Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 20, 1902, Image 6

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    Crook County Journal.
THURSDAY, FED. 20. 1902.
How Ik Thin?
Hon. George Miller, of Arling
ton, who represented Grant, Gil
liam, Sherman, Wimo and Wheel
er Counties in the hist session of
the St.ite Legislature is confident
that Congressman Moody will he
his own meeessor.
ctil boss. The people will object The apparatus for munufnetur
to having matters of this kind at- ing the S. 11. reinodies, that has
I ranged for thein and will he pre- been operated at Dufur for the past
pared to take care of their own in- fifteen years, has been tlunped to
teresta, in their own way. Arling- Portland. Hereafter the remedies
ton Record. will be manufactured by the Mil-
niaur-Frank Drug Co., under the
supervision of A. J. Urighnm, who
Tlio 11111 In Printing.
A bill for the establishment of has lucn tuperintendina the manu
schools of mines in the various felureot Dufur for many years
states, is pending in congress. The jWst
first year it gives f 10.000, and in- .
creases 11,000 each year thereafter ; Working Overtime.
Seninnent in l until the sum reaches $'20,000 per' Eiuht liour lows are ignored by tlioae
Gyms, the Jroveiet
Gilliam C ounty is overwhelmingly j annum for the maintenance of
with .Moody," said Mr. Miller hist, such schools of mines,
night at the Imperial, "and there j Tim bill passed the senate last
is little question in my mind that session, lint died on the house cal
he will win in a walk, lie will 1 endar. It has, however, been in
tarry Gilliam County without the j trodueed in the house, by Grosve
Jeast trouble; also Wheeler and ' nor of Ohio, and is now in the
probably Sherman. Morrow Conn-j hands of the cummitte on mines
... 1. . I' 1.1 I . - I 1 i . - .
iv may ue luvmeo, inn .uomiv can am
tireless, little worker lr. Iuiir'h
New Life Pills, Millions are always
st work, night dial day, curing Indi
gestion, PiiliiHimuw. Constipation, Siek ami all Sloiiiatili, Liver and
Bowel trouble. Kasy, pleasant, sale,
lino. Only li.'ie it t AduiiiMiii A Win
nek Co.'b ding store.
mining. i
A f trong contest bus been waged
Safely figure on half of the dele
gates from that county. In the
Shoo Fly country, it is almost
worth a man's life to s:iy a word
against Moody.
against Mr,
know Mr. Moody better and know j nor it provided that the
what he has done and is trying to! ation should go to the colleges,
do in the interest of Easfern Ore-1 Late news from Washington
pon. Mr. Moody has been tried j however, is to the effect that the
and as hi has not been found ; universities and colleges have
Address Changed,
all 'those flout'ei'iietl: I
between the agricultural colleges cliangtd my piwlolliee address from
and the state universities in (he t'1'' K(,.v " H'ty Creek, Oregna
various states over the hill, each
We have nothing j (striving to secure the aopropri-
illiamsi.n, but we ation. As introduced hv tu'o.svc-
Try can of guaranteed B iking
Powders a ud not a lien brom a ii prize
at J. F. Morns' New liriek.
Watches Violin :dcivs
Cioch and Strings
Jewelry ?acA ine arid
Silverware cycle Oil
Spectacles and ffifandotiris
Cye Slasses Sftanos
Society Cmbloms JCarmom'cas,
Largest and best assortment of spectacle., i
city. Fine repairing a specialty.
Work sent in by mail or stage driver will
prompt attention. Sewing tnachines r
and repaired.
street cfposile Salonika's
Prineville, Orcffoa.
wanting, we propose to stand by
him and give him another term.
Evening Telegram, Feb. 3 1902.
This will, we think, be news to
quite a good many people in' this
County. If Mr. Moody secures the
delegation from this County it will
agreed upon a compromise, and
that the appropriation is to be di
vided equally among them.
The hill will yet have to pass
both houses and senate. Ii it goes
through as agreed upon, both O. A.
