' BUBBLES ON THE STREAM. " fl.e the bubble as Uw7 float on tin stream, rn? are mrnl lou ihr ana movln wKUr on four war; I hnhold ynil m, anil then Kind myitrlf a t'(ul ldr, an4 I V Than and ilreiim. Una the Ittlla bubbles buratlnf art tlr atari: Set th bubblea thai havt troubles at they . flinch In sum nna'a counterpart, Kuril la duumwl to weal nr woe. H.,me ara carried with Ilia currant, torn an deattcd To dentructlun on lha shore! aoma art dnirhnd I)r Ilia water, which la Fete. And Ilia bubble that la grant Oft la whlrld around lorevertnsosMMrx, awiuilMl pool, WMIs there'e many a lltlla fool Of a bubble lluit o floallnt smoothly pail. Ah, lha bubble ara but man-aomt ara toatcd Fiercely out agalnat otoatruatloni and an lust, Rome ara eeal ' In lha stream where all ll clear, Anil l Ult. Whether, Juetly or unjuitly, II hat nt Far away trom where It atarud forth or j not, . , ! Each frail bubble hai to biarat and disap pear Whi rt they apitrkle now and fltam nh.T ihsll anpvar again; The bulibl- a mine and go upon the ilream, Thi-y are di.ii, -. E. Klaur, In Chlpato neourd-Herald. MUHIM lltlHIIII The Way the Stories End By t. a. rtr II rial.?" I naked, aa ahe laid yy down the K.vly-c overed mag azine. I wa aurry for the ending of the tale, when the grny eye eeaaed U ftinh and the kijid lip to quiver. "It la a pri'tly atury, Mr. Norton," aha kl. "0, no, you needn't ahaka your head. I'm not aiivlng to Jual be- ..II,. ll'. ciiim. I cHtiiiot iuiAuine now m.ii i-milil write it." ' 1 "Pen and ink, whinkyanu aooa, taii or'a bill u a ttimultihl" "I'Uaae don't make fun. I want to be aeriiuiis." W hen ahe look at roe in her earneat way I am hrlpleaa. "Jlnea that mean crlllelam?" I In quired, bailing a little toward her. "Crlllclni and Inquiry If I may?" "Inquiry by all menu. I'm rather afraid of your eri:lclm,doyou know," fihc la very bright, nnd her rrniarka ofteu help me, aa a mailer nf fact. Kht opened and abut the magar.lne aluently. "What I waa wondering." ahe anld, "waa why you wrote to aerioiwly, and talked 10 frivolously; whether one mood waa the real you, and Ihe other a about you: and which wtia which!" "I think." I prutrated, "I would rather have the crillcltin, If you don't mind. flu laughed aoftly. I like her laugh. "It la rather on obtnialve quettlon. J!ut I ahould very much like to know. You do mean thia" ahe touched the book "a little, don't you?" "Ye ea." I aald, "I auppnat I do. , I did when I wrote It, anyhow." "And afterward?" "I keep my aeriotuneM for aeriou occanlona." "Which la a rbuke for my inqtilai tiveneaa, I aitppoae?" She fluahed a little. She i rather pale generally. Some people wouldn't call her good looking. I do. "1 didn't mean It to bt," I apologlawt. "I ought to be flattered at your Inter eat" "In your tale," he corrected. "In my talea, of ootirae. I auppoa the real anawer la, that I do not carry niy heart upon my ileeve." "But you have on, all the aame?" A touch of wlatfulneatuiakea her voice perfect. "Try!" I caught her yea for a mo- ment and tipped. I had made up my mind to keep heart-whole before I met her. "Now for the crltleitm," ahe on tinued, hastily. "Or as large an Installment a I can tand." "The criticism mnet not be misun derstood. You will remember, pleaae, that I like the tale like It very much, in fact." I Imwed. "The criticism Is r "That It la a repetition of your oUier talea." I gasped. "Why, I thought It was quit differ ent!" She ahook her head. "Fresh eharacteH, fresh cenry, new plot, original phrase" "The machinery is different, but th try is really the aine." "In what way? In beingaboutaman and a woman?" "Ye." 1 laughed. 1 "If you can invent a third kind of per son," I told, "I'll utilize It with pleaa ure. At present I haveat made the discovery." "Don't be abaurd. What I mean ia that your men and women alwaya do Ibc mine thing." "Kail In love." ( "Rxactly." "There are lot of way of doing It," 1 suggested. "At the preaent rat you will oou exhaust them. Whatever will you do then?" I lit eigarett with, her prmla(on I to aid itfiYctlon, " 'Tm hnntM If I know. I've often i wondrd mysiflf, Muka them fall out of love, I iiipoa," i "Anil whim you've .xhaiistrd that?" "Make them fall In aitKinl" She ' .tamped her foot Impatiently. ' ' "Do you abaalutrly refuse -to b original? J cannot think you do your- lf justice In kepln to such a hock- neyed - the me-thotigb I drnlt you do it very nicely " t might do It better if I had