experts who saw the ore pronounced it a fine quality of cin nabar which would pay to work, provided it could be had in any quantities. A company, consisting of Prineville and Portland parties, was formed to develop the property, since which we have hoard little of the mercury prospect. Working 24 Hours a Day. There' no rest for thoae tireless lit tle workers Dr. King's New Life Tills. Millions are always biuy, cur ing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Bilious nets, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them. 25c at Adamsoo t Winnek Co. SCHOOL COLUMN A I'AI'KH. larnied weekly f'H and by tlie V tid VI (JrarJaf u( tin l'ublle Wdioole, of Prineville, Orexoit. Htbiaa HonilHH , Kdilur. Anaoclatu-KdlUir, 1'IUIUV, MAKCH 29, 112. Mrs, Cline and Mrs. Wilson wit nessed this program, Grace Merill spent Murday and Sunday at her home near Culver. Ethel Trine lias returned to " we - k ' . Those of the fifth grade that ,,,i,,.,i ff, , ,. ,.. l.r Kleariis, Hiirnnito Newsoine, Nora Hteiirnf, Edgar Barnes, Ceole Hrriith, Lockwood Himpson, Roy Canning, lluttie Bostwick, Dolly Hodges, Horace Belknap. ' Those of the sixtli grade that ranked from one to ten in the writ ten texts last month are: Anna haloinon, Lester Cohrs, btella ' ' Young, Lawrence Dillon, Pearl 1 McFarhiml, El wood Draper,. Etta I'rine, Gertie Hodges, Birdie Mor ris, Churlie Hummers, lora Ward .4. at. .at. We hope our schwls will ro train and teach that without much My tw ' 've "Wy t0 ' nmintninwl artificial restraints as well ttH tllfl "ht system.-Ainerican Journal of Education Cnrefully, constantly, but fenr Inssly the children must be taught, in I he. schools tu well as in the ' Lift your hat reverently when you pass the teacher of tho pri mary school. She is the great angel of the republic. Hlie takes the bantling fresh trom the home nest, full of pouts and passions an uiigovernable little fellow whose own mother honestly ad mits that flie sends him to school to get rid of him. The lady who knows her business takes a whole car oad of these, one of whom, single-handed and alone, is more than a match for his parents, and at once puts them in a way of be ing useful and upright citizens. At what expense of toil, patience and soul-weariness! Lift your hat to her, Newspaper. Washioton, March 24. Chair man Knox, of the House Commit tee on Territories, was authorized by the committee today to intro duce an omnibus bill providing for the admission to statehood of Okla homa! Arizona nd New Mexico. The committee also authorized the introduction of a bill giving In dian Territory a territorial form of government and changing its name to the Territory of Jefferson. A WORTHY 8 UOOiiaSOB. Something New Under the Bun." All riiictura have tried tecum Ciitarrli by the uae of unwilrm, sold Igar.e, mliiil era und ilrii in iie form J'lwir im dura dry U) Ilia muoti'iue iiimiiIiihiii! imu- UiK llii ni In triuK iiibii sun niwio. I lie uuKiirlul md ud in 1b inlmlnr lime uiitirely xuteii Hiiy iliewum iin:ii:lir,it;e tlmt ilivir iiinki'm