Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 13, 1902, Image 4

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Crook County Journal..
VvkMaHKR and f iioniiKToaa.
V. T. Font ..,,. Fnrma
AY. H. Pakkhk, Masuubr
Coi-nty Official Paper.
lt .loV'RNAi, u entered t th jxntottioa in
Priii. Jreg., for riuisiiiii.ii) through thr
Xi . tv ttiU a netmnd oIums matter.
One Year.' $1.!H
Cmx Aioni us . . , ,, . , ..7."
'X'hkkk Months ,.,60
On The Other Hand.
J. N. Williamson is opposed to
public land leasing. He is in kv
or, ulso, of many things for the
good of Eastern Oregon. In fact,
lie's Eastern Oregon to the core.
Pendleton Tribune.
Lut on the other hand how
about Moody? We fully believe
that he is utterly insincere in his
utterances about standing by the
people in the leasing matter. We
fully believe, and arc not alone in
that belief, that Moody is for
Moody first, last and all the time
and like Grovcr Cleveland "the
people be d d" is his motto. Th
fact of his standing in with Simon
is proof positive that no good can
come from sending him back to rep-.
resent the people of this district and
we firmly believe that the voters
pf this district are gifted with too
much common Eense to do so.
The Harney County News and
the Items, of Burns, are engaged
in a sort of family row, but as
they are both Moody organs we
are like the old woman whose hus
band was having a fight with a
bear, "go it husband, go it bear, I
don't give a durn which licks."
M'ilmarth, of the News says: We
are from Prineville and you will
have to show us that . we are or
ever were for Williamson for Con
gress." Mr. Wilmartb is well re
membered; here by the citizens of
this place, who also remember
when he left. It is also a well
known fact that he is not fighting
Williamson because he is a friend
of Moody, but from personal mo
tives which are too trivial to be
noticed by any one of good sound
judgement. The News is a good
paper and it is to be lamented that
it should go wrong at this time.
On the other hand the Items is
only kept up by the (political)
crumbs that fall from the Moody
table, so it is hardly possible for it
to do otherwise than as it does.
The Items sees in the election of
Williamson its death blow as it
will then be only a matter of time
when the federal patronage will be
divided between the republican
papers, as it should be now, which
will wind up its UBefullness in
short order.
Can He Dolt?
"Under my interpretation of
mis livesiocK measure, 1 can see
no course open but to vigorously
oppose u as i opposed similar
measures last congress."
Moody makes this explanation
in his letter to one of his friends
regarding the lease law. Now
what we would like to have him
do is to show us, as well as a lot of
others, when he ever opposed any
measure of this kind in the last
congress. Can he truthfully state
that he was not in fuvor of u lease
law Inst sumnur when he was
through here? We know of a cer
tainty that he cannot. We furth
er know that he did not give the
government agents, that were here
to investigate prevailing con
ditions, sufficient time to look
over the county so that their re
ports would be favorable to locat
ing storage reservoirs near here
where they would do an immense
amount of good at a small outlay
by the general government. Can
he truthfully deny that when he
went to Harney county from here
he was firmly convinced that the
people over there would vote the
more readily for him if he favored
a lease law? The Harney County
News, a Moody organ, made a
statement to the effect that he did
favor such a measure at that time.
If ever Moody did anything
worthy of mention the Congression
al Piecord will show it. Let his
henchmen "dig up or shut up."
Wo are perfectly willing that those
who are so loudly asking "what
has Williamson done?" shall com
pare the record of their chcif with
that of Williamson, but will he
dare allow them to do so? We
think not.
For fear that some of the Moody
"push" down in Wasco county
may waste a large amount of space
in trying to refute the statement
made in regard to the fact that
J.N.Williamson was largely in
strumental in getting the Reserve
open to grazing privileges, we will
say that had it not been for the
tirelees and persistant efforts of
Crook county people the Wasco
sheepmen who have been pastur
ing their herds at our expense
might not have been bo well sup-i
plied with summer range. Futher-j
more, there are no less than 27 j
townships of the reserve in this
county and only eight in Wasco,
but there has len about eight
The Baker City Republican, one
of the first if not the very first
papers in .Eastern Oregon to urge
the candidacy of Mr. Williamson
for the seat now occupied by Mr.
Moody sayB: 4'B-epublicans of this
region cannot fail to ho gratified
at the success being attained by
Hon. J. N. Williamson in his can
didacy for the' oflieo of congress
man. Success predicted before an- j
nouncement of his willingness to
serve, haB taken the form of assur
ance now in the minds of friends,
and even unprejudiced opposition.