more nractlcal exnerlenee." I animated. Tiiere it aoiuethln j about her big eye. and the HttW droop at the corner of her month which make a fellow .ay that aort of thing, you know. "Now, remember our compact," ahe warned ma. We were plrdprd to a : nnrolv nl.lnnli Avm tilri I'm t.ejl 1 that aort of thin In my tale, but it I atlwayn broke down I "The keepingof aplatflnlcoompaet," I mid I, "would ba a novel the me, don't you inuiK Y "Would It be Intereating enough?" ahe aakru, aoiintriuiy. "There! What at ranger defenae could I have? 1 propose to leave out the love-maklnif, and you any lhatthe Intereal would be cone," Slurdruuimed upon the table with her rmifrra. Hureiy there la aorrw other theme?" I knocked the aah deliberately oil my "'"Upim'my word," I cot.feaaed, "I'm' not aura that there la. Hut I'll thl.uk UV lt'"v , v . Then her brother came In and w hned the aubjict until Iwaagoinif. It la part of the compact tlmt alieahall aee me out of the door. I inal.ted ul'"n " "When ahall I communicate the re- ' ault of my dellberationa?" 1 aaked la i "And Weilneaday, I'm due at a amokcr. Thuradayr I T&.Mh..Conanlht,MSr,.'' ! It I In the compact tht I am not to call her Mary, but I do. SomMlmeaah ..i.i.., ki. .i, .,..' iin tH. . I., nnlv tnil h.r head and half turned away from me. She la aware tnavane looaa w... in prou.e. , k ,1!m, the line of the I aiiililenlv bent over her. and I . , . , , j "How dure .votit" ahe cried. hotly, icutn'.inalion ill the ftitliM immeil. "I couldn't help It, Mary; you looked I "Anew method in to be used to ; M tenipilng," Dut .be ran upllr. j j ,; . lhiB reltpni(.nt. Th. with her fnce aiarlct. ! , "I ahall not be In on Thtiraday," ihe Harrimiin Hyndicate, through tin I ea'.led. a ahe turned the corner, "or (,ft'i'') of the different road, lint ""fiV; wlntut. feeling triumphant,, '-P'M . of leetilier, wh. fon!lah. will travel over the hunt and ten- Next Thurday I called, and ahe',.,,1 Wit, uivint' free lecture on ,1 J t Jy, and kept the table between ua. "Look here, Mary," I began. "Mls MniilnRiie, If you plenne!" "1 dim'l pleaae. It ! quite natural to call a friend by herChri- tian nam." "Ye ea; but people might mlHiinder- i tund, we agreed; and I'm not g"lr.g to pander to other people' atupiility." I mid, Indignant ly; "and I don't consider that friend ahip ahiiuld have to he weighed and ntraaiirrd In exact words." I hud pre pnied thia remark beforehand. "No o: uerhiitiK not." I knew It would eore. "Si 111, there are bounda j to friendship." She shut her little mouth decisively. "If you mean laat Tueaday " "I don't want to talk about It," ahe interrupted. "Have you considered about the atorlea?" "Yea; I have reasoned out my posi tion moat carefully Mary." She frowned, but paaaed the familiarity. "And your conclusions?" "la in vera." "0! how nice!" Women alwaya like a fellow to run to verae. I auppone It ia because he it sure to give himself away! "Let me see It." "On condition that you rend Itnloud." Rhe looked objection. "I want to hear if I have got the awing." So ahe declaimed aoftly. I think I ', id that he had a pretty vole. j TO MART. I made mt a tale of the tempest at , full of thunder and lightning above, And the terrora that be when th ttorm j winds are free j But the end of the etory waa love! I aan; me a aong of a raid In the glen. With -a lilt of Ihe piper who played, Strike again, strike again, and die fighting I like men! And the struggle wss over a maid! I I planned me a play of a monarch of fame, i And hit courtiers In tllkea attire, I And hla atateanien, who cams Ilka a moth to the flame For a pair of bright eyet were the Art! I paeaned the prater of an hero so ealm. And so strong in the tumult to itand. , When I found me the charm that had j strengthened hit arm , It wa only the touch of a hand! And I? If my heart for a moment beatrong, If my tale for a page ring sincere, Or If merits belong to the play or the song They ara only your echoes, my dear! When ahe came to the hist line her voice waa very aoft, and just a little tearful. I put my hand on her shoul der, and we stood looking silently at the paper for a minute. Then I drew her gently to me th way th atorie end! Black and White. Hnadreda of PI .ye Offere. Th reading committee of the Play goer' club, of ondon, which haa un dertaken to supply George Alexander with a play by an author whose ato riea hare heretofore not been staud, up to date, haa read over 300 