Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 27, 1902, Image 6

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    General Dlackomithing and Wagon
Hats! Hats!
Mitchell Waspns
Racine Buggies and
The Red Corner
Prinevillo, Oregon
C. L. Salomon.
j8 Our Fall Clothing
fM la now arriving and all line are complete. V e
jrjtf are prepared to allow you aoinetliiug nobby in
jS Men' and Boy1 Suit,
& Fall and Winter
f Underwear for Men and Boy. We handle the
. celebratedlWtight' Health Underwear, Beat in the
tWS World. Other line cheap and good.
General Merchandise.
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Paints and Oils.
Windows and itoors.
Grain Sacks and Binder Twien.
Hardware and Stoves.
Our lino of Hal i complete nd mbro(i the John ajjf
M. SteUoit mill Lion brand, In til the now block
mid tyl nJ t bottom prima.
Mitchell' Bill to Reimburse East
ern Oregon Men.
Washington, March 20. Ser,.
ator Mitchell has introduced t bill
for the relief of settlers v.yon the
lands of the Eastern O'.egon Land
Company, in Sherman couty, Ore
gon. The bill jthorizes the sec
retary of the Anterior to investigate
and ascertain the reasonable value
of the -'lands settled upon and
heretofore claimed by the respec
tive persons whose names appear
in fipnntA Hncument No. 8. fiftv-
lifth congress, and senate docu
ment No. 240, fifty-seventh con
gress, and in which documents are
also specifically stated an accur
ate description of the lands claim
ed by each of such persons, to
gether with the value of the im
provements thereon, all of said
lunds being in Sherman county.
The value of said lands and the
improvements is to be determined
in all cases where the settlers have
been diapossessed of tbeir lands as
of the date of the ousting of such
sutlers, respectively, from said
lands by either The Dalles Mili
tary Wagon Road Company or its
successor, 01 the Eastern Oregon
Land Company, in accordance
with the judgment and decree of
the supreme court of the United
fclates affecting the title 10 said
The secretary of the interior is
required to ascertain the dates
when these settlers, or any of
them, were respectively dispossess
ed of their lands, and in all cases
where such settlers are still in pos
8i'.ssion3 of the lands so claimed by
them, the value of the same, and
of the improvements thereon, shall
be determined as of the date of the
passage of this act. Upon the as
certainment of this information,
the secretary of the interior is
authorized and directed to issue to
hiiid settlors severally and respec
tively, a certificate of indebtedness,
in which shall be stated the exact
amount each one of such settlers is
entitled to in accordance with the
ascertained value of such lands
and improvements, as provided for
iiy the first section of the act, and
pn the presentation of such certifi
cate, by such settler?, to the sec-r-tary
of the treasury of the Unit
sj States, warrants shall he drawn
la favor of such settlers fo: the
Amounts so ascertained to be due
)y the secretary of the interior,
v hich warrants shall be paid out
of any money in the treasury hot
otherwise appropriated. The bill
appropriates an amount sufficient
l uieut the payment of all such
warrants so drawn.
Mystery of tly.- Cascade.
Strange and wonderful tales
tome from the Cascades occasion
ally, and it appears that region it
one vas. territory of curiosities.
D- B. Ennis, of Sedro-Woolley,
who recently returned from a
journey to his claim, which is lo
cated on the Cascade River, brings
back the latest wonderful story
of the mystery of the Cascades,
says the Courier.
In the bed of the Cascade River,
and protruding from the bank is a
common Siwash cedar canoe in a
good state of preservation. Fully
one half of the canoe is concealed
by the bank of the river, which is
ten feet high at this point. Grow
ing from the bank immediately
over the canoe was until recently
an immense cotton wood tree, but
this has been cut down, and by
counting the layers of growth on
the stump, it is easily determined
that the stump is 150 years old.
Mr. Ennis' theory is that some
time, more than a century and a
half ago, a landslide occurred on
the river bank which completely
covered the canoe which had been
left in the river. As the years
passed on a cottonwood sprout
sprang up on the, bank above the
boat, and it grew and flourished
until a mammoth tree was the
result. The Spring freshets came,
and each year they wore away
more of the bank, until at last the
long-lost canoe appeared, after a
burial lasting more than a cen
tury. As the waters of the river
gradually eat away the earth
above and around it, the old ca
noe emerges from its grave in a re
markable state of preservation,
which is a flattering testimonial to
the stability of Vvashington cedar.
Mr. Ennis stated that the toma
hawk marks inside the canoe,
which shows that the boat was
hewn out of a solid log, are easily
discernible at the present time.