Iihvu iiimeu tu cum, while Hint iiiiilinuiHii vuiitint reui:h tie, iliifHUn, An ebl nd i'iritmd I ruclitiiiiii-r wliu lew fur many vein ihhiIh it clineatiidy end (m-ciull)' "f OATAKKH llHt nt hut irfuvteil a Ircfllmeiit Hindi f limi r.iitlifiill v uiiml, nt iinly relieve t iim, but pttriiiitntiinly cui CATARRH by reiiiiivniK the valine. loppitiK tlie dm oliAtyita and curinK nil inHiiuiiuation, It is the uniy minerty that iwiliially ruavnea the i afllieU-il pai'la. Tlila wmidtirlnl rwiiedy ia known "SNfKFLKS, the OL AIM ANTKED CATARRH CUltK." and ii at the eitiuiin ly nw price of mie 1 dnllar, each packuve ceii'aiulnir lliternal and external jiixlicine ullii'ir-nt f'T s full inniith'a Irealnieut, and evil J'lhin iivcra iiry tu ita perfetst uae. tNtlFKLKS" ii the only perr-i:t CA TARRH CURE er made jiid i m.w retiiuniwd iia the only and peailivn cure fur tlutaiiiinyiiit' tmd"rliut itie ili anaae. It curia all infUrimiitiiui nuickly and priiiaiieiitly and ia alii wuiiilurfny Huitk tn rliwte HAY FEVER ur COLD in the HEAll. . CATARRH when welectml "f"n lnd to C0N8U M PTION-1 hN LI' KLKS" will aave yuu if you uae it at once. It ia o (irlinary remedy, hut a omnpleie trat mr nt which ia ifiMranteed locore CA TARRH in any fnrni m- ata-e if nl ac curding to the directinna which aecnei pany every iinckuue. Dnn't di"lay but acrid fur it at unce and write full particu lar aa to your condition, and you will rxteivn an-cial advice fn'in the dincoverer of I Ilia wonderful remedy rexardiuv your caae without cat to you la-youd the reg ular t-nc.. o) HNt'FKLKH." 'he GUAR ANTEED CATARRH Cl'RE. Kntit firepaid in anv addreaa in the United Ktatea or Canada on ricfipt of one dollar. Addreaa Dept. E Wi ED WIN II. OILES COMPANY,; 2.'0 and Zm Market 8t. Philadelphia BUY THE G i J " T"! Ml ft u fr t- a', li- SU1 9 B'-trW 1 SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by thrme who ad vertiao a fiiO.iW HewiiiK Machine for (20.00. T'.iiBiilndof ii machine etui lie tm'i(.'iit from usorunv of our deulw fioai$15.0Jlo S1S.W. wc make a vAmmr. THE SEW HOME IS THE' BEST. The Feed determines the strength or wciknuM of P.'wlntf Ma, Mm. The !iillo F.'Y'tl eoiitlilniil with other ytnan? poliiiei rnakin tlio JVajw Home the beet Buwiug Maeulau to buy. Write for CIRCULARS ahnwlntr the dlf- wlnir Mactiln'a we uumulaclur uti J prk Iwiuaa puruhualug THE KH HOME HWM MACHINE 0. oaaNoc. Haaa. 28 Union ffc. i(. V., Clilonso, I II., Atlanta, Otv, Ht-Loula,Mo., l.i::ai,T i.,Han J'runctooo.Oa; F91 SALt BV New Home Sewing JVlachine Oo San Franolsoo, Oal. This will save your Life. By Induciuf; yun to use Dr. King's New Discovery, Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The only Guaranteed Cure. NO Cure. NO Fey. your Drug gist will warrant it. ABSOLUTELY CURES Grip, Influenza, Asthma, Itionehltis, Whooping Coui?h, I'liwimoiiia. or any A'llection of the Throat and Lungs. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. Regular Biza- 60 cents and $1.00. