v i JUL. 'f'v ! i M: , ! f Crook County Journal VOL. VI. PKINEVHiLli, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 27, 1902. NO. 15 WILLIAMSON WINS County Convention Sends a Strong Delegation. Strong Ticket Named. OoBvor.tion Passed Off Quietly All Hilt Sheriff by Aoola- mation. Pursuant to call of the county central committee the delegate from the various precinct of the county met at the court houfe at ten o'clock Monday for the pur pose of nominating a republican ticket. Tbo meeting was called to order by W. A. Hi II, chairman of the county central committee, who plated the teason for the meeting hihI rend the call therefor after which the meeting proceeded to the election of temporary chair man. W. A. Bell wa elected unanimously and C. M. Hiking -was eloittd secretary and W. T. I'ogle mtictuni secretary. On mo tion the chair appointed a com mittee of live on credential con futing of Win. draper, Grant May, 11. J. Lifter, W. II. Cadle and C. M. Elkins. On motion a committee of live was appointed on orguhiiation and order of bud ii jh ci-n.si:ng of J. P. Van Houlen, W. T. E. Wilton, M Wheeler, John Comb and H. P. Belknap. On notion of M. B Urmlt a edtnniltcc was apj.oin'kd on resoluion, conslfting of M. E. Brink, A. It. L.vlo andC. F. Smith. On motion of M. E. Brink the con vention adjourned until ball pal eleven o'clock to give the various committee time to make out their rejKirls. . Promptly at half ;4t eleven the convention was p.illtd to oid.r and the report of committees being in order, the report of the committee on' organisation and, order of busi ness was presented and on motion of John Comb was adopted. However an amendment was offer ed by L. C. Perry that the report of the committee on credunlial fhould be adopted firot which was . carried. The committee on organ illation reported that the temper ary organization be made perma nent and a I ho furnished an or der of business for the meeting The report of the committee on credentials was a follows: We your committee on credentials re spectfully recommend that the following delegates be seated in this convention a follows: Prine- ville. C. M. Elkins, C. A. Cliiia. Win. Boegli, Wni. Draper, II. P llelknap, W. T. Foglo,' Fred Leh man, M. E. Brink, W. A. Bell; Bend, Ovid Riley, Marsh Aubrey; Black Butte, W. T. E. Wilson, Win. Edmundsou, . Joe Graham McKay, Sam Collins, Mark Powell, Joe Calavan by Kara Collins, proxy; Willow Creek,' M. Wbeeler, Geo. Dee, Henry Montgomery; Ashwood, A. E. McLennan, Joe Bannou, by McLennan, proxy; Johnson Creek, Wm. Combs, Sid Winslcr; Howard, Clyde Hon, W. P. Kuadyw by Clyde Hon, proxy; Bear Creek, Mill Zell; Hardm, M. J. Iinou, J. II. Propst, by Lm iin proxy; Maury, II. J. Lister, Ouorge Morgan, by Lister proxy; Kutcher, U. S. Cowles, M. De Haveu; Ircknd. L. C. Perry, John Atkinson, by L. C. lorry; Mont gomery, John Comb. John Circle; Haystack, Perry Head, George Paul, 2. F. Smith, W. S, Hale, J. 3. McMeen; Hay Creek, J. P. Van Houten, Holmes, by J. 1. Van Houten; Crow) Ku, E. C. Loiter, A. K. Lyle, Willis Brown; Cl.ciry Creek, V. Shrum, D. P. i'ibrum, by V, Shrum, proxy; Mill Crak, W. II. Cadle, B. F. Johnson; tfumniit, W.J. Schmidt, l,y Ciyde lion; Camp Creek, CT.Uoyiiton, Grant; Mays; Beaver, L. V. Baile.j George Rotiey, by L. V. Baiiey; Ncwsoni, Wallace Post, Ed Wake field; Breene, It. W Uret-bu. On motioo of W. H. Hale tl.e re port was adopted. A motion was made by L. C. Perry to adjourn to half past one und go into caucus 1 Which was amended by M. E. Krink.lliat we go into immediate; tkm WCTC t!l(,n lilftck caucus oh state and congressional jButtei J()lm Atkinson justice, delegak-. I lie chair uccided mat Frauk Wc!,t cotHt.lhlc, Lee Cald the matter be referred to bullot, wtu road ,,upcrvij0r aud John At when it was lost. John Combs. kimwn wnln conimittreman: then offered a Substitute lor ler- ry's motion that Hie conveniion j BU1,ervisor. Mill Creek, J. II. De proceed at onco to elect delegates m mAicv. Dave Evans con- to the suite convention, which,HU, jj p , vttn foaj (Upervis- atter conskkrauie sparring, was carried. The convention then! proceeded to nominate candidate , for delegatB wh.ch nomination re- r, ft(1 (.urvi, committeeman L. suited a follows: John Combs,,., R.jitf. ,.a. Kianslmrv J. II. Gray, M. E. Brink, II. P. Belknap, W. P. Keady, Grant Mays, A.C. Palmer, A. R. Ly te. I A motion by v. t. hnutu, mat toe four receiving tbe highlcst num btr of voUts-be 'declared fleeted, carried. The ballot resulted "ipom-i.iMeman; Summit, W. J. the following beins elected: John Schmidt supervisor; Kutcher U. 8. Combs, M. E. Brink, II. P. Bel- Cowlef jU(,ticei j0m paimehn knap.W. P. Kemly. Conventiou LUjH.rviB(,ri u. 8. Cowlea coumit then adjourned for dinner. , teaman; Bear Creek, George