Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 27, 1902, Image 3

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lialnty, blua anemone,
illdiut an tilt mountain at sir,
h"r tha sunarilua lovingly '
If m 1 im In splendor rich and rsre,
lulnty, blue anemone,
Hiding by tho mountain way
Outing upward fflodMtly
l.laa a nun anuul to pray.
I'(inn1lliia uf tha tun and dew, I,
t'hiifl of mist and purple morn,
l.tUU.f ryra r wfti-it blue
from Ilia bid where you wars born,
ltriiy, blua anemone,
i'ra.alna; oioa lu Nature's heart,
tin (hi whle-awipt, upland Ita,
Wliara tha waving srsaaea part.
t.lft to ma your tender (act, '
Uttlt nun of asure eyee,
Crent ma Jitit tha rlaatlna arao
Tost -x 1 1 1 1 In them deeply lilt,
fUHn, (ray and filmy milt, '
y Wrap Una maiden tenderly,
Whom tha mountnln dsw haa klntd,
lninty. blue anamont.
Charles r, Klnsalty, In Chicago Reeord
h.reld. Belle of Bear
City dt
y wm. rKKnr brown.
(Uvmtai, lata, ay saltan aMMa4
rpwo YEARS without night of a
I woman? What a II fa I If one
could he two ycara without sight
if a uiait, bow"
Bhe gUnei'd all Sterling mrdltt llvrlj
from the liainmoi'k, at be swung out
luag If j o'er the arm of liia clour and
twliltlli-d a raw fold DtigKitt doing du-
tiimia duty at a wsub charm.
"Could you Imagine such a horror?"
he quixxfd.
"It would be heaanly. Men arrow
werio when tbay fine tbtm
selvn In lore.
"All of them 0, moat sweet awti
!r?" m tell ma abotrt your Ufa up
Ibi-re," the tald, briskly. "Of eourae
lh cold mutt bare bean terrific!, and
,th no newa, to papera, no women,
no er M
"No anythlnu dealrable, you tailfrht
oild, except the 'grub,' the Ares, the
fold duit and yet, there waa one
thing; elae which became to roe, at
Irani, more satisfactory than all the
real of our meatier eoniforu."
Till Isal with a ateaily, eilTrilrlng
alare that caufed Mint Ulnar to stow
Jy droop her eyelids., ss If Ibe long
laahet might H Ihe faint blr.eJi that
arrifj to ripple beneath th white
down of the rounded chirk brlow.
"..H what wa itue emineutly dealr
al.le thing?" ahe continued, Imperl
oualy. . i ,
i . called' her the Belle of Bear
City. Fun!" he churl led to himself.
"You would hae tliouirht Itdlrzily ab
a'trd could yon hae aeen ua line up et
ajry morning and make our hows. We
en reaerred our amartett irmall talk
f ir her seemed aa If aJ-ic could bear,
j oti kiiow."
"why not, unlee ahe waa 'dlCTily
df-if? fio he ranat dealrable thing
t irnt out to be fem'nlne after all. I
ni'rht hare gueed It, If there waa a
l'et-at-ali!e woman Intide the arctic
circle. What waa aha tome Kaqul
mii?" Tbla laat aa a aort of debatira
"Not on ronr Ufa. Neither waa the a
S!wah, Chilcnt nor any other Alaa
kn mnnatroilty. Ahl how we did
adore that girl!"
"Well, really!" Here Mini Lamar
erlnced aundry dignified tyniptoma of
lining. "How do you reconcile thi
with youraiayingtwnyeare in that hor
rid hole without teeing a woniuuV"
"It It a aolemn, Ittgitbrlntia fnct," he
prarely aerted, "that we did."
"Wit la one thing, Mr. Sterllng,"ald
ahe, adding hauteur to dignity. "Mrn
', rlacity it quite another. Kren actteia
ji are tupposed ti know tbat."
She roue, rlu r ting at him a final
glance, neither meditative nor delta-
lire. Had he not teen her look that
fry way t the tintucceasful aultor in
"Htaru Are Trtinipt," her latest atage
aucrras? Waa the really going? Ap
jialled lett h hod offended, yet thrilled
iMdclinnbly that anything he migblaoy
oiuld be of more tliau aephyrlike im
portance to move her, Sterling timidly
put out a detuining hand.