C. and the state university will at
m si
,can J
ne me nrst time mat sort ot thing; rgt receive jr,000 and ultimately
has happened. The delegation ; f 10,000 a vear for schools of mines.
t .1 si i i i
irom mis county never neen a Corvallis Times.
''Moody delegation," although Gil
liam supported Mr. Moody in the
last convention, simply because
his renomina'.ion was conceded by
oil, as it has been customary to
give a Congressman a second term.
The Rev. I.I h. Hicks' Alumna.
This splendid book of 200 pages
is not only a work of art of the
highest order, but it is the most
complete and valuable book on As-
It is, however, well known that! tronomy and Meteorology for 1002
the delegation would not have sun-1 to be found in the world. Xo won
ported Mr. Moody had there been
any fight made against him
Against Mr. Moody, personally
der the first edition of one hundred
thousand was about exhausted by
the end of January. The bible ex-
we have nothing to say, hut it isj cepted, no other book can he found
apparent to all that he lacks the! in so many American homes. The
necessary qualifications for a Con-j millions have proven its value and
gressman; that during the time he i will not he without it. The puh-
bas been in the house he has ac- Habere will supply this book ,fr a
complished, practically, nothing, month or two for the regular price,
He is unable to make any sort of a i with the increased postage added.
(speech in behalf of the interests of end 30 cents to Word and Woiiks
Oregon; he never had any experi-' Publishing Company, 2201 Locust.
ence in matters of legislation, prior j Street, St. Louis, Mo., and this
to his election, and has not devel-' splendid book will be mailed to you
oped any ability even as a worker i I -repaid. Do not pass the year
before committees of the house; he I without it in your ollice.
has never made a success of his 1
, . , . , , Buckhns Arnica Salve
own business, having simply been '
an unsuccessful banker, without. I Has world-wide fame for i.mrvelou
il.ilitv l,..;,. vi...t l.:curts- H rp:ises any
Mr. Moody done? Echo
As a business
?rI I Van
i-PM I - . J
uui ice cur-ear
If yoa suffer from any of tin '
iiti at' men, come to the o'At .
Specutirt on tW Ptciitc Cuuti I '
OR. JORDAN 'ft CO., ,
1051 Market!. tld 1882. 1
Yonnc men ind middle I
JtiM mrn whn re kiitimnff
from lh lTtcti cm youtuful inttucrrliomur e m
in matutf yn. Nrrvtiui nd 1'nytira
Ibllttj',lapiinry ,J.ot JflitnlitMMl
iaailitscodiiiiu.itiant; Mitrrmtttorrtitrit,
lrtnlorrhrrn; t4JiMiiThual Ulrrl,
1'rMturnrf of 1 rktiiitliiv. liv a T
combination of rtrtiwlii,ol wt curative jmw
r. lh ltnctr fus m utaiifeti his tn.ilinwt
that it will nuc oalf (Tonl imidiie trucf biU M
Mrmauenl cur. Tlue llorlnr (iri Mf cUiui If) T
perform miraclef, but ii weli-knowo to U u'tr M
flrikl(U thorumtilv rrwllnitiMllioui th
ysTj-rti without i4rrurv
I VLUV UtV ri.:, lll, in m will M-
CttWd our hntxett mnnim nf hi rsimtilnlfiU A
Wtwt'l'Jvirenttea IVStTIVECl V.Khi f
erery oni x wutMait, orvjorjett On
Ctwi'iH?tion rV.l'.Y. and itnctfy private. A
chahgi-3 vrnr rzawnahlk. tp-.h- r
ment ptn-irijUy or by letter. Send fnr hmtkj
"The Jphllncophy of jMurrliact 1
Ire, (A va1w.U6 Uwk foe r.ten.i 1
Great Musmiin of Anatomy , I
the fiiMMt arwl Jarf ttX Muwumof it kind in the .
world. Come and le.irn how wotidetfiiily yuu I '
are ouiaei how to tvuiil itckaett iuiu d;ri;.
We ate cmtinii.''iy adi'.inif new icomain,
CATALQULK ArA7 Caaorwrlte.