The discovery of the eanoe was
made by an aged Siwu?h, and the
Indians up the river are much ex
cited over the find. They say the
boat has been there for "many,
many moons," but only recently
was it discovered, which would in
dicate that the bunk above it fiad
been waahed away probably with
in a vear or two.
Strikes a Rich Find.
"I was troubled for several yearn
with chronic indignation and nervoue
debility," write F. E Green, of Lan
caster, N. II., "No remedy helped me
until I began uting Electric Bittern,
hich did me more good than gll the
medicine I ever used. Tbey heve
also kept my wile in excellent health
for year. She ayi Electric Bitters
are just splendid for female troubles;
that they are a grand tonic and invig
orator for weak, run down women. No
other medicine cm take it place in
our family." Try them. Only 60c.
Hatifaotton guaranteed by Adunnon
A Win nek Co.
Subscribe for the JoubmaL.
An Ingenious Treatment by which
Drunkards are Cured Daily iu
Spite of Themselves.
It ia now genera'ly known and un
derstood that Drunkenness ia a disease
ami not weaklier. A body tilled with
poison and norve com plotely shattered
by periodical or cniisiuiit use of intox
icating liquors, requires an antidote
capable cf neutralising ami eradicat
ing this poison, and destroying the
craving for intoxicant. Sufferer may
i jo cure themselves at home without
piiUii'iiv or losa of time from buainesa
liy this wonderful "HUME GOLD
CL'KE,"which bua been perfected after
many years of clone tinly uml treat
merit of inebriate!!. The faithful line
according to direction of thin won
dorliil discovery ia positively guaran
teed to cure the most olwttuuto cuae,
no matter how bard a driuknr. Our
record bow the maivelcua transform
alion of thousands of Drunkards into
sober, industrious and upriirlit men.
W I V E8 0 V Ii .C Y'tl'K UUtiBAKDH!
THERS! I This remedy i in no sense
a nostrum but i a sja-oific fur tin
disease only, and is an skillfully de
vised and pieriil thut it is thorough
ly soluble and pleaannt to fie taste, so
that it enn iw given in a cup ol tea or
cotfee without the knowledge of the
person taking it. Thousand of drunk
ard have cured themselves with this
priceless remedy, end as imiuy moie
have brcn cured and wn.du temperate
men by having the cure administered
by loving friend mid relative with
out their knowledge in ten or police,
and believe today that tliey discon
tinued drinking of their o'vn free will.
1)0 NOT WAIT. Do not lie deluded
by apparent and misleading "improve
ment. The HOME GOLD CUKE is
sold at"the ext.cmely low price of One
Dollar, thus placing within reach of
everybody a treatment more
than oth.K costing $25 to $a0. Full
directions eaccjrupany each package. advice by skilled physician
when rtqested without extra charge.
Sent prepaid to any pur'. of the world
on receipt of One Dollar. Address
Dept. E m EDWIN B. G1I.E3 fc
CO. 2X30 and ."3:12 Market St. Phila
delphia. '
All correspondence strictly confidential.
In th Circuit Court of tit State of Oregon,
for O'Kik County.
Eei-uani Curiulry, plaintiff,
finthv M. Corinlev, defendant.
-L nhove naniMt defendant, in tlie Nathn of
the State of Unx"". you are horebv reiuirwi
to ai'i'Kumi and anmver tlie complaint hlul
aKaiuit von in the alxive entitled auit ou or
before the 1st day of May, liX2, and if you
fail to so apiear and answer for want thereof
tlie plaintiff will aoplvto the court for the re
lief demanded in tlie complaint, to wit: For
a di..ilutin of the marriage contract now
existing; Ivtween tlie plaintiff and defendant.
I'ubiixhed in the Crook County Jouhnai.
bo order of tlie Hon. W. C. Wiii., County
J ud of Crook Countv, Oregon, weekly for a
jriod of nix week., said order wag dated and
filed on the l'Jlfl day of March llXI'j. Tlie
date of trie firt publication being the 20th
day of Maich 1U01
X. K. Kiooa,
Attorney for I'laititilf.
Price Blacksmith 5hop
E. A. PARKER, Prop.
All kinds of blacksmithing and
wagon repair work done at reas
onable rates.
' Plow (.rinding.
Bd Harbin desire to announce that
he it prepared to do all kind of grind
ing in the latett approved bunion.
Chilled plow ibtre grinding a (peoially.
Dry Goods.
ooinpieiv.t iniv
United Mute Land OMc at
The Ialle, Onifon. March 10, 1U02.
