I Additional Locals. Kuoch Cyril waa In (rum Ilayataek t lin fort) pint of the week and reports' farming in full lil it" t in that section. Hobt riixby, former reaideiit ol Jluck crunk, hiia moved wil,h hit fini ily to Huriia, Thty occuny the Calk lin residence in Morriaon'i addition. Buma Timea-llomld. Mm. N. VV, Wiillnc will bo remov ed to Tlie Pallea ll'Mpllnl, n "in an liici tiiia regained aullicient atriMiKtb to stand the trip. Jior improvement haa been rapid fr the pint few duya, Antelope Ilcrnld. Kevcral load tif abilities were brought to town the flrat of the week, besidei there are two m i 11m in town uiid all km behind with orders. Thin aliowa thnt uur town in building a lit tle thin priiig. Jack Deo win over from Willow rni'k Tuesday and pukJ this office a pleasant cull, lie informed ua thitt hi hud finished moving hi'a sawmill from the old stand tu the ntw liga tion and wiut ready to begin oirii. tions. , It. Cmm mid Iko Blevlne, of Crook county, arrived here Saturday with 40 head of line draft horeea. Mr. Cram will bold the animals here for a abort time, and if he duo not meet with a sale will Inks ilium either to Portland or thtJ aound. Dalit Mountaineer. Mr Crittenden, an Ohio stock man, waa in Slianiko laat night with two ol the celebrau-d runu of the H. 8. & L. 'ompaiiy, which lie ia taking home with him. Mr. Crittrndon litm been tit Hay Creek for several duya, aaniat ing in grading ahetip. Antolope Her ald. (iranville Pnlwlrtter of Aaliwood, crook oonuty, who haa been viauing bia mother Mra. E. I'oindniter and staler Mra W. H. l'arkor. left yeaUir- day sllerrnxm for Ilia home. He haa large liitcreat In the mines on Trout creek and a laige camp ia springing tip. They give pmmiae of being nniong the richest lm the Weal. Al bany Herald. W. W. Brown came over from In ranch Tuevlay on a abort btiaimiaa trip. Mr. Drown, when naked bow bia horea and sheep had atood the Winter, amiled peacefully and aaid: "There haa been no winter. Live atock in my section remaina in good condition, and ao fur aa my own ia concerned, it haa been without the leudiug of iiay. I have fed ame hurei but my aheep have wintered on the range." Bum News. Urorge F. Biniiicker died at the borne of hia daughter, Mra. I. J. HagutsWoiHl, in Canyon City March I, He waa born in Wurteuiberg, Ger many Auguat 12 1813 ind came to the United Htatea in IB 10. He waa a veteran ol the Mexican war and an Oregon pioneer, having come tu tiiia mite in 1&53, aettling near Waterloo, Linn county. Fred Biuni'ilter waa well known to nil the old timera of the western ptirt of the atute. Lc. Kelmiy, brother of J. 8. Kelaiiy who liaa been here aince laat apring, Will leave anon for Farewell Bend, the proponed tHrmimia of the Columbia Southern railroad, where he'oontcmp lutea going into the newapaper buei neaa, atarfing up a new paper at that place. He will be associated with a newapaper man from Shaniko who ia foreman on the Shaniko Leader. Lea haa made many frienda during bia atay in this valley who will be glad to ie him aucceed in hia venture l'aia ley Post. The Wild Turkey. A subscriber at Halsey writes: Information concerning wild tur keys being called' for in the Her ald of the 13th inst, will say that this bird, as known to your corres pondent, is a very large fowl, much larger than the medium sized wild goose, and is originally a tim ber bird, though one that might thrive in this valley, as they are known to abound in the state of Missouri, which has not as much timber as this locality. They are very tempting to sportsmen on account of their size ond beauty and would probably be hard to got them starteJ on that account. . The wild turkey furnishes very desirable meat, being 11 very pala table and healthful diet. Their food consist of grubs, Heed and tender vegetables such as are found in the timber, together with differ ent -kinds of roots, for they are great acrulnhers. Wo think lliut these birds would be vory desirable if they can get a start, though they would be much more easily cxtcrmimikd than the wily China pheasants, as, on ac count of their size, they would bs unable to hide from the boy with the gun. Albany Herald. Denih of Major Miikoiio. News has been received in Canyon City of the death of Major Joseph Magono, the well known Indian War Veteran. He died in Ogdensburg, N. Y., February 15, at the age of 81 years. Major Magoiie left Ogdensburg and went west in WIS, and in 1847 made the jouiney overland to the I'acific coast. In 184!) he joined the gold-seekem in California. In 1853 he made Lis home in the Willamette valley, in Oregon. He served during the Indian war of the Pacific slope, and rose to the rank of major. Il left surviving three sons, two of whom, M. A and K. K. Magonc, reside in Or egon City, and one in Montana; also a brother, Daniel Magonc, and a sister, Mrs. McUocy, who re sides in Ogdensburg. Major Magone was a man of :nore than ordinary ability, having a keen perception, a good memory and a fine command of language His large experience a! f pioneer in the great west had given him a fund of anecdote and story that made him a most agreeable com panion and a man of mark where ever he went. During hi) huig onreer he led a clean and temperate life, and was pure in thought, deed and won!. He had many Iricnd and no enemies. The memory of such a man lives long after his de mine and his. influence reaches through eternity. News. The Wasco county convention under control of Moody delegates, refused to pass resolutions that were introduced for the purpose of getting the sense of the convention with regard to returning Joseph Simon to the senate. This refusal is a practical endorsement of Si mon and fully proves what has been asserted by many that Moody and Simon were working together in this campaign. Moody has one disadvantage however he can't vote for senator next winter. For some time pant we have been running an advertisement for the Noves Fuller Co. of Philadel phia, Pa. They were to pay every thirteen weeks; on presenting their bill we wore met with a flat refusal on tho ground that the ad had not been inserted according to contract. We believe Ihete people to be frauds and have written to the postal authorities regarding them. ttblniflca For Bain. I have for sale at my shingle mill on McKay creek 100,000 shingles and will manufacture over 400,000 more during the season. All from the choicest timber. Price, at the mill 12.25, delivered in Prineville f 2.50. J. W. RlTTKR. For Sale or Trade. One thoroughbred Kentucky Jack for aale or will trade for broke draft liorsea, Also livery stable fully equip ed, located in the Town of Antelope. For further information write to E. C. Diekeraon, Antelope, Oregon, p. 4 8 . Hats, a new line, all sites, aim pea and color that will fit big men, little men and boys. See Bee Hive. . BANK STATEMENT. 3N3I JUjmrt of the Otulitiun . uf Tht I'M Nutimial ' Bmik, in J'rimmUr, in tiitite of Orejim, of tin elmt of bminm, SejX SOth, lWt: movauwi IrfiiMia and dlnoainw IM.Hfll 4 Ovetilritltrf, (Mfourwi and iiiiwtcurf'J. 4.HMM. V. H. tu ait'urB cireulmiin. 1240 Ml Prmiiintiia mi V, 8, Honda. ....... HUwkii, SwiHiln, etti 4,(W;.!i7 Hanklni! Iwuw, furniture and fixture fS,f00.00 Due (mm Natl-mal Jianka (u"t Riw Aant) 7S.!07 Due friim Hint liarika and liankem US, MM.lio Hue (rum approved rewir 'e ajjeite. TtJM.XI lutorniil lieveniw atampa l.';2.fS,i (Ihneloi and other cwib iume .. . Note. u( utlier National Hanka. ... 272.00 rv:lvmd iiaiHir currency, nicklea and oeiita 4.3r Uku Jlujtar llramva iv hani, To: HMd 14.SI0 IMal-tndi.r notea .." .' UMUOb V. V . oertllioatwi foricld deixxited Hcdcniltlnn fund with U.-.B. . I mm r (li , l mreuiatiim) ojn.uu Total , 42,6X2 MaaiuTms 0 vital "twk p"W b M.0W.0O Sumlue fund ... .; 10,000.00 Unilivnlfd prolita, n eienae and tae naid . W.IWS.S7 Nntional Hank notea nuteUnding. S.2T0.00 iivkludn unnud , , lue tn other Natiunnl I'nk Individual (leeita aubject to clieclc . ... vnAin.m Demand certificate of (t-ujeiit.... 1,0.12.40 Total .. ,...