1 0B I Market Streot Sjn Fnncltco, SfiL
(Tour own lciiou) lo trtrr mb-Kribi-r.
Only Su cruu a j-jr.
Fin-proof ImiMinK, U0x:j( w) f.t, iK i,w
realty to Immllu MercliiilnliHi, Wool elo.
fJKAi.Klii IX
Coal, Flour,
Lumber, Wood,
Hay and Grain.
Bpwdnl Attention jriien
mid gruling luciluiea.
to wool trmle. l'irt-eliu. huling
AIbo utoek yaiiln, Istent plium.
All Modorn Improvwnents for iranillin Stock.
L'.. ........ r.. I, i m. . ..
ni,. ii ,i ,ii., iniiKem. Mm i),ic.
J MoeliB Hihh , KuiUra,
1 W, hnlili. Th D,ll. .
V." r. Uv
Mi m.
o.i,i.v, Tin, I).t,i,
A. M. EELSAY, General Manager.
other nilve,
biilin for dun,
8ui(!H. Fel.nm,
Hlieuiii. Fever
8k in Knii-
; nek l!o.' dni'' dtore.
' loiiou, oiiHipeni. or
answers, ? n -,
Ulcers, Tetter, H ilt
proposition Kast , 8ore, Cimnned Jfaml:
crn UKjion demands a vigorous, ; Uoiik; Ini-illilile for files. Cure eu.-u
8ffgressiv and able worker in theiaml. Only 25c t Adttinsun & Vi-
Jiouse ot representatives; a man
v.hoe management of bisownaf-1
fairs gives some assurance that be i
will he able to successful! v manage!
(lie public affairs that are refered'
to him for consideration. Hon. J. 6
N. Williamson is such a man, and : m
tin nenrile will muli-p nn m!t..l., ! fiil
by selecting him to represent them i
in,n , ,.Jes, Liquors,
- i, iiiiiunrvii ciiliuwi lie;
nominated there are other, brain)',
able and efficient men who would,
if elected, represent the .State with
ability arid success. However, we
believe that Mr. Williamson will
be selected, and we know that he Two Doors South of
would make a representative of I First National Dank.
whom Oregon would be proud.
He is an able and eloquent speak-
fcr; a broad-minded, energetic;
gentleman whose untiring efforts
would rtdound to the benefit ofj
the whole State, j
We think Mr. Moody and his'
friends will learn, a little late on,!
that Gilliam County is not to he;
controlled ly any would be politi j
A LADil S' M.45AZKE.
A rm; bMinrf-il c,,ftrff plair(; t
(stliliiB; drcMIMJ" ir-g eiOi. .itun ; (rfi.-y
; in hup, i-tt,. sb-
. l..f IdlrMjCDy
SeiiU (or teiin.
rrk ; .i
Lady am wkhUi!
HlyilOi, Klial.!e, Simple, Vio
6&xt, mid Absolutely
Jeci-Kittiiiir i'ar I'aiitrni.
raammmiS ,
AH Sm-h iw ?n rVraratkwilKm
iht ,11:11 and Vrn3 Liaet.
Only io g' rj emit iyc ti -Tinnr hi;;li
Ak fur tn-ni. S.IJ in i,umI) tvtiy city
mi ' jn, tt Uynidii fmin
II3-II5-II7 Vint 3ltt Jt, N'W YORK.
i.Ji ii
Domestic and
Imported Cigars.
The Celebrated
A. B. G. Beer
Always on Hand.
Proprietors of the PriseTille Soda Works.
City ffiarber Shop.
(Powtll & Cyrus, Proprietors.
.ii nr nnn i.nin .jinrnr en . ... j
Lcuvo Slmiiilio, j p.' m.
Leave 1'rincvillo 1 p. y.
Arrive I'rineville, (i a. ni.
Arrive Shsiriilw, 1 n. m.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
Adamson & Winnek Co., Agents.
G. f. Cornett, Manager.
Lumber, $11 per m
Frsh Sawed Shingles $2.75
per m.