"I'leate don't go," he yentnred. "I
had no idea of of you ate, It waj
only a picture, after all."
Mitt Lamar pauted tentallTely, with
ber hnnd on hit chair back.
"You teem orerburdened with conun
drum to-day," the commented. "Why
not tolre them yuttrtelf?"
"Hut, do you not understand?"
"I am a poor hand at guetaing. Be
aide, it la too much trouble." Thil
with a aort of dry weaiineta which,
however, teemed to Impel her to forget
her prerinua intention and alnk lan
guidly back In the hammock.
Sterling gratped hit opportunity by
linking hit handt together around one
drawn-up knee and gaalng tleepily into'
aoancy, aa If atlll meimcrlMd by the
magic memory oi me aiu.. ucuiw
Bear City,
"There were seven of ua fellowa caged
in one large cabin that winter. Moat
of ut, being college bred, wt herded
together birda of a feather, you know.
It was a dreary time. No aun at all
for three months, tha mercury 50 de
gree! below or worae, with an ever
bellowing turf grinding the muth let
aidiur hoh and nut nrai ofnewn,
nor i Hdinun ipIrrr then Nome City,
130 nillri vKHyr
"Always ii!i'il!n-f fhe mysterious
Belle of IVnr CHy," the Interpolated,
annpreaalng a tlrlctly artificial yawn,
"Poor thlngl Alone among all thoit
men what did yiu ay waa the popu
lation?" .
"I did not lay, hut there mutt have
been a hundred nwed in tinder the
Tundra IllnfTt, and every mnther't eon
of u i man." He grinned feebly.
"Alwnyt except" aha began Ufaln,
wLi:u hit ayaa cauted her to relent.
"DonH," he pleaded. "You queetia of
the Mfifte have your trlalt, of courte,
but they are apt to be thote refilling
from tatloty ralber than tarvntlon.
Wc aeven got m that wr hated the
tight of each other only a degree baa
thiiit we abhorred the avenige Hear
Cltyiiw cached in the othrr cnbina.
Klin a doen ancle ty nwella Into a pig
j aty and they will herd together; nut be-
caitac uti'j weary in earn oinrr icaa,
but 4o nvold the piga,"
"No wonder the waa popular." Satir
ical emhie feminine ctnphaait on
the pe r jfia I pronoun. "How and when
did the arrive?"
"In an old newapnper tome fellow
unexpectedly (lulled from bit cheat.
There the tn the front page, photo
gravured to the life. Hare and rMllant
the looked to ut poor derl! toclnlly
ttnrvlng under the north liar, A Til
nook aqimw from Kt. MichueUwiih her
hair (I .or up In beuda and nth nil would
have toothed our e.veaight. Imagine
the effect (hit ravithitigviaion produced
upon our eatiieliu aenaibilliira, aa we
lucked her up on the wall and wor
aliiprd. The golden calf of the Israel
I ten wot nothing by eomparUon.
"Iietr rue I All thia mmcullne
tpluUer over a mere picture?" And
inch It the divine perveralty of Ihe tea
thai the teemed vaguely diiapp-iinted.
"Sure. But euch a picture! It grew
upon Uinta Ilotlic.elli Mudonna Itaaid
to permeate your very being if yo1.!
only look (t It long enough. At leajvt
that w the way I came to feel."
"Yet?" M Us I.timar't lip curlpd; for
little nf. rhe profred to care for man
In the alutract It did not teem right
tint mm it- an Indlvidualahotild waate
hi ailoMtlnn on a filcture, while the
real article abounded In othrr parU of
the globe.
"Y." he blandly continued. "I waa
the ai'vrnlh man. ynu know. That it,
I came Into nur mm at number teven,
wh'rh. being cnnidered a lucky numeral--!
tar!" he aitddenly tat hnlt
uprlcht. "Are you at all auperntl
tlollt?" "Of cnuree. I am." She ahuddnred
avmrotlietlrally. "If you bad been
No. IS now "
"I tlt'nk I ahotild have given up
rglit there; hut being the newn'h
man, I aald to mraelf: I will find
the nriirliia! of thia picture tome flue
"Ahat" with a chilling accent, aa if
to how that her interest In the
Hell of l!-ar City would relnie in
to Indifference If that amTuvating
erci:t-.ire pimhed heraclf beyond the
photogravure ainge of existence.
