3) GKHf&r A itchdl Wagons Racine Buggies and C. L. Salomon. General Blacksmithlng and Wagon Repairing, Hats! Hats! x Hacks ;l ; The Red Corner l'rinuville, Orecon t Our Fall CSothing 'H I nw nrriviiiK and all lines are complete. We f , ere prepared to show you oiuuthing nobby in . Men's end Boys' Suite. ' ) n mi . General Merchandise. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Taints and Oils. Windows and Doors. Grain Sacks and Binder Twine. Hardware and Stoves. Our line a! Huts ie ounplite end embrace the Julin Sew B. Stetson end Linn hrsuris, In ell lU m w Mod 'jfft end stylus end el bottom prices, I ! I h 7 if it 1 ' ! , s ran ana winter ..1 Vuderwear for Men end Buys. We handle the celubratedlWtiirM's Health Underwear, Beet iu t lie f . World. -Other line cheap and' good. Dry Goods. Iu our dry goods department will be found Hie ) eomplutust line in the oily of Lediue' end Uonis' Furnishings. n : h' PLOWS, HARROWS, MOWERS, RAKES AND ALL KIM98 ' OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. I The River and Harbor Bill. Washington, March 1. Oregon Rhodes procured a rifle and wounded it, but not fatally. When nd Washington both fare well in , it jumped from the tree the dogs the river and harbor bills as re-1 attacked it, and in the mix-up ported to the House today. The j which followed, George stumbled mouth of the Columbia secures, and fell on a log, a sharp knot in 1100,000 more cash than last year, which cut a deep gash in his right and The Dalles and Seattle canals are both granted greater recogni tion than in the last bill. The fol lowing are. the appropriations for Oregon and Washington: Mouth of Columbia, cash for continuing improvements, $550,- tbigh. Fortunately he was no: knocked out completely, and sue ceeded in getting a bullet in a vital place, which ended the pan ther's career, but not before tht two dogs had forfoited their live in their gallant struggle with th 000; for authorized contracts, 11,-j beast. The panther, which wa: 00,000; Lower Willamette and Columbia below Portland, for con tinuance, $50,000; for the construc tion of a dredge, $175,000; gauging Columbia river, $1000; Tillamook bay and bar, maintenance and completing improvements, $27, 000; Coos bay, maintenance and continuing improvements, $10,000: Coquille, continuing improvements from - Coquille, City, to the mouth, $30,000; Coos river, maintenance, $2000; Siuslaw, con tinuing improvements, with re examination of existing project, $26,000, Columbia river,' at the Cascades, completing locks, $30, 000; Upper Columbia and Snake rivets, $25,250. To this latter item is added $12, 750. transferred from unexpended funds for the improvement of the Clearwater, making a total of 137,- 754 82. Of this $10,000 is to be one of the largest ever killed in the county, measured 9 feet 11 inches from tip to tip. A Damnable Society Fed. High life society note: The smart set of San Francisco have adopted the fashion of cigarette smoking for women after grill room dinners. . It is astonishing, when one reflects upon it, to think how many people either want to shorten their lives, or else don't know any better than to do so, by "a hot pace and a smoky trail." Telegram. ' , . "How many people" may well be used in referring to this ques tion, for tis said that did the peo ple in small country towns, like The Dalles, realize how I'niany people" have adopted this fad in larger cities, they would consider themselves far behiud the times j i ., . ' . , I and at once hasten to catch up. expended for the improvement of i . , , , , , , " ... o i l r . A lady who considers herself quite the Snake river above Lewiston.! quite The Willamette river above I Pr0.per "id,t0 Mleg girl (who was horrified at learning to what extent this vile habit is i . .i . . . . iKBiuiiiK imisuu? aiuiiiK nic vuuiik napil in t.hi rnncfrnprmn nf rpvui-1 n 0 15 Portland and Yamhill river get , $68,000, of which $37,500 is to be ladies in other places:) "Oh, its all right. You haven't been forty miles away from home or you'd look at it differently." , Well, if that is what a trip forty I miles away from home will do for j a girl, for the love of all that is pure and womanly, let'o remain at home. If we must smoke cigar ettes after grill-room dinners, let's do without our dinners, or take a "hand out." If wo must adopt this vile, degrading, suicidal habit in order to be "swell" let's sink in to insignificance. If its old fash ioned to refuse to smoke cigarettes let's claim companionship with Methuselah. -In shtirt let's be con-! sidered any old thing, jiftt so we tnents opposite Corvallis and be low Independence. The appropriations for the Co lumbia river are to be for contin uing the improvements according to the present approved plan, wilh mch modifications as may be ap proved by the Secretary of War, the estimated cost of said improve ments not to be increased. Buttlu witb a Faultier. George Rhodes had quite a bat tie with a huge panther at Ten mile, last Friday, says the Coos Bay New. It seems that the panther had been in that vicinity for some time past, and had been committing depredations on stuck it an 1. ......... 4 F I.' 1 1 1 1 t . . . o.. a.uiuiiug cAiciii, rrann uon i uegraue ourselves by taKing Bowron alone losing 16 head of , up with this, the very habit which sheep, while other settlers report j every true woman should fight the loss of numerous calves, j with all her strength of character. Frank Bowron, who is in town j That women should adopt the use w.th his family, was notified by Lf that which is today ruining the mailcarrier of the death of the more boys and young men than pinther, and also the unwelcome : perhaps is even the liquor habit, news that Frank's two hunting seems too terrible to consider. . dogs had been killed by the"var- And yet such is the case, par mint." The news brought by the 1 ticulurly among those of tho maikarries loads to the conclusion j-'sniart set." Let us hope and that the panther had attacked the ' pray that this evil will never gain beep, when the dogs apm-ared on 1 a hold in The Dalles. Dalles Jhe scene and treed it. George i Chronicle. A Pugilist In Disguise. One day last week an incident occurred at Antolope that proved a surprise to about a half dozen pretty good men in that vicinity. As they expressed it afterwards they found something they were not looking for. A contest case was being held before Commission it Lcuddeuiann, and after it was closed about half a dozen of those nterested on one side, concluded Tom Lewis, an inoffensive looking niner, had testified to something .ie ought not to have, and thought to administer a punishment, But Lewis wouldn't be punished. As fast as they camo after him he laid them out one by one until he had the room full of prostrate foims. It was tho work of only a few minutes, at the end Lewis was "monarch of all he surveyed." The boys who sought to inflict the punishment concluded . it was a bad job to run amuck such a giunt in disguise, and will not repeat so rash an undertaking until they have graduated in the "manly art." Dalles Mountaineer. A Cull for Democratic Pi-imttrlt'e - and Countj Con rut Ion. - The Democratic County Convention of Crook county, Oregon, ie hereby called to mewt at the circuit court room in Piiiieville, On-gon, on Thurs day, the 27th day of March, 1902, at 10 a. in., for the purpose of nominat ing candidates for all the county of fices to be tilled at the next general election; to elect four delegates to the Democratic State, Congressional and District conventions and for the trans action of such other business an may come before said convention. The convention will consist of 55 delegate, which have been apportioned among the several voting precincts as follows: Ashwood ...... . 3Ireland 2 Bear Creek 3 1 Johnson Creek. 3 B aver 2!Kutcher 2 Maury 2 bend. 1 Block Butte 4 Breeee 1 McKay 2 Mill Creek.... 3 Camp Creek. .. . 2 ' Montgomery . . 2 Cherry Creek. . . l'Newsoin 3 Cross Keys 2'Ochoco 2 Hurdin... IlPrineville 7 Hay Creek . 2 Summit 1 Haystack 3 1 Willow Cieek.. 1 Total , 55 The aine being one delegate at large fur each precinct and one for every 15 votes and frcation of 8 or over cast in 1900 for Hon. Thomas ti. Ureene for supreme judge. The Central Committee recommend ed that the Democratic Primaries be held in the several precincts at the voting place therein on Thuuday, the 13th day of March, 1902. Done by order of the Democratic County Central Committee, March 1, 1902. 1.. N, Liooktt, M. E. Biuo8, Chairman. Secretary. Plow Grinding. Bd Harbin desires to announce that he is prepared to do all kinds of grind ing in the latent approved fashion. Chilled plow share grinding a specialty. A Horrible Outbreak. "Of large sores on my little dsugh ter,s head develo)ed into a case of c Id head" writes C. D Inbill of Morganton, Tenti,, Bucklen't Arnica 8alve completely cured her. It's a guaranteed cum for .Ecienia, Tetter, Suit Itheuni, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and I'iles. Only 25 cent at Adam son i. Win nek Co. THB HOMB GOLD CURB. An Ingenious Treatment by whloh Drunkards are Cured Dally la Bplto of Themselves. It is now generally known and un derstood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intox icating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralising and eradicat ing this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity ur loss of time from busings l.y this wonderful "HOMK 001,1) CUUK'which has been perfected after .many years of close study and treat mem ol inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this'nou dcrlul discovery is positively guaran teed to cure the most olwtiuatc ciwb, no matter how hard a drinker. Uui records show the maiveli-us tranidnriii alion of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright iuii. WlVKHCUKYOlKHl'SnASDH! CHILDREN CL'UK YD UK FA T11KKH! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum hut is a spocilln for this disease only, and is so skillfully de vifed ami prepared that it is thorough ly soluble and pleasant to the taste, s that it can be given iu a cup of tea in coffee without tho knnwledgo of the person taking it. Thousands of drunk ards hare cured themsvlves with this priceless remedy, and as many more lutve been cured and moile tern larate men by having the cure administered by lo ing friends and relatives with out their knowledge in tea or corlee, and believe today that they discon tinued drinking of their o-vn free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improve ment. The HOMK GOLD CL'RK is sold at"the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment inure efl'octual than othrs costing $25 to $.)'). Full directions caccjmpaiiy each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when reqested without extra charge Sent prepaid to any par'. of the world on recoipt of One Dollar, Address Dept. E 485 EDWIN B. GILES 4 CO. 2330 and 2332 Market St. Phila delphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. NOTICB KOR PUBLICATION. Laho Ornci at Lskevisw, Obwion, 1'surusry 21, 11102. Notice Is hsrdijr (Wen thst tin CdIIuwIiik named settler has tflwl notice of hia intrntinn to make tinul pniof In support ( his claim snd that suid prinit will lie made before A. C, Palmer, C. S. Commissioner, t Prliieville, Oregon, on My 3, WOK, vi: Lesiider C. Caldwell, H. K. No. 5318, for the NK'iNWK, W NKX sadSKNEK. Sec. 80, T, 21 S K. 11 K, He names the fnlluwiiiy witnesses to prove his contin s residence upon snd cultivation of said Und, vis: (ieorns T. Mlv, (Jeorire W. Bofrne, William K. B-igns and (iewye U. Ueeae, all uf Lsvs, Ore, K, M. BliATTAIX, JJW lteiiister. Price Blacksmith Shop . K. A. PARKER, Prop. All kinds of blacksmithing and wagon repair work done at reas onable rates. PRICE, ; j ' OREGON, Pullman Ordinary SUrptrt, The tourist travel between the essl and the Psoitis coast, has reached enormous proportions iu the last lew yesrs, and calls lor a special olsss of equipment. To nieel thie demand the Pullman Co. hss issued from its shops what it technically calls the "Pullman Ordlrary Nleeper." These oars appear similar to the reyulsr sleeper, being huilt nu the same plan, but not furnished with ths same rlegsuisi' They are equipped with mattresses, blahksts, sheets, pilloea, piilnw uases, towels, com lie, brushes, ete., teijuirtng notliiiu.il ilis kind to be furnished by the passenger. Each car has a stove f..r making oollee snd tea and doing "light housekeeping," end each eecima tin b fitted with an sdjustsble table. A uni formed porter accunipsmee each esr, hie business bring to make up berths, ket-p the car clesn. sua lok ,fuir t comforts and wants c( the passengers. In each of I he toons which are dispatched daily from Portland by the O. It. A H Cc. is i. be found one nf these "Pullman Or dinsry Sleepers." The car is stiavhed to the ''Chicago Portland Swisl, which goes through to Chirsgn without ohsnire, snd the one in the "Atlantic Ex press" runs in Kansas Cllv .ol,...,. change. Passengrrs ill ihla ctr for Chi ori i Itsnge to s similar oar at Orsnger. Murh ol the first elaaa lni.l i. I .- carried in tlt-se esre, the rales bemr lower, snd the servioe being nearly equal to thst in the paUra sleepers. For rates snd full ii.fr,rn, .!..,, i eluding olden, wrile to A. L. Crsii. O. r. i.. w.K. a. V. Portland, Ore. f Timber Land, Ant June 1, 1S7S. NOTIOK Poll PUBLICATION. ' I'nlted States Und Office, I Ths Dallas, Ore., February 12, 1117.'. Notice la hereby given thst In eomnllanrs with ths provisions of the Art of Conur... ,.( June 1S7H, entitled "Aa act (or the sale nf timber lands in the Htates uf Calllornis, Ore. on, nevadssnd WsshiuKtnif Territory," as xtended t-i all ths Public Land Htates by Act f Auaust 4, im. ths following persona have thla day Hied hi thia office their swum stste meats, vis; Henry A. Smith, of Portland, canty of Multnomah, State of Oregon, sworn aUte. ment No. 210 for the purchase of ths HK! 8eo. 21) snl KVj NK' and NW'J NK'i .Sec. 32, Ti. 10 S K. 11 K., W, M. ' Helen A. Kerr, of Portland, county of Multnomah, Htste of Oregon, aworn slate, ment No. 211 for ths purchase of ths K'i KK4 Use. 21 snd W NW See 22, Tp. Ill 8.. K. 11 H.. W. M. Thst they will offer proof to show that the land souuht is more valuable fur Iu timiatr or atone thsa fi agricid.ural purposes, snd la ssUblisb thslr claim to said kind before tlV Rrguter and Keoelvsr of this otfioe at Ths Dsllea, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Oth day i.f May, 11102. They name as witnesses: B. F. Smith, Helen A. Kerr, De.lt Dsaforth, W. N.Jones and Hewv A. Smith, all uf Portland, Oregon. An and all peisona claiming adversely ths ahovs-descrllied lauds are requested to tile their olslms in this olboe on ur before said 6th day nf May, l'J02. K20 Jay. P. Lo0Ml Register. JTOTICK POK PUBLICATION. Lsan Orrics i Tug Dauks, Oa., .,,,, . February , 1S0J. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final pnsif insupportof hia oUlin, and that said proof will t ni.de before A. C. Paln.er U.S.Commissloner at Prliieville Oregon, on Friday, March 21, 1H02, vir- H.W'Vne'N'' Hhe names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon end cultivstion of, said land, via: C. K Smith, Jerry Achey, J. 8. McMeea and J. H, lirant, all of Lauinnts, Oiegun. MS . JAY P. LUCAS, H.gislsr. Baptist Church services at Prineville every 2nd snd 4th Sundays in each month, at Culver every Srd Sunday and at Howard every 1st Sunday. M. BraatbUt, r