Milli . Convention was called to order: glin cornniiUf(,man; Kewsora, at 1:45 and proceeded to nominate; Wallace Post justice, John Pickett county officers. H. P. Belknap j PonB,.i,irt. K. 7. Wakefield, anner- placed in nomination W. C. ills for county Judge. On motion of M. E. Brink the secretary was in structed to cast the ballot of the convention for W. C. Wills. E. G. Bolter then placed in nomination Carey Foster for county clerk and the nomination was made by ac clamation. For sheriff W. F. Edmunson placed in nomination W. T. E. Wilson, of Black Butte precinct and Wm. Draper named J. S. McMeen, of Haystack pre- cinct. Tho ballot resulted in the eltction of J. 8. McMeen as thoj nominee of. the convention. For treasurer M. C. Aubrey was the choice of the oonvention. Frank Johnson was nominated for assess or by acclamation. C. A. Graves, for surveyor and Wm. Prino for coroner were nominated by accla mation. The committee on resolutions re- j ported as follows: Wo. vour Committee on re!olu- j lions have the honor to submit tl.e following: ' Be it resolved, By the Republi can County Convention of Crook' County Stiite of Oregon, in regular r!lU) T1u , deh bill which propose that the gov Convention Assembled: j 0.clock ou lhe mwuiug r April i ,, j eminent shall buy a.l the boxes .n That the Delegates from this : low t 6 o'clock on the evening of I11 tlie nil,or po-'toifiees, and heru County to the Second District Con-j April 5. The price of the Joui:NAi.j after let them to citizens without gressional Convention of the State, for throe month during tho barguin .charge. Tii?se boxes are now of Oregon, be, and they are hereby le will be 3o cents strictly in ad-! owned by the post masters, instructed to vote for, and support ' '". Thi i uml for the purpose j Yellowstone Park will open car- . . . ...i. 1.... ... . . Hon. J.N. Williamson for nomi- nee for Congress from the Second District of Oregon. We demand that the stockmen of Crook Couutv be given the preference of ranging .their flocks iu that part of tho Cascade Forest , Reserve nituatcd in Crook County ;oyor the tock owner of other counties, V favor the reclamation snd irrigation of the arid kudu of the Weal by the United States Govern ment. We oppose the proposed louring of large tract of the public do main by the government to private corporation, and denounce inch a 8VBtl.ra a. un.Amcrioan , and tend jst0 rctar(j the development of reH0Ur(.w 0 the great West. . Tmt the County Central Com- mittee be, and they are hereby em powered to fill any and all vacancies that may occur on the i I'.rptiblican County Ticket. iJn motion ol n. unnt re- ,0, , adon((.i The following precinct nomina- CroBg K(!.H) Pei.ry Monroe road w n Cu(1i committeeman ,.., lr F. f-'tewatt justice. Ed Hsnnvll)j wllH!lit,i,. c. R. Henry Vrftnk h constable. 0vi(j Kij,.v r01ld .BU,)Crvibor and CommilUi-man ; McKav, W. F Stewart supervisor, Sain Collins I OoniuiiUceutan; Howard, John Hon' auiiervisor, 1 W? P. ' Read v. visor,- J. H. Gray committeeman; Breese, Stove Yancey committee man; Camp Creek, Xorri 'Morgan supervisor, Frank Smith justice, C. T. Eoynton committeeman; Cherry Creek, W. T. Shaw super visor, V. Shrum committeeman Hardin, T. X. Balfour justice, Jas. Gilchrist constable, A. L Mcin tosh committeeman; Haystack, 0. G. Collvar Justice, Perry Read constable, George Ostium supervis or, Dave Barnett committeeman; rrinevillo, J. W. HopWna' justice, Vm. I'rine constabl, C. M. Elkiu committeeman. M. E. Brink proposed three cheers for our next congressman, Hon. J. N. Williamson, which was responded to with such good will that the old court house trembled. There being no further business the convention adjourned. Jonrnut Bargain Halt;. Beginning with April 1 we will hv bargain aaof campaign sub- fjcrmtiom to the Jock.val. The naif -II .. I!..- .1 win uuiy iHia live fiayo auu jiuauu-j ... ,.,,., i,.l(J ui.i-i.itiiiiia anil lu. fttlroii airpr tldv.l "r" "u"e. HUbscriiwrs who pay nmy tna edvnmapi ill arrearage of the aU, T1JKSK rifBSClUrnONS ARE US i v :Ann i-iiiiu ii'i'ii.i mm m J i;xk SO. 1!KV2. A.,d tl.ia 'nu. wi not apply to any other months in the! 1 imt. NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Items of Interest Gath ered Here and There Sme Stolen, Others Not Outlines From Our Exchanges New Notes of the Weelc Timely Topics The first newspaper to be entab if lied in Thunder Mountain will le the Thunder Mountain Miner, of which George J. Lewis is manager An Eastern Oregon young lady killed covotcd enough to secure money to defray her expenses in taking the state teachers' examina tion. Ground has been broken at Con don for tbe erection of a new flour ing mill. The work of excavation and the laying of a foundation will be pushed forward rapidly. , From