"I ltc;it on aaying It all winter."
CMiiimicd Ktoilitig, nlnfracteilly.
"I.ntcr on, when we atrnck It rich
and the otlicia forgot, I would go up
to her ladyship, after a wash and
brush-up, and repeat my vow. Then
the boy would satirically Intimate
that our belle bud made at least one
permanent ninab."
Aa Sterling euthuaed hlmaelf over
hit wordt, Mia Lamar became iron
ically akepticnl.
"Thia la guod enough for a play.
We must consult Kitch." Fitch waa
her manager. "But when luck
evinced itaclf in a more aolld way by
making you suddenly rich, I auppoae
her ladyship had to take a gallery
aeat "
"On the contrary, ahe became my
'briirht particular more than ever.
I had nnmod my claim 'Bear Cltv
Belle's, No. ?.' How the boya did
laugh. But when I began to sluice
out ten dollnra to the pan, they anid
No. 7 wna all right, aud that the
Belle wan no flirt"
Here Sterling, with a side glance
at the sctrcea, meditatively added:
"I have often wondered if they
were ritdit." '
"I aitppose you found that out long
ago, if there was an original to that
photo or waa it a newepaper? They
print anyone'e picture nowadays;
literally anyone'e. It it rather a dis
tinction to be let alone. Mine, you
auk? Look on the newa stands.
8uoh caricatures!"
"Such divinities!" he interrupted,
eagerly. "I loved your picture long
before I saw you over the footlights.
Then I made myself known"
"By persecuting poor Fitch until
he had to do something to rid him
self of you."
"And now am I not your elave?
Dear Gertrude, If I may call you ao;
have you not guessed my riddle?
Where are
your Intuitions? You
know I love you deeply, devotedly'
"Alaa! Poor Belle of Bear City!"
Bhe raited her arma in a mock trair-
ic geature. "Haa the magic seven
failed her, who brought luck to you?
Oh, faithless swain!"
He saw that ahe waa not dla
pleaaed, though it teemed likely that
she had guetaed but half hla riddle.
Kialng, ha made sudden ri,ih
! throujdi the vnn window itl a i-tmin
where they ant on Hie summer
i hotel piazza, but returning almost
Instantly, Iio(lirir out
a bs ttered-
looking newspaper print, framed In
ooatly ebony, with an Inacriptlon, In
Hterl'ng's script beucatfi, on which
Miss' Lamar studiously fixed her
eyes, while the faint rote tint on her
cheeka deepened Into delicate
"The Original Belle of Bear City,'
ahe read aloud. "()od bieaa hert
Where shall I find her?"
When their eyes met again, Ster
ling realized that she hod guessed
the other half of his riddle.
"Where shall I find her?" , he
echoed. "I want to tell her I am not
faithless, but faithful alwaye.'
"Here," said Mias Lamar, adding
to her blush an even more conrinc
Ing anille, aa she resigned both
hands to his eager clasp.
I "Foolish boy! You anight have
told me weeks ago."
i "Old Omar Khayyam understood my
, feelings." returned Sterling, "Lltten
to the I'erulan sage:
" Thoae whom with love we wortMp
la Uivt wi alto fi:ar' "
rlhe Mlaid ililoga.
Papera of the etnte are comment'
ng on the death at the age of 107
if Nancy Jane Roberts, near Sher
ood, in SVaehington County a
ubliahed exclusively by The Tele-
,ram. The Welcome eayg:
Nelson Roberts has been dead
many years, and it was nujipoged
that hie widow had been gathered
to her fathers long ago. Oldtim-
ers tell many stories of the old
lady's ignorance, one of which con
cerns her idea of the Sandwich Isl
ands. Along in 1863 a son-in-law
by the name of Dean had d.tap-
peared, and the neighbors were
fearful that he had been murdered
Two heighborR, Hon. John Sweek,
father of Judge Alex Fwcek, and
Judge Charles T. Tozier went over
to console with Mr. and Mrs. Rob
erts about the loss of Dean, when
the old lady said: "Men, I don't
think he's dead. You mind that
he hud just bought him a bran
new wngon and a fine yoke of ox
ed, and as you've always hearn
liim tell about going to the Sand
wich I.ilumlf, and as he has gotten
liim jist the rig to go thar you will
iind him."