Nolle la hereby tiven that In compliance
with the provwlona of til act ol Conicma ul
June 3, W8, untitled "An ut tut the ude of
timber land, in th .'ttate of California, Ore
gon, Neva la and Washington Territory," a
extended to all the l'ubllc Land Mate by
aot of AiiKU"t 4, lK!'- Clarke Irfiter, lie
fu A. Leiter anil John M. L.iter, of 1'nrV
laud, oounty u( Multnomah, Stat ot Oregon,
and Joseph T, Peter, of Th Dalle, oounty
of Waaoo, State of Oreifon, have on th SUh,
27th ami IWth day of February. lt2. Bled
tlieir worn itatement No. 214, 21 210,
ft 217, f.r the S K . NWJ, and BWJ Heo
tion 20, To. t S.'Uth, Hang I! Kaat W. M.
and will offer proof to allow that laud touht
I more valuable for lu ilinlier or stnn than
for agricultural purpoiea, and to eatabliih
their claim to said land befor tin KfKl.ter
and Receiver of thii oAu at The Dalle, Ore
gon, en FiiJoy, tl day of May, 11102.
They name M wilnewa:
John M. Loiter, ot Portland, OreKoa, Rii
fua A. Leiter, of I'urtland. OreKon, O, Clarke
Leiter, ot Portland, Oregon, K. W. flardtii
bnsik, of PortlwiJ, Oregon, Joseph T. Pet
era, of Th Unite. Oregon.
Any and all iieraon. olaimlng ailveraely the
aisive desci ii.l laiida an requested to file
tlulr claim, in till, niflce on or before laid
'M day of May, VM.
Bl20 Keghtef.
, Timber lml, Aot J una 3. lsr.
United tttates Land OIBce at
The J lulls., Oreaon, March II, VM.
Notice 1 hereby given that In compliance
with the provinlun. of the act of Conifrea. of
I un 3, 1H7, entitled "An act for the sal. of
timlier laud, in the KUtm ol California, Ore
gou, Neiada and Wa-lilngton Territory," a.
extended to all the Public Land HtaU by
act of Aii(uat4, lWr, Michael J, Mcliuigan,
of lioise, County of Ada, State of Idaho, ha.
thla day tilid in this office hi worn .tale
nieut No, 219. tor tl.e purchaw of th HEH
of Unction No. 15 in Towiuhlp No. 13 8,
Range No. 10 K W. M. and will jfjcr pioof
to show that the land sought la more valu
able for iu timlier or stone than for aurlcul.
tural purpose., and eetabiUh hi claim to .aid
Und before the Register and Receiver of thia
office at The Dalle., Oregon on Saturday, the
24th day of May. 1MB.
ie niimea aa whitueaKi:
Michael Connor., K. U. McConnlc, Robt.
McDonald, Peter McCuigan, all of The
Dalle. Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adveniely the
nlstve-deseribed land, are requested to tile
their claim, in tlii oltice on or before .aid
24th day of May, I'M.
m20 Register.
Land Omci at Lakevfew, Okkuon,
February 21, 11103.
Notice i. hereby given that the folluwing
named settler baa filed notice of hi. intention
to make final proof in stiport of hie claim
and that said prisif will be mad before A. O,
J'aluior, U. S. ConimiMiioner, at frineville,
Oregon, on May S, 1Wi2, vii:
Leander C. Caldwell, H. K, No. 2ol8, for
the NK!SW, HW NE ndS.E,
Hec. 30, T. 21 8,. R. 11 K.
lie name the following witneanee to prove
hi continuous residence upon and cultivation
of .aid land, vit:
George T. Kly, George W. Rofrae, William
K. K..gue and (jvug. O. lteeie, all of Lava,
3-6 02 Regi.ter.
Land Office at The Dallea. Oregon,
March 10, U02
Notice ia hereby given that the following
named tettler hw filed notice of hi intention
to make tiual proof in support of his claim,
and that eaid proof will he made before
J. J. Smith, County Cieik at frlneville, Ore
gon, ou Haturduy, April 20, 1902, vie
William U. Grizzle, of P H, K. No.
8198, for th.SE, NW1NKU SWJaiidWJ
HV.i Sec 14, Tp. 17 8., ft, 20 ., W. M.
He name, the following witneasea to prove
hia eontinuoua reaideuo upon and cultivation
of said land, vix:
R. P. Miller, of Post, Oregon, W. R. Kell.y,
of Poet, Oregon, Jeff Stewart, of Mowry,
Oregon, Henry Orchard, of Pot,Oregon.
B20 legittat.
In our dry good department will be found the I
i .... l:. ! .1.-.,.. .1 I ,l,.' .nd 7:
i wF v v...