playa. Mr. Alexander' offer to product auc.h play by an unknown" author win In the nature of a ehallrnif wnrrby be wlshad to dlaprov th harn;a that manager nKletI th work unknown playwright. Tl.e eommlttea atill baa more tban 100 manuscript whleh have not bee rel"1' aacr.iory 01 me cwnmineej "J" th,t ,0 'Br P1 h,,Te bvrn ltd. Two of tbe war by well- known writera who bad not written PlT The oth" ,H"r we" T unknown wrlLra. Three out of the all author, ware woman. " ' I"1" "Tha only objetlon, aald the atrn parent, "I have aKaint the youn man, mT dar ebM h thlt he h" no noble' ambltlon-no high or worthy 00 lei' t In Ilia. "Why, papa, how can yon aay that? He wanta me!" Stray Btoriea. EaeUr talal Tkan Done. The French have dlacovereii that they can Invade England with eaae, but It la fro(ta' left to becftteake, aaye the Chicago Tribune, that they won't do it. Kcttlfm Kor Ort'C'ii. Chicago Ri;cori-lfcriilil of The Feb. 12, av "A novel plan for nettling tlm lunik in Oregon, Waliiiglon, Idaho. California and olhfr WeMern SlnUw tribulury tt. tin: line of the Hiirriiiiitn nyudi- ... alf IB Iwing worked out by ol- (Iimts of thwo riiilroud. The of- f . g nf . Ul(, H.lrri. , ' 1 tm.n syndicate lmve (leUrriiinod to ,.,lfrv on a jirorefxive cnnlialj.'! llil linen, not only in going aflei jtn.Hic, hut in coloiiiiiif; lmnh f.tnre l.uin, tor till! compilim-n; Jiiirticiile.rly in i y l,inKt(,n. Iha nd 0.0 0 . Iytnsaedberhead.lt l intemlwl 10 Martin'! tawi- It l IHtelltleil 10 Slitrl I T J pri'n by ilidiuing 1 lliir. ifrrjJ n eJ to the Filbjcet of setlh'itient , in tin Went mid Northwe-t. The hi tur-f.-H will illu-trutft their talks will Vi'i'!'t:oonn mid ni , g jn: turi'F. Hut ihi)toj!ra.h will show the land offered f'ir tale, and the development, of the cotintrv. Thev will chow the products, tiio rail made, water fueilitiea and every thins: clue that will lend to induct innvfH from the older reyions of country to the promised land 'Jn addition to the lei tur , the entire United States and Europe are to be flooded with tons of liter atim bearini; on the advantages of the great Northwest. The syndi cate will establish general agtnciei in London, Puris, Hamburg and Genoa, and other points from which to work business. "These plans will he fortified by unusually low rates during the proper seasons for prospective n-t-tlers to visit the pomis along the lines." Had to Conqusr Or Die. "I was jut about gone," write Mrs Koe Itieliaiilson, of biuirel Spring?, N'. (J , "I Ion! Consumption an bud that the beet doctors said I could not live more than a month, but I tiegnutotiee Dr. King's : ew Discovery ami u wholly cured by seven bottle and am now Htutit and will." It' an unrivnUl liTo eavnr in Consumption, l'mmninnia, l.a ttrippe and lironchitia; infallible fur Cough?, Cold?, Asthma, H.-iy Fil er, Croup or Whooping Cough. Gnivr uileek bottles iVks Mini t.00. Tiisl :i,,ttle freu at Adanison it Wiiiiiel v'o.'n drug store. Notice, Kotico is hereby given ltat my wile Missouri A. liitrmirtt, hiiviii); leit m isl unti buiird against my will inn: onsen t, I ill not. I rtpontilile foi icy liills or c jpeuee sbn :i,ny here ii'tor con tract or iiuui. , .1. ll. ,1'S.VRD. Tit? (U'tii i! Ki i'K h: i kiM'Wi: in tii'f f I V t;',iil't, ll4 CH slwi In- t!i BlAOll, HilXi ll""t k, . . .llirt ll M t.l'J VlV uarv iiouse Henderson ATollard, Proprietors. WiHES, g4j4 gSJ LZQUOBS, MAIN STIiEET. A Complete and Choice line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. St. Prin2yi!!e,6rcgifl. 'pslOHC 31. DIM es Redby Feed Earn, P. B. ED N. WHITE, White 6c Combs. -DEiLEUSIS- WINES, LIQUORS, . D0.1IE8TIC and DIPOSITCD... COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. POINDEXTER HOTEL. ?RIN2VILLE, OREGON. 'oeiors.fiFi A 'Good for WAKTKT) -A nf bad htalih hnt R'lT A'V S w(n ot lnrftt. I')- !nnili ..j:n tnH ph ieug itltj, trti? fwt rtliei. Now tin? .id U,l V -V N S m lite t.ickc and ret-ui n- t-iiwii f. R-lfAN'"S. i i-r u-..ts, mf bt list At kiy A. p. Ten tfTi(f- nri rnnr? t)iiinunt ImtiRtenuU t!l : i.nifvrf l ry u1rri.fi fur live trhxi, tft t)( ii tpti (.JwiKtcal Co., No. io Siwiict) Stet, Nf Vtif.. PKINEVILLE, OREGON Foster & Lfiisan Proprietors. Stock hoarded by day, week or month; Fine multlle horses and livery turnout. Rates reasonable. Good accommotlutions. Remember us when in Prine viUe, and we guarantee that yuor patronage will be atipieeialtd and deserved. DOAK, Proprietor. JOHN COMLS. CIGARS.