January 8 to March 3 about 23,000 rabbit scalps were turned in to tbe county clerk's office of Kla math county for bounties, at 5 cents each. There were a!no 700 coyote and wildcat sculps turned in for the 8ine period. A Portland dentist who persisted in advertising in the newspapers was dismissed from the State Den tal Association. His advertising, however, has brought him new bus- inc:-s until lie hus.become an asso ciation within himself and is get ting rich Deputy Fish Warden Henry Bultman is winning fame und earning (?) his salary at the same time. After drawing pay for the past year he has fiually caused the arrest of an Indian at St. Helens, Or., on the charge of selling sal mon without a license. The Indian was found not guilty. A sale of two 160-acre timber claims owned by Benton county people was made this week. The claims are located in the Cascades in Linn county, near the the Lane county line. They brought $1750 each. . Tbo buyer was a Wisconsin man. The tale was made by Morgan & Elgin. Corvallis Times. A dangerous counterfeit is in circulation in the Willamette Val ley. It is a spurious five dollar gold piece, and is a perfectly made coin. The body of it is nickle, goll plated, and with the excep tion of its light wuight, is so per fect as to deceive experts when new.. It bears the date 189G, and has the milling of tho genuine coin. Eusine men would do well to keep their eyes ojn for this coin. A movement is afoot to mike , ' uie uouuirv tree, ihe mover in matter is a representative in Congress. Ho has introduced a i.cr this year than usual in prev- ; ions years. Jima 15 w as considered j about the time for the famous bo nds to open their doors io tourist, 1 but owing to the open Winter which ..I 1 1 . J i J . i a . v) "vc uau, u w uoc..,eo w j name May 30 as the date of open- ing. The Northern Pacific Rail road has been the recipient of num erous inquiries a to when the sale of tickets would liegin, showing that the coming season will eel ipse all past ones in the number of visitor to that wonderland. For Wagon Road. Bearing on the question of a wagon road from the east end of the C. &. E. railroad across the Cascade mountains to Prineville. as suggested in the letter of the Alco Club, of Linn county, to the Greater .Salem Commercial Club, a letter received a few days ago by Hon. John Minto, of this city, fiom several residents of Minto, on the eastern end of the C. & E. rail road, is right in point, says tbe Salem .Statesman. The letter states that the road is not only a possibility, but would be a great convenience, and would open up a line of settlements, connecting the settled portion of the Willamette valley, with the inhabited portions of Eastern Oregon, and drawinjr tbe two sections closer together. The letter is sizned' bv W. II. Davis and W. H. Hesseman, and the text of it is as follows: We, of this valley, whe have traveled over the route across the Cascade mountains, and are fa miliar with the intervening coun try, have been discussing the prop osition or the advisability of mak ing an effort to have set oft by the government a strip of land three or six miles wide ori each or either side of the C. & E. railroad, across the Cascade Reserve, or let it fol low the road to tbe neighborhood of the Sulphur Springs at Bow man's ranclr, thence eastwardly along tho trail to the Melolis, or any other route through, that might appear most feasible. "There are many tracts of open grass lands beside considerable quantities of good agricultural lots which would in the near future in vite settlement, thus uniting in some degree tbe two sections' of country. ''You know it is said mountains and rivers make enemies of men when separating them, and, politi cally, I think we are realizing this condition at tho present time. "We "hall, perhaps, at no distant date, have railroad and telegraph communication over this route with t'ustern Oregon, but those things do not conform to nor as similate interest as do continuous settlement and neighWship. And now on account of your per-, sonal knowledge of the country through which this strip miy be thrown open for settlement and be-v ing o.yiwant ol your inikieiue and interest in any worthy o'ujwt having in view the advance or np building of the country, we would be glad to enlist your co-operation in this project and that you sug gest sumo plan of procedure' tlui may svem likely to accomplish tho desnvd result. -W, if, Kt.iot.vN, in Albany He raid. Burh Brookw.)- allege' tint the Rosobur City Couuoil has e,vi tf acted with the tlosebui'g Water and L glit company, at exort.it.uit rats, to supply tin; city with i-lee trie lights. Ha has tilel an ) junction against tlw city to stop the dual. Kosehurg !us ewnui )U own lighting pLnt.