Pullman Ordinary Slerperi.
The touriat travel between I he east and
th I'aoitig eoaat ha reached eiiormou
proportion in the lt few yuan, end
calls for a apneial elaa of eipiipuieiil. To
meet tin demand the Pullman Co. ha
iaaiied from lis hn what II technically
call the "I'ullman Ordii ary Meegwr.".
Theao car appear similar to lb regular
deeper, being built on the urn l.oi,
hut not furnished wit Ii the aame elegance
They are equipped with luattreew,
blanket, sheen, pilloea, pillow oaae,
towel, comb, bru.he, elo., nquiring
nothitieof tlie kind lo lie furnished hy
the paaaelignr. Kaoli ear haa iov for
making oodeeand tea and doing "light
houaekeepnig," and each cii.,n can be
tilted with an djualahl, taattle. A uiii.
formed porter accompunie each car. In
buaiiiea bring 10 make up berll ., keep
the car olean. ano look after the OMiifnrla
and want of th passenger. In each of
th train which r disptlchrd daily
from Portland hy th O. K. A N Ci . I
to be found one of I hew 'Tulliuaii Or
dinary Sleeper " Th ear I atiachrd
Ui the ''Chicago 1'urlh.iid special,
whioS goe through In Chicago without
ohange, and the one in the "Atlaiilio Ex
presa" run In Kansa Oily without
change. I'aaai-nger in ihi car for l'hi
cai'i r hauire tn a aomlsr onr at flrnnger.
Muth of the lirst class travel ia living
carried in t-ese ear, the rare bring
lower, and th aeri'ce being nearly equal
In that in the palace alri-pora.
Fr rate and full Information, In
cluding older, wrile lo A. L. Craig, 0.
P. V., O. R. N. Co. Portland, Ore.
Tiinlwr Land, Act June 3, H7H,
United States Und T,, I
Tin Dalh-a. Or.., February 12, I'.nri. ,
Notice It hereby given that in omphalic
with the provl.ioii. of the Act of Cor,(nui of
June 3, 1K7, entitled ''An act lor the .ale ol
timber land. In the HtaU of Calitnrnla, Ore
gon, Nevada and Waahington Territory," aa
.xtended tn all the Public Land .State, by Act
of Augiul 4, 1K02. th. following pens ti. have
tlii. day filed ia thla otfio .worn .tat.,
menta, vii;
Henry A. Smith, of Portland, ounty of
Multnomah, Stat ol Oregon, .worn lUte.
ment No. 210 for the purchase of th UK',
HKK Sec. 28 end E! NK',,' and NWj NF.'4
Kec. 32, Tp. IBS., R.11K., W. M.
Helen A. Kerr, of Portland, cwmty of
Multnomah, Stale of Oregon, sworn tale
rnent No. 211 for the purchase of the K'
NB! Hec. 21 and WJ N W Sec. 22, Tp. ill
8., R. 11 K.. W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that th
laud sought la more valuable for it timber or
atone than for agiicid.ural purpose., and t
establiah their claim to laid land ,)efor th and Receiver of thi. uKloe at Th
Dallea, Oregon, on Tuesday, the (ith day i f
May, 11)02.
They name ai witness.: B. F. Smith,
Helen A. Kerr, Dewlt Daaforth, W, N, Jne
and Heniv A. Smith, all o Portland, Oregon.
An) and all person, claiming advei.ely th
above-deaoribed land are requoated tn ale
their claim in thia office on or before said 6th
day uf May, 1902.
I'-O Jay. P. Lnona, Regiiter.
Land office at The Dallea, Oregon
March 10, lWJ,
Notice b hereby given that th following
uamed tettler haa (led notice of hi inteu
tln td make final proof in support of hi
claim, and that .aid proof will be tnadii before
A C. Palmer. U. 8. Commianlonar, at Prine
villa, Oregon on Saturday, April 26, 1902,
George C. Brown, of Hay Creek, H. K.
9XH0 for the HJ N W. NKJ SWj and tiVii
8E1 Seo 13, Tp. U 8., It, Hi K.. W. M.
He name th following wltneaae to prove
hia eontinuoua resident, upon and cultiva
tion oa aaid land, viz:
Jame A. Allen, 3. P. Vanllonten, Kd. C.
Elkina, J. II. O'KeiJy, all of Hay Creek, Ore
gon. J at P. Luc,
m20 Regiater.
Baptiat Church service at Prineville
- n i l ... .
everj iiw ana m ciunaay in eac
miaath, t Culver every 3rd Sunday u
at Howaid every lit Sunday.
vr n ii.
m. eoaiwi,