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE . Tbadi Marks CoPVRrGMTt AC Anrone neniUnf nktfh and dcMHntlon may QHliOtlr uCBrtmn uiir oinntdtt free whether an tiiiitlnn u prohnMy pntenuihle. Communlnft tioniiirlcUoonOdoittlaU. Handbook oo fatani twiit (ri'a. Oltlert aueni' for MeurluK pttenti. I'Atenu UA ttirouuh Munn A Co. reoalT tpai notica, without chum, m tbe Scientific UnKilcan. A handdomelf Ulintnrtwl wteklr. IRTVMt (Mr mil At Ion of an? flenttflo JounuU. Tornis, IS ft fttxr : four muntb, L BohI by all nawadeaJar. MUNN & Co.ae,B-h-- New York Branok OltliM, S t Bt, WaatHmiton. D. ft Price Blacksmith Shop E. A. PARKER, Prop. All kinds of blacksmithing and wagon repair work done at reas onable rates.. , PRICE, : : OREGON. The dental work of Dr.0. A. Ohna ia too well known in thia country tu need any praiae. He can alwaya b fnunrl ai tha old ataud, 'noxt rlimr tu the Finn National tiauk. Oirt bint a call. sin ML m aSl- ' 1 I ' a." ' If ymi authf from any of tht ilia of men, coma to the ol(!t S(4cialit on ta tmhc Oxutf Oft WftON 00., 10M Market tl Eal'd IAEZ. Vonna; men and middle from th eOcf la ra youtliful lndiwliofl or tu lellirt;,lmplit ey.lMt WantoMMI ii, til iii or,inr,ii'atimai; Mpermatiirrhirs, l'rtalNtorrhuia, n.i,orrfaceas ilet, yretiurney ar lrfcuatlu, !. fire combinali.ai yf rcm(lit,of great cufativcWW r, Ilia O,ofa ha arranifad hta Irealawnt that il will not oaly a IPwd ImmadiaK rtliaf but DcrmuMnt era. Jlu Iimim 6tw not claim to 4 parform mirarlea, but ia we It-known to be a (air an4iM,ft i'liyiciao and Sergeoo,pt-iniiamt m ma ajmiaiiy irieraM-n or new. Nyphllla thor'aiKhfy enllcated lioai the eyln, wlrwn ulna nereiir Kr. nH iihuvi,,, to oa will ia Crlvatir iviturtmnitmn lilarf"inl"lnt. . H'e wll Uu'iranl 0 I WIT VH CUltKt tvery out vie undertake, or Jorjeit One CorwilUtlon VkhK and mrlty erlrata. CIUKUM VV.H Y HE AXON A HLB. Treat irwrrt per,jll or by letter. Send Ufr bfaV, "'riie IMiilonopbv of niurrla;e," flea, (A rain jUe biK,k lur men.) VI1TT DR. ORI5f Great Mnscum of Auntoniy tba nneatand larxeft Muwnmrrt' ill kind in the world. O'ina and ieam htrw wonderfully you are niadc; lu'W to avoid eickiieaa and diMi.4. Wa are e't'nu.-,Hy ad'linff new ipecieieaa. CAT.IU)(IVI1 HUM. Caflorwrlle. 031 Market Street, Sen Franchee, Sat. PrinevilleBurns Stage Line- I AMOS BARBER, Prop'r. Htago leaves Prinet-ille Mondays anil Thursday?, returning on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Connects ut Paulina with Canyon City stage. Panpengers anil express carried at reasonable rate. OfRte at TeiBpleton it Hon's drug store Bill TESE DALLES BOAT Btr. "TAE01IA" Time Curd Kotncon Portl;inI. The Diille atiu Way Points, Lfiive PiTllanH, Moiidaya.W'edneaiUya and Fridaya at 7 a tn. Arrite at Tlie Uallna, SHine daya at 5 p. ni, Leav" The Dallea, Tueadaya.Thuradiya mid Saturdays at 7 . in. Arrive al Purtlaud, anuie daya at 4 p. hi. Mrnla the Very Jlotit tlThir R-uta haa th. Orajide.t Soenio At Lractioiif on Karth. rostland-astceia 20ute Stealer BAILEY GATZERT" Daily Round Triia Exce,t Sunday Time Card 1.,'av. Purtlaud 7 a. tn. Laave AaUiria 