Another story on the old lady
is about the time when Canvassers
vere out endeavoring to secure
lock in a company that proposed
ot-tnrt a telegtaph line in the
iVillamctte Valley. The solicitors
called on Nelson Roberts, and
talked with the old man about
tuking stock. Nancy stood the
talk just as long us she could,
when she broke out with, "See
here, Nelson Roberts, if you be
goin' to take any stock in that tili
itpht lino I want it to be good
American heifers, for this here
.Spanish breed I want nothing to
do with."
"tilejill Tun 1
Jack and Annie were to get
named, and she had confided to
:iitn that her age was twenty,
vfter the ceremony and festivities
were over they both went home
and retired for the night. Annie's
mother resided next door, and, bc
iig up early the followiog morn-
ng, tiiougnt she would give 1111
appy couple a "rap up." '
On the way to their door she
ddenly remembered it was An
te's birthday.
Knocking loudly at the door,
.16 bawled out:
"Come away, Annie, get up; ye
- en ye're thirty the day."
Jack, who was tho first to hear
is voice, astonished his motlur-i-law
by shouting:
"For guidness, sake, Annie, get
p, for we've sleepit ten years."
A Horrible Outbreak.
'Oi l.B' K-'t ll III)' III
,s liend itevlmied into n i"e '
Id himd" filea C. I) Ixbill "
'irgiintpn.Trnn., Bueklen's Arnic
Ive completely cuiel l'r. It's
arsttteeil cure for Eeiema, 'letlfi
It Rheum, Pimples, Sores, XJlcei..
d Piles. Only 25 cents st Adam
on 4 Win nek Co.
Cary House Bar.
Hendcruon & Pollard, Proprietors.
A Complete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Main st. Monf. 'Phone 31.
Hamilton Stables
aDd Redby Feed Barn.
White &
Journal Real
Is now prepared to handle your
Property if you want to sell.
Bv placing your property with us yoa get the benefit of free adver
Having had years of eiperience in this line we know where to adver
tise in order to reach prospective buyers.
There will be a large influx of immigrants to this coast in the sprint:
and in order to sell advantageously it wiHhe necessary to place the
advantages of your property where buyers will be attracted by them.
List your property with us and
FOR SAtK-A two atory dwellinir with
ham and out homes in tne city of Pctuev iiie.
Thia property t well aitiMte.l and it covered
by Irrigation. It Pov rt one-fourth of a bl.ick
aiid ia oue of the lieit r aidunce locationa in
the town, r'rice ri'M-oirthle.
K)K SALE One of the hert located firma
n the fainutia clover lwlt hi the SUM cr?ck l"""-'-Muntry,
cudHistiftg of 1U) aerea. 40 aerea in
South End Blacksmith Shop
We Have
Canton Gang Plows,
Canton Sulky Plows,
Canton Walking Plows,
Canton Bluo Jay Tlows,
In both Chilled Iron and Steel.
We also carry in'stock the Famous Canton Disc Harrows,
U Bar Harrows and Favorite Pipe Frarue Harrows.
Call u. EiamiM Our Scotch Clippers
Foster & Lehman
Stock boarded by day, week or
month. Fine saddle horses and
livery turnouts. Rates reasonable
Goon accommodations.
Remember us when in Prine
ville, and we guarantee that yuor
patronage will be appreciated
and deserved.
G.M. CORNETT, Proprietor.
DOMESTIC and fpTff A T?Q
Estate Agency.
we will treat you right.
el'.vnr. A Kind tmrn 40x100 awt all otuM-
fem-e. Luk hi'um ana other urdmary improv.
ninta, mi (.-imleu rain1 ovorf yinr anil a
variety of smail train. VJU acroa ( fine sw
timl!' that will eventually lw worth uiuro
thaa the irit now afliwl for tdn entire farm.
Ail iiniler nrivata irnratini; ditch that a.'
. - "
Prinnville, Oregon.
We Have
Superior Hoe Drills,
Superior Disc Drills,
Superior Shoe Drills.
Superior broad cast seeder
With Cultivator attachment.
A Steel Plot with Cast Skar