Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 27, 1902, Image 4

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    Crook County Journal.
rwl.K t FAliKER,
W. T. Fohlk, VniTOH
W. )i. PAKKtii, MaXAura
Coi'xty Official Pansr.
lbs .IciuBNAL u entered t the uHice in
Print! ill.1, Jre., for transnuHRimi Un-oiixh tiie
lj. S. b-iiln w Koeond cla matter.
OskYkar. .!
5ixA,of.TMN 7"i
'fHiiliE Months 50
Republican County Ticket,
County Judge,
W. C WILLS, "of Willow Creek.
County Cleik,
CAREY WSTKR, of Prineville.
J. S. McMEEN, of Haystack.
M. D. POWELL, of McKay.
MARSH AUBREY, of 3end.
D. F. JOHNSON, of Mill Creek.
C. A. GRAVES, of Montgomery.
Wm. TRINE, of Prineville.
Williamson For CocRtess.
In casting about for an efficient
man to represent theru in Congress,
the eyes of the people of this district
are resting on Hon. J. Nr. William
son. During his public career in
the legislative halls of the State he
lias shown himself to be a nian of
marked ability and undoubted sin-
A llisoonstruotion.
The Wasco County sheepmen
who have made such a hard light
against J. N. Williamson may find
that it has been a boomerang when
they come to herding nil over tho
country in a promiscuous manner.
-Crook County Jomhnal.
Yea, what God is this the Jour
nal, would make all men bow down
to. This must also bu a warning
to Harney county sheepmen and to
all sheepmen that they hays no
right to open their heads as to w ho
they wish for Congressman. . Per
haps they have no right to an
opinion? If this sheet expresses
i Mr. Williamson's views, and they
are so little and narrow contracted
as the above artiele would make
them he is a very little man to
place in the position as representa
tive of the Eastern Oregon people
in our national assembly. Burns
This is the comment of the Newell
organ after misquoting the Jorii
nal. We didn't say "country", but
couuty. This after Williamson was
largely insrunientul in getting the
reserve thrown open and then it
was usurped by the Wasco county
sheep men. This sheet expresses
its own views, which by the way
are iU property and not like the
Items, owned body, soul and
breeches by a government official
who utterly disregards the orders
of President Koo.-evelt regarding J
the conduct of such oliicials politi
cally. This nameless nincompoop
presupposes that M. A. Moody is
the Holy Trinity and therefore
bows down in abject servitude be
fore his shrine. If the Items will -attend
to business near at homo it
1 mwWf
i- m if. ii
1 1 1
y wLL
Don't set up a "coin-plant" nml
make your own dollars
Hum has ideas of his ow
such things. People have eomn to
grief before by trying it. There is
a surer, safer way, if not so rapid.
"Take euro of the pennies and tho
dollars will take cans of themselves.
Hid best little way to save dolling
that we know of is to : ! : :
(Not cheap clothing)
The man who can wait always
gets such an opportunity. This is
the time, lleio is the placer Wo
have marked down our high grade
clothing ready for the : : : :
There will be weeks and weeks
yet when you will need them to
keep you snug and warm from tho
chilly blasts of the north-east wind.
Next year they will bo as good as
new, and as stylish and up-to-date
as clothes you will pay twice as
much or.
We still lead in Mens,
Ladies and Children
Simpson, Wilson 8 Company.
(entocky Liquor ffouse
Sam's Boys'
ccrity, and the people are properly
pointing him out us a masterful j wiu liavc iU han( fi a)1(i tnt.n
nian to represent them at Washing- U,m Tl,i m.r ii tint
god of Williamson, but is simply
ton. If Mr. uliamson is nomi
nated and elected, it will be a case
of ability recognized, and when he
arrives at the nation's capital he
will be heard from with no uncer
tain sound. Portland Journal.
The matter of erecting a number
of arc lights on Main street by
private subscription has ; been
under discussion for some time
past, but no definite action has yet
been taken. The citv should be
lighted up by all means and it can
be done for a small expense.
Klamath Falls is lighted with fifty
lights similar to the one that has
been burned at intervals in front
of the JoritSAL office, for 130 per
month. Mr. Gates has given us to
understand that he will duplicate
the Klamath Falls contract at this
place, which we consider a fair
proposition, but think that a com
promise may be effected by taking
a number, say four, arc lights on
Main street and about 20 inean
descents on the other streets,
which would light the town nicely.
The arbitrary methods employ
ed by chairman Newell of the
Harney county central' committee,
in naming the delegates to the
state convention remind us of
I'Drac of the acts of ancient despots.
No more utter disregard for the
wants of the party at large, was
ever shown. Not ven in the time
of King George was tyranny more
wantonly displayed. The reven
wen who asked Newell to resign
should be honored for all time to
come by the party in that county.
They should also ask him to re
igi) liig position in the land office.
Wc are unable to give a writeup
of the candidates for want of time
anil suaco.
trying to place him before the people
of this district a: he is, it is abo
trying to cnll attention to some of
the reasons why he should be sup
ported instead of a man whose per
sonal interests overtop all else.
When Newell steps down and out,
which will not be long, thOn the! ,
. t i - - r jk
Items wilt wilt ana decay for want'
r.t L 1 n',...i,i i. J
vt duo, una ill,; im u 1idf.11; rtiu ur.
removed from the face oi nature.
g Are restored to health by Green River.
It's the official "Whiskey" of all the Unl-
g ted States Nsva! Hosplta s. This means f
that "Whiskey Without a Headache" is
pure, wholosome and health giving. Un-
cle Sam's Navy and Green River Whls- 1
2 key hove never met their superiors.
A3k your dealer for "Green River;" If he
$ doesn't have it wo will send you a sam-
P'e. .. f.
1 : r : i C J. STIRLING, , j
Jft P. floUnap,
SPtiyiitittn and iSnrftn.
Oltioe in ruir of Adiniimn, Wintiak Cm
C. Brink
Jflcraty anit Coumnor mt j&i
jti' ,
Grant county will try
High school at the June
the same as this county and Mor
row county people are agitating
the matter in that county. It is
only a matter of time when every
county in the state will have its
High school and there will not be
so much money spent in sending i jf i.fiO. f 3.00, now at $2.10.
pupils to Normal schools in somejie now at fl.00.
distant part of the state.
& O Jfyde, fy. 0.
Plmria Nu, 2, lU-aiilmic back of. tin.
j Pliot')trxpli dnlliTy,
Brother fcrhutt, of the Heppiier
Times, has been nominated for
sheriff on the republican ticket in
his county, AVe hope the brother
will be successful, as ncAspa'per
men need all they can get in this
Hon. H. B. Miller, our conBtil at
NinChwang, Manchuria, ha been
doing some experimental work in
the shipment of apples to China.
He finds the Ben Divis is the only
variety of those tested which
stands; the trip sufficiently well to
enable it to be sold in China at a
moderate price. The choicer va
rieties must find their market
among the Europeans and Ameri
cans there, but the Ben Davis can
go onto the Chinese fruit stands
where its attractive appearance
commends it to the natives and its
quality is sufficiently good to
tickle their palates. Mr. Miller
Kx'C'ounty Judge C. E. Brainard,! seeg the possibility of developing a
of Union county, has been adjudged j large demand for Ben Pavis ap
insaneand sent to the State ay-' pies in China. Oregon Agricultur-
liiin, He has been actjng ery
mrangely fur some time nd this
action was deemed necessary by
hit Meode,
:. Wc carry a full line of
Of all kinds at prices VERY LOW.
(lentwnien and Ladies Shoes, former price 2)0, now selling at C!l murj promptly any ornWtil (if.
14.00, now at $2.75. 5.50, now at fli.OO. 1 '' I". V. (!. K.iJmw
Rll.y RMl.
For 30 Days Only. -
Lndics Heavy Fleece" Lined Vests, special at 30c. ,
Ladies Dress Skirts at $1.10. t 9.trf 9um
Ladies Wlk Flowered Handkerchiffs'lTc each, 8 for C0c. j All buaiuM pmupiiy miao;irifully ' tuiijrd
Misses Mackintoshes at $l.'.)o. - ' i ' (MUctiiia iweUty.
We have 300 pairs of Ladies SWs. Y'our choice for 50c per pair. ' ,,RINEV1LL1' OKK(i.)N
We have Crockery and Notions, Fancy goods of all kinds.
Ktep into our store and price our goods.
Hat, new line, all aizes, vhspea
and color that will fit big men, little
wen and boy), See Bee Hive. -'
N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs.
Reliable Merchants. '
j. Jfc Xippman & Co.
I Manufacturers cf Furniture
; Fine Undertaking Goods,
Hi Carpp.ts,' Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass,
(jfe Lumber and Building Material,
fe Goods sold for rash and on the installment plan.
$ PRINEVILLE, r: . : . : . OREGON.
I W. B00NE,
Saddles and JCarness
Maker of the cclebraU'd PRINK
i , Latest improved Ladien' Side
and Stride Saddle, Bits, 8pur,
Angora Chaps, Quirt and Hacka
mores, Write for prices.
Prineville, : : OitfvioN.
Shlnglen For Sain.
I have for inlo at my uhingle mill
on McKay creek 100,000 nhinijlen and
will inaniifactur over 400,000 more
diirinc the season. All from the
ohoiceat timber. Price, at the mill
$2.25, delivered in Prineville $2.50.
4..W. RlTTM.
Our succeas laat fall wai enormom,
Everybody aatUried. If you want a
anit made to order give us atrial. You
will alao ba aatiafied. See Be IJive.