7 p. nt. , Landing: Foot of Aldar fltreat. BOTH PHONC8 MAIN 1st John M. Filloon. gt.,;The Dalles A. J. Taylor, Agt., Astoria J. 0. W'yaU, Agt., Vancouver. Prather&IIeuiman Agt. Hood River' Wolford & Wyers, Agt., W. Salmon E: W. Crichton, Agt., Portland lillsim, bcil, Howe, SiEer, HcCormlck. and other millionaire Inveiiton began III poor. Fortunes await othr Invantora. Can you davlM ha tv.tarnta an articlaa conmoa oh hilc you delay, others lay patent your Idcmi. We guarantee acalnne Inaa lVerwrn! i SuuU model, aJuHun or piioto ol invention lor trm report on patrntaH lltr For lire book, l 1 IMBaalir." .v -.lfiF:7 m lliatalnunll. " In vtntor'a I Jj Baalauint " aent fro ou niueiL 1 i annaiia CO PP l Q0lVuU:4U' ' 1 lIliWaHW Stage Line JOHN EDiS, Proprietor. Stagps leave Prineville for Sinters and way points on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pansengera car ried at reasonable rati .... Office at Templeton it icon's drug store, Prineville, Oie. v OREGON Shot Like Uiion Pacific .a, Chlcajo Salt Uka. Denrae, 4:p. m. Portland Ft. a'ortb,Oruaha, Special Kanaaa C tf, St. :0o a. aa. Lonia,CIloaod Tt HuBt- i.ait. ItjgUiti. . Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, loa-aw Kipreu Ft. Worth, Omal.a, t w p. m. Kantaa-Clt;, St.. Tift Hnsl. Louia,Calcasofttidr Inftou taat. PL Pul Walla Walla Iw1a. 7:00 a, n. Fat Mall ton.spokaiie.Hin- :uy p. aa. neapotia, St. pam, Tie, Dulutli. Mllwan- pokane kee.CbicagoailUat OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FftOaf PORTLAND. tMf.m. all aaillnf datea . p. m. aabjeot ut change For Sap Francisco Ball vary 6 daya. Dally Ciomela Riner. 4KWp.ro. Xx.Hunilay Staaaicra. Kx.Suouay a:OOo.m. Saturday To Altorla and Way ' W:Ul p. m. Landioit. 6:00 ft. m Wlllaai.tta llw. 4:10 p. m. kx. Sunday Ki. Sunday Oregon City, New. berff. Salem, In.le peDdeuce 4 Way lamdluga. 7:00 ft. n. WillaMettt and Yan- :lp. m. Tu..., Thur. Mil llnri. Hon.. Wed. and Sa,L and Fri. Oretoa City, Day ' ton, k Vay Load. Infa. e:00ft m. WlllaiMtt. Itm. 4:p.m. Taaa, Tuur Hon.. Wed. - and Baa, Portland to Corval. ftad FrL Hi A Way Land- lnr. Lv. Rlparla aaaka llm. Lv.UwIitoa l:asa. m.. Daily bally Kiparift to Lewiitoo a. m. W. L Lawence, Agent, Biggs, Oregon. -j Coluxxi"bia 3outlirn IBectlve MM i. U . Sep .mber , IW. I Karlh Nortk Bound j Bouuil oatk bound South Bound Dally mint DaUy Paaa. I Pallv Paaa. eroigna Arrive Leave I Leava 7: a. ml 1:S4 I 00 a m, 1:' :; .ml 1:14 i:45 ft.m: V.t. M a. it v.a x ft.m: 2:40 :U am. Ii' rit . ml :ou :i0 a-m- 3:1-11 1:19 p.m Bltra 11 p.raitSihoona U n.in, . ao lo :25 ft.ra )n m :iw a.ra V:U' p.ia X1! a.m i:"4i ,.iq p-mECto'dkelO: p.m snmnilt 10; p.miliair C JelU: 3 a m ',p.ai JO a.m t::p .hi 16 a Ul X : I. ill p. in Mepo to ui p.ia. leMoM a.m.' 1 r I,. in :IXl a. I p.ia 1:, 10 IU Mrn a: p m,Krkn,vl. V: urn G'aV'v a- O a.i ::i ft-in : a.s :4 AS in. 1 :W p. oi .in! 4:( :it 4: p.m Botirljoiit 8 p.m' (lutbrie a p.tu Wllrox I: p.tnjhanlKO I t : a.ra :40 a :.J a :. a.m a .ia. - .. D. J. HARRI3, C. E. LTTI.K, Sairiotandeut, U. I'. A. 2