There are no regrets at this devel
opment of affairs, except in the
camp of the enemy, which is re-
auceu. reopie want a man, a
working man, one capable of broad
effort and holding forth promise
of growth and enlargement with
experience, is also a condition not
affected in any manner by a little
feverish activity immediately pre
ceding the campaign. People may
be fooled in some respects, but a
great truth manifests itself in some
substantial form despite all ruses,
and studied effort to hide will not
avail now."
f iu
Don't set up o "coin-plant" mid
make your own dollars.
Ham has ideas of his ow
such things. People have come to
grief Wore by trying it. There is
'a surer, safer way, if not so rapid.
"Take care of the pennies and the
dollars will takeearoof themselves.
The best little way to save dollau
that wo know of is to : : ! i
Not cheap clothing)
The man who can wait always
gets such an opportunity. This is
the time. lleie is the place. We
have marked down our high grade
clothing ready for tho ; ; ; :
There will be weeks and weeks
yet when you will noed them to
keep you snug and worm from the
chilly blasts of the north-east wind.
Next year they will be as good as
new, and as stylish and up-to-date
as clothes you will pay twice as
much for.
.Uncle PTK,-I
We still lead in Mens,
Ladies and Cliildrens
Simpson, Wilson & Company.
Kentucky Liquor House
Uncle Sara's Boys'
Are restored to health by Green River.
It's the official "Whiskey" of all the Unl- f
ted States Naval Hospitals. This means
that "Whiskey Without a Headache" is
pure, wholesome and health giving. Un- I
cle Sam's Navy and Green River Whls- jg
key have never rnet their superiors.
Ask your dealer for "Green River;" If he
doesn't have It we will send you a sam
ple. , ,
Jft 3. 32clknap.
!PiJiitian ant iSurytom.
Office in rear of Aluiniri, Winnok Co
ffft C. SSrink
ffltonty and Caunsttor Xam
, !
"A supporter of the Moody
ticket" tells thp Oregonian that at
no time were Mr. Moody's interests
"jeopardized" during the contest
of last Saturday. This looks well
in print and sounds well but the
fact remains that the change of
nine votes would have deprived
Mr. Moody of every large precinct
in the county except one, and left
him with an adverse majority of
47 delegates in the county conven
tion. If this was not jeopardy we
shall have to adopt a new defini
tion for that term. Dalles Chron
icle. '
I '
PAytean and Juryemn.
Fhon Nu. 2. ltwiidonun back ul th
.Plili)i(rph OUllnry.
Pj,... i .r
Gentlemen and Ladies Shoes, former price I2.o0, now selling at1 cl" d promptly oy omitl of.
fiw with Ir, V. Uinr. Kwiduncr
! Hutol.
We carry a full line of
.nsroir goods
; Of all kinds at prices VERY LOW.
$1.50. $3.00, now at 2.10.
$0.00, now at $4.00.
$4.00, now at $2.75. $5,50, now at $3.90.
There is probably no other town
of the size of Prineville on the
times as many sheep from Wasco' coast that is so poorly lighted.
in the reserve as thoro were from
this county, although this is in
part the fault of. our stock men in
Next week we will have a propo
sition from the P & L Co for city
lighting that ' is very cheap and
that they hud no organization, jshould lie accepted.
For 30 Days Only.
Ladies Heavy Fleece Lined Vests, special at 30c.
Ladies Dress Skirts at $1.10.
Ladies Hilk Flowered Handkerchiefs 17c each, 3 for 50e.
Misses Mackintoshes at $1.95.
W'e have 300 pairs of Ladies Shoes. Your choice for 50c per pair,
We have Crockery and Notions, Fancy goods of all kinds.
Step into our store and price our goods.
N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs.
Reliable Merchants.
Jf(t C. Palmer
j. J&ppman & Co,
Manufacturers of Furniture
Fine Undertaking Goods,
Carpels. Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass,
Lumber and Building Material.
Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan,
T- fu,,a
All buniiiu promptly nndonrtfullf utteu.M
to, Olloctinn ieclHy.
G. Springer,
Coach and
Carriage Jfioraej
Young stallions and mares,
also a few young teams for
Haystack Blood Stock Ranch.
Haystack, Oregon,
J, W.B00NE,
Saddles and JCarness
Maker of the celebrated PRINE
Latest improved Ladies' Side
and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs,
Angora Chapt, Quirts and Ilaeka
mores. Write for prices.