(., STATJ5 OK OUKflON, ) County of Ormik, ) f. T. M. Hai.Iiwix. Caehier of the almve- uauiefl iiank, do eolemly aw.'ar that the above etnteniMit ia true U the Iwet of mr know ledire and belief. T. M. BALDWIN. uaenier. Kulmerilied and awtim tefo Die thia 7th day ol March, 12. j. J. fvnii n, , County Clerk. CcSKKrr Attest: ',. M. HllW!. ) Wili, WiMutwni.Ea, Directtira. B. K. Au.ex, ) Dlsaolutlou Noilue. Notice ia hereby given that the firm of Collins & Davis ia IhiadaydieHilveU by' mutual consent, J. W, Collins retiring. All bilht will be piiil by Arlington Davis, who collect nil accounts due the fate firm. Akmnhtos Davis. Dated Mare.h 4, 1902. Hoga Wanteil. I want to buy about 2CH) head of atia-k hoga. I'irtiea having hogs for sale will plenae call on me at the farm or address me at Culver, Oregon, t T. K. MoCa LUSTER. A Snap for JO Days. A house and barn and three lots in the city of Prineville well lo cated near the business portion of the city, will be sold for cash lor $350 if taken before April 1. After that date the price will bo advanced 1 100. This is a good investment for speculative purposes, For fur ther particulars call or write to the JouitNAi., Prineville, Oregon. Vienna Cafe T?pn5inpvpil mid Jiewly Furnished ALL WHITE HELP. , Having purchased this once popular eating house we pur poM! making it, without excep tion, one of , the best in the city. A share of publio pat ronage respectfully solicited. Meals at all hour. 4uf4iiiifiii.iii.iiiiiiiiiiii'l"l'iii"H'ir C.E. McDowell, Prop. Thorouglily Kenovated and Ee fumiahed Throughout. American Plan. Kates $1, JM.50 and "$3 per lay. Aceoimnodatioiu are UnaurpasBed in the city. Sample Rooms for Commercial Traveler, Long Distance Telephoue Station in the houae. Hotel Prinevil . ' , Jul i Wee u$t iU.. Our Grocery Department ' Is nearly complete. New goods come in with everv freight team. Among the delicacies in stock you will find FRENCH MUSHROOMS, FRENCH PEAS, AS- , PARAGUS, Purie de foies Gras. and a thousand and one articles too numerous to mention. Come and try our home made Hams, Shoulders, Ikon' anl Lard, and you will want some more. The price is alright. ' ' Seeds,;' If you are planting any seeds don't forget that, the Beo Hive has a fine variety of them, at prices that will curl your hair. ' . A share of your patronage respectfully solicited. ' MICHEL & KISSER. 'ft T ; l 4a. JV i J" entire ministry with not Ices than 1200 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying every court" ... ' .: . ' ' Press Dispatch to Portland Orcgonian, February 7. Portland office Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 122 Third St., I. & M. ALEXANDER & CO., Agents. , V. T. FOGLE, Agent, , Prineville, Oregon. FRANK ELKINS &OO. South End Blacksmith Shop We Have Canton Gang Plows, Canton Bulky Plows, Canton Walking Plows, Canton Blue Jay Plows, In both Chilled Iron and Steel. We also carry in stock the Famous Canton Disc Harrows, U Bar Harrows and Favorite Pipe Frame Harrows. Call and Examine Cur Scotch ClippersA Steel Plow with Cast Shear. POINDEXTER- Shaving Parlors . TICK ADKI-8, Pronrleior Bhavtm 'aircuttmst Shampooing Baths..., A fine bathroom devoltd fspsciallv to the ue of ladiea. 1 Everything up-to-date and atristlv i nret-olaaa. ' eggs; Blooded Plymouth -Rock Eggs. u lam now prepared to furninh ejrgs from ray pens at reasonable prices. Call on or address, JOHN GEIGER, Prineville, Oregon. Big Deal in Typewriters. Aumrlan Government Order ti0 Smith 1'remterH. "Vfevs.il Feb. 7. The greatest single purchase of typewriter ever made ha been ordered by the Min istry of Justice, which, after three months of exhaustive competitive test, has contracted to equip tiie We Have Superior Hoe Drills, Superior Disc Drills, Superior Shoe Drills. , Superior broad cast seeder With Cultivator attachment. Billiard Parlors AND BuWLING ALLEY DAVIS & COLLINS, Props. Nuts, Candies, Cigars, Smukers' Ar ticles and Tropical Fruits. Furnished rooms by day, week ; or month